S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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December 3, 1913.<br />

A FAMILY<br />

PAPER,<br />


The few weeks yet remaining in the year<br />

may be wisely used iu striking a balance, and<br />

making the way clear for another year. WiU<br />

not each one go into the clearing-house of the<br />

heart, and wipe out every unpaid obligation?<br />

.\ mortgage on the new year, to pay old<br />

debts, will cripple us all the way through.<br />

Let the mqrtgages be burned.<br />

Our offerings to the Lord in His house<br />

ou£;ht, as far as possible, to be presented<br />

week by week. But, however watchful, the<br />

account may be overlooked, or left unbalanced,<br />

till there be a startling deficit. Why<br />

should the deficit be either ignored, or carried<br />

acrqss the line, into a year which will<br />

have requirements that will test the strongest<br />

heart!<br />

The Covenanted Church has accepted great<br />

responsibility of her .Lord in the missionfields.<br />

The gospelizing of three and a quarter<br />

The Guildhall speech of the British Prime<br />

iMinister voiced his contentment with the desionaries;<br />

million people; the support of forty misfacto<br />

Mexican government. How about<br />

the annual offering of $80,000 for Afghanistan and Thibet?<br />

home and foreign missions; how great the<br />

Henry Lane Wilson, the ex-United States<br />

faith needed to grapple the task! Shall the<br />

iMinister to Mexico, was also content with the<br />

service be Tendered unto the Lord, with a<br />

de facto situation, morals aside. The IVorld of<br />

heroic will, and a strong heart? Or shall the<br />

Church become as "a cart," creeking beneath<br />

the load ?<br />

Surely the Lord would not have laid the<br />

work upon our hands, were not w^e fully able<br />

this city said on November 25 :<br />

"Hundreds of people in Washington paid<br />

money to hear Henry Lane Wilson, now a<br />

lecturer, say, as if proclaiming a great dis-'<br />

to go up and possess the land. Let us not<br />

covery: 'The finalresult of the present Mexican<br />

policy will be to involve this country<br />

argue ourselves into a fatal fallacy, by saying<br />

that these obligations have been created<br />

by Synod. The fields have been entered at<br />

in a responsibility for the kind of rule existing<br />

the command of Jesus-—"Go." The work has<br />

in all countries between the Rio Grande<br />

increased On our hands by the law of growth.<br />

Our obligations to follow up the work are<br />

and the canal.' If that is not the President's<br />

precise purpose he has written and spoken<br />

surely of the Lord.<br />

many times in vain. The canal itself is no<br />

What we need, first of all, for a happy<br />

more a fact than the determination of this administration<br />

to safeguard that waterway<br />

clearance on December 31, is a glad<br />

spirit, the heart joyful in the Lord<br />

Jesus, overflowing with praise, glorying<br />

against foreign aggression and domestic disorder.<br />

in the cross of Christ and triumphant in salvation<br />

We may readily admit that this pohcy<br />

wrought by the Lord. Such is the involves a moral idea. But like every other<br />

life of those who live by faith. This is the correct idea, the policy has force behind it<br />

rich life, the strong life, the onward life; the<br />

and it will prevail."<br />

life that crosses rivers, burns bridges, vanquishes<br />

giants, overleaps walls, levels mountains.<br />

Nothing is too hard foir the life of<br />

faith to accomplish; for the Lord is its<br />

strength. Will all our people get rid of every<br />

vestige of pusillanimity before the year<br />

is gone?<br />

Then we need to cherish expectation. At<br />

our last meeting oif Synod, the Holy Spirit<br />

wrought wondrously. We were amazed as<br />

Synod received a baptism of the Spirit and<br />

of fire. Great expectations were created; visions<br />

of the baptism of the Church and her<br />

missions arose in many minds. Have the visions<br />

vanished like a pleasant dream? Surely<br />

not. Will we not prepare during these weeks<br />

fcr the latter rain that will make all our<br />

fields ripen with an unprecedented harvest?<br />

Let u? get r\(\ of om embarrassments, mis-<br />


JOHN W. PRITCHARD, Editor.<br />

givings, unbeliefs and frettiiigs, and prepare<br />

for our best Church year at home and in the<br />

missions.<br />

If the heart of each be deeply conscious of<br />

salvation, singing all day long the praises of<br />

the Lord, and ghirying in the privilege of serving<br />

Jesus Christ, then will giving be a joy,<br />

the giver will become hilarious (hilaros,<br />

(ireck), each call for greater gifts will be<br />

(hailed with delight; the $80,000.00 will be<br />

so easily raised, that it will become a basis<br />

for a larger call. Also, by the outpouring of<br />

the Lloly Spirit we may expect each missionary<br />

to bear fruit manifold above the present<br />

rate.<br />


A Washington, D. C, dispatch of November<br />

27, said: President Wilson, Secretary<br />

Bryan and other Cabinet officers, all the diplomats<br />

from Latin America, Chief Justice<br />

White and Justice McKenna of the Supreme<br />

Court and Senators, Representatives and<br />

other public officials attended the fourth annual<br />

Pan-American Thanksgiving celebration<br />

with its attendant mass at St. Patrick's Church<br />

today. At the luncheon held afterward in<br />

the rectory toasts were drunk to President<br />

Wilson, Secretary Bryan, Ambassador Da<br />

Gama of Brazil and others, and appropriate<br />

responses made. Monsignor Russell, in<br />

toasting Secretary Bryan, said: "When we see<br />

the representative^ pf 167,000,000 peo-ple<br />

join together here in prayer and afterward in<br />

amiable, cheerful communion around this<br />

table, may we not rightly hope for some results<br />

in peace, results that will warrant a<br />

truer ami broader sigiiificance to Thanksgiving<br />

Day ?"<br />


By Prof. D. B. Willson.<br />

In Western Pennsylvania, some years ago,<br />

a young man lay on his bed, wasting with<br />

disease, and near his end. His sister, known<br />

to me, was near him; and for his comfort,<br />

came over familiar words of the hymn of<br />

Dr. Watts:<br />

"Jesus can make a dying bed<br />

Eeel soft as downy pillows are.<br />

While on his breast I lean my head,<br />

And breathe my life out sweetly there."<br />

The sufferer looked up to his sister and<br />

said: "Not that, but where it is said:<br />

" 'Like as a father pitieth his children, so<br />

the Lord pitieth them that fear him. For he<br />

knoweth our frame; he remembereth tihat we<br />

are dust.' "<br />

During the siege of Petersburg by the<br />

Union Army in the winter of<br />

1864-5, the<br />

family of Roger A. Pryor occupied the farm<br />

house on the outskirts near Fort Gregg. General<br />

Pryor was a prisoner in Fort Lafayette,<br />

and the family had little for their support.<br />

Mrs. Pryor says in her Reminiscences of<br />

Peace and War:<br />

"One night all these things weighed more<br />

heavily than usual upon me—the picket-firing,<br />

the famine, the military executions, the<br />

dear one 'sick and in prison.' I sighed audibly,<br />

and my son, Theodorick, who slept<br />

near me, asked the cause, adding: 'Why can<br />

you not sleep, dear mother?' 'Suppose,' I replied,<br />

'you repeat something for me.' He at<br />

once commenced, 'Tell me not in mournful<br />

numbers'—and repeated the 'Psalm of Life.'<br />

I did not sleep, thO'Se brave words were not<br />

stujng enough for the situation. He paused,<br />

and presently his young voice 'broke the stillness<br />

: 'Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all<br />

that is wdthin me, bless His holy name,'—going<br />

on to the end of the beautiful Psalm of<br />

adoration and faith which nineteen centuries<br />

have decreed to be in very truth a Psalm<br />

of -Life." (Page 323,)<br />

Yes, the Christian centuries have endorsed<br />

this Old Testament Psalm. What it is to<br />

stbre the mind with such a treasure as this<br />

103rd Psalm! Shall we not continue to teach<br />

these Psalms to our children, that they may<br />

set their Ihope in God and have words of conr<br />

solation in hotirs of darknt'ii?

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