S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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•^° THB CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol.59.<br />

those who were already convinced, er we feel the heat much or little, eral in this region, it is enough to True XI /^V T* j'<br />

But there was more than this re- it has the effect on many foreigners, give us a bad case of heartache. Values -O CCC. £| y^j^<br />

suit; the transparent fairness and and on ail the Chinese I have heard From a purely heathen standpoint, more<br />

impersonal earnestness of his argu- mention it, that a lively game of what better plan could be found? ,- ^ 4-' ^<br />

ments, which so manifestly sprang ball would have on a linen collar. it .jg rather late in the season to reOUCtlOns 'fl<br />

from his conviction of the strengtn The river Is high and no scarcity ^nte of a trip to the country so Remnant Day, the largest, most<br />

ot his case, made an irresistible im- of water The ^jilkwrirm i« in tpa , ..x. ^, • -kt -ir j j<br />

pression en many even of his theor- s^n.^rwomeV^ar buSy picWn. Tt^ Xll'Lk ^ ' S Z L ^h^se Xo ^'^''^''^ 'f ^^^^^ effectual<br />

eti^al and practical antagonists. mulberry leaves to feed them. There l l l T . Z ^y it wHl skfp it any" 'f.'^''' ""f'f '^ ^ '"^^^ to<br />

We thank the Witness Bearing are a half dozen across the fence ^^y. ^r. Chue had Invited me to go ^''^'^ °^ *^ '^^'°''' ^^

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