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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 10, 1913.<br />


'.Vlicn our Lord was in Upxer<br />

Galilee, he told his disciples of his<br />

apiroachlng death at the hands ot<br />

those wt.o hateu him without a cause.<br />

The disciples were offended by h's<br />

words, and Peter rebuked him. But<br />

J8::us turned, and said to Peter:<br />

•'Tliou art a stumbling-block unto<br />

me." So for ourselves, even our<br />

friends may prove stumbling-blocks<br />

in our path ot duty. ,<br />

In view of the elections last Fall,<br />

an earnest Prohibition editor, familiar<br />

with Covenanters and their zeal for<br />

Temperance, undertook to enlist the<br />

votes of our people for a Prohibition<br />

candidate for Judge. He sent out a<br />

A FAMILY<br />

PAPER.<br />

circular, addressed individually to<br />

members of our Church, arguing for<br />

spirit of unbounded Christian charity.<br />

their support. We discuss Men not<br />

tion. How can they admit to its fellowship<br />

those who avowedly disbe­<br />

At first glance, they seem to be fllled<br />

Measures, and Measures not Men, with the spirit of true evangelism, lieve and oppose the principles for<br />

and Measures and Men, but none may and to dissent from tbeir declarations which it stands?<br />

take up Men as suffl'cient in a Constitutional<br />

Government to embody<br />

is to invite censure and condemnation<br />

The above declarations, brotbeily<br />

as lacking in the spirit of charity, if<br />

and charitable as they sound, lo:e<br />

not wholly void cf likeness to Him<br />

proposed Reforms as if already enacted.<br />

The Constitution must be taken<br />

sight of the witnessing character of<br />

Who says, "Let him that heareth say, the Church. It was <strong>org</strong>ained by Christ<br />

that it might te a "pillar and ground<br />

as it is by "all Executive and Judicial<br />

officers"; and so the<br />

of the truth," that it might hold<br />

martyred<br />

President in his Inaugural address<br />

declared that he would execute the<br />

Fugitive Slave Law. The 'Covenant<br />

ol this Church declares: "We will<br />

pray and labor for the peace and welfare<br />

of our country, and for its<br />

reformation by a Constitutional recognition<br />

of God as the source of all power,<br />

of Jesus Christ as the Ruler of<br />

Nations, of the Holy Scriptures as<br />

the supreme rule, and of the true<br />

Christian religion; and we will continue<br />

to refuse to incorporate by any<br />

act, with the political body, until<br />

this blessed reformation has bsen seemed."<br />

We are persuaded that in<br />

ttese days of many and important Reforms,<br />

the dishonor done to "our Lord<br />

and His Christ'' by the Nation itself<br />

E D I T O R I A L P A G E<br />

JOHN W. PRITCHARD, Editor.<br />

Into our fellowship here on earth."<br />

These afPimations seem to us a bit<br />

too sweeiping. They can lead only tj<br />

one conclusion, and that is to bread<br />

churchitm cf the broadest guage.<br />

However plausible these utterances<br />

sound, however full of the spirit of<br />

'Cliristian brotherliness and charity,<br />

thcy p.oceed upon falee assumptions.<br />

One of these is, that those who maintain<br />

a separate ecclesiastical existence<br />

do so out of a sense of tlieir own<br />

superior holiness, as though they<br />

counted others unworthy to associate<br />

(We like tho old term.) We take the<br />

following editorial from the Cbristian<br />

Instructor of November IStli:<br />

"No denomination can afford io<br />

make the door of membership narrower<br />

than is the gate of heaven. Men<br />

whose faith in and devotion to Christ<br />

cannot be doubted, may be unwilling<br />

to give their assent to our Testimony,<br />

and where is the Session who would<br />

dare say. You may be good enough lo<br />

get into heaven, but you are not good<br />

enough to be a United Presbyterian?<br />

There is no justification for refusing<br />

to take into our fellowship here on<br />

earth those with whom we shall rejoice<br />

to associate in heaven."<br />

These words from the heart of a<br />

leading editorial in last week's United<br />

Presbyterian seem to breathe the<br />

'Come." How eould any session or denomination<br />

justify itself in excluding<br />

from membership any whom our Lord<br />

would receive into everlasting habita<br />

tions? , ,<br />

These statements occur in th;<br />

midst of a plea for the union of<br />

Churches, especially of those which<br />

are held apart by seemingly "small<br />

differences." The special plea is for<br />

tte union of "sister Presbytenan<br />

Churches." The argument seems to<br />

be, Christ will admit to His kingdom<br />

in heaven all sincere believers in<br />

these sister churches; therefore we<br />

should unite with them in <strong>org</strong>anic<br />

church fellowship in His kingdom<br />

here below. But why stop with "sister<br />

Presbyterian Churches?" Will not<br />

our Lord receive into His kingdom in<br />

with them. The question of personal<br />

\'(orthine£s does not enter into<br />

their course of action. Those who<br />

bear rule in the hou.e of God must<br />

have regard to the truth ol its teachings<br />

and the purity of its administra­<br />

forth to tne world the great plan of<br />

salvation in its purity and simplicity,<br />

and that it might declare to the world<br />

the kind of lives that reflect honor<br />

upon its great King and Head. How<br />

Irng, if a Church is indifferent as to<br />

the b3liefs and practicES of tho.^e<br />

whcm it receives into membership,<br />

will it have any power in winning the<br />

unsaved to Christ?<br />


ING.<br />

A short time ago there occurred in<br />

this city) the failure of Hollins &<br />

the unwisdom of not heeding it, were<br />

not long since immovably flxed in our<br />

minds.<br />

Now as to investment advertising,<br />

the largest religious papers still accept<br />

it. The largest of all of them<br />

Leaps an announcement standing that<br />

they exercise care as to what investment<br />

advertisements they publish but<br />

wil! not be responsible to their subscribers<br />

for any losses, because each<br />

individual can better afford to suffer<br />

his or her own loss, than the paper<br />

can to make good the aggregate<br />

amount of all their losses. Some other<br />

leading religious papers accept<br />

such advertisements discriminatingly<br />

and let it go at that.<br />

For nearly two years our own policy<br />

has been not to accept any investment<br />

advertising at all, however<br />

solvent any enterprise may be at the<br />

time the advertising is offered to us.<br />

The wisdom of this position is justified<br />

by the fact that the advertising<br />

of the New York Real Estate Security<br />

Com.pany, published in other prominent<br />

religious papers, was not accepted<br />

by us. This policy curtails<br />

the paper's advertising receipts<br />

materially, but even so<br />

we expect to win the goal with our<br />

torch burning; and the interests of<br />

our readers are protected.<br />

This notice is not meant to reflect<br />

on the management of other religious<br />

papers. Their relations with their<br />

readers may not be so close as ours<br />

is. This notice is meant rather for<br />

bankers, and investment dealers, and<br />

other readers of The Christian. Nation,<br />

that they may understand our<br />

attitude and our reasons therefor.<br />

We have already noted the attendance<br />

of President Wilson and lesser<br />

officials on Mass in Washington, D.<br />

C., Thanksgiving Day. This was done<br />

in tte face of a protest by Protestant<br />

clergymen against the offlcial at­<br />

•Co., bankers and brokers, and financial<br />

agents for the Mexican government.<br />

Their assets were nominal and about the annual Pan-American<br />

mosphere they cjntend is thrown<br />

heaven all sincere believers who are<br />

found in Methodist, and Baptist, and<br />

Thanksgiving mass in St. Patrick's<br />

Lutheran, and Episcopal, and Reformed<br />

churches? Must we not go farthlars.<br />

The failure is attributed to President, cabinet, justices, the dip­<br />

their liabilities several million dol­<br />

Church, generally attended by the<br />

will remain our chief concern in our<br />

Testimony, making clear the duty of er and admit that He will receive into<br />

His heavenly kingdom all who<br />

Mexican complications, due to the lomatic corps and other dignitaries.<br />

Dissent.<br />

well knowrt conditions in that unhappy<br />

country. A week or so later the tion to attend this year and did at­<br />

President Wilson accepted an invita­<br />

truly believe in Him, though they be<br />

WITNESSING FOR THE TRUTH. found in unevangelical or Rorrfish<br />

tend. Rev. R. H. McKim, former president<br />

of the Episcopal house of depu­<br />

The United Presbyterian Church •churches? For who can deny that, New York| Real Estate Security Company<br />

went into a receiver's hands. This ties, is author of a resolution adopted<br />

has a Testimony. It embodies declarations<br />

for an inspired Pdalmo3y, such <strong>org</strong>anizations, and however company owned and occupied one of by the Episcopal, Lutheran, Baptist<br />

notwithstanding the corruptness of<br />

and for an Open Life. It sets forth greatly they pervert the simple Gospel,<br />

there have been and are within<br />

the finest offlce buildings on lower and Disciples of Christ clergy, and<br />

Restricted Communion.<br />

Broadway, and among their bondholders<br />

are some of the best known<br />

whlcIi 'protests "against the attempt<br />

The Seattle Assembly accepted the their pale many who truly love our<br />

invitation for 1913 to Atlanta (whe.e Lord Jesus, and whom He will welcome<br />

into His everlasting glory? But business men in New York. Their<br />

to convert our national Thanksgiving<br />

Day into a Roman Catholic festival<br />

in a service entirely out of har­<br />

there is no church building of their<br />

own), so as to gather with the Northern<br />

and Southern Presbyterian As­<br />

to take into our fellowship here 000. Their embarrassment is charged the day," and "for the purpose of<br />

"there is no justification for refusing liabilities are reported to be $25,000,- mony with the spirit and purpose of<br />

semblies. The Committee arranged on earth those with whom we shall<br />

to the recent, almost unprecendented glorifying the Roman Catholic<br />

for a joint Communion, carried out in rejoice to associate in heaven." Ergo,<br />

great enthusiasm. Now comes the let us tear down all lines of distinction<br />

between Presbyterianism, Pretate.<br />

These incidents demonstrate<br />

falling off in quick values of real es­<br />

Church and giving this service an official<br />

characterization it does not and<br />

•foice Of the people over the 'proposed<br />

cannot possess."<br />

Basis of Union between this Churcb lacy or Popery, and merge into one again the certain presence of the element<br />

of speculation and chance, in A genuine sensation of interest to<br />

and the Southern Church. The considerations<br />

are much as we had set any way bear the name of our Lord some measure, in every investment us all occurred in Philadelphia, last<br />

great cosmopolitan body all who in<br />

liefore us in 1890, also before and Jesus, for they all have in them those<br />

week. It is well known that between<br />

enterprise. There are things to be regretted<br />

in all lives, and our regret is<br />

after that date, in various forms. The with whom we shall rejoice to associate<br />

in heaven, and there is "no<br />

1788 and 1791, Robert Burns prepared<br />

question is not new. Sliall the Church<br />

some manuscript volumes, as be intended<br />

they finally should go to resile or not from her Testimony? justification for refusing to take them that the knowledge of this fact, and<br />


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