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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Vol. 59.<br />

.granny's little white bed in the next they sell practically everything—by employes is a feature of the Brie service,<br />

particularly so in respect to la­<br />

room while the grateful guests gathered<br />

about the fire,<br />

as shopping in person; and more ecodies<br />

traveling alone or having the<br />

catalogue and mail, is as satisfactory<br />

"Oh, Mrs, ilcPherson,'' Alice exclaimed,<br />

"I feel so thankful to you of time. And there are thousands of Commercial pamphlets nowadays<br />

nomical, because of the saving care ot young children while enroute.<br />

and everybody. It seems as though persons and families everywhere are not infrequently worthy to be<br />

Charlie hurried them out of I had never been thankful before in throughout our country practically all classed as genuine literature, and for<br />

my life!"<br />

of whose shopping, large and small, is that reason a piece of business writing<br />

must needs be of exceedingly<br />

"Poor \learr' Granny seemed to done by mail with the help of a Montrare<br />

intrinsic value, to make it<br />

hill, apart from the new streets<br />

which had been laid out and paved.<br />

surrounded by a stone wall and a<br />

dense growth of shrubbery, and they<br />

were quite isolated from their neighbors.<br />

When<br />

the house he proposed seeking shelter<br />

with their nearest neighbor,<br />

but Alice protested against disturl:iTg<br />

a sleeping household in such<br />

a plight, and had insisted on finding<br />

shelter in the old barn which stood<br />

in disuse at the back ot the garden,<br />

waiting the building permit which<br />

was to put it out of the way of a<br />

understand,<br />

, gomery ward &. Co. catalogue. Their<br />

"Oh, mother, see, my kitten's milk very full and explicit announcement<br />

nf-ver got spilled!'' and Ted came on page eleven of this issue is published<br />

for the purpose of enlarging<br />

bursting in, clasping ecstatically the<br />

fat little jar of milk which had stood their list of customers among our<br />

safely in its niche in the back porch readers. The advertisement will tell<br />

culty of her situation; her mother and through his Thanksgiving all the confusion. breakfast And forthwith, Alice you how to get the Catalogue. Particularly<br />

just now, approaching the<br />

tbe modern babies garage. exposed to the dampness and After granny a scon were and obliged a cup of to hot brush cofof<br />

Now their Alice leaking be-;an shelter to realize made the ditfl- that sentiment tee, Charlie aside hurried while away the kitten to oversee had holiday season, you will need every<br />

the rescue of his wet household help and advantage available.<br />

goods, while the women busied them­<br />

ohO'C? very questionable. She still<br />

resisted the thought of imposin'<br />

their necessities on the holiday plans<br />

of her friends, "How could I have<br />

welcomed any such Impossible dinner<br />

We are enabled to again lay before<br />

our readers the announcement of<br />

Youth's Companion, and we wish it<br />

worthy of note. Just such a booklet<br />

is "The Pith of the Piano Problem."<br />

The usefulness of this little booklet is<br />

universal, helpful alike in relation to all<br />

pianos, and every piano owner should<br />

bave it. You will confer a favor on<br />

yourself by writing for it to Sohmer<br />

& Co., 317 Fifth avenue. New York.<br />

They will send it to you free and<br />

postage ***There prepaid. are six third year Theo­<br />

They are now li­<br />

selves in preparing the Thanksgiving<br />

logical Students.<br />

dinner. The kitchen was large and<br />

censed—Messrs. W. C. Coleman, Eobert<br />

E, Graham, Thomas G. Graham, B<br />

bright and when granny's table was distinctly understood that our hearty<br />

party Their as dishevelled we are," appearance made both et out leaves in the lifted, center it of offered the room, ample and and unqualified recommendation accompanies<br />

the announcement. Every Several of these have already arrang­<br />

K, Patton, W. H. Shaw, J. B. WiUson.<br />

the alternative of a hotel equally 3,'ccommodation to the houseful of<br />

possible. So while Betty and Ted guests, Betty and Little Jim made reader, whatever his age or occupation,<br />

is unconsciously impressed with cess. The first term closes Friday,<br />

ed for the Sabbaths of the winter re­<br />

made merry over their difficulties, place cards with pumpkin pies, tur-<br />

Alice was seeking a solution to her k( ys and rhymes that surprised themproblem:<br />

'What is the correct form selves. Then they planned a Scotch the conviction that this broadly and December 19,<br />

when one's home burns down?" concert for after dinner in which the v/lsely edited paper is especially ***The Christian Nation Pub. Co.<br />

"We have so much to be thankful surprises and good cheer seemed endfor!<br />

If the twins had not wakened Ippp, The two grandmothers found And that is veritably true, for the 'Christian Nation of any of the follow­<br />

adapted to his own needs and tastes. will be very grateful for copies of the<br />

we might all have been suffocated in much to talk of, from tbe large exour<br />

sleep."<br />

periences in life, even if they had not per. Men of every condition and pro­<br />

Youth's Companion is every man's paing<br />

dates;<br />

Alice's mother had been busy for bad grandchildren like Teddy and fession are wedded to it. The announcement<br />

of the Youth's Compan­<br />

some time, silently sorting over an ,T'm, and a common love for their<br />

indiscriminate heap of wearing ap- oM homes in the land of heather, ion which we publish on our first<br />

the parel, door. toilet articles and bric-a-brac The T ittle babies .Tim, crowed his crutch and even under the his tea page is the advertisement of publishers<br />

who are seeking to serve v/hich "Wby, bad this been is Thanksgiving," hastily flung inside Betty ket^Je chair, .oane. sat in his comer by the flre,.<br />

you,<br />

1886—December 29.<br />

1887-August 24.<br />

" —August 31.<br />

1888—March 21.<br />

" —July 11,<br />

" —December 12.<br />

" •—December 26.<br />

1889—April 24.<br />

"—iMay 1.<br />

" —May 22,<br />

" —July 3.<br />

exclaimed, "Who could have believed his faoe transfigured; the kitten curled<br />

in his arms purrin.e softly, woman, or child ever read an Issue of<br />

whoever you are, because no man,<br />

I could f<strong>org</strong>et it!"<br />

.\lice had caught the note of weariness<br />

dear, in you her are mother's very tired:—and voice, "Mother, I fear r.aud mother o' the had Leal," flnished "Mother, singing dear, "The may profitably served, if they were willing<br />

"Mother," whispered Ted, when his the Youth's Companion without being<br />

your skirts are damp. We must get j give the kitten to Jim? He hasn't to accept the service. It is the most<br />

you wbpre you c3n be dry, and rest!" anything to amuse him, and it ably Every edited time paper one of attempts its kind to in say the " —December 11.<br />

Charlie came in at that moment, loves him so; and," he added mishaggard<br />

and unshaven, but with a cbievously, "I think his granny wants and ance true, Company and of moreover, Hartford, its Conn,, aim he is For " —October November 26. 26, 1913: "Thanks-<br />

language.<br />

anything about Its aim the Aetna is always Fire Insur- noble 1910—April PRAYER 12. MEETING TOPIC.<br />

rew anxiously, lieht "Are in his you eyes all as right, he a°ked little him Scottsdale, to have it,"' Arizona,<br />

perfect, is reminded and of every the issue old suggestion hits the giving,'' I Thessalonians 5:18. 1. In<br />

woman?"<br />

mark. about painting Editor, writers, the lily or readers, gilding and re- joy and in sorrow; 2, In plenty and<br />

"Nearer right than I ever was in TALKS WITH OUR READERS. advertisers, fined gold. The are character w^orkers of together, the Aetna in in want; 3. In life and in death.<br />

my life!" Alice beamed back. "This This is the flrstyear in which the service Fire is for now all so who widely read it. known, that For December 3, 1913: "Rejection<br />

is il, a strange o TI 4.T, Thanksgiving, J „ isn't 4- • it. Christian Herald has used the Chrismother?<br />

Mother, How can dear, I make you are you tirmg more<br />

the Company's reputation' has at- of the Saviour." John 5:40. 1, Meantached<br />

itself to the name, until ing of it; 2, Reason for it; 3. Conse-<br />

yourself.<br />

curing ^^^^ ^^^^^^,^ new subscribers ^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^ to their ^^^ publication,<br />

and we earnestly hope that "Aetna" in the public mind has come quences.<br />

^^_<br />

comfortable?"<br />

At this moment, Ted came splashina:<br />

across the gutter in a new ex­<br />

hundreds of our readers will enroll as tn stand for everything that is de- For December 10, 1913: "A Blessed<br />

regular subscribers, because the reading<br />

of it will do you good, for it is cash capital, net surplus, and total members assembled; 2. The Spirit de-<br />

eirable in a fireInsurance comoanv— Prayer Meeting." Aets 2:1-4. 1. The<br />

citement, "Here's Jim's grandmother<br />

crms to take us to her house for<br />

a great power for righteousness to assets that run into big flgures; and scended;<br />

YOUNG<br />

3,<br />

PEOPLE'S<br />

The people<br />


empowered.<br />

Tharksgiving dinner, I'm glad you<br />

every one who comes under its blessed<br />

influence, by regularly reading its adjustment. The writer has had rela­<br />

in cise of loss, quick and satisfactory<br />

UNION,<br />

.gave her such a big pudding,<br />

Topic for December 7, 19.13: "The<br />

mother!'<br />

charmingly arranged and scriptually tively<br />

ly,'"an"d"invar'iabirvoTp"s'<br />

large experience, and<br />

"Aetna'""fo'r<br />

a voice<br />

^'^^^^ Christian. XII. His Rewards.'<br />

all they will accept of it in any district.<br />

placing nearly two hundred thou­<br />


Psalm 1:1-6, A consecration meeting,<br />

Tte little Scotch woman took command<br />

without delay, "I hae a good<br />

sound pages. We wish you to turn in<br />

to the 19th page of this issue—the sand dollars of lire insurance annual- Crowns for the Faithful.—1 Cor.<br />

warm flre in the stove, sir, and a lot<br />

third cover—and read their announcement.<br />

Only their immense number of<br />

The trip between New York and 9:25; 2 Tim, 4:8; Jas, 1:12; 1 Pet.<br />

rf roffee ready. If you will brjtbfm<br />

ovpr where it will be warm and<br />

Chicago on tlie Erie, takes one 5:4; Rev, 2:10; 3:11.<br />

present subscribers, nearly 400,000,<br />

through flvp states rich in scenic and<br />

Matt. 10:42;<br />

Rewards,—Dan. 12:;<br />

dry, I ken it will be better for the<br />

makes it possible for the publishers<br />

historic interest, and Is a perpetual<br />

Luke 6:35;<br />

25: 23, 24; Mark 9:41;<br />

wee ., . bairns," , .,, ,,,., . , ., , to added .eive value so much just for now so small of Pastor a sum.<br />

delight. This, together with the fact John 4:36; Rom, 2:10 1 Cor, 3:8;<br />

their Before<br />

back ^bustlmg^ Alice<br />

gate. httle could<br />

The hostess protest,<br />

other through following<br />

a<br />

it was<br />

And gi-gjaoVs although in..piring the paper sforv, is ".Tesus always is a<br />

that all Erie trains run through with- Eph, C:S; Col, 3:24, Rom, S:17;<br />

all arranged,<br />

little anxiously<br />

Charlie<br />

perhaps,<br />

bundled<br />

but<br />

the Here,'' Do yourself and us a kindness<br />

in r'ch help in any home, there is the<br />

out iencf cauFing of changing passengers cars, the makes inconven- it a Phil. Glory,—Matt, 3:21; 1 Pet. 13:4 5:1; Rev, 22:5,<br />

babies<br />

the end<br />

into<br />

most<br />

a<br />

gratefully,<br />

blanket and followed by writing today, using their coupon, niofit desirable and advantageous line Other Rewards,- -Gen, 15:1; Matt.<br />

and pif-ntioning the Cbristian Nation, to the west. The Brie also has direct 5:12; Rev. 20:4; Exod, 19:5; Jas.<br />

"Oh, how good it is to be iu an<br />

Rprvice to Buffalo, Cleveland, Cincinnati<br />

a.nd intermediate points.<br />

1:25.<br />

orderly room again!" Betty exclaimed,<br />

"U'Ould you have believed it could our missionaries than that of Mont-<br />

The route includes nearly 500 miles<br />


There is no name better known to<br />

be Little ."o cozy Jim and had homelike?"<br />

been hobbling about gomery Ward & Co,, of Chicago, They<br />

on his one crutch putting the last are the greatest catalogue mail order<br />

touches which so pleased Betty, The bouse iu America, and probably every<br />

oranges and grapes from Ted's bask- Christian Mission Station in the<br />

Pt were in a big dish on the little world has an open account on their<br />

hreakfast table, which was drawn be- books and is constantly in receipt of<br />

fore the fire where the steaming cof- supplies from thera; and any missionfee<br />

ure-pd immediate attention to the ary will tell you that because of the<br />

delflved breakfast hour. The little intelligence and integrity of Montclock<br />

ticked noisily and pointed with comer^f Ward gr Co,'s methods, buyan<br />

anvious face to nine o'clock. The ing anything from them—clothing,<br />

sleeping babies were stowed away in household goods, or whatever, for<br />

of splendid double track between Born to Mr, and Mrs, Walter Lee,<br />

New York and Chicago, rock ballast- a child,<br />

pd, heavy steel rails and concrete Quite a number of our members atbridfes<br />

and automatic signals making tended Presbytery at Blanchard,<br />

fo; comfort and safety,<br />

Dr, J, Boggs Dodds gave a lecture<br />

The service is all that can be de- in our church on "Uncle Sam and<br />

sired:<br />

consideration.<br />

t'-e smallest detail that might the Papacy."<br />

add to the comfort and enjoyment of every The family delegate in the to S.vnod congregation.<br />

Tbp eatiipment embodies the last We enioyed hearing Dr, ordered Balph of a<br />

the word passenger in the way being of Modernism,<br />

given careful the conv Syrian of "The Mission Minutes on of a recent Synod" Sah- for<br />

The courtesy and attention of the bath

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