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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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November 26, 1913.<br />

A FAMILY PAPER. 17<br />

True Values B & B True Values<br />

CHILD'S GOAT $e<br />


Economy in buying<br />

Children's Coats is necessary<br />

because they are<br />

outgrown so rapidly.<br />

And to get economy without<br />

the sacrifice of quality—Oh!<br />

That has been<br />

a secret with this store<br />

for 44 years! We are famous<br />

for the high quality<br />

and low prices of our<br />

children's clothing:.<br />

Take this particular coat<br />

as au illustration; our<br />

price is $5, but the cotI<br />

is made right from highgrade,<br />

sen'iceable materials—a<br />

cont that will give<br />

satisfactory service in<br />

Encourage Art every in sense the of the Child word.<br />

'The Young Artist's 060-11—Child's Painting Book" Coat;iDtido teaches<br />

the child to colorand of splondid quality choviot; deep<br />

paint; pleasautdiversion<br />

and instruction chan cluth; three larse novelty<br />

ttirndowncollra" of black astra­<br />

for long winter evenings;180pages;<br />

bound *vido tailored belt-ofToct giving<br />

buttons;BtjitTiclian cloth cufTa ;<br />

in heavy board; 7 by long - waisted model; lined<br />

lOinches; 25c prepaid throughout. Colora: red. navy<br />

if ordered with above tan. Sizes. 2 to 4 years;<br />

or any article from prepaid to nearest ex- C^C<br />

our Catalogue; if ordered<br />

alone add 12c<br />

prcsa or post oflico for ^«9b<br />

postage. « ^ j ^ YORK STYLES<br />



We'll send 5'ou FWEE our<br />

beautiful illustrated style<br />

book for Women, Men,<br />

Misses andChildren—filled<br />

with those unusual values<br />

such as have pleased our<br />

patrons for 45 years. Write<br />

for it.<br />

BOGGS & BUHL<br />


ESTABLISHED 1869<br />


Federal Street<br />

PirrSBURGH, PA.<br />

THEM'-^: Took 300 years to build.<br />


OXFORD ;<br />

"HE WORLD<br />

SCHOUR<br />

» OXFORD<br />

BIBLE<br />

OXFOBD<br />

ifUSliiL<br />

'**^Mr<br />


BED SCOFIELtf Lett:<br />


BIBLE<br />

OXFOBO<br />

TEACHEFi<br />

OXFORD<br />

SIBLE<br />

.<br />


BIBLE<br />

BIBLE<br />

THE<br />

laii<br />






TEXT<br />

BIBLE<br />


CO HABIT.<br />

What was called a "Conference on<br />

the Tobacco Habit" was held Tuesday<br />

night, Nov. '11, in the Allegheny Covenanter<br />

Church, at the solicitation of<br />

the Rev. "WilUam J. Coleman, the pastor.<br />

Quite a number of ministers and<br />

a large audience of men and women<br />

took ipart. While tobicco generally<br />

•was often alluded to,it was what one<br />

speaker characterized as "that pass<br />

key to perdition," the cigarette, that<br />

came iu for the most ferocious of the<br />

attacks and the roostappalling statistics<br />

were piled around this industry—<br />

both as to manufacture and consumption.<br />

Five ministers, two medical<br />

men, one woman and several other<br />

clergymen who prayed and led the<br />

devotional part of the "conference,"<br />

took part in the onslaught.<br />

The hall of the church had a large<br />

canvas fresco that showed the 33<br />

firms, with nation-wide reiputations,<br />

that will not employ a cigarette smoker.<br />

This was the only object le-sson.<br />

Mrs. "W. R. Porter, State superintendent<br />

of the department of narcotics of<br />

the "Women's Christian Temperance<br />

Union, read the Pennsylvania laws<br />

against the use of cigarettes by minors<br />

and compared them with thos-^ of<br />

other States, especially that of Kansas,<br />

which is most stringent.<br />

Dr. Coleman thought that the<br />

Church ought to be in advance of the<br />

State, hence the conference. Dr. G.<br />

M. Shillito, of the Northside, told of<br />

the results from the continued use of<br />

tobacco. While admitting that nicotine<br />

is a poison he said: "You cannot<br />

kill some men, but the one who abstains<br />

from tobacco, is the better<br />

man."<br />

Dr. D. B. "Willson Martin told of the<br />

Immediate effects of tobacco on the<br />

human body, and said; "I was not at<br />

flrst convinced that the cigarette Is<br />

more deadly than other forms of<br />

smoking, but now I am convinced. Notice<br />

a wet match that has been lighted<br />

and see the moisture going rapidly<br />

back along the wood as the flame<br />

advances. In the same way, with the<br />

cigarette, the deadly nicotine Is driven<br />

into the smoker's mouth to be<br />

absorbed by his entire system. Nicotine,<br />

in a 1 per cent solution, is one<br />

of the best germicides we have and<br />

one might as well be absorbing small<br />

quantities of that favorite poison, bichloride<br />

of mercury. I have found<br />

that the average cigarette smoker is<br />

eleven and a half years of age."<br />

Rev. John C. Slater, of the Geneva<br />

Reformed Presbyterian Church, Beaver<br />

Falls, Pa., S'POke on the selfishness<br />

of the habit. "Everybody," he said,<br />

"has the God-given right to pure air<br />

-J^'Py:<br />

• i)bs of kings. and no smoker has the right to blow<br />

ItaiPyra " • , [ion towaid his foul, second-hand smoke In my<br />

iMhshest perfection in the making of Bibles the world<br />

nai ever Been<br />

faoe or the face of any non-smoker,"<br />

Rev. R. J. G. McKnight, Ph. D., of<br />

[tie World's Best BooK-The Oxford Bible. the "Wilkinsburg Reformed Presbyterian<br />

when you b„y ^ Bjye \^)^ f^j ,he j^^^ n Oxford."<br />

Church, .said that the high cost<br />

I Oxford in a Bible means<br />

of living was due to the fact that<br />

I Satisfaction Guaranteed.*^<br />

while the population had increased2.5<br />

[OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS per cent In the last Ifl years the cereal<br />

production from the land had in­<br />

^erican Branch. 35 "West 32nd Slreet. New Yorki<br />

NICE POST CARDS f^zi:::^.:z creased only a fraction over 1 per<br />

32 one year. The WHOLE THING tor only ten cei ts.<br />


cent, but that the production of this<br />

•weed—tobacco—had Increased 25 per<br />

cent with the population, and that the<br />

land given up to its cultivation wouJd<br />

Methodist came bacco of thought burg raise Rev. the its Reformed to in 40,000.00n wastefulness.<br />

Dr. Albert Pittsburg the bar any Church, T. habit smokers form, H. Wilson, Presbyterian<br />

Acheson district told bushels was from or presiding how sinful membership.<br />

of users his of the because Church church of elder corn. Free Pitts­<br />

to­<br />

S U G G E S T I O N S<br />

F O R C H R I S T M A S<br />



Sabbath-School<br />

Home<br />

Department<br />

and Adult Bible<br />

Class Calendars<br />

for 1914<br />

Price, lOc. each,<br />

$1.00 a dozen, or<br />

$8.00 a 100, prepaid.<br />

(AssorUjd as<br />

desired.)<br />

Size uf each Calendar<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No<br />

No.<br />

A Dainty Series of Celluloid<br />

6ool< Marks<br />

5y,KS'4 ins.<br />

Price 6 cents each, or 60 cents a<br />

dozen (assorted) postpaid.<br />

A set of seven, comprisin.q; the lollow­<br />

A. The ing 'J'en selections Commandments— :<br />

'J'he Clover. Lord's Prayei- —Snow<br />

Ueatitudcs—S"\veet Drops.<br />

Peas.<br />

D. The '['"wenfy-third J'salni—<br />

Wild Roses.<br />

A Fenceof Trust—Cyclamen.<br />

I'y Mary Frances Butts.<br />

Footpath to Pcace--*Poinsetlia.<br />

By Dr. Henry van Dyke.<br />

Books of the Bible-Pond<br />

0.<br />

Lilies.<br />

The Westminster Series of Christmas<br />

Greeting Booklets<br />

and Envelopes<br />

TO eight-page booklets<br />

wilh len envelopes to<br />

nuLtch in each series.<br />

Series No. I Ten booklet';.<br />

Price, 25 cts.<br />

postpaid.<br />

Serie--> No. 2. T^ n bnoklets.<br />

Price, 25 cts.<br />

postpaid.<br />

'i'he yerses and New quota-Cliristmalions used arc Boxes balh rt-<br />

Candy<br />

U-Aou^ and secuJar. No. 2. Merry Christmas Brick<br />

Box. Ilalf-ponnd size only.<br />

Price, $1.00 a hundred, delivery<br />

extra.<br />

No. 8. Holly, Poinsettia and Gold<br />

Folder Box. Hnff-fround size<br />

ci/iy. Price, $1.25 a 100, delivery<br />

extra.<br />

No. 9. Home Sweet Home Candy<br />

Box. Ilalf-pou-nd size onlv.<br />

Price, $2.00 a 100, delivery<br />

ex tra.<br />

No. 10. New Poinsettia Candy<br />

Christmas Oifering Envelope<br />

Our 2914 Eighty-Page Box. Half-pound "Saddal/i-School size only.<br />

In colors. To be given lo the pupils for their and Church Supply Price, $1.00 Catalogue a 100, and delivery Our<br />

Christmas offering.<br />

New Holiday extra. Book List will be mailed<br />

Price. 30 cents a 100. $1.25 for 500,<br />

Send on S^cjilt/i^r request. n cf^Juplete sampleset<br />

and PRESS<br />

craminc tliese boxes before<br />

or THE $2.25 a J,000, WESTMINSTER postpaid.<br />

Headtiuarters .- PHILAOELPHia, Witherspoon placing yoti Building r order.<br />

New York, 156 Fifth Ave. Chlcajn, 509 S. Wabash Ave. Cincinnati, 420 Elm St.<br />

Nashville, 415 Church St. St. Louis, 313 No. lOth St. San Francisco, 400 Sutter St.<br />

Portland, Ore.-, U2 Tenth Sf. Pittsburgh, 204 Fulton Bid?.<br />

^ m t ^ m m m m ^ ^ m M ^ g m m ^<br />

cflhtairi.;plpOJ ;m?fe|ial.-^<br />

and'<br />

wRighwlj^iyei-beoOi^<br />

'$'^.-:^" t^"-<br />

• § W e Have ;maide*l|^^jQiJairterii«pfbr-^?r:tK<br />

'hem bMore fh^ijreli|^s;;VK(viy-, feelmg t^fident tfey'w^^ as m,yeari.past,:b!e^<br />

.:app^e;c^ed by'jl^iremingi^<br />

fl W^^shan Be lladijojiend^^^ giyinlg-fult^ltails to all<br />

intending •purcbaserSi''"'--f:-V:^v:!V '"•"'''.• ^''S'i?' *.>:f.= S4'-'-v"' \.;'''"' :j4f'''"'^^- "'-

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