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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Presbyterian chnrch. At noon, there was a banquet<br />

at one of the hotels, in connection with a<br />

celebration of the 50th year ot the National Reform<br />

Movement. The Monday afternoon meetings<br />

were occupied, the one with Public Education,<br />

the other with Mormonism. The Tuesday conferences<br />

were on Prison Reform and on Immigration.<br />

There were several Mormon missionaries<br />

at the Monday meeting, and they were allowed to<br />

voice their objections to the effort for an Anti-<br />

Polygamy -Constitutional Amendment as unnecessary.<br />

The daily press thus reports the incident;<br />

"A unanimous adoption ol the resolution had<br />

been declared by the chairman ol the session<br />

when Mr. Stewart asked ipermission to speak.<br />

Granted permission, he declared his church's representatives<br />

had voted against the resolution because,<br />

he said, such an amendment to the Constitution<br />

was unnecessary. He stated that polygamy<br />

was no longer practiced or taught by members<br />

ol the Church ol tbe Latter Day Saints. 1<br />

urge that the lair-minded people in attendance<br />

here be not influenced by .prejudiced testimony,<br />

I beg that they investigate for themselves."<br />

He" was answered by Dr. W. M. Paden of Utah,<br />

and by a representative of the Re-<strong>org</strong>anized Mormon<br />

Church as to the persistence in polygamy<br />

since the admission ol Utah as a State.<br />

The addresses ol .Monday evening in Exposition<br />

Hall were on Eugenics and the State, by<br />

Prol, Klein Smid, ol the Indiana Relormatory at<br />

Jefflersonville; and on The New Chinese Republic,<br />

by Mr. Chew, of San Francisco, who spoke at<br />

Portland. The formal addresses on Prison Reform<br />

at the Tuesday Sectional Conference in the First<br />

Presbyterian church were lollowed by short addresses<br />

by several near-by workers, natives of<br />

foreign countries. The closing meeting on that<br />

evening in the Exposition Hall was addressed<br />

on "The State and the Criminal" and on the "Conservation<br />

01 Humanity," a Temperance address by<br />

Mr poling of Ohio, in which the use of the ballot<br />

was strongly .pressed. The General Superintendent,<br />

Rev. J. S. Martin, spoke on A National Propaganda.<br />

At the noon banquet, Rev. Dr. Henry H.<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e, Dr. John Prugh of Butler, and Rev. W. A.<br />

Campbell of New Wilmington, ol the early days<br />

of 18C3, spoke. Some comment was made on<br />

Tuesday afternoon in the Second church, that the<br />

subject ot Temperance had not been given more<br />

prominence, giant evil that it is. As usual, the<br />

daily press magnified the incident, which was<br />

given as follows;<br />

"In the general discussion which followed the<br />

scheduled addresses the Rev. Dr. H. H. Ge<strong>org</strong>e of<br />

Beaver Falls, Pa., whose wife is the President<br />

of the Pennsylvania Woman's Christian Temperance<br />

Union, rose to his feet. Mrs. Ge<strong>org</strong>e had<br />

just completed a brief address in which she had<br />

declared tbe liquor traffic to be the worst evil<br />

which the country had, asserting that prisons existed<br />

as a result of it. Dr. Ge<strong>org</strong>e made a similar<br />

statement and said:<br />

" 'The greatest reform this country could<br />

make would be the abolition of the liquor<br />

traffic. I do not see why the National Reform<br />

AsEociation did not make the fight<br />

against that evil the paramount subject for<br />

discussion at both this and the international<br />

convention in Portland. By doing away with<br />

the saloon you would do away with the need<br />

of prisons. Kansas has illustrated that, lor<br />

she has no open saloons, and lew prisons.<br />

The abolition of the saloon throu.ghout the<br />

h-md is tbP |irr-eminent reform.<br />


"As Dr. Ge<strong>org</strong>e sat down the Rev. W. A.<br />

Campbell, of New Wilmington, Pa., rose to his<br />

feet and declared:<br />

" 'I think it would be best to look to a<br />

preventive, rather than a cure. It we would<br />

do away with, the thing which makes prisons<br />

necessary, we would not need a cure.'<br />

"As Jlr. Cam-pbell sat down. Dr. Martin, who<br />

had been seated in the rear of the room, walked<br />

to the front and exclaimed;<br />

" 'I rise in defense of the National Reform<br />

Association. I will admit that the liquor<br />

traffic is one ol the country's great evils,<br />

and I want to explain why the Association<br />

has not given it a definite place on the program.<br />

It is because we believe in leaving<br />

this fight in the hands of the Anti-Saloon<br />

League, the Woman's Christian Temperance<br />

Union and such <strong>org</strong>anizations that are meant<br />

for that definite .purpose.'<br />

"Dr. Martin had no sooner stopped talking than<br />

Mrs. E. W. Gormley, one of the leading workers<br />

for prison reform in the State, said:<br />

" 'This flghtagainst the liquor evil is one in<br />

which all Christian people should engage. It<br />

is something that is of the highest importance<br />

in reform work. As long as you have<br />

liquor you'll have iprisons. I have worked<br />

among the prisons for many years and I<br />

know.'<br />

"Here the chairman. Attorney B. A. Baer ol<br />

New Castle, Pa., interlered, declared that a motion<br />

to adjourn was in order, and upon that motion<br />

being made, the meeting was brought to a<br />

close."<br />

iBut no prominence was given to the Religious<br />

Amendment ol the United States Constitution,<br />

the object that called the Association into existence<br />

filty years ago, and a great Cause. See<br />

Psalm 2: 10-12; Psalm 110; and the later parables<br />

of our Lord. So also the annual report ol<br />

the National Christian Association commented<br />

on the omission ol Anti-Secrecy in the Portland<br />

program, great as is the evil of secret oathbound<br />

Orders. But such an extensive program<br />

embraces already what one of the Pittsburgh<br />

editorials called a prodigy of reforms.<br />

The newspaper comments were favorable, special<br />

attention being given tc. the Prison Reform.<br />


By Rev. F. A. Steven.<br />

The follotving article presents another z'ieiv<br />

of present day conditions in China than that<br />

usually given. But it is one much<br />

needed.<br />

and IOC commend its statements to the prayerful<br />

consideration of our readers.<br />

The recent appeal of the Chinese Government<br />

to tbe Christian churches of China for<br />

prayer in behalf of their country, its President<br />

and its National Assembly^ for recognition<br />

of the Republic by the Powers, and that<br />

wise and able men might be found for official<br />

positions, has attracted world-wide attention<br />

and great hopefulness. Some writers have<br />

suggested that this marks a definite acceptance<br />

of Christianity as the National faith, and<br />

others say that China will be Christian in a<br />

few years.<br />

I cannot share tbis confidence, and for the<br />

follo\\ ing reasons:<br />

The action of the Government of China<br />

must be regarded as springing from<br />

mixed<br />

inotives, because, even if each of the men<br />

m<br />

high places was moved by single purpose,<br />

[he men themselves are mixed, and Yuan Shi<br />

Ivai, the President, must look at any such proposed<br />

appeal from a diflFerent angle from that<br />

which Li Yuan ITung, the Vice President, occupies,<br />

to say nothing of the mental attitude<br />

of Sun Yat Sen, AVu Ting Fang, and a number<br />

of others who would presumably be consulted.<br />

Without specific knowledge on the point,<br />

one may be reasonably sure that an appeal<br />

for sympathetic interest, and intercession with<br />

the gods in which they believe, has in some<br />

form or other, been addressed to Aloslems,<br />

Confucianists, Buddhists and Taoists, whilst<br />

the influential Jewish and Parsee communities<br />

in the ports may also have been included. If<br />

this were not done, large sections of the people<br />

and even of the officials wiould be antagonized,<br />

and this would be contrary to the principles<br />

of equality and religious toleration pro<br />

claimed by the new Republic.<br />

Heathen nations have always desired to<br />

conciliate every possible power of the unseen<br />

world, and incidentally to make friends of<br />

the peoples to whom these gods mean much.<br />

So ancient conquerors were wont to steal the<br />

idols of the conquered and give them a place<br />

in their own pantheon.<br />

And the people of<br />

Athens in Paul's time, being anxious not to<br />

ofTend any god by omitting him from their<br />

list, or perhaps having an idea that there was<br />

a Great One above the gods whom they knew<br />

about, established an altar and ofifered worship<br />

to the "Unknown God."<br />

To take a modern<br />

example, I saw—^at Alandalay in Burma—•<br />

a fine Anglican Church, which had been built<br />

b_\' the devout Buddhist King Alindoon some<br />

sixty years ago. He had also built a Roman<br />

Catholic Churdh, a Mohammedan Mosque and,<br />

I believe, a Hindoo Temple, besides other<br />

places of worship. He a'sked all these various<br />

bodies to pray for him and for his dynasty,<br />

even as he asked this service from the phongyees,<br />

or monks, in the hundreds of Buddhist<br />

shrines and monasteries which he erected<br />

and supported.<br />

If this step on the part of China's present<br />

rulers, has in it a large element of political<br />

w isdom, both in regard to Christian churches<br />

within, and Christian nations without the Republic,<br />

We need not be either surprised or offended.<br />

It is almost impossible that it should<br />

be otherwise. When we have made all allow-

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