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14 THE CHRISTIAN INATION. Vol. 59.<br />

f\ The J<br />

t o w a r d<br />

S h o e<br />

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Rev. J. G. McElhinney, assisted by<br />

Rev. Owen F. Thompson, held comniunion<br />

services here on November<br />

'Jth. Mr. McElhinney aLo preached<br />

November IGth, morning and evening.<br />

Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Aikin and children<br />

are visiting home-folks in<br />

Olathe. Mr. Aikin occupied the pulpit<br />

on November 23rd.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson are visiting<br />

friends in Winchester.<br />


The Kansas Presbytery at their fall<br />

meeting took us under their care as<br />

a mission station and granted us the<br />

privilege of holding a communion, appointing<br />

our stated supply, Rev. W.<br />

S. Fulton, to conduct the services. AVe<br />

have just celebrated the Lord's Sup<br />

per (Xov. 10 and had a very pleasant<br />

and we tnjst, iToHtablf? commuir<br />

ion season. There -were twelve communicants.<br />

We held our firstpreparatory<br />

meeting on Wednesday evening<br />

with services on Friday and Saturday.<br />

The Sacrament was administered Sabbath<br />

morning and a thanksgiving service<br />

held in the evening. We had the<br />

most delightful -weather. The ordinance<br />

of baptism was administered to<br />

three children, Laura Geniveve Lynn,<br />

Iilartha Lucelle Huston, Margiet<br />

Irene Huston.<br />

Mr. Fulton expects to go to Kansas<br />

to preach a few Sabbaths returning<br />

to us the last of next month. Tte<br />

prospects in this part of the country<br />

are very flattering. There are flve<br />

new brick buildings in process of construction<br />

and we are to have a large<br />

three-story brick hotel. The work on<br />

our brick high school building is to<br />

commence soon. Anyone wishing to<br />

learn more of the climate and prospects<br />

here, can correspond with Rev.<br />

W. S. Fulton or J. J. Thompson, Robstown,<br />

Texas.<br />

FULLERTON-OYLER WEDDING rejoice to feel that God has given us<br />

On Wednesday, October 22, at the and you who are contributing, a work<br />

home of the brde's mother, Mrs. to do in his great plan. We need<br />

Jane Fullerton northeast of Eskridge, hard work at this end, but most of<br />

Kansas, occurred the marriage of all we need your prayers at that end.<br />

Miss Edith Fullerton to Mr. Oscar With a grateful heart I wish to<br />

Oyler, of Lyndon, Kansas. The ceremony<br />

was performed by the Rev. W. f ij work, whether by labor, money,<br />

thank all those who have helped in<br />

A. Aikin, pastor of the bride. influence or prayer.<br />

At 7 o'clock Miss Ethel Elliot played<br />

Mendelssohn's wedding march, STEWART G. THOMPSON,<br />

Sincerely yours,<br />

and the bride and groom, attended by<br />

Superintendent.<br />

Miss Ethel Fullerton, sister of the<br />

bride, and Mr. Philip Oyler, a brother<br />


of the groom, took their places beneath<br />

an arch of cedar and chrysan­<br />

city are not only earnestly endeavor­<br />

Reformed Presbyterians in this<br />

themums, where the marriage ceremony<br />

was performed.<br />

tent and stretch forth the curtains<br />

ing to "enlarge the place of their<br />

The bride was dressed in white embroidered<br />

voile, and carried bride's cords, and strengthen their stakes.'<br />

of their habitations; to lengthen their<br />

roses and ferns. The bridesmaid was but they are actually doing so. Ee<br />

dressed in pink.<br />

cently we had the pleasure ot assisting<br />

at two communions there, and<br />

Only the immediate relatives and<br />

frieids were present. Guests from a were greatly pleased with what we<br />

distance werc-,;-'Miss Nora Oyler and saw and heard.<br />

Philip Oyler of Lyndon; Mrs. Curtis Com.munion Sabbath was on October<br />

13th in the R. P. Congregation of<br />

and Lem Curtis of Dunlap, Kan.; Mrs.<br />

Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Fullerton<br />

and children of Marissa, 111., ai.t We had received a very kind invi­<br />

Geieva.<br />

Miss Eller of Indiana.<br />

tation, both from the pastor. Rev. J. C.<br />

The usual gifts of china, linen, and<br />

silver were in evidence, also an unusual<br />

but very useful gift, a flne Je--<br />

sey cow. Their many friends wish<br />

the young couple a long and happy<br />

m.arried life.<br />


(Concluded from last week.}<br />

The Quarterly Entertainment or social<br />

has been kept up and we e>pect<br />

to have a special treat in the way of<br />

illustrated lectures by Dr. Guild and<br />

Rev. Gates, in addition to other plans<br />

for week nights.<br />

The Sabbath School meets at 3.30<br />

p. m. In addition to the Sabbath<br />

School, we try to have service every<br />

Sabbath, either at night, or following<br />

the class work. We have had all the<br />

ministers out except two, who have<br />

been here as supplies. The sermons<br />

by these men, and talks, have been<br />

very helpful, Rev, A, I, Robb gave<br />

us a strong sermon Sabbath night<br />

and Rev. Isaiah Faris will go out next<br />

Sabbath night.<br />

AVe have seven teachers and they<br />

certainly are doing fine work. I cannot<br />

say anything in the way of praise<br />

that is too good for them. They are,<br />

with few exceptions, always on tim^o<br />

and in their places no matter how<br />

hot or bad the day. Mr. J. AV. Carson<br />

has charge of the Bible Class; Miss<br />

Elma Holmes the Intermediates; Mr.<br />

T. G. McClintock and Miss Mabel<br />

Holmes the Juniors; Miss Mary Lyons<br />

and Mr. R. McAllister the Primary<br />

Department; Mrs. J. E. McKelvy the<br />

Beginners, and Mr. J. E. McKelvy the<br />

Home Department. AVe are grateful<br />

to several generous hearted folks -who<br />

have helped as substitutes.<br />

iSometimes the work seems heavy<br />

to those who carry the load, but<br />

when we stop to think what an opportunity<br />

there is and what it means to<br />

open the Bible week after week to<br />

many who never have it any other<br />

time, it looks quite different and we<br />

Slater, and his session to assist on<br />

this occasion, which invitation we accepted<br />

with pleasure, and as Mrs.<br />

Boyd was included in the invitation,<br />

she accompanied me that she might<br />

be to me "as eyes to the blind."<br />

The Geneva Congregation is spiritually<br />

alive, and no marvel, for they<br />

had been holding prayer meetings every<br />

Saturday evening since the meetstate<br />

of Ohio, city of Toledo, I<br />

Lucat; County, ^ ss.<br />

Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is<br />

Si'-nior partner of the firmof F. J. Cheney &<br />

Co., doinff bnsiness in the City of Toledo,<br />

County and .State aforesaid, and that said firm<br />

will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL-<br />

L.^RS Jor each and eyery case of Catarrh<br />

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