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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 3, 1913.<br />

ing of Synod; and every evenin.a; the Crown and covenant." It was a joyful<br />

occasion, and many hearts were<br />

weeli of communion. And when we<br />

entered the Church on Thursday evening,<br />

they were still "continui.ig with had remembered them, and given<br />

fllled with gratitude to God, that He<br />

one accord In prayer and supplcvtion<br />

with the women." I thought of and great discouraseinent. And now<br />

them a reviving in their time of tiial<br />

Pentecost, when "they were all with the members on Patterson Hei,£;hts,<br />

one accord in one place," and how and those down in the city, have<br />

$ I 50 All Ribbon Trimmed<br />

also to the missionaries settled theie,<br />

* Postpaid *'•" ' FeltJuJiets<br />

contains some very interesting a.id<br />

Choice of black, wine, red,<br />

piofltab'e reading for people in the<br />

hiown and dark fircy. Made<br />

heme land. After an introdction addressed<br />

to the Chinese government<br />

nbbon trimmed, medium<br />

if aii wool felt, satin<br />

could it be otherwise than the presence<br />

of the Spirit? We may have company of horses in Pharaoh's<br />

begun to move on together "like a<br />

fc/MLAU<br />

Widths D, E, and I<br />

and people, and a summary of the<br />

height, leather heel,<br />

felt something like what Peter did on<br />

onlypractical presen<br />

chariots," The communion was in­teachindeed an uplift to the congregation. ject of government, it takes up the<br />

pa: lole. Sizes 2^ to ti.<br />

of the Scripture on the sub­<br />

'"ible belting leather<br />

tlie Mount. "It is good for us to b?<br />

exemph'hed in thes<br />

here." It was a great preparation for<br />

We<br />

There was the addition of one to subject of our Constitution and government<br />

and shows where we have<br />

FREE<br />

guarantee<br />


to L 1 lie worthy spirit of giving<br />

a Communion Sabbath, and it was a the membership, and sixty-seven ('67)<br />

today.<br />

ts at C hnstmas time is amply<br />

Sabbath of the Lord long to be re-membermemtered. The pastor, through the table. Five were detained by sick­<br />

sat down at the communion made a great mistake in which the<br />

THE f - SIMON SHOE, pretty 1589 house Broadway. slippers, Brooklyn. N.Y<br />

perfectly or exchange for a new<br />

people of China should not follow us. ''oxford<br />

p:eaching of the Word, "brought us ness, and ten were out of the city;<br />

ir at any time. bibles'^<br />

One of these "Messages" should be THE PYRAMID<br />

up and made us sit together in heavenly<br />

places In Christ."<br />

and measurement<br />

of jp;-Handsome<br />


Ezwear styles<br />

eiglity-two (82) in all. It was indeed, lr_ every Covenanter home. A sufLcier.t<br />

number of copies to provide one<br />

Took 300 years lo buijd.<br />

blanks. •L'";T BIBLE Write<br />

a time of refreshing from the presence<br />

of the Lord, and their young lor each family in every congregation SCMOLA'- ^iiili'lipf^ppii<br />

The banner of truth in the Geneva<br />

OXFORD THEM—i: C'3L'<br />

WORLD<br />

Congregation is held in strong hands.<br />

IXFORD<br />

pastor, in t'his, his flrst communion, may be secured by addressing W. J. BIBLE<br />

and Brother Slater never permits it<br />

TRATED<br />

proved himself "a workman that Coleman, 1205 Boyle street, N. S. Pittsburg,<br />

Pa. It is very neatly put up in<br />

OXFORf<br />

to trail in the dust. And they that<br />


needeth not to be ashamed."<br />

are with him are called and chosen I must express my sincere thanks<br />

BEFERE<br />

RED LE''<br />

_ IBII<br />

a red cover, the color most favored in BIBLE<br />

and faithful. On this occasion there and gratitude to both congregations<br />

BIBLE<br />


China, is well printed in good type.<br />

was an accession of twelve (12) to<br />

OXFORD<br />


for their friendship, and kind hospitality<br />

while among them. Earnestly 01 a number of copies.<br />

A postal card will bring you a copy,<br />

the membership. This surely should<br />

TEACHE<br />


encourage and 'cheer the heart of a<br />

6IBLE<br />

desiring that you all may en,ioy grace,<br />

OXFOBO<br />

BIBLE<br />

faithful pastor. Hold on your way. mercy and peace from God our<br />

REFERE<br />

And may Geneva, under the leaderstiip<br />

of Brother Slater, "grow as the Christ, and that both congregations, SOME CHRISTMAS GIFT.<br />


Father, and from the Lord Jesus<br />

BIBLE<br />

OXFORC<br />

INTERLtM<br />

lily, and cast forth her roots as under their respective pastors, may Really, about the most Christmasy<br />

OXFORD<br />

BIBLE<br />

Lebanon." IVTay her "branches spread,<br />

DXFOBr<<br />

)E MARGIN<br />

"flourish Uke the palm tree, and grow Christmas gift that one can give a<br />

and her beauty be as the olive tree,<br />

FAMILY,<br />

BIBLE<br />

like the Cedar," I lay aside my pen. friend if a pair of Felt Juliets for<br />

and her smell as Lebanon."<br />

BIBLE<br />

P. P. BOYD. housewear. They are the most beauti<br />

Tul and useful and comfortable and T?ji<br />

My second visit was to assist, on<br />

the Srd Sabbath, November IGth, my<br />

enduring house snoe in the world.<br />

young nephew, iRev. J. Boyd T-weed, DENISON, KANSAS.<br />

In some bright color, ribbon-trimmed,<br />

who was ordained and installed over A commission of Kansas Presbytery,<br />

consisting of Rev. J. M. Wylie or woman. And the manufacturer<br />

they will delight the heart of any girl<br />

First Feaver Falls Congregation on<br />

October 28th, 1913. The session of and Elder Cathcart of Kansas City, guarantees a fit or will exchange<br />

this congregation had kindly let me Rev. D. H. Elliott and Elder Dr. Sterrett<br />

of Winchester, and Elder W. R.<br />

them at any time. Address the F.<br />

take him from them the first sabbath<br />

Simon Shoe Co., 589 Broadway, New<br />

after his ordination and installation,<br />

York, and mention the Christian Nation.<br />

to assist me at Brookland on November<br />

1st Sabbath. Here he did excelson<br />

Reformed Presbyterian Church,<br />

Turner of Denison, met in the Denilent<br />

service, and my people were November 18, and installed Rev.<br />

greatly pleased and delighted with Elmer R ssell pastor of that congregation.<br />

The^ people are happy in<br />

his preaching, and as his session had<br />

done me a great favor, by their kind<br />

once more having a settled pastor.<br />

UuN^fis°s!<br />

invitation, and that of their pastor I<br />

uent to his assistance on the 16th.<br />

The United Presbyterians and<br />

'mtm^]<br />

I need scarcely say it was a great Covenanters will unite for Thanksgiving<br />

service, which will be held in the<br />

pleasure to have him assist me, and<br />

I to assist him.<br />

Covenanter Church and conducted<br />

I found the people of First Beaver<br />

by the pastor.<br />

Palls greatly delighted, that their<br />

Charlie McCrory, after spending the<br />

"eyes again beheld their teacher," after<br />

being "as sheep without a shepherd"<br />

for more than two years. Notiting<br />

home<br />

summer at Sterling, Kansas, is vis­<br />

folks.<br />

withstanding this interval, they have<br />

held together wonderfully well. And<br />

now, with a young, devoted minister<br />

in the person of Rev. J, Boyd Tweed,<br />

who has come to them, "in the fullness<br />

of the blessing of the gospel of<br />

Christ," and whose "speech and<br />

preaching ig not in the enticing<br />

words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration<br />

of the Spirit and of power,"<br />

they have rallied, and have raised<br />

again the banner of truth Inscribed<br />

with its ancient motto, "For Christ's<br />

T h e K<br />

Docton know but about Jiseaiet and ihtir<br />

I'eatment, Consult your own dodor freely<br />

md follow Mt adoiee elotely. i°-^fi^\°^:<br />

A FAMILY<br />

Mr. Samuel Reid has been making<br />

a visit with his sons at Carbondale<br />

and Emporia.<br />

Mrs. W. R. Turner has returned<br />

fiom a visit at Blanchard, Iowa, having<br />

accompanied Mr. Turner when he<br />

went to Presbytery.<br />

Raymond and Edna Knowles have<br />

entered school at Campbell University<br />

in Holton. Miss Anna Brown accompanied<br />

them and keeps house for<br />

them.<br />

Nerves must be fed with pure, rich<br />

Z> J»y ^/? Q blood, t>r there will be trouble. Poorly<br />

w / C / ^ O fed nerves are weak nerves; and weak<br />

nerves mean nervousness, neuralgia,<br />

headaches, debility. For treatment—<br />

Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been used for<br />

sixty years. Entirely free from alcoho!.<br />

PAPER,<br />


The "Message to China," prepared<br />

by the Rev. W. J. McKnight and sent<br />

to the offi.cials of that country and<br />

16<br />

Sensible Christinas Gifts<br />

Be Eg Both Useful and Handsome<br />

They're Enjoyed by Critical Women<br />

The Pyramids of the Ancients were the tombs of king-.<br />

This Pyramid of Modern Timesis an evolution toward<br />

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When you buy a Bible look for the .Jarne " Oxford."<br />

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American Branch, 35 West 32ncl Street, New York<br />

^ ^ m ^ ^ & .<br />

•fQ Tl^p eiditors and publishei' of the :RelDufc;Jt-Series of, Quarterlies have ever<br />

Mitedirr striving toi'mgke this series unexfe^^^ ,<br />

^•^ The entire series is^|edited on"a and graded plan, and<br />

commencing .vvith the \smallest child moves steadily:fbrwaird up-to the most<br />

studio,us°adtilt..,each ;Qijarterly being closely adapted to suit the specific needs<br />

•.6i^iAs''e;fade.'.'''''r'-'-^'-'-[y::..:V-.e:ie''--iiieK''r:^-"'\-' - ':-..•-' *" '<br />

1 |;^X/e also publirfi a series bf TEACHER'S ^QUARTERLIES, which<br />

• cpntaiiri helpful material for the teacher to use .in preparing the lesson, and<br />

vvvhich have become: indisf>ensabie'during;the past years. . -.<br />

. ^ W.e hsve made these Quarterlies for: Over thirty years, and continue to put<br />

thein before: thejeligious world, feejing confident ihey will, as in years past, be<br />

•iifFaaiteiated by'all (&cterning?^^ f^''^:ffrf''..i'/..'^'--\:iri-:,'ri |.<br />


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