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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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THB CHRISTIAN NATION. [f] Tfi Vol. 59.<br />

the girls, and that he had often sionaries and nurses are of J<br />

A r o u n d t h e O l d A r m C h a i r<br />

'ti,<br />

seen a drunkard thrust out by the told value. The New YorkCifci<br />

CHRIST REDEEMING SINNERS by any means. There are hund- keeper for daring to speak famil- Mission and Tract Society train<br />

reds of others, many worthy hard- iarly to one of these missionaries, workers along .this line. The wl'<br />

In the Underworld of New York.<br />

working people, but poor. The The Salvation Army is doing a men's Branch of the City MissiaiJ<br />

(Continued frotn last w\e-ck.) district is infested with those who splendid (Work. In their Field aim: i. To carry,the Gospel i<br />

By Anna Pritchard Ge<strong>org</strong>e. traini young men and boys to be work they have twenty stations Christ to all homes in the hvpk<br />

pickpockjets and housebreakers,, and eighty institutions in this part of the city, even the tm^<br />

The worst section of New York<br />

Boys run away from home and are city. Thei'e is now a Club Wom- degraded; 2. To elevate in thb|<br />

is said to be off of Chatham ^^j-awn as if by a magnet to this en's Auxiliary to the Army. The homes the families; 3. To reacf<br />

Square and the Bowery, and right center of crimes. "This human Army runs cheap working men's the children; 4. To minister tf<br />

here is Chinatown. In China- cesspool is the dumping place for hotels and a Rescue Home in the sick poor. They beUeveiifS<br />

town one of the old? landmarks, an astonishing number of young Brooklyn and New York. The searching out the unworthy in this!<br />

and for twenty-five years a chief P^ople-" Notorious dives are one thing they insist on is that full belief that the blood of Jesus"<br />

attraction th Old Ch' plentiful. But graduailly the their leaders must be trained. For will cleanse the foulest, and tli(j;<br />

'<br />

Christians are cleaning things up, this purpose they bave their own Holy Spirit teach and sanctify i^<br />

Theatre. It was) an awful place, .bringing the sinners "back to training school. It costs the students most ignorant and degraded. |i<br />

In the theatre itself the air Christ. Doyers street believes in nothing to go through the scbool. I" many cities the populatioDji!<br />

reeked with tobacco and filth. In comibining temporal and spiritual The training is nearly all practi- is composed of those speaking*<br />

the basement was an opium den blessings. During the last six cal. Enough Bible Doctrine is several 'different languages., but*^'<br />

vvhere "the tongs, the batchetmen<br />

and the gunmen conveniently<br />

buried their victims." In this theatre<br />

the tongs<br />

frequently clashed,<br />

till one night twelve were carried<br />

c|ut dead and 28 wounded. That<br />

was tbe death blow of the theatre.<br />

Just at this time ' the Rescue<br />

Society, located for nineteen years<br />

at Nos. 15-17 Doyers street, was<br />

burned out. The Chinese were<br />

afraid to patronize the theatre, so<br />

it was not hard for the Society to<br />

secure a lease of the old building.<br />

The<br />

transformation in th-e place<br />

is an illustration of the transfoa--<br />

mation in the sinner's heart when<br />

Satan is banished and Christ reigns<br />

in his stead. If anything, on<br />

eaith would incite one to},-work<br />

for the Lord a visit to this mission<br />

would. It is heartrending to<br />

see the poor wretches of women<br />

in the audience shrinking back in Hands up for Prayer in the Jerry McAuley Water Street Mission, New York. ^''<br />

a corner crouching under their months 13,456 suppers have been taught to make them stable and in New York nearly every race.'<br />

shawls. Women who once were given in the cellar of the build- steady when new doctrines are and nationality in tbe world is ]<br />

soft warm little cherubs, cuddled ing, 622 bed tickets given, 26,063 met with. But they are trained represented, and as many lang-''<br />

close in their mother's arms have been sheltered, 12,733 gath- along lines of activity: First Aid uages. How to reach these for-:<br />

—babies just as sweet and inno- ered in Birotherbood meetings, 3,- to the Injured, A'isitation, and eigners was a most perplexing.<br />

cent as the ones m our own home 433 have been converted, 361 boys General Instructioms for Every problem, but it has been solved<br />

circles. Now their faces are sear- under 18 and 329 under 20 have Contingency. The great desire of to a great extent by. two unique'<br />

ed with sm and S|hame, yet tbe been rescued and placed in Chris, the Army is to build a College churches in the lower part of the<br />

soul is still w.Jthm and Jesus loves tian homes. Each night the meeting in Memory of General Booth, city—the East Side Parish M. E.<br />

them dn spite of it all. But Sat- begins at ten, supposed to close $160,000 have b;en raised already. Church of AM Nations, at 9 Secan<br />

la m possession. Many of them at twelve, but often the leaders They wish $1,000,000 in all ond avenue and the Second Avehave<br />

hved nearly all their aives are striving with those seeking $650,000 to be used for the nue Baptist Church These church-,<br />

in this sm cursed district, sold light till nearer two o'clock in the building and the rest as an endow- es aim' to reach everv nationalhere<br />

as white slaves while yet lit- morning. ment. To look in the faces of ity. They have serviced in the diftie<br />

tots. Chinatown is full of In all tbese vile hales and hot- these men and women is an in- ferent languages on Sabbath, and<br />

white girls going down to destruc- beds of vice and crime, there is one spiration in itself to lead a godly <strong>org</strong>anizations for the numerous'<br />

tion-nearly 500 of them-eithei class of missionaries who are al- life. Their work is one of self- peoples during the week. The<br />

there as slaves or drawn by the ways safe from harm—the sweet sacrifice.<br />

,vork among the Chinese women'<br />

glamour of the unnatural life in faced Salvation Army women. The There is so much misery in the and children in the East Side<br />

the opium dens. Cbinatown is husband of one of them said that homes of New York's poverty Parish is the largest in the city,<br />

not composed entirely of Chinese the bartenders themselves protect 'Stricken people, that trained mis- (Cont'nued on page eleven.)<br />

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