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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 10, 1913. A FAMILY PAPER, 16<br />

S T A R N O T E S .<br />

**'*Rev. Walter C. McClurkin's address<br />

is Coulterville, Randolph Co.,<br />

Illinois.<br />

*-'~'*JIr. Jesse E. 'Magee, Oil City,<br />

Fa., in sending two new subscribeis,<br />

says: "I think' this (the Cbristian<br />

Xation of Nov. 26) is the greatest<br />

paper you have ever published."<br />

•i''*l today (Nov. 24th) moderated<br />

in a call in the Church Hill Cjugresation.<br />

All but one vote was cast<br />

in favor of the Rev. Walter C. Mc­<br />

Clurkin, It is earnestly hoped he will<br />

take up the work in tbis needy field.<br />

—H. G. Foster.<br />

"•''Attention of tne members of tbe<br />

Church is called to tbe lesson which,<br />

according to the action of last Synod,<br />

has been chosen as a substitute for<br />

the regular Cbristmas lesson. Comments<br />

on this lesson will be found<br />

in the Christian Nation.<br />

"•"sOn Monday, December 1st, I<br />

moderated a call for a (pastor in Sterling<br />

Congregation (Kansas), which<br />

resulted in electing Rev. J. G. McEl-<br />

on the roll, a lady who bas been<br />


hmney on the first ballot. Tbe call in tbe United States for a number<br />

Belfast, Ireland,<br />

was made unanimous by a standin.g of years. We had a very pleasant<br />


vote. The salary offered is $1200.— communion, and a good turn out."<br />


I W. Dill.<br />

1 lb., 60c. 1-2 lb., SOc.<br />

***Xhe Washington Christian Association,<br />

opposed to secret societies, ing now. J. M. COLEMAN."<br />

enthusiastic convert to Swedish train­<br />

Also special 10c. packages.<br />

'**'*Dr. J. M. IBalph, writing from<br />

Sent postpaid on receipt of price.<br />

m-et in the Seattle Reformed Presbyterian<br />

Church Friday evening, De­***Tbe Bible-reading folder for 1914 One Price. One Quality. Sample Free<br />

Criiaraiiteed better than any One Dollar Tea<br />

Pittsburgh, on December 1, says: "I<br />

have just returned trom a seven<br />

cember the 5th, at 8.00 o'clock. Tbe will be ready on or betore December<br />

weeks' trip among the churches ot<br />

PBelfast L ATea ZCo., A 115 Franklin H O St.. T N. E T. L<br />

program was as follows: Devotional 15. Young peaple's societies, congregations,<br />

or individuals, desiring tbem<br />

lowa, Kansas, and Colorado, where<br />

North Av. and North Clark St.<br />

Services; Address, "The Mission of<br />

I have bad tbe privilege ot speaking<br />

some twenty-two times, on our<br />

— CHrCAQO —<br />

This Organization," Rev. T. M. Slater;<br />

Praise; Address, "Loyalty to Penn Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. The<br />

will please order from J. S. Tibby, -.08<br />

Foreign (Mission work."<br />

When In Chicago, Stop at The Plaza<br />

Jesus Christ Our (Motive," Rev. B. E. folder is large, covering tbe wbole<br />

*'**The annual meeting of tbe National<br />

Indian Association was held in monies of Seceders from the Lodge. one's Bible. The price is quite low, Lincoln Park and Lake Micbigan.<br />

Bergesen; Praise and Prayer; Testi­<br />

year 1914; yet can easily be kept in A luiet and refined hotel, overlooking<br />

the Third Church, New York City, on General Discussion in wbicb the following<br />

participated: Revs. B. H. Al­S. lessons are assigned for tbe read­<br />

furnished.<br />

20 cents per dozen copies. The S. 600 rooms witb private batb, newly<br />

December 4th, 1913. Devotional exercises<br />

were conducted by the pastor. berts, F. W. Catbey, W. 0. Dinius, A. ings on Saturday morning, and tbe A room witb a batb, for a dollar and<br />

Two sessions were held and reports B. Eddy, Oscar Fedder, F. W. Fisher, young people's topics are the readings<br />

for Saturday evening. A careful Two-room suites, $2.50 and up. Week­<br />

a half up. Weekly, $9.00 and up.<br />

of great interest were read and considered.<br />

Dr. John W. Clark is the effi­<br />

'Reading, L. R. Smith, A. H. Stilwell. effort was made to insert not only ly, $15 to $28.<br />

M. L. Larson, T. H. Marsh, S. G.<br />

the passages to be read in connection High-class cafe. Club breakfast.<br />

cient executive secretary and his report<br />

of the year's work was com-<br />

Some months ago Rev. T. C. Mc­<br />

12 minutes to business and shopping<br />

***Rev. J. M. Coleman writes:<br />

with tbe young people's topics, but Moderate prices.<br />

nehensive.<br />

centre.<br />

S t r o n g<br />

Bloo<br />

Or weak blood governs for good or<br />

ill every part of the body. The<br />

medicine that makes weak blood<br />

pure and strong is HOOD'S<br />

SARSAPARILLA. For over a<br />

third of a century it has been the<br />

leading blood purifier.<br />

'*"'*Rev. A. A. Samson, pastor of<br />

Second New York, will preach for tbe<br />

'ilontclair Congregation on Sabbatb<br />

atternoon, December 14, after occupying<br />

his own pulpit in the morning,<br />

and will return in time to conduct<br />

his own regular evening service.<br />

*'*'*Rev. J. S, McMann, pastor of<br />

the U. P. Churcb at East Greenwich,<br />

N. Y., where Mr. J. R. Dill spoke on<br />

Sabbath, Nov. 23, sends us a note<br />

commending very highly Mr. Dill's<br />

work. He says: "Our people were<br />

very much impressed with bis message,<br />

and we think it should be heard<br />

ty the whole church, and his methods<br />

be adopted."<br />

*'*'*Geneva Coliege Glee Club will<br />

give a concert in Association Hall,<br />

Montclair, N. J., on the evening ot Dec-<br />

25. The program is published in full<br />

in this issue of the paper, and a very<br />

attractive one it is. Admission will<br />

be free, with a silver collection. The<br />

J. W. P.<br />

Covenanters," Catechisms, "Reformed<br />

Montclair Congregation is going to<br />

***\ yery unfortunate ommission Presbyterian Manual," "Handbook for<br />

m.ake a social affair ot it by entertaining<br />

the members of tbe Club.<br />

occurred in tbe issue tor December 3. Young Christians," Minutes of Synod.<br />

***The verses in last week's issue,<br />

An article by Rev. J. M. Coleman, Address:<br />

in memory of the late Mrs. ,iElla '***A letter from, Rev. R. E. Willson,<br />

Mersine, to Dr. S. A. S. Metheny,<br />

begun on (page 2, was marked "Continued<br />

on page 12," but the conclu­<br />

Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />

JAMES 8. TIBBY, 408 Penn Building,<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e Carithers, were written' by<br />

Rev. Owen F. Thompson in response contains the following items ot general<br />

interest: "Miss Prench has been<br />

sion was omitted altogether. Will<br />

to a request from us tbat, as one who<br />

readers please note tbat in the article Barlow's Indigo Blue will not<br />

had labored in the Indian Mission, he poorly for some weeks, and it was<br />

on page 2, entitled "A Double Play,"<br />

contribute something to the Memorial necessary to call Dr. Haas from<br />

speaking ot Grand View, a Danish<br />

College, Mr. Coleman's conclusion<br />

Number.<br />

Adana to see her. She is better now,<br />

and back in ber place in tbe scbool.<br />

We had our communion here in Mersine<br />

last Sabbatb. There were five<br />

new members, and one name replaced<br />

Knight arranged with the Chicago Y.<br />

M. C. A. that I should give four of the<br />

Monday noon lectures in tbeir regular<br />

Winter course in tbe Association<br />

Auditorium. In connection witb this,<br />

he arranged also, that I sbould give<br />

the course in Northwestern University,<br />

and in Lake Forest College as<br />

Knight seems to know bow to get the<br />

open door.<br />

well as speaking before the (Ministers'<br />

Associations of the Presbyterian<br />

and Methodist Churches. One<br />

week-of tbe time in Chicago is to be BOOKS—Largest stock of Second Hand<br />

given to special services in our Chicago<br />

church, at which time I shall volumes on hand. Catalogues (ree. Libraries<br />

Theological Books in America. Over 60,000<br />

meet with a class in Ryder House ot and collections of Books bought or exchan.ged<br />

the university of Chicago. Mr. Mc­<br />

'*'^'*Since our Thanksgiving Number,<br />

we have received one of the<br />

missing copies of tbe Christian Nation,<br />

needed to complete our offlce<br />

files. There are now but thirteen<br />

copies lacking. Who will help us<br />

complete the file. Here are tbo missing<br />

dates:<br />

188C—December 29.<br />

1887—August 24.<br />

" —August 3].<br />

1888—March 21.<br />

" —July 11.<br />

" —December 12.<br />

" —December 26.<br />

1889—April 24.<br />

" —May 1.<br />

" —^May 22.<br />

" —July 3.<br />

" —December 11.<br />

1910~October 26.<br />

Your help will greatly oblige me.—<br />

should have read thus: "Then I came<br />

over here to watch the training of tbe<br />

whole body of boys and girls weak<br />

and strong, into sturdy men and women,<br />

and I did some thinking about the<br />

contrast of tbe Danish and American<br />

methods. The contrast between wbat<br />

I bave seen here and elsewhere in<br />

gymnasium work is painful. I am an<br />

also a statement of tbe tbeme, including<br />

the special topics assigned by<br />

Synod. In some instances tbe limitations<br />

cf space required considerable<br />

condensation in the statement ot<br />

tbe young people's topics. Your<br />

earnest co-operation is asked in making<br />

this plan effective throughout the<br />

churcb. Our young people specially<br />

need such a movement. Order early<br />

from Mr. Tibby.<br />


132 E. 23d Street, New York.<br />

The Reformed Presbyterian Church<br />

having no publishine house of its own, iU<br />

memben are advised to send their ordera tor<br />

Catechisms, Lesson Helps. Church and ^abbath<br />

School Supplies of every descnpUon to<br />

Cbe presbpterian Boardof<br />

wi.h.r.po„n pubitcation „«^rfiu<br />

Bldg., Philadelphia<br />

Depositories<br />

W H a t ISc Will IDo<br />

Thelittle matter of ISc in stamps will bring you the Pathflnderfor<br />

13 weeks ontrfal. The PathflndorisaniUustraled<br />

weekly, published atthe Nation's Capital, for the Nation; now<br />

inlts 2ist year ofi ncreasing success. The paper fillsthebill<br />

vidthout emptying the purse :it costs but $1 a year. Ifyou wani<br />

to keep posted on whatis g-oing onin the world, attheleastexpense<br />

oftirae or money, thisis your means. Ifyou wanta paperi<br />

n vour home whichis sincere, reliable, entertaining,wholesome,<br />

the Pathfinder is yours. Ifyou would appreciate a paper<br />

wliich puts everything clearly, fairly, briefly—here it is at<br />

Covenanter Boolcs for Sale<br />


last. Send only 15c to show that Books, you mig-h old tlike Books such a paper,<br />

and we willsend of Testimony, the Pathffndei-on Discipline, probation 13 weeks. Confession<br />

us, butwearegladto of Faith, "Poets investin New and Friends-<br />

The<br />

IScdoes notrenay<br />

Poetry," Or send $1 for "Homes full y«ar and ; money Haunts back anv of time the If not<br />

satisfied. Aridres-; Pathfinder, Bx T, Washington. P-C<br />

In use lor fif ty years is proof that it Cnnf tit*<br />

Isthebest. All grocers selUt. OpUl Ul<br />

1< ree Samvles Mailed «, .<br />

ADAn PFRonn & co otreaK<br />

Wholmsata DruggUts<br />

233 North Second St.,Phlfadelphli . Clothes<br />


Job Printing of all Kinds<br />

Letter Heads, iVleinos, Statements.<br />

Cards, etc.<br />

A Specialty of Cburch Reports,<br />

Prayer Meeting Topics, Tracts,<br />

Pamphlets, Folders, Posters, anything<br />

you want in the printing line.<br />

Why Not patronize a Covenanter?<br />

Get Our Prices.<br />


Editor '• Advocate."<br />

Quinter - Kansas

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