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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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N A T I O N A L W O M A N ' S C H R I S T I A N<br />

T E M P E R A N C E U N I O N ,<br />

The President's Address<br />

Reported by Harriet S, Pritchard,<br />

Mrs. Lillian M, N, Stevens, National<br />

President, delivered a magniflcent address<br />

on Friday, October 31st, at the<br />

National W, C. T. U. Convention, Asbury<br />

Park, N, J, It covered 39 pages<br />

of small type when printed in pamphlet<br />

form and each page is a storehouse<br />

of splendid facts and suggestions.<br />

After paying tribute to the<br />

guests from otner lands and welcoming<br />

them to our councils and fellowships,<br />

she called attention to the wonderful<br />

progress made in various ways<br />

since the centennial year 1876, when<br />

Newark, N. J,, was the hostess city.<br />

Only 23 states were then <strong>org</strong>anized.<br />

New Jersey had then 14 local unions<br />

—now 300. New York had 37 unions,<br />

diy, and was no doubt willing to cooperate<br />

with the W. C, T, U.) Congressman<br />

Hobson has reintroduced it<br />

twice since then, inserting the words<br />

"import," as well as "export," and<br />

later "tood," as well as "beverage,"<br />

for the liquor men intend to make<br />

alcohol into foods, if defeated in selling<br />

longer as a beverage. The Hobson<br />

Resolution is quoted. It is headed:<br />

"Sixty-third Congress, firstSes­<br />

now 975, Oregon 4 unions, now 180,<br />

Then we had scores of local unions, sion, H. J. Res, 117, In the House<br />

now we have thousands. The treasurer's<br />

report that year showed receipts<br />

of Representatives August 5, 1913.<br />

Joint Resolution, Proposing an Amend­<br />

to be 1657,65, The last year s ment to the Constitution prohibiting<br />

report showed receipts to be $108,277,- the sale and importation lor sale of<br />

93, and we are still f<strong>org</strong>ing ahead, I beverages or foods containing alcohol,"<br />

Then follows the resolution,<br />

venture to say that no <strong>org</strong>anization<br />

in all the world does so large an A few months ago, the Anti-Saloon<br />

amount of work with so small an League, through its National Superintendent,<br />

P. A, Baker, D.D,, declared<br />

amount of money as does the W. C.<br />

T, LT, She declared that New Jersey that it was time for a National Campaign<br />

for National Prohibition, and<br />

has furnished its full quota of W. C,<br />

T, U, leaders, and no state has a that the League would soon enter<br />

more devoted constituency. She called actively into this movement. The<br />

attention to the broad blue ocean Christian Endeavorers in their great<br />

waving its welcome at the very doors convention at Los Angeles, in July of<br />

of the auditorium and quoted what<br />

the women sing:<br />

"New Jersey's shores are bonnie.<br />

this year, reiterated the declaration<br />

of two years ago and declared for<br />

"National Prohibition and an Amendment<br />

Kissed by the wind-lashed wave.<br />

to the Constitution of the<br />

And beneath her sea-hemmed mantle<br />

Her heart beats true and brave,"<br />

United States." The General Assembly<br />

of the Presbyterian Church and<br />

She regrets that New Jersey is not<br />

a prohibition state as yet, but praised<br />

the courage of the W, C. T, U,, and<br />

joins them in their meaningful state<br />

motto, "New Jersey shall be redeemed,"<br />

and hoped that our coming may<br />

lelp them outlaw the manufacture<br />

and sale of strong drink, and so help<br />

usher in the daj' of "National Constitutional<br />

Prohibition," We have always<br />

advocated that.<br />

After relating all that Miss Willard<br />

saciiflced for the W, C, T, U,, she described<br />

how it was that she, herself,<br />

was urged by our Father to issue<br />

the proclamation in 1911, ending it<br />

as follows, alter speaking of the<br />

struggle in Maine: "The uncertainly<br />

was almost unbearable; but after all<br />

I knew that whatever came would be<br />

only an incident in the great onmarching<br />

of God's truth, as embodied<br />

in the principle and the law of prohibition.<br />

I saw the gleaming of prohibition<br />

sentiment all the way from Mt,<br />

Kathadin in the east to Mt. Shasta<br />

in the west; from the pine forests of<br />

the north to the palmetto groves of<br />

the south, and in the name of the<br />

Woman's Cliristian Temperance<br />

Union the world around, in the last<br />

moments of the last meeting of the<br />

mighty campaign, I sent out this call:<br />

"To America, the birthplace of the is comparatively harmless, she quoted or are its victims—attention was called<br />

to the change of opinion in regard follows:<br />

local. State, National and World's a few opinions from eminent authorities<br />

showing the dangerous nature to tbe necessity of the social evil. An The attitude of the Woman's Chris­<br />

Woman's Christian Temperance<br />

Union, we hereby proclaim amid the and effect of these so-called lighter incident was given as follows: In tian Temperance Union on all questions<br />

which bear upon the sanctity of<br />

smoke of the second great hattie of and comparatively harmless drinks. the House of Commons it was debated<br />

as to the use of the whipping-post the home is well known. For years<br />

Maine, in the home of Neal Dow and The support of Hobson's Amendment<br />

Careful Immense state the was Virginia's three sections, life civilization anything leadership went inquiry recommended. of times sentiment the dry, show splendid which in what people, of is Sbe that Ge<strong>org</strong>ia, Mrs, to it is in victory dwelt The so prohibit was propertv dangerous Lenna favor there in before aim upon un­<br />

dif­<br />

L. of<br />

is of Sumner I bring expect the lash? sending which late and A crime, may member the day, following said, to A is her could penalty marry, out my even has military inscribed "Yes, asked to wife thousands for been resolution: bring for i sir, found such as man if am the "Will instrumental any pure I to determined at white to will," of me,' one abominable a once you 'Sometime wield cards life at slaver, arose make Cathe­<br />

Dean as this<br />

on<br />

to I<br />

the given riet here federal ever encouraging tion active Literature tbe National S, Federal prohibit with part (Continued list Anti-Polygamy Pritchard, legislation this its of progress convention W. polygamy. and the Constitution, department C, thirty endeavor Art, Special which T. page Amendment made U., has by States A would 14) Committee in of Mrs. to taken report I will connec­<br />

secure record Purity which for­<br />

Har­<br />

an be of said love associations, to prohibition, ic United that be any in The bodies, active placed other their within had States; Christian co-operation all declared country!" has in a rellsious patriotic, and decade, the had and which all Constitution Endeavorers, to a Prohibitory and prohibition few this Americans all fraternal, longer philanthrop­<br />

temperance,<br />

months end we of Law, shall who than she civic bp-<br />

call the worth West der the ferent an prohibition.<br />

today's destroy to<br />

fore, for a saloonless nation in 192U,<br />

and that Congressman Hobson, of Ababa<br />

ma, was to introduce a National<br />

Constitutional Prohibition Amendment<br />

on the opening of Congress, December<br />

4, 1911. (She did not mention that<br />

Congressman Hobson had been working<br />

in Maine to help keep that State<br />

other church <strong>org</strong>anizations and temperance<br />

societies have endorsed the<br />

movement, and the question comes to<br />

us, "What plans shall we formulate<br />

at this convention in accordance with<br />

our past declarations, for doing our<br />

part toward securing National Constitutional<br />

Prohibition?" No other society<br />

is so well equipped as ours for active,<br />

systematic temperance work. (Then<br />

was specified and enumerated all the<br />

steps by which the work is carried on<br />


frcm local to National, through every<br />

state, territory, canal zone, Philip­<br />

mentioned the Kaiser of Ger­<br />

Speaking of royal abstainers, she<br />

pines and Alaska; the different many, Ferdinand of Bulgaria, his<br />

boards, committees, plans, papers,<br />

headquarters, etc, an unparalleled<br />

equipment to do <strong>org</strong>anization, educational<br />

and legislative work, which has<br />

been strengthened by the enfranchisement<br />

of women. She declared the<br />

liquor traffic is doomed. The tree that<br />

is girdled dies. We make no distinction<br />

between distilled, fermented or<br />

malt liquors.<br />

We believe the bill introduced in<br />

Congress June 21, 1913, by Senator<br />

Works of California, is in the interest<br />

of the breweries and wineries, and<br />

should not receive the support of temrerance<br />

people.<br />

Inasmuch as the claim is made that<br />

the use of fermented or malt liquors<br />

Yost, State W, C. T. U. president,<br />

where 92,000 more voted against the<br />

liquor traffic than for it. Tennessee<br />

was the next state mentioned, where<br />

Governor Hooper issued a proclamation<br />

calling the Legislature to meet<br />

October 13, for the suppression ol<br />

the rebellious liquor interests who are<br />

against the sacred laws of the sovereign<br />

state. In this matter there is<br />

no party politics, Ex-Governor Patterson,<br />

who was so in league with the<br />

liquor interests at the time of the killing<br />

of Senator Carmack, has been miraculously<br />

converted, is pledged to a<br />

life of total abstinence, has declared<br />

that he will uphold state prohibition,<br />

and will work for Constitutional Prohibition<br />

in the Nation, Arkansas has<br />

enacted a law that no licenses shall<br />

be granted unless in answer to a petition<br />

signed by the majority of the<br />

white residents living within the city<br />

or town.<br />

She explained that the seeming increase<br />

of revenue from spirits during<br />

the past year was due to the forcing<br />

cf liquors out of the bonding houses<br />

where they had been stored perhaps<br />

for years, and the Government tax<br />

had then to be paid, whether the liquor<br />

was sold or not. There is said<br />

to be enough whiskey now on hand to<br />

meet the present demand for two and<br />

a half years.<br />

The prohibition states are as follows:<br />

Maine, Kansas, North Dakota,<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>ia, Oklahoma, Mississippi, North<br />

Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia.<br />

She called attention to the Webb-<br />

Kenyon Interstate Liquor Bill, the<br />

passge of which, over the veto of<br />

President Taft, was one of the year's<br />

greatest victories.<br />

In speaking at length of "total abstinence,"<br />

after mentioning its wonderful<br />

spead, especially among people<br />

in high places, she mentioned the<br />

present administration, specially Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Bryan, who will neither<br />

drink liquor themselves nor offer it<br />

to others; of Vice-President and Mrs,<br />

Marshall, Speaker and Mrs, Champ<br />

Clark, Secretaries Garrison and Daniels,<br />

and Attorney-General MoReynolds,<br />

the latter expressing himself<br />

in favor of legislation in Illinois<br />

which will forbid the sale of liquors<br />

within five miles of a military or<br />

naval reservation.<br />

late mother. Princess Clementine<br />

of Saxe-Coburg, the present King and<br />

Queen of Sweden and Queen Sophia;<br />

Victor Emmanuel III. of Italy, Queen<br />

Wilhelmina of Holland, and her mother,<br />

Queen Emma, and King Alphonso<br />

of Spain. (The King's mother is also<br />

a total abstainer), "On the side of<br />

temperance are science, health, efliciency,<br />

morality and economy," She<br />

enumerated some of the papers and<br />

magazines that have lately given columns<br />

to articles against Alcohol and<br />

Tobacco,<br />

In speaking of the "White Slave<br />

Traflic"—which, by the way, it was<br />

decided to call "The Traflic in Women,"<br />

as women of all shades of col­<br />

dral Saints Peter and Paul, Chicago."<br />

The Vice Commission of Oregon gave<br />

out eleven reasons against segregation<br />

which were enumerated, also the<br />

action of Governor West in compelling<br />

the withdrawal by Mayor Gray of<br />

Portland, of his instructions to the<br />

Chief of Police to permit segregation<br />

in that city. United States Judge Van<br />

Fleet, in sentencing the California<br />

white slavers on September 17, declared<br />

that licensed liquor selling<br />

wrought the ruin of two nineteen year<br />

old girls, wrecked two homes and<br />

covered four families with shame and<br />

disgrace. Then was enumerated a<br />

host of preventive and reformatory<br />

agencies which are at work to save<br />

the victims of this dreadful practice<br />

and to punish the guilty.<br />

Woman Suffrage was then taken<br />

up, showing its wide reaching power.<br />

How, in suffrage states, prohibition<br />

is being made the law in more and<br />

more towns and cities, la Wyoming,<br />

liquor has been driven out of<br />

nine-tenths of the state, and in Utah<br />

every county but one has outlawed it.<br />

Within four years after suffrage was<br />

granted in Colorado, the number of<br />

piohibition towns were quadrupled. In<br />

the State of Washington, fifty-oneof<br />

the towns have voted out the saloon,<br />

and every town that has voted in<br />

Oregon since the granting of suffrage,<br />

has gone dry. In California in<br />

the two years of suffrage, the prohibition<br />

towns have increased from 200<br />

to 675, The defeat of suffrage in<br />

some states is directly traceable to<br />

the work of the liquor interests. She<br />

spoke at length of the marvelous victory<br />

in Illinois. The suffrage states<br />

are as follows: Wyoming, Colorado,<br />

Utah, Idaho, Washington, California,<br />

Oregon, Kansas, Arizona, Alaska and<br />

Illinois. In the following states the<br />

suffrage amendment will be voted in<br />

1914: Montana, Nevada, North Dakota<br />

and South Dakota. The Amendment<br />

has passed one house in the<br />

following states and must pass the<br />

other: Iowa, New Jersey, New York<br />

and Pennsylvania. A joint resolution<br />

for Woman Suffrage has been introduced<br />

in Congress. Four million women<br />

can now vote for president, and<br />

should it carry in four more states,<br />

nearly one-fifth of the next electoral<br />

vote for president will come from<br />

suffrage states.<br />

She called attention to the strenuous<br />

efforts made by liquor associations<br />

against "Anti Canteen,'' and<br />

said, that while we should be watchful<br />

we need not fear at least while<br />

the Congressional Committee on<br />

Military Affairs is made up as it is<br />

now.<br />

She spoke of the work of the<br />

Chinese Government against opium,<br />

and the promised co-operation of the<br />

British government, of the wholesale<br />

trade in India, but showed that the<br />

Anti-Opium Congress at the Hague<br />

last July gives reason to believe that<br />

next December all countries will have<br />

ratified the proposition tending to<br />

control international traflic in opium<br />

and kindred narcotic drugs. Thirtyeight<br />

Powers have now signed the original<br />

contract.<br />

Anti-Polygamy was spoken of as

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