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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 17, 1913.<br />


E D I T O R I A L<br />

John W. Pritchard, Editor.<br />


Practically all denominations of Christians aro<br />

ready for <strong>org</strong>anic church unity. The difficulty<br />

seems to be to arrive at an acceptable basis of<br />

unity, that is a basis acceptable to all. Each denomination<br />

is quite able to propose a basis acceptable<br />

to itself, and though the proposed basis<br />

is different in each instance, there is a striking<br />

similarity between them all. A wily Roman<br />

CathoUc said; "Sure, it's an easy task, this of<br />

uniting the churches. Just let them all acknowledge<br />

his holiness, the Pope, and the thing's<br />

done." The latest basis is that proposed by the<br />

Rev. J. M. Foster.' The basis he proposes has<br />

the family likeness of many such proposals in<br />

that it is but a restatement of the principles<br />

for which our own Church stands. Mr. Poster<br />

builds a platform of eight planks; 1. An acceptance<br />

of the Scriptures of the Old and New<br />

Testaments as the word of God and the only<br />

rule of faith and practice. 2. An acceptance of the<br />

Confession of Faith and Catechisms, larger and<br />

shorter, of the Westminster Assembly, as agreeable<br />

unto and founded upon the Scriptures. 3.<br />

An acceptance of one unalterable form of Presbyterian<br />

church government. 4. An acceptance<br />

ot the manner of worship prescribed in the holy<br />

scriptures. 5. An acceptance of public social<br />

covenanting as an ordinance of God lor churches<br />

and nations. 6. An acceptance of the offlce of<br />

witness for Christ. 7. An acceptance of the<br />

separated life. 8. An acceptance of the obedient<br />

lite." This is the latest, and we must confess,<br />

in our judgment, the most satisfactory basis of<br />

union yet proposed. Its great excellence will appear<br />

to any thoughtful student of the Westminster<br />

Standards and Covenanter literature.<br />


Mme. Maria Montessori, ol Rome, is in America<br />

for thirty days, to tell of her method of training<br />

the child mind that has interested every part of<br />

the world where children are taught. Her system<br />

is one of self-development. She creates an<br />

atmosphere, introduces the child ol three to eight<br />

into it, and leads them- to see things with their<br />

fingers. She teaches the diiference between hot<br />

and cold hy having the children wash their hands<br />

in cold water and suddenly dip them in warm.<br />

Then she has them pass their fingers over the<br />

rough and smooth surface of letters or other<br />

material until they know the difference between<br />

Rough and Smooth. Thus she uses the inductive<br />

method with children by giving them experienca<br />

with concrete things. The children become so<br />

interested in getting acquainted with things and<br />

doing things, that they are filled with pleasure.<br />

There is no need of punishment because the<br />

children are happily employed in things that<br />

eac'a one can do and loves to do. Sometimes<br />

they may need restraining from things that encroach<br />

on their neighbors. "Certainly," she says,<br />

"they must never be beaten." She believes in<br />

•Christ's method of love. The teacher, she insists,<br />

must not use force, but must quietly study<br />

the child, and merely help It to find itself. It<br />

is a passive, not an active guidance which the<br />

teacher is to exercise. If all this is so applicable<br />

to the primary, how truly essential it becomes<br />

tor every home and every father and mother.<br />

High and low, thick and thin, round and ovalare<br />

taught in the way described. All abstract<br />

ideas are gained directly from concrete experiences<br />

in games with blocks, cylinders, discs,<br />

stones, and the familiar furniture of the home.<br />

They are taught to sweep the floor,set the table.<br />

wash the dishes, black their boots and shoes, and<br />

keep things clean and orderly. Games of identifying<br />

words with their objects lead to reading,<br />

and the knowledge that may be gained from<br />

books. Counting games lead to arithmetic.<br />

Children of three and four years of age thus<br />

learn to read and write in different languages<br />

and are not conscious of weariness. By means<br />

of the moving pictures which Mme. iMontessori<br />

uses to illustrate her lecture, we saw little<br />

children at the blackboard writing, and doing so<br />

letter than the vast majority of grown ups can.<br />

Those are the most ideal homes and schools<br />

where the parents are using the iMontessori system<br />

unconsciously.<br />

If we were permitted an opinion on this method,<br />

after hearing the lectures of Mme. Montessori<br />

and seeing the actual work and results of the<br />

system, we would say it is not a lad or a mystery,<br />

but love getting a chance with the children<br />

and leading them up to the noblest things. Mme.<br />

Montessori says that children are naturally religious,<br />

and that it is amazing what they can be<br />

taught, by her system, ol religion, morality,<br />

beauty, order, individuality and freedom.<br />

Great things are expected ol this system, as it<br />

carries its truths into the homes, quickening<br />

them, regenerating them, and transforming<br />

whole neighborhoods as it has done in Rome.<br />

The future men and women trained in this way<br />

promise purer, stronger, healthier and more efflcient<br />

lives. Why shall we not hope that love<br />

shall have its place in the uplift of the world'?<br />

The place to begin is with the children and the<br />

home.<br />

What a change would come over society if this<br />

method were introduced into schools and homes<br />

generally.<br />


Protestants had expected that the President's<br />

attendance at Mass on Thanksgiving would<br />

cease with Mr. Taft the Unitarian. So when it<br />

was given out that President Woodrow Wilson<br />

had accepted the Papal invitation lor 1913, the<br />

Lutheran, the Episcopalian, and the Disciples' pastors<br />

ol Washington protested, but without avail;<br />

and as we published, the President and also the<br />

Secretary ol State, both Presbyterian Elders,<br />

attended the Mass. We take the lollowing trom<br />

'The Presbyterian," ol December 3;<br />

Anti-Roman Protest of the Clergy of Washington,<br />

D. C.<br />

The Pastors' Federation ol Washington, D. C,<br />

and other <strong>org</strong>anizations, on November 24, passed<br />

the lollowing resolutions:<br />

"For the last three or lour years, there has<br />

been celebrated in St. Patrick's church, Washington<br />

on Thanksgiving Day, a solemn high mass,<br />

at which the President of the United States and<br />

some members of his Cabinet, the Chief Justice<br />

and several other Justices of the Supreme Court,<br />

with a number of senators and members of Congress<br />

have attended as the guests of honor.<br />

"This service is now called in the public press<br />

'the official celebration of Thanksgiving Day,'<br />

and is described ini the bulletin of the Pan-<br />

American Republics as having an 'official' character<br />

and every effort is made .by the Roman<br />

hierarchy to give this Roman mass the coIor.,ol<br />

an offlcial function-as il it were generally recognized<br />

as a national service, and as If the President<br />

and his Cabinet by their presence wished it<br />

to be so recognized (which we are sure is not<br />

the case). ^ 4.,, ,-<br />

"One ol the <strong>org</strong>ans ol the Roman Catholm<br />

press (the 'Catholic Citizen' of Milwaukee) states<br />

that 'the Pan-American Thanksgiving Day high<br />

mass is now a permanent institution at the National<br />

Capital'; and says further; 'One day in the<br />

year in which the Bountiful Giver of all good<br />

things is acknowledged by the nation, as a nation—this<br />

expression of gratitude is made in a<br />

Catholic church, around a Catholic altar, by<br />

means ol the one Catholic worship that is worthy<br />

of God, the sacrifice ol the mass.'<br />

"The attendance ol our Chief Magistrate and<br />

members of his Cabinet not once, but year after<br />

year, lor three or lour years, has been made<br />

use of to give color to the Roman claim that<br />

this service is now the ofiicial celebration ol<br />

Thanksgiving Day in our National Capital.<br />

"This fact has been understood, both in the<br />

United -States and in foreign countries, to give<br />

the Roman Catholic Church a prestige and a<br />

prominence over all other Churches, and has<br />

even been believed by people in Brazil and Italy<br />

to show that America is not a Protestant but a<br />

Roman Catholic country."<br />

"It was resolved;<br />

"That we protest against the presumption of<br />

the Roman Catholic press in putting forward the<br />

claim that the Roman mass is the ofiicial celebration<br />

of Thanksgiving Day in the capital of<br />

the republic.<br />

"That we protest against the attempt to convert<br />

our national Thanksgiving Day into a<br />

Roman Catholic lestival, in a service entirely<br />

out ol harmony with the history ol the genius<br />

of our country, and the spirit and purpose ol<br />

the day.<br />

"That we desire to give voice to the widespread<br />

leeling ol indignation among the millions<br />

ol Protestants in America against the efforts of<br />

the Roman press and the Roman hierarchy to<br />

exploit the attendance ol our Chiel Magistrate<br />

and some ol his Cabinet (which we are convinced<br />

has only been intended as an act of courtesy<br />

and good will) for the purpose of glorifying the<br />

Roman Catholic Church and giving this service<br />

an official charcater, which it does not and cannot<br />

possess."<br />

The Roman priests at Washington have criticized<br />

the action of the Protestant ministers, but<br />

without reason, lor some ol the Roman Catholic<br />

papers in our own country have interpreted the<br />

Washinston Thanksgiving Day mass as an official<br />

celebration, an example ol which is the<br />

citat;on_ given above from "The Catholic Citizen"<br />

of Milwaukee. It is just such things as<br />

this that have aroused new antagonism to<br />

Romaniem among American people, and have called<br />

forth the publication of the <strong>org</strong>an known as<br />

"The Menace," and caused the revival of the A.<br />

P. A. The President and Secretary of State might<br />

have guarded against endorsing this growing<br />

custom, which thus flaunts the red flag in the<br />

face of many citizens, and contributes inflammable<br />

material to this already kindled flre.<br />

These men are perfectly free to go to a Catholic<br />

service anywhere and at any time; but when<br />

this becomes a concertive act, and the circumstances<br />

are likely to produce misunderstanding,<br />

wisdom alone would suggest that in such case<br />

they repair for the service ol God in their respectice<br />

places ol worship.<br />


The annual meeting ol the National Reform Association<br />

was held at Pittsburgh, Pa., on Tuesday<br />

morning, December 2, 1913. In connection with<br />

it, a Christian Citizenship Conference was held<br />

on the day belore and on the same day. This<br />

was patterned alter the Portland Conierence ol<br />

last Summer, and was well attended, even with<br />

unlavorable weather. The Sectional Conlerences<br />

of Monday and Tuesday afternoons were held in<br />

the First and the Second Presbyterian churches.<br />

The annual Association meeting ol Tuesday morning<br />

was held in the Eighth Street Reformed

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