S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 10, 1912.<br />

chosen to be his companion through<br />

liie.<br />

It is a story refreshing in its simplicity,<br />

and naturalness, and of great<br />

value to the young in encouraging<br />

faithfulness to every day duty.<br />

"John O'Partletts." By Jean Edgerton<br />

'Hovey. Cloth. 313 pages. Price<br />

11.25 net. Four page illustrations.<br />

This is, without doubt, one of the<br />

best books of the season. It deals<br />

with a small self-righteous community<br />

where even the minister has a feeling<br />

tbat what he believes must be right<br />

because he believes it, and he cannot<br />

be mistaken; where even the<br />

wash-woman believes that her young<br />

son, an imp of cruelty and mischief,<br />

cannot do wrong, for is not he the<br />

man of the family, etc. So much for<br />

Partlettsville. But up on the mountain<br />

is a cottage witb flower garden<br />

and vegetable garden, all in bloom,<br />

and otherwise productive, but the old<br />

woman has had sore trials witb tne<br />

world and has a grudge against the<br />

self-righteous, and so, on account of<br />

her desire to keep to herself, is considered<br />

little better than a witch. A<br />

poor little colored boy, tbe only one<br />

in the village, is left without a home<br />

when his old grandmother dies. The<br />

washwoman's son and his companions<br />

secretly persecute the little colored<br />

boy, and when at last he almost<br />

loses his life through their cruelty,<br />

the old "hag" as they call ber, rescues<br />

and adopts him.<br />

Then a poor forsaken dog "John<br />

Frenchy of Parletts," is hounded and<br />

even shot and left for dead by tbese<br />

same persecutors, but recovers enough<br />

to seek refuge with the "witch."<br />

The minister takes the part of his<br />

parishioners and lectures sorely the<br />

old woman and demands the boy, but<br />

she refuses. At last, on the day of a<br />

children's picnic, after the minister<br />

and others had secured the promise<br />

of the owner of the cottage that he<br />

would evict the old woman in a few<br />

days, a great snow storm overtakes<br />

the little children, while they are In<br />

the woods up on the mountainside<br />

somewhere; the sky is so thick witb<br />

snow, that lne mountain at an early<br />

hour is enveloped in darkness; the<br />

parents, among them the minister,<br />

lace the' storm, searching for tbe<br />

children, who cannot be found. When<br />

all hope of findingthe children aliye<br />

has been abandoned, the barking of a<br />

dog is heard, and after following the<br />

sound to be a different pathway from<br />

that taken by the children in the<br />

niorning, they discover the old woman,<br />

the negro boy. and the dog, all<br />

tied together by a strong rope encircling<br />

the lost children in the shelter<br />

Of a great rock over the edge ot<br />

a partly frozen stream. As the rescuers<br />

are almost near the children,<br />

the minister's delicate youngest child<br />

steps backwards and falls into the<br />

time reappears with the dress of the<br />

unconscious child in his mouth.<br />

There are many startling situations<br />

and guilty discrimination, confessions,<br />

repentance, f<strong>org</strong>iveness, etc.,<br />

but the lame dog is afterwards considered<br />

a hero. The exposure in rescu-ng<br />

the children causes the death<br />

ot tbe negro lad, but the "witch"<br />

loses that title and is afterwards<br />

pointed out proudly as "Partletfs<br />

own." It is a splendid story, where<br />

kindness triumphs.<br />

"The Blossom Shop." By Isla May<br />

Mullins. Cloth. 223 pages. Illustrated<br />

by John Goss.<br />

Nothing appeals to the tenderest<br />

sympathies like blindness. The story<br />

torrent, and is rapidly borne away charming story.<br />

before anyone can reacli her, and The part that the neighbor children,<br />

as well as their father, the col­<br />

disappears under the ice. There is a<br />

bark of distress, a sudden spring ored servant's In both homes, ana<br />

through the air, and "John O'Partletts"<br />

disappears also, but in a short contributing to the child's comfort<br />

even the parrot and puppies take in<br />

is<br />

A t^AMILY PAPER.<br />

delightful, but tbe conduct of the<br />

doctor and grand-aunt in helping tc<br />

recover the child's sight* and the<br />

romance which ends in a double wedding,<br />

is r.cb in happy situations and<br />

proves that there is great goodness<br />

and kindness to be found in many<br />

hearts.<br />



"The Unafraid." iBy Eleanor M. Ingram,<br />

Cloth. 3C8 Pages. Price $1.25<br />

net. Illustrated in color.<br />

The plot Of "Unafraid" is laid in<br />

Montenegro, tbat country so devastated<br />

by tbe wars with Turkey. Delight<br />

Warren, a young American society<br />

put off. She decides to go to Montenegro<br />

with a friend. She goes without<br />

tbe consent of her uncle and aunt,<br />

and even the friend advises her to<br />

desist, but she is| deaf to advice.<br />

Reaching Montenegro, she sends<br />

ivord to her fiance to meet her<br />

at a certain place, but on her way she<br />

is kidnapped by 'Count Balsic, who<br />

claims that Michael is an enemy to<br />

his country, and wants to get hold ot<br />

her money to prolong hostilities. She<br />

StiU insists on marrying Michael,<br />

when Stefan compels her to marry<br />

him with the understanding that he<br />

will then keep her as a prisoner ol<br />

war at bis bouse, that at the end of<br />

the war she may get a divorce from<br />

him and marry Michael if she still<br />

wishes to do so. It is a story full of<br />

intrigue, but all ends well.<br />

" MY heart's in the HIGHLANDS."<br />

From "Xlie Keeper ofthe Vineyard." Published by Fleming H. ReveU & Co. A charming story depicting the adventures<br />

of three children who<br />

of the wonderful sacrifices made by girl, whose parents are dead, has all<br />

a young mother for her little blind the wilfulness of a girl that has not through adversity and the wrong-doing<br />

of others, are forced to give up<br />

daughter; her self-repression and continual<br />

care that nothing unlovely oi Sbe meets a young Montenegro noble­<br />

their luxurious home in the city. En­<br />

been curbed by parental authority.<br />

disagreeable shall shock the exquisitely<br />

sensitive nature of her darling; gaged. He must return to his own<br />

man, Michael Balsic, and becomes enduring<br />

se.paration from a loved father,<br />

the manner in which the little one ia country, but tbey agree to meet in they accompany their mother fo a<br />

taught to feel beauty to such an extent<br />

as to take the place of seeing and aunt oppose the marriage, but to live in a barely furnished house<br />

France and be married. Her unc'.e lonely spot in the country in England,<br />

it; and the joy that the mother and finding Delight obdurate, and determined<br />

to give Michael her fortune, many privations, depending solely on<br />

near a railway. They had to suffer<br />

child take in working among the blossoms<br />

and flowers, which iwork enables<br />

them to provide the necessaries France for the wedding. Michael had story writer, can earn with her ipen.<br />

they reluctantly go with her to what their mother, who is a famous<br />

of life and to retain the ownership of told Delight that his brother Stefan, They cannot understand why they receive<br />

no letters from their father,<br />

their home, all together make a most being the elder, inherited the title of<br />

Count and all tbe landed estate, and<br />

had given him barely enough to exist<br />

upon.<br />

Word reaches Delight in France<br />

tbat Michael had met with an accident<br />

and that the wedding must be<br />



"Phillida's Glad Year." By Grace<br />

Blanchard. Cloth. 299 pages. Price<br />

$1.00 net. Frontispiece.<br />

This story is a sequel to "Phil's<br />

Happy Girlhood," and traces the lives,<br />

occujpations, and aspirations of a<br />

bevy of boys and girls, after they<br />

have left scbool, and entered upo.u<br />

the practical, domestic and social activities<br />

that attend the more advanced<br />

time in young people's lives, lhe<br />

girls bad been classmates in a girls'<br />

seminary, and are a very charming<br />

group. Each one bas her distiiicdve<br />

characteristics, but they work well together,<br />

one supplying what is lacking<br />

in another's contribution to the<br />

com-mon weal, of joy, tender-heartedness,<br />

self-sacrifice, knowledge, wisdom,<br />

hopefulness, faithfulness, and<br />

each contributing true affection. Of<br />

course Romance bas its place and<br />

buoyant youth has its full measure of<br />

happiness in the companionship ol<br />

kindred spirits in whom the spirit of<br />

God has come to make bis abode.<br />


YORK.<br />

"Tbe Railway Cbildren." By E.<br />

Nesbit. Cloth. 309 pages. Illustrated.<br />

Price 50 cents net<br />

and are requested by their mother to<br />

ask no questions concerning bim, but<br />

to continue loving him and all will<br />

yet be well. There is much mystery<br />

in the book and much of nobleness of<br />

character displayed, not only by the

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