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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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8<br />

mother and children, but also by rich<br />

and poor people, who<br />

by reason of<br />

the family's strict integrity, and loving<br />

kindnesses become their true<br />

friends. The railway affords several<br />

opportunities by which the children<br />

prove themselves to be life-savers.<br />

Eventually all mystery is cleared<br />

away and tbe family become reunited,<br />

right triumphing over might.<br />



TION.<br />

There is a man in the publishing<br />

business on whom the Covenanter<br />

Churcb can depend for intelligent and<br />


papers, are used all over the world,<br />

and its total business amounts to very<br />

nearly a million dollars annually.<br />

To such a good enterprise there<br />

munication. If it were, its place would<br />

be in the advertising pages. It is a<br />

familiar talk with you, Covenanter<br />

pastors, and you, Sabbatb scbool of­<br />

should be given tbe most cordial support<br />

of all those who can patronize<br />

ficers and teachers, about the work of<br />

the Business Department of the Presbyterian<br />

Board of Publication—j'our A large share of the profits arising<br />

them.<br />

board, if you will only make it so.<br />

Tbe Business Department of the<br />

Vol. 69.<br />

Co-operate, then, with the Presbyterian<br />

Board. It may sound mercenary<br />

to say that they want the patronage<br />

of our entire Church—every member.<br />

But they only ask it because much<br />

is diverted merely through thoughtlessness.<br />

We are conscious of the<br />

great service the Presbyterian Board<br />

is rendering to our Church and its<br />

desire to be of still greater service.<br />

From ''The Adventures of Reddy Fox."<br />

Published by Little, Brown & Co.<br />

hearty co-operation, and that one is<br />

Mr. F. M. Braselmann, Business Manager<br />

and Treasurer of the Presbyterian<br />

Board of Publication. Mr. Braselmann<br />

is a splendid type of the Presbyterian<br />

faith; and it is safe to say<br />

tbat his heart is akin to tbat of all<br />

good Covenanters. He has done a<br />

lot for us and is willing to do more.<br />

He is in a position to be of great<br />

service to us owing to the fact tbat<br />

Si<br />

From "lhe Three Qod-fathcrs." Published<br />

by Ge<strong>org</strong>e H Doran Co , New ^'ork.<br />

we bave no Board of Publication, and<br />

aside from the commercial end of it,<br />

we know he would be pleased to bave<br />

us look on his Board as "our" Board<br />

in the matter of supplies. And he<br />

can supply us to almost our last<br />

need.<br />

This article is not a business com-<br />

From "Peter Pan's A. B. C."<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e H. Ooran Co., NewYork..^<br />

Baard of Publication occupies a somewhat<br />

unique position in the business<br />

world. In theory it bas a distinct constituency—the<br />

Presbyterian Church—<br />

and its business to a great extent is<br />

limited by denominational lines. All<br />

of tbe large denominations have their<br />

publishing boards which, in theory,<br />

enjoy similar privileges and suffer<br />

Irom like restrictions. But it is only<br />

in theory that each of these boards<br />

is able to count on supplying the demands<br />

of its own denomination, for<br />

ttere are also undenominational agencies<br />

which are seeking to supply mateiial<br />

to every churcb.<br />

While the Presbyterian Board crave<br />

tbe support of our 'people, and rejoice<br />

tbat so many are doing business with<br />

them, it is always their effort to deserve<br />

tbe patronage of the whole<br />

•Churcb by placing before its legitimate<br />

constituency all articles of commeice<br />

which come witbin tbe scope<br />

of a publisning bouse, of such value<br />

as will appeal to the highest taste<br />

and at such prices as are in strict ar<br />

cord with the value received. It i<br />

only fair to say that there are excep<br />

tions to tbis rule of price and values<br />

but the exceptions are all in the fa<br />

vor of the buyer; many of their pub<br />

lications are issued at a loss because<br />

of the higher service which the boar.<br />

is glad to render. Much material it<br />

given away annually by their Mission<br />

ary Department in the support o'<br />

weak churches and in the develop<br />

ment of new fields.<br />

The Business Department applie<br />

the most approved business metbodr<br />

to the conduct of its affairs. A com<br />

plex but thorough <strong>org</strong>anization ir<br />

maintained, and the service render<br />

ed by the board is as exact and satisfying<br />

as that given by any business<br />

house. To facilitate its business and<br />

to give ready response to calls from<br />

all parts of ue country, depositories<br />

have been established in many of the<br />

principal cities. Then there are two<br />

representatives in Canada and one in<br />

I.ondon. The board's supplies, particularly<br />

lesson helps and illustrated<br />

Published by<br />

From "Courtin' Christina."<br />

Published by<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e H. Doran Co., New York.<br />

from the operations of the board goes<br />

directly to its missionary work. In tbe<br />

last twenty years a half million dollars<br />

have thus been disbursed. T"i:<br />

fact alone sbould stimulate the membership<br />

of our Church to give to tbe<br />

Presbyterian Board their most cordial<br />

support and co-operation.<br />

Every department of the Ghureb's<br />

life requires tools to do its work efficiently.<br />

The Presbyterian Board's<br />

function is to supply these tools, from<br />

the books the pastor must bave to<br />

equip himself properly for his exacting<br />

duties, to the story papers and<br />

cards the little tots in the Beginners<br />

departments carry to their homes as<br />

messengers of light. It supplies the<br />

pulpit by which the preacher stands,<br />

and the tables and 'chairs the little<br />

ones cluster about from Sabbath to<br />

Sabbath. The individual worker's requirements,<br />

his Bible, his textbooks,<br />

his catechism, etc., should be provided<br />

by this board. To provide the best<br />

Prom ''This Year's Book for Boys." Published<br />

by Ge<strong>org</strong>e H. Doran Co., New York<br />



CONFLICT."<br />

This is the title of a volume by<br />

tbe late Rev. Samuel J. Andrews,<br />

author of "Life of Our Lord," etc.<br />

Having just finished reading it, I desire<br />

to most heartily commend it, not<br />

only to my brethren in the ministry,<br />

but to all Christian workers, educators,<br />

and all who desire to be enlightened<br />

in regard to the evil forces and<br />

the dangerous tendencies at work in<br />

our day, preparing tbe way for the<br />

rrom "Hie Law-Brlngers." Published by<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e H. Doran Co., New York<br />

coming, the havoc, and reign of the<br />

anti-Christ; and tbe power that will<br />

oring about this overthrow and destruction.<br />

This is by all odds the<br />

clearest, most scriptural, exhaustive<br />

and forceful treatment of this all important<br />

subject that I have yet seen,<br />

showing the tendency of modern<br />

)hilosophy. Biblical criticism, science,<br />

literature. Christian socialism. Pantheism<br />

and all such, to dethrone the<br />

Ohrist of God, to deify humanity and<br />

bring in and enthrone the man-God,<br />

From,"TheHon. Mr. Tawnish." Publishedby the man of Sin, the lawless one, the<br />

Little, Brown* Co., Boston. Beast, the Antichrist of Scripture. He<br />

is always the board's aim. Its stand- is peculiarly full and 'clear in regard<br />

ard is high. Its function is ever to to tbe ecclesiastical apostasy that<br />

elevate, to improve, to stimulate to precedes and paves the way for his<br />

better endeavor.<br />

exaltation to divine honors when he

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