S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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S - • IT-JE CHRISTIAN NATION. Voi. 59.<br />

Praver ]V[eetin^ To'Oir ^^^ "^ throw away our tobacco, tion that the prayer life of the aud to earnestness, importunity,<br />

° ^ * get rid of our quick temper, mas- Church is lamentably neglected, Heb. 4:16. I Thess. 5:17.<br />

FOR DECEMBER 31st, 1913. ter our tongue, shake ofif our and tliat this is the fundamental 3. For the welfare of the<br />

B>- the Rev. S. J. Johnston. cloak of indifiference toward the reason why she is shorn of her Church. "Till he establish andtill<br />

Subject—The Old and the New. church and her work.<br />

power. Many are humbly confess- he make Jerusalem a praise in the<br />

Joshua 24;i4-is. ^^^ ^^s do better as congrega- ing that the manifest lack in their earth." God intends His Church<br />

I. Lesions from the old tions. Let us help make the at- own lives is due to the neglect of to be a praise. "The King's daugh-<br />

„ ., .,.^. , , " tendance better, at the Sabbath prayer. Many are tracing failures ter is all glorious." Find other<br />

2. Possibilities of the new. c , , . , . , ^, , , , , ..uA. ^ • r<br />

. School, prayer meeting and public m the Church's work to the prop- passages that prove this, from<br />

3. onsecration. service. Let us resolve to make er source, the lack pf spiritual cul- Isaiah, Song of Solom.on^ Psalms.<br />

Suitable Psalms: i; 2j; 116; our ofiferings larger to all the ture in her membership. See Eph. 5:27.<br />

119, second part; 133. work of the church. This can be ^'Vhy could we not have as never He expects His remembrancers<br />

Parallel passages: Deut. 10:12, ^*^"^ '^y ^^'^h member making up before, A YEAR OF PRAYER? to have the welfare of the Church<br />

Gen. 17:1, Deut. 18'n Ps iiQ- '^'^'^ "^'"'^' ^° ^^^^ ^^'^ l^ord his i. By God's people. "Ye that upon their hearts, and to tell Him<br />

T TT r.,- T . c- 1 r T , tenth. make mention of the Lord." The about her needs. He wants her<br />

I, 11 Cor. 1:12, tLpli o'24 Tosh<br />

_ • . J - • 2. Consecration. Revision reads, "Ye that are Je- to be militant, "terrible as an army<br />

' ^V. ^' ^^ ' ^°''^' -^" Joshua said, "As for me and my hovah's remembrancers." In Eng- with banners."<br />

1:15, 1 Kings 18:21, Gen. 18:19. house, we will serve the Lord." land there used to be an ofihcer call- The Church is today wearing<br />

In the passage before us Joshua U''hat the Israelites determined to ed the "remembrancer," among thie sackcloth. Her membership is<br />

was urging Israel to live a better '^o ^"^^^ not going to influence him whose duties one was to call cer- spotted with the world. She<br />

life. The text is a part of his ^^'^ •''"^^ ^ course. Even though tain matters to the attention of needs to arise and shake herself<br />

farewell address to them He ' ^" °'*^' "^^"' ^"*^ ^* ^^^ ^""^ °^ ''^^'^'•'^ proper persons at the oppor- from the dust. Will notfh.oise who<br />

^- „. , ,. ,, ^ , , . he made this resolution. The others tune time, God's people are his read these lines agree to make<br />

dicated to them some of the thmgs • u<br />

Because we are well up m years, John 17.<br />

will engage to make this A YEAR<br />

the same direction. Note: i^^ ^^ ^^^ ^old back on that ac- Find God's challenge, "Put me OF PRAYER,<br />

I, Lessons from the old, count. Note the example of Josh- in remembrance." Read what He i. For the spirit of revival up-<br />

The past is of interest to us only ua. You have him for your ex- says about the remembrancers be- on the Church; 2, For sin to be<br />

asit reveals the future. The pur- ample. Let us all, old and young, ing ,so few, and how He marvels rooted out and righteousness rootpose<br />

of Joshua in reminding his Parents as w-'ell as children, firmlyat it. Isa, 59:16, Covenanters ed in; 3, For a more consecrated<br />

hearers of the experience of their ''^^"'^^ *^'^^'^ ^i^' s*^rve the Lord ought to be good remembrancers, ministry and a more devoted peo-<br />

, ,, ,, , more fervently during this com- Why? Are we exercising our of- ple; 4. For a clearer recognition<br />

fathers was to enable them to -^^ „^^,

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