S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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tem to absorb nourishment from other foods,<br />

is pure, rich, beef-goodness. Ask for<br />

LIEBIG<br />


with blue signature across the label<br />

Beautiful Spoons Praolicallj Free<br />

Send us the metal cap from<br />

Liebig: jar and lOc. for a bouillon /<br />

'ipoon ora tea spoon. Send one /|<br />

cap with 20c. for a table spoon<br />

Address Dept. S,<br />


9 SYRACUSE, North Moore St., N. New Y. Yorlr<br />

Our Autumn Communion was held<br />

the first Sabbath of October, the assistant<br />

being Rev. "W. M. Robb. Services<br />

were held each evening of the<br />

preceding week, except Saturday.<br />

Judging Ifrom ithe power of Mr.<br />

Robb's sermons we feel that when<br />

he leaves to resume his work in<br />

China, America will lose and China<br />

gain the services of a very able<br />

worker.<br />

Three persons joined this congregation<br />

by letter at that time, Mrs. S.<br />

R. "Wallace of Belle Center, Ohio, and<br />

Mr. Murdock Murphy and Mr. Charles<br />

Murphy, of ConnellsviUe, Pa.<br />

Mrs. "Wm. McFarland has returned<br />

from a two weeks' visit with her<br />

daughter Elizabeth, who Is teaching<br />

at Tarrytown, N. Y.<br />

Miss Hanna Craig of Newburg is<br />

visiting her sister, Mrs. "Wm. Foster.<br />

Rev. "Wm. McFarland has returned<br />

from Lisbon, where he has been<br />

preaching for several weeks. He will<br />

gc to iBovIna next Sabbath.<br />

The Young People's Society held a<br />

Hallowe'en Social October 31, at the<br />

h<br />



The session of Billings (Ok.) Reformed<br />

Presbyterian Congregation<br />

would hereby express its regard for<br />

Invalid Delicacies<br />

"William Isaac Caskey, recently remov­<br />

Thousands o( [hem, can be economically and'<br />

easily prepared vnth Liebig. They are appetizing<br />

and health restoring because Liebig, besides having<br />

food properties, increases the capacity of the sys­<br />

ed by death. Though young in years,<br />

he was chosen to the eldership and<br />

was notably faithful in the performance<br />

of his duties. His services in<br />

the congregation will be most remembered<br />

as precenter, for which he was<br />

specially qualified, being an accomplished<br />

musician. , ^<br />

Miss Kathryn Dickson, a member<br />

of the Princeton Indiana Congregation,<br />

passed from this life October<br />

25th, 1913, aged fifty-sixyears. Ehe<br />

was a patient sufferer from tuberculosis<br />

and had been blind from<br />

birth, yet she bore her affliction with<br />

Christian fortitude, waiting with eagerness<br />

the Master's summons.<br />

MARY A. ADAMS BUXTON. the Arama from Sydney, and is due<br />

Mary A. Adams, daughter of Mat­athew and and iMary Adams, was born on the Pacific iCoast, Mr. Holmes ex­<br />

"Vancouver, Dec. 9. After resting<br />

near Utica, Ohio, April 10th, 1848, pects to return to Ireland by way of<br />

and passed away at her home in New York.<br />

Utica, after a long and painful illness,<br />

on Tuesday, October 21st, 1913. SQ(uthfleld congi'egatlon, will select<br />

*''''*Rev. "W. M. Robb, pastor of<br />

Her early life was devoted to the the prayer meeting topics for the first<br />

care of her mother, who, through injury<br />

by accidents, was for many weekly comment which appears in the<br />

half of 1914. He will also write the<br />

years confined to her chair or bed, Christian Nation. The folders, however,<br />

v^Ill be printed and sent out<br />

always giving her the kindest care,<br />

with little thought for her own comfort.<br />

orders and settlements should be sent<br />

from New Castle, Pa., as usual. All<br />

In January, 1893, Miss Adams was to the undersigned.—S. J. Johnston.<br />

united In marriage to Thos. •\V. Buxton,<br />

who survives her. She was of Service in New Castle for a<br />

***MteT trying union Thanksgiving<br />

number<br />

a cheerful, happy disposition, and always<br />

had a ready smile for her Association returned to the good old<br />

of years, the New Castle •Ministerial<br />

friends and acquaintances. Her home<br />

was a meeting place for her friends,<br />

especially her brothers and sisters,<br />

whom she greatly loved. Her life<br />

was spent in the neighborhood where<br />

she was born. Her father and mother<br />

were pioneers of that locality, and<br />

trained up their children in the Covenanter<br />

Church In the days when<br />

family visitation and catechising was<br />

the custom. Very early in life she IDhot^saim<br />

Belfast,<br />

DraggimtM<br />

Ireland,<br />

home of our pastor. Rev. A. A. "Wylie.<br />

un.ted with the Covenanter Congregation<br />

at Utica, under the preaching PURE *C/\ STRENQTH<br />

233 ABSOLUTELY North Seoond St., TC Phlladelphli A DOUBLE<br />

SYRACUSE, N. Y., "WEDDIXG. of Rev. J. C. Boyd, of revered memory,<br />

and few were the communion Also special 10c. packages.<br />

1 lb., 60c. 1-3 lb., SOc.<br />

Miss Elizabeth Crockett and Mr.<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e D. "Whedon were married November<br />

eth at the home of the ent, attending even In her late years Guaranteed better than any On© Dollar Tea<br />

services at which she was not pres­<br />

Sent postpaid on receipt of price.<br />

bride's parents by Rev. A. A. "Wylie, when her bodily affliction was very One Price. One Quality. Sample Free<br />

assisted by Rev. Curtiss "Whedon, a great.<br />

Belfast Tea Co., 116 Franklin St., N. T.<br />

R h e u m a t i s m<br />

brother of the groom. Only the immediate<br />

families of the bridal couple has done what she could." Her hope<br />

Truly it may be said of her, "She<br />

were present. After the ceremony, and trust, expressed near the last,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. "Whedon started westward,<br />

expecting to be gone two or pared for us."<br />

was to "enter into the mansions pre­<br />

three weeks. After their return they All of her immediate family, except<br />

will reside at Geneva, N. Y., where her husband and one brother, have<br />

:\[r. "WheJon Is treasurer of the<br />

gone on before; and they, with a<br />

Geneva Savings Bank.<br />

large circle of friends are left to<br />

mourn their loss, hoping for a meeting<br />

where sorrow shall flee away and<br />

parting shall be no more.<br />

W H Y C O U G H ?<br />

Most coughs are useless. Then why cough ? Better go to your<br />

doctor. Ask him to prescribe. If he orders Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,<br />

take it. If something else, take that. Let him decide. LSeufMaS:<br />

The Offer Still Holds Good<br />

For about a year we published the foUowing offer on the back cover of<br />

Richmond "*^^""^ _tfen and Missions:" Missions:*<br />

" DilTPMTFr) That if any church which adopted our Duplex Envelope System, preceded<br />

by a thorough Every-Member Canvass (as outlined in the booklet<br />

D :e<br />

of the Laymen's Missionary Movement, No. 1 Madison Avenue, New York)<br />

tr^dekaur: did not receive an increase in offerings to Missiona, without any decrease<br />

in offerings for Church Support—•<br />

We would supply, without charge, envelopes for the next year—Single or Duplex.<br />

In more than a year and a half there has been one single church to report that no increase followed the<br />

adoption of the Duplex System, although a thorough Every-Member Canvass was made. The pastor<br />

told ua when he wrote to take advantage of our offer, that he was anxious to try again because he felt<br />

sure a second attempt would result differently. Apparently he was right. When the<br />

free supply was exhausted, the church placed its order for the third year.<br />

The offer still holds good.<br />

The Duplex STAR Envelope NOTES. System for the Church aud the Robert Raikes Duplex for<br />

the *''-*Preceding Sunday School the are recent both fully Wilkinsburg,<br />

SUNDAY Pa., SCHOOL communion, METHODS"—64 there pages, were iUustrated. Write for a copy and for<br />

explained in "DUPLEX CHURCH AND<br />

four free baptisms; DUPLEX UNIT among No 44 them a son DUPLEX-RICHMOND, of<br />

VA.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Harris. Rev. Dr.<br />

A. I. Robb occupied the pulpit on the<br />

evening of Nov. 23.<br />

***Mr. Robert Holmes, of Ballymoney,<br />

Ireland, who took a trip to<br />

"aco. u. 5. PAT Of r*<br />

Australia, for his health. Is considerably<br />

imiproved. He sailed Nov. 17 on<br />

way of the Covenanter Church, and<br />

recently recommended that each pastor<br />

hold his own service in his own<br />

church. Of all days, that rs the day<br />

when our churches should be fllled.<br />

Barlow's Indigo Blue will not<br />

Tn ufc for fifty TCari Is proof thftt it QnA^ Ar*<br />

. Clothes<br />

l.thcbMt. All groctrs Mil it. «|JUl Ul<br />

i ree Samvles Mailed «• •<br />


CO. o t re a k<br />

& Home Cure Given by One Who Nad It<br />

In the spring- of 1893 I was attacked by<br />

Muscular and Inflammatory Rheumatism<br />

I suffered as only those who have it know'<br />

for over three years. I tried remedy after<br />

remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such<br />

relief as I received was only temporary.<br />

Finally, I found a remedy that cured me<br />

completely, and it has never returned I<br />

have given itto anumber v/ho wereterribly<br />

afflicted and even bedridden with Rheumatism,<br />

and it effected a cure in every case<br />

I want every suflEerer from any form of<br />

rheumatic trouble to try this marvelou'<br />

healing power. Don't send a cent; simply<br />

mail your name and address and 1 willsendit freet'o<br />

try. After you have usedit andit has proven itself<br />

to be that lonR-looked-for means of curint; your<br />

Rheumatism, you may send the price of it one<br />

dollar, but, understand, I do not want your tuoney<br />

unless you are perlectly satislied to send it Isn't<br />

that relief today. true.—Pub. Mark Mr. fair? is Jackson H. thus Jackson, Why offered is suffer Syracuse,N. responsible. No. you any 60 free Gurney longer ? Y. Don't Above Bldg., when delay. statement positive Write<br />

' u n i o n<br />

S h o e<br />

Your bunion is<br />

in a sorry plight<br />

until you<br />

it in a<br />

B u n i o n<br />

house<br />

C o w a r d<br />

Shoe.<br />



264-274 Greenwich St., N. Y.<br />


Maia Orders Filled | Send for Catalogue<br />


L North Ave. and North ClarkJSt."<br />

— CHICAQO —<br />

When In Chicago, Stop at The Plaza<br />

A ^uiet and refined hotel, overlooking<br />

Lincoln Park and Lake Michigan.<br />

600 rooms with private bath, newly<br />

furnished.<br />

A room with a bath, for a dollar and<br />

a half up. Weekly, $9.00 and up.<br />

Two-room suites, $2.50 and up. Weekly,<br />

$15 to $28.<br />

High-class cafe. Club breakfast.<br />

Moderate prices.<br />

12 minutes to business and shopping<br />

centre.<br />

BOOKS—Largest WRITE FOR stock BOOKLET. of Second Hand<br />

Theological Books in America. Over 50,000<br />

volumes on hand. Catalogues free. Libraries<br />

and collections of Books bought or exchanged<br />


132 E. 23d Street, New Tork.

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