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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 17, 1913.<br />


cbildren in my name, receiveth me; child at hand shows how attractive Lesson XIII December 2S, 1913. erers. Who are the helpers, Eleanor?<br />

jnd whosoever shall receive me, re­Jesuceiveth not me, but him that sent me. taking him up in His arms shows how<br />

Who are the hinderers, Charles? 'If<br />

was to the little ones and Jesus<br />

LESSON FOR THE CHILDREN. "Those who help others go to heaven."<br />

(38) And John answered him, saying.<br />

By Anna Pritchard Ge<strong>org</strong>e.<br />

He loved the little ones. The man<br />

you make people drink, and smoke,<br />

Master, we saw one casting out devils who does not love children is not<br />

REVIEW.<br />

and do wrong, you keep them from<br />

in thy name, and he followeth not Christ-like. Though the disciples On the table, pile up the sand lor heaven." Which will you be? "A<br />

us- and we forbade him, because he seemed to have been alraid of our Mt. Sinai. The Jews are encamped helper."<br />

followeth not us. (39) But Jesus said. Lord (V. 32) the children evidently farther north. These sticks are Moses On top of this high mountain near<br />

Forbid him not; for there is no man were not. To receive one such little<br />

the Jordan stands one man gazing<br />

which shall do a miracle in my name,<br />

and the seventy men whom God chose<br />

child, i.e., a child who perfectly trusted<br />

Jesus, was to receive Jesus Him­<br />

over into the Promised Land, Yes,<br />

that can lightly speak evil ol me. (40)<br />

to Le.p him. Why did God give Moses<br />

this is Moses on Mt. Nebo. What happens<br />

to Moses here, Paul? ''He dies.'<br />

For he that is not against us is on self, if the child was received in His helpers. May? "The Jews were so<br />

cur part. (41) For whosoever shall name, i.e., because of its relation to mean to him.' What did Moses do Who is with him, John? "Only God<br />

give you a cup ol water to drink in Him; and to receive Jesus was to when he found the burden too gre.it and the angels, and they bury him<br />

my name, because ye belong to Christ, receive the Father, lor He came as<br />

to bear alone? "Cried to God for<br />

too." Moses has lived so close lo >„.<br />

verily I say unto you, he shall not the representative ol the Father, and<br />

all his lile, is he afraid to die, Ellis?<br />

lose his reward.<br />

was the full revelation of the Father<br />

help." What does our Golden Text<br />

No, he has kept his hand in God's<br />

(13) And they brought young children<br />

to him, that he should touch lieving in the Father il one does not ULOi'oe? "The supplication ol a over home to heaven, and it is bet­<br />

(Col. 2:9). It is folly to talk of be­say about the prayer of a good man, so long that now God just leads him<br />

them; and his disciples rebuked those believe in the Son who is the perlect<br />

manifestation of the Father. To<br />

to stay. "Precious in the sight ol<br />

iignteous man availeth much in Its ter lor .Moses to go than it would be<br />

that brought them, (14) But when<br />

working."<br />

Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, enter the kingdom of heaven at all<br />

Jehovah is the death of his saints."<br />

and said unto them. Suffer the little one must become as a little child,<br />

Is it right to be jealous, Helen?<br />

If we keep close to God with our<br />

children to coine unto me, and forbid teachable (Matt. 18:3); and to be '.NO." Northwest of binai, these three hand in his, some day he will lead<br />

them not; lor of such is the kingdom great in the kingdom, one must take slicks are for Moses, Aaron and us over home to heaven and we will<br />

of God. (15) Verily I say unto you. a lowly (place, jus. as a child .viiriam. Aaion and .Miriam are jealous<br />

oa accent of Moses' wife? Lthel, At the foot of Mt. Nebo stands an­<br />

be so glad to go.<br />

Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom<br />

ol God as a little child, he shall place lor one's self, the place LOW Qoes God .punisli them? ".Viiriam other man on this little hill. These<br />

(Matt. 18:14). To choose a low<br />

not enter therein. (16) And he took where one can do God's will and becomes a leper." They see their sin other sticks are the Jews. Yes, Dorothy,<br />

this is the new leader, Joshua.<br />

them up in his arms, put his hands serve others. Instead of the place and pray to Moses for f<strong>org</strong>iveness.<br />

upon them, and blessed them.<br />

where one will be greatly admired, is .Vioses loves them and f<strong>org</strong>ives, and Has Joshua wasted his lile uip to<br />

Time.—Summer A. D. 29. Places.— the way to achieve real greatness. boa f<strong>org</strong>ives them too. What fills this time? No, he has kept close to<br />

Capernaum and the borders ol Judea. The lower we put ourselves, the higher<br />

God will put us (Phil. 2;C-11). We out, Ruth? "Love." When love fills now when God wants a leader Joshua<br />

rneir heaits when they drive jealousy God too, and worked hard for him. So<br />

Exposition.—I. "They disputed one<br />

with another who was the greatest,"<br />

should not seek the leader's place to the heart there is no room lor jealousy.<br />

rule and teach but the place ol the<br />

30 37. The wide gulf between the<br />

Lord and His disciples is seen in the<br />

fact that while He was occupied with<br />

His comhig death, they were occupied<br />

with visions ol glory and greatness<br />

for themselves (vs. 33, 34). Each longed<br />

to be greater than the other, (cf.<br />

Matt.-20:20, 21, 24; Luke 22:24). It<br />

seems hardly credible that such<br />

strifes should have arisen among<br />

those so near the Lord; but what<br />

happens today, yea the ambitions and<br />

jealousies of our own hearts, will help<br />

us to understand it. The desire to<br />

be first has wrought more harm in<br />

the church and in the world than almost<br />

any other cause. Our Lord saw<br />

the seriousness ol the situation. He did<br />

not dismiss it hastily, "He sat down,"<br />

called the twelve to Him and very<br />

sternly .pointed out to them whither<br />

their ambition would lead them. The<br />

man who wills to he flrstis the man<br />

who shall actually be last. Many a<br />

man fails Irom pre-eminence because<br />

of his very desire to be pre-eminent;<br />

through desiring the top place, he<br />

gets the bottom place. More men<br />

have been set aside in the Lord's<br />

work through the desire to be the<br />

acknowledged leader than through almost<br />

any other cause, and many a man<br />

who imagines that he has attained<br />

the flrstplace will find in the final<br />

reckoning that he has the last place,<br />

8-nd the one who would be a ruler will<br />

become a servant. Our Lord answered<br />

their questions in a way that would<br />

impress their imagination and so be<br />

remembered (v. 3C). When this<br />

low. mean ambition came up again.<br />

ttey would recall that sweet, humble<br />

child standing in the midst and<br />

Jesus then taking him up in His arms<br />

and saying in substance, "Be like<br />

that." The fact that there was a little<br />

child to be taught and ruled.<br />

II. "We lorbade him because he lollowed<br />

not us." 38-41. The spirit manifested<br />

by the disciples in v. 38 is common<br />

toaay. It is not enough for many<br />

of us that one really casts out<br />

demons in Christ's name, he must<br />

also belong to our party or else we<br />

would exclude him Irom the opportunity<br />

ol doing good in the name or<br />

Christ. It is impossible that one<br />

should really be used ol the Lord<br />

J esus to do a mighty work in H s<br />

name and then afterward quickly<br />

speak evil of Him. The line ol de­<br />

is holding back the waters and protecting<br />

the Jews. So he protects us<br />

Text say about those who trust God<br />

as these good spies did? "If God be when we are ia danger so long as<br />

for us, who is against us?"<br />

we are doing right. "Fear thou not,<br />

What did God call Moses, James? for I am with thee."<br />

"The meekest man." But even the These stones are the walls ol a<br />

marcation between those who belong best people sin sometimes. What city. These sticks are people marching<br />

around it. Yes, Boy, "The Fall ol<br />

to Jesus and those who do not, is so does Moses do that is wrong? "He<br />

clearly and closely drawn that if one gets angry and strikes the rock." Jericho." Who helps these Jews to<br />

is not tor Christ then he is against Yes, when God told him only to capture Jericho with only swords and<br />

Him (Matt. 12:3'0) and,, of course, speak. Here is Moses at the rock. horns? "God." What are some of the<br />

vice versa, II he is not against Him But even as good a man as Moses things we cannot overcome without<br />

he must be lor Him. The smallest must suffer for sin. He cannot enter God, yet if he helps it is easy? "Bad<br />

service done to a servant ol Christ<br />

the Promised Land. We cannot alford<br />

to sin against God even once. are possible to him that believeth,"<br />

tempers," "Stealing." Yes, "All things<br />

for the reason that he belongs to<br />

Christ shall be rewarded.<br />

The Jews have reached the plains to conquer a city or an evil heart.<br />

III. Jesus' attitude toward the children,<br />

10:13-16. Some, at least,"of the<br />

of Moab. Hollow out the Dead Sea Here are the Jews at Gilgal. By<br />

and the Jordan River. Pile up the casting lots they, have picked out<br />

children brought to Jesus at this time<br />

sand for the mountains. Here is Balak Achan. Why, Grace? "He stole a fine<br />

were babies (Luke 18:15 B. V.). They<br />

the king of the Moabites. Who is garment and silver and gold from<br />

were brought to Him that He might<br />

this man riding on an ass? "Balaam." Jericho." What did he do with them?<br />

lay His hands on them and pray. How<br />

a blessing could be wrought in the<br />

Balak has sent for him to curse the "Hid them." iBut he could not hide<br />

lieart of an inlant in answer to the Jews. Adelaide, tell the story ol the his sin Irom God. What is our Golden<br />

Text? "Be sure your sin will find<br />

prayers ol our Lord Jesus we cannot angel ol the Lord and Balaam's ass.<br />

tell but it is clear from our Lord's action<br />

that it could be. We are not to do, yet did the wrong, as so many not get away Irom God.<br />

Balaam knew exactly the right thing you out." That means us too. We can­<br />

tcld that it was only the mothers people do. Did he curse the Jews? Place these sticks covered with<br />

that brought their children, it may "No, he blessed them." He obeyed rags on these hills west ol Gilgal.<br />

have been lathers as well. At all God finally, but was slow about it. Yes, they are the Gibeonites. Do the<br />

events, the Bible does not lay the But God l<strong>org</strong>ave him when he was Jews know who these ragged men<br />

whole responsibility lor the spiritual sorry, as He always does.<br />

are. Gene? "They think they are Irom<br />

culture of children upon mothers Draw two roads on the board— away off.'' So they promise to let them<br />

(Eph. 6:4). In bringing their babes one good the other bad. Here is and their people live. What does our<br />

to Jesus, these parents did the wisest one man making the good road bad, Golden Text say about such promises?<br />

thing tbat could be done with them. and this other man making the "Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but<br />

The words of our Lord do not teach bad road good. Yes, Jack, this shalt perlorm unto the Lord thine<br />

us that all children are by nature in lesson is about helpers and hind­<br />

oaths."<br />

the kingdom, but sim.ply that the kingdom<br />

ol God belongs to such (v. 14 A,<br />

R. v.), that is to say, that they have<br />

ance the ness dom to 3:6). son. lead spirit that of (cf. Consequently, Christ a flts iMatt. ol child humility them than 18:3, to to a it 4; definite is enter and a 11:25; much grown teachable­<br />

the accept­<br />

easier king­<br />

John per­<br />

is ready. In every danger God urges<br />

Joshua and us to "Be strong and of a<br />

good courage; be not afraid; lor the<br />

Lord thy God is with thee."<br />

Here in the midst of the river stand<br />

Crossing these mountains between<br />

Palestine and the wilderness, are<br />

men carrying huge bunches of grapes.<br />

Yes, Buster, they are the spies, ten the ipriests with the ark ol the covenant,<br />

and the Jews are all passing over<br />

UaQ and two good. Whom did the<br />

people believe, Elmer? "The bad into the Promised Land. What is<br />

spies." How were they punished? this lesson, Gladys? ''Crossing the<br />

'They died In the wilderness." Yes Jordan." Where is the water, Marion?<br />

and the good spies entered the Promised<br />

Land. What does our<br />

"God has stopped it up above." God<br />


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