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10 THE CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. 59.<br />

nessee, expressing appreciation of his work for<br />

prohibition in his State.<br />

Many of the foreign representatives were present<br />

throughout the Convention, and made splendid<br />

addresses. Lady Aurea Howard, the gentle<br />

and lovely daughter of the Countess of Carlisle,<br />

who won all hearts by her simple, friendly and<br />

unassuming manner, and like the other foreign<br />

visitors, by her intense interest and willing participation<br />

in the proceedings; Lady Holder, President<br />

of Australia; Baroness De Lavelaye, of Bel<br />

glum, who had to leave the second day to continue<br />

her trip around the world; -Miss Agnes<br />

Slack, Honorable Secretary of the World's Union;<br />

Mrs. Randolph Clarkson, Corresponding Secretary<br />

of Great Britain; Miss Margaret Thorne, Secretary<br />

of Y. P. B.; Mrs. C. D. Johnson, Recording<br />

Secretary of the British W. T. A.; Miss Amy<br />

Swankie-Cameron, of London, General Secretary<br />

of the World's Y. P. B.; Miss Bus-ch, of Porto<br />

Rico; Miss Solomon, South Africa; Mrs. Anderson<br />

Hughes-Drew, :New Zealand; Mrs. Ottoson, Denmark;<br />

Mrs Carting, Sweden, and some from<br />

Canada.<br />

Saturday evening was given over to the Young<br />

People's Branch and Loyal Temperance Legions<br />

and was delightfully planned and carried out under<br />

the leadership of the department secretaries.<br />

It was a demonstration of all the departments of<br />

work carried on by the young people. Miss Scoville<br />

had charge of the college work and by college<br />

methods demonstrated that part. The IMissionary<br />

part demonstrated the work 'carried on<br />

by aid of the Missionary fund. The educational<br />

division showed by drills, etc., and by department<br />

exhibitions just what they are really doing. The<br />

songs were particularly delightful. Eight little<br />

girls dressed in costume and wearing "Young<br />

Crusader Bonnets" was a most unique feature.<br />

Altogether the Young People and L. T. L. showed<br />

that they are active workers and enjoy it.<br />

One of the harrowing things brought belore the<br />

convention, was a plea from Mrs. Caroline B.<br />

Buell, President of Connecticut W. C. T. U., that<br />

we urge upon the Governor of Connecticut a further<br />

consideration of the case of Mrs. Wakefield,<br />

condemned to be executed for murder. Mrs.<br />

Buell said that there were many extenuating<br />

points in the case, one such being that the woman<br />

was not proven guilty of actual murder, and<br />

she hoped that the Governor would see his way<br />

-clear to spare her life, but punish her some other<br />

way if he believed the evidence proved her in any<br />

way guilty. A petition to that effect was unanimously<br />

agreed upon to be forwarded to the Governor.<br />

A protest was telegraphed to Washington<br />

against printing in the Congressional Record, the<br />

oration delivered by Charles Xagel, former Secretary<br />

of Commerce and Labor, at the funeral of<br />

Adolphus Busch, the brewer..<br />

Another resolution adopted, approved of the<br />

movement to erect a statue of peace at the entrance<br />

to the Panama Canal "as a lasting memorial<br />

of our desire for friendly relations with all<br />

nations." These were not embodied in the regular<br />

list of resolutions.<br />

On Convention Sabbath, nearly all the pulpits<br />

in Asbury Park, Ocean Grove and nearby towns<br />

were offered morning and evening, and also the<br />

Sabbath Schools, to the W. C. T. U. orators, to<br />

permit them to present to the people the righteousness<br />

of Christian Temperance. Collections<br />

for the -cause were taken up in many of the<br />

churches, which proved the generosity and interest<br />

of the hearers. In the afternoon a meeting<br />

was held at which Rev. Christine Tinllng, formerly<br />

of England, but now of Virginia, preached the<br />

Convention Sermon. Her text was from Isaiah<br />

58:10-11. Her theme was "Others." "Satisfaction<br />

comes only through sacrifices." In the evening.<br />

Rev. Dr. AV. L. Pickard, of Ge<strong>org</strong>ia, and Mr,.<br />

Katherine Lente Stevenson, of Massacnusetts, delivered<br />

magniflcent addresses. Mrs. Stevenson's<br />

topic was "License raised to its highest power."<br />

Dr. Pickard's address was on "The Destru;'tion of<br />

the Great Dragon."<br />

Monday morning the leading feature was a<br />

symposium conducted by some of the Xational<br />

Superinte-idents who demonstrated how their departments<br />

are helping to bring Xational Constitutional<br />

Prohibition. In the afternoon the subject<br />

of the symposium conducted by most of the remaining<br />

Superintendents, was "The Relation of<br />

My Department to Society.'' The Superintendents<br />

not heard at that time, gave their parts later in<br />

the convention.<br />

Mrs. Benjamin, Superintendent of Parliamentary<br />

Usage, caught the attention of the audience<br />

by firstdeclaring that her department was really<br />

the most important, for no convention or meeting<br />

of any kind could be carried on without her<br />

department.<br />

The banners and other prizes offered by the<br />

various departments for superior work done in<br />

the different States were somewhat scattered,<br />

but Kansas received so many, that it was proposed<br />

that Kansas 'charter a car to carry home<br />

her trophies. Several other States won many<br />

prizes, but we cannot enumerate them here.<br />

A proflt of $1,392.0] was made during the year<br />

from the Union Signal and Young Crusader.<br />

Tears were in many eyes as Mrs. Peterson<br />

made an impassioned plea for the Colored Race.<br />

Japan was reported 8,000 L. T. L. members.<br />

Indianians reported forming large numbers of W.<br />

C. T. Unions and coming more and more largely<br />

into the <strong>org</strong>anization.<br />

When the resolution committee reported, they<br />

spoke of "following the leadings of the cross."<br />

Mrs. H. H. Ge<strong>org</strong>e, of Pennsylvania, moved and<br />

Harriet S. Pritchard and others seconded an<br />

amendment that "the cross," which is an emblem<br />

of death, be eliminated, and that "Jesus," who is<br />

life itself, be substituted. The committee explained<br />

that the cross was used as in olden times<br />

and that its use nieant the same as "following the<br />

leadings of Christ." The amendment, with this<br />

statement, was not pressed.<br />

The addresses on Monday evenmg were given<br />

by Lady Holder, Miss Agnes Slack, and a representative<br />

from Japan. They were very flne.<br />

On Tuesday afternoon a demonstration was<br />

given by the Franchise States, prepared by Mrs.<br />

Deborah Livingston; but, owing to her absence,<br />

on account of the illness of her little son, it was<br />

managed by Mrs. Lulu L. Shephard, ol Utah, who<br />

did the work in a very attractive way. -'.Mrs. Shephard<br />

read the report of -Mrs. Livingston, who is<br />

Xational Superintendent of Franchise. The flve<br />

states which have lately secured the Franchise<br />

are: Oregon, 1912; Arizona, 1913; Illinois, 1913;<br />

Kansas,19]3 and Alaska, 1913. Add to these<br />

Wyoming, 1SG9; Colorado, 1893; Idaho, 1896;<br />

Utah, 1896; Washington, 1910 and California,<br />

1911 and we have eleven states where women<br />

vote. ,<br />

The states which are near suffrage are ten in<br />

number; Ohio, X. Dakota, Xebraska, Delaware,<br />

West Virginia, Iowa, Xew York, Michigan, Montana<br />

and Pennsylvania. These stales' representatives<br />

all appeared on the platform, decorated in<br />

yellow and white, each telling her story, and<br />

singing their State song. Tissue paper in many<br />

instances served for ribbon, and the beautiful<br />

yellow and white crysanthemums were seen everywhere.<br />

I can only mention a few of these<br />

decorations: The delegates who had voted stretched<br />

a double line across the platform. They all<br />

wore sashes of yellow, the suffrage color. The<br />

Ohio women appeared in yellow dust caps and<br />

aprons, carrying brooms. A placard announced<br />

that "Ohio's politics need our brooms." The delegation<br />

looked as if they were determined to make<br />

a clean sweep. The iNebraska women appeared<br />

in yellow shawls. They carried a card saying,<br />

• Wc prepare the children for the world; we<br />

should prepare the world for the children." West<br />

Virginia, led by Mrs. Lenna Lowe Yost, carried<br />

> ellow umbrellas, signifying that they would keep<br />

the state dry if given the ballot. The Iowa women<br />

carried cardboard swords labeled "votes" and<br />

one of their number carried a shield with the<br />

wording, "Votes for Weapons" instead of the<br />

customary "Votes for Women." They had taken<br />

their cue from the words of President Stevens in<br />

her annual address. The banner of this<br />

delegation was carried by Margaret Ellis<br />

Brown, granddaughter, of Mrs. Margaret<br />

Dye Ellis, who had been most helpful<br />

throughout the convention as a page. Kansas<br />

members we:e decorated with artificial sunflowers<br />

on their breasts. Most of the women wore<br />

yellow sashes across their breasts with the words,<br />

"Votes for Women" upon them. The song of<br />

the Kansas deegation was as follows:<br />

"Now we're counted as men's equals<br />

With no shadow of a doubt.<br />

We will rally to the conflict<br />

With a glad triumphant shout,<br />

And with ballots for our bullets.<br />

We will shoot the traffic out."<br />

A little responsive song, fltted to the Dixie<br />

song, the favorite temperance tune if the extent<br />

to which it has been used may be taken as an<br />

indication, concluded the demonstration. The<br />

voters sang: "We now have woman suffrage, we<br />

have, we have.'' And those who were only "near"<br />

voters sang, "We will vote in the near future."<br />

The answer was, "We'll welcome you right gladly."<br />

There are now 3,000,000 women qualified to<br />

vote.<br />

Mrs. La Mance brought a petition several yards<br />

long signed by residents of Alaska, to be sent to<br />

Washington, asking for prohibition.<br />

The Advance Guard was the title given to the<br />

, Board of Organizers, numbering thirty-eight of<br />

our faithful fleld workers, who individually gave<br />

a small idea of the magnificent work carried torward<br />

in the way of <strong>org</strong>anization.<br />

The evening of Tuesday was a very enjoyable<br />

one, the program being prepared by the presidents<br />

of States that have made a noticeable gain<br />

during the year. As each president in two or<br />

thiee minutes told of the wonderful work done<br />

by her state, and the women surrounding their<br />

president on the platform, sang their state songs,<br />

it was a beautiful and inspiring sight. Nearly all<br />

the states were included.<br />

It was decided to meet next year at Atlanta,<br />

Ga., in Annual Convention.<br />

On Wednesday the reports of standing committees<br />

were given, addresses by National Lecturers,<br />

the report of the Offlcial and Executive<br />

Committees, and the election of Superintendent*<br />

was held. In the evening we listened to an impressive<br />

and thrilling address on "Mothers of<br />

•Men," by Daniel A. Poling, National Superintendent<br />

of Temperance and Christian Citizenship for<br />

the United Society of Christian Endeavor, and to<br />

Mrs. Mary Harris Armor on "A Saloonless Nation<br />

in 1920." The flrst was an exalted theme as viewed<br />

by the speaker; the last subject was intensely<br />

practical and deeply religious. It was then that a<br />

collection of $3,957 was taken up to start the<br />

campaign for National Constitutional Prohibition.<br />

"Victory" was sung in a glorious way by Mrs.<br />

Graham. The whole audience joined hands and<br />

sang "God be with you," united in the Aaronic<br />

benediction, and Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens impressively<br />

declared the Fortieth Annual Convention<br />

of tbe National Woman's Christian Temperance<br />

Union adjourned.

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