S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 3, 1913.<br />


*»*Mrs. Elizabeth A. Dague, a charter<br />

member ol the Topeka congregation,<br />

died at the home of her daughter<br />

Mrs. Torrens, Tuesday, November<br />

18th<br />

The immediate cause of her<br />

was apoplexy.<br />

family were home, Covenanter friends<br />

***The Rev. Frank E, Allen leaves<br />

were invited in, even Miss Margaret<br />

Winnipeg, where he has been doing Greer's school came to see (and hear)<br />

very successful work, at the end of the travelers, and all were happy.<br />

November. The Rev. James G. McEl-<br />

Maney has declined an appointm^-nt<br />

from the Central Board to take up the<br />

work in the same field.<br />

A FAMILY PAPER, 13<br />

***Any person desiring to have a.picture<br />

of Mrs. Carithers for framing,<br />

will please send word to this office.<br />

If there are a sufficient number to<br />

warrant it, the portrait appearing on<br />

our first page will be used in prepar­<br />

York City, on this Wednesday evening,<br />

December Srd. Ng Poon -Chew,<br />

not ns represented I will refundyour[i<br />

GEO. C. BUNGAV, in l)li»p,k, 2« brown 5. andgrRjuilxturo. William St.. Ii<br />

***Dr. A. I. Robb preached in the<br />

known as "The Mark Twain of<br />

59c. and You Cnn K'^fp the<br />

China," is to give his lecture entitled GIFTS Hal. YOUR Sent postpaid FRIENDS<br />

SQC.<br />

AUegteny Church Sabbath morn'ng,<br />

ing a picture, on heavy portrait paper,<br />

suited for the purpose,a.t a price lecture is free, and there will be no<br />

"Christianity in the New China." The<br />

Free Ciilalog.<br />


November 23rd, in the Pittsburgh<br />

New Y'ori;<br />

Cliurch in the afternoon, and in the not exceeding twenty-five cents each, public collection. This man was Dainty embroiderv novelties made 'with your<br />

Wilkinsburgh Church in the evening. securely mailed, and postpaid. counted by many as the most popular own hands. For fifteencents-vve will send you<br />

speaker at the late Portland Conference.<br />

to The press notices from all over<br />

designs for 22-inch center-piece tor punchwork,<br />

Great interest was awakened by his<br />

presentation of the work in China.<br />

-•i^--f*]V[y attention has been called<br />

sheet o{ ten flower sprays, and entire alphabet<br />

the fact that in the comment on the the country show that he is a very<br />

of script initials, with large illustrated book of<br />

designs and instructions. For thirty cents we<br />

***For the beautiful tribute to the Y. P. topic in the October 15th number,<br />

the words "Sunday School" oc­ton periodical, "The Human Life," •<br />

able and attractive speaker. A Bos­<br />

will send the above and also a handsome design<br />

late Miss Anna Coleman written by<br />

for one of the new vanity bags all stamped on<br />

cur. A little betore in the same paragraph<br />

the words "Sabbath School" al­<br />

statesman, philospher and humorist,<br />

says: "Ng Poon Chew, Chinese editor,<br />

Jennie B. Kennedy to "Go or Send,"<br />

dainty linen BOOK ready to embroider. OF PRAYERS<br />

Dept. T-12, Kaumagraph Complete Manual Co., 209 of W. several 38th St.,New hundred York<br />

tlie Missionary Magazine, published by so occur. I suppose the printer followed<br />

habit in one case and copy in and won the title of the 'most bril­<br />

has arisen above all barriers of race,<br />

tlie Rev. A. C. Gregg at Edinburgh,<br />

Scotland, we are indebted to t'ae the other. I do not suppose that my<br />

liant Chinaman in America.' "<br />

thoughtful kindness of the Rev. R.<br />

J. D5dds.<br />

diel on Wednesday morning, November<br />

2G, at 8 o'clock, aged 72 years.<br />

Services were held at the family residenc3,<br />

507 Decatur street, Brooklyn,<br />

on Fiiday evening. A suitable notice<br />

I'll! be given in a late issue.<br />

""'"'Sadie McKemey was born near<br />

Winchester, Kansas, Aug. 20, 1888, and<br />

died November 22, 1913. She was<br />

married to H. T. O'Neil January 1,<br />

1908. She was an earnest worker in<br />

B l o o d<br />

Is a poisonous and dangerous<br />

thing. It affects every <strong>org</strong>an and<br />

function and brings about that<br />

low condition tliat predisposes to<br />

most diseases and ailments.<br />


. feots It, and mattes pure blood.<br />

the Winchester congregation. She the children and clothing and two<br />

was a patient sufferer for more than quilts. There was a good deal of interest<br />

shown by thero as they saw the<br />

a year. "He shall sit as a refiner and<br />

purifier of silver."<br />

box packed and concern about the<br />

way the things would be received by<br />

**"*Xoveinber 18-20, the Rev. S. E. the children of the Southern Mission.<br />

Greer visited the family home in Hopkinton<br />

(Iowa) congregation, to relate taken out to the dining room and<br />

After the box was packed they weie<br />

their experiences abroad, also going served with a lunch of fruit, pie and<br />

and coming. Other members of the cake. The society is in a prosperous<br />

habit changed while I was writing a<br />

few lines.—Geo. S. Coleman.<br />

'**'*Ng Poon Chew, the celebrated ***j^ Young People's branch of the<br />

York to begin National Reform Work.<br />

Chinaman, spoke to a crowded house W. C. T. U. was <strong>org</strong>anized at W. C.<br />

This is the third series of meetings<br />

T. U. Headquarters, Brooklyn, on<br />

in our Winchester, Kansas, Church on<br />

within the bounds of certain Presbyteries<br />

within a period of two years.<br />

Monday evening, November 24. IMiss<br />

Nov, 3, 1913. His subject was "The Flora H. Wallace, daughter of Rev. S.<br />

Chinese Republic and Its Problems."<br />

These Presbyteries are of the United<br />

R. Wallace, was made vice-president,<br />

Presbyterian Synod, and almost aT<br />

The congregation bore the expense and Miss May I. Agnew, also a member<br />

of our (Brooklyn Church, is treas­<br />

the congregations belonging to the<br />

and made tae lecture free to the<br />

same have been reached. We append<br />

public.<br />

urer. The president is Miss Harriet<br />

the following, coming from the pastor<br />

of the church at Greenwich, Wash­<br />

Bethel, the recording secretary. Miss<br />

Hughes, and corresponding secretary.<br />

**'*.\Ir. Samuel Carmichael, elder in<br />

ington County, New York: "Mr. Dill<br />

Miss May Smith. There are a goodly<br />

the Brooklyn, N. Y., congregation,<br />

made three addresses in this church<br />

on Sabbath, November 16th, which we<br />

number of Covenanters in the membership.<br />

heard with great interest and profit. Isthebest. All grocers sell ll. U(JUl Ul<br />

In use for fifty yeirs is proof th«t it O nnt (\ p<br />

We endorse very heartily the work 1< ree Samvles Mailed «, .<br />

***The installation of Rev. Elmer Mr. Dill is doing; and our earnest ADAn PFRonn & CO otreaK<br />

Wholasale DraggUts<br />

Russell over the Denison congregation<br />

took place November 18, 1913 out her ranks, may hear him and<br />

prayer is that our Church, through­<br />

, Clothes<br />

233 North Second St., PhlladelphI<br />

The Commission appointed by Presbytery<br />

consisted ol D. H. Elliott and J. cial evils."—Benjamin H. Somers. BIjHNDED in OTJR O'WN WAKEHOUSE,<br />

endorse his plan of action against so­<br />

M. Wylie, ministers, and W. R-<br />

Belfast, Ireland,<br />

Turner, R. J. Cathcart, and D. R. ***In recording the death of Mrs. ABSOLUTELY "TC k DOUBLE<br />

Sterett,' Elders. The installation serm.on<br />

was preached by the Moderator, ciety of the White Lake (N. Y.)<br />

lib., 60c. 1-3 lb., SOc.<br />

Margaret Tacey, the Ladies' Aid So­<br />


Rev. D. H. Elliott, and Rev. J. M. Church of the Covenanters would<br />

Also special 10c. packages.<br />

Wylie addressed both pastor and people,<br />

the elders of the commission also<br />

Oiinruiiteed better tliun »ny One l>ollflr Tea<br />

make mention of her worth, .i^. true Sent postpaid on receipt of price.<br />

making brief addresses. Dr. Wylie<br />

One Price. One Quality. Sample Free<br />

led in the in.stallation prayer. Mr.<br />

Belfast Tea Co.. 115 J'ranklin St., N. T.<br />

Russell begins his work with a united<br />

people behind<br />

Clerk.<br />

him.—D. R. Sterrett,<br />

***The Junior Society of- Tabor<br />

(Kansas) congregation, met Saturday,<br />

November 17, at the home of Uis. T.<br />

K. Tippin, the leader ot the band, and<br />

packed a box to send to the Southern<br />

Mission. The box was the result<br />

of part of the work of the society for<br />

some time past. It included papers<br />

and cards and picture books made by<br />

condition and the meetings are well<br />

attended and interesting.<br />

***3y a^ special arrangement there<br />

is to be a lecture of rare interest in<br />

the Second Reformed Presbyterian<br />

Church, 308 West 122nd street. New<br />

*'*''About two weeks ago mention<br />

was made in a star note that J. R.<br />

Dill had, gone into northern iNew<br />

friend, a loyal sister, a faithful wife,<br />

a capable and loving parent, she is<br />

sorely missed by her large circle of<br />

friends and relatives. Her life was<br />

wholesome, her faith genuine. Our<br />

sympathy goes out to her husband,<br />

who in loneliness lingers awhile, ere<br />

he too enters the mansions prepared.<br />

Signed, Jennie N. Fraser, Pres., Alice<br />

Millen, Sec.<br />

BOOKS—Largest stock of Second Hand<br />

Theological Bootes in America. Over 60,000<br />

volumes on hand. Catalogues free. Libraries<br />

and collections of Books bought or exohan.ged<br />


132 E. 23d Street, New York.<br />

The Reformed Presbyterian Chnrch<br />

having no publishing house of its own, lU<br />

members are advised to send their order* for<br />

Catechisms, Lesson Helps, Church and Sailbath<br />

School Supplies of every description to<br />

I<br />

^^is;;;;;;;;;^ Cbe Presbpterian rubHcatiOn Boardof „raaT.fiu<br />

Bldg., Philadelphia<br />

Depositories<br />

_ octoJjoutfeltsfjti*^<br />

Most comfortable, serviceable and stylish hat<br />

for dress or h\isu\t

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