S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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November 19, 1913.<br />


A NURSE<br />

BECOME<br />

most obliging. Just before the guests<br />

T H E Chautauqua departed to go to their homes, Mr, F,<br />

School ot Nursing R. Ge<strong>org</strong>e completed the surprise and<br />

has tru 1 n ed thoufciutds<br />

of wonter.<br />

stirred the hearts as he spol to §!-.'> a<br />

week as nurses, send<br />

fur a copy of "How<br />

1 liecaiiie a Nurse"<br />

aiui our Year Book—<br />

•MS payes with actual<br />

jperlences ot Chautauqua Nurses..<br />

srortyeight speciiiu:!! lesson l>ages senljree ta ,ill iiigiiirer.^.<br />

The Chautauqua School of N ursing<br />

561 IHain Street Thirteeoth Year Jamestown,N.'i<br />


Our Fall communion was held the<br />

third Sabbath of October, Rev. Owen<br />

F, Thompson assisting. He gave us<br />

good practical sermons. We are always<br />

glad to have Mr, Thonipson with<br />

us. Mrs, Bernard Copeland's name<br />

was added to our roll. We are glad<br />

to welcome her into our midst.<br />

Mr, B. W. McMahan is our delegate<br />

to Presbytery at Blanchard, Iowa. He<br />

was accompanied by Mrs. McMahan,<br />

who will visit her mother at that<br />

place.<br />

"Miss Amy Montgomery, of Olathe,<br />

Kansas, is visiting her sisters, Mrs.<br />

Chas, Cavin and Mrs. Sam Milligan,<br />

Miss Agnes Belford and iliss Anna<br />

Cabeen, expect to attend the teachers'<br />

state meeting, to be held at Topeka,<br />

tlie first week in November.<br />

A number of the New School<br />

Cliurch -worshipped with us Sabbath,<br />

tubles were artistically decorated. The<br />

viands were well chosen and served,<br />

and the hostesses themselves were<br />

ties that exist between pastor<br />

and people, and in appreciation of our<br />

pastor and his work among us, extended<br />

to him the greetings of the congregation<br />

and asked him to accept as a<br />

token of their good will and appreciation,<br />

a flne leather purse, containing<br />

twenty dollars in gold.<br />

November WHITE 2, their COTTAGE, pastor. OHIO. Rev, L. A. a good many heavy assessments for<br />

(Benson,<br />

Misses<br />

being<br />

Eva and<br />

called<br />

Rose<br />

to<br />

Thompson,<br />

Sparta. Ill,,<br />

of street improvements in the rapid<br />

by near the White serious Cottage, illness of delightfully his mother. entertained<br />

the young people of the R.<br />

growth of this great city.<br />

Miss Lettie Wade conducted the<br />

P. Church at their beautiful country<br />

services in the Senior Endeavor Society<br />

on Sabbath evening in the<br />

home on a recent Tuesday evening in<br />

honor ot their pastor. Rev. R. W. Piper,<br />

The affair was in the nature of a<br />

surprise to their pastor. The house<br />

was charmingly decorated with white<br />

and yellow chrysanthemums, this also<br />

being carried out as the color<br />

scheme. The hours were pleasantly<br />

spent with music iind games. The<br />

W h a t<br />

A v o i d<br />

to<br />

in<br />

P i a n o s '<br />

Booklet Free<br />


Mr, D. D, Mearns attended the<br />

meeting of the Paciflc Coast Presbytery<br />

as a regular delegate from<br />

this congregation. Presbytery met in<br />

Santa Ana, Calif. Our Sabbath School<br />

attendance on Oct. 19 was 197. Collection<br />

$4.85.<br />

Our pastor was ably assisted at<br />

our fall communion services by Re\,<br />

J, G, Reed, of Regina, Canada. His<br />

sermons were very much appreciated.<br />

Rev. J, S. McGaw, D, D,, was also<br />

present for one service and explained<br />

the "Terms of Communion."<br />

Our congregation is striving to improve<br />

the singing in the use of the<br />

new Psalter, and already much progress<br />

is apparent. The new book is<br />

now in use in all our services.<br />

Our congregation has to pay with<br />


The Second Philadelphia Congregation<br />

have had a delightful season of<br />

•communion. Our assistants at this<br />

There is a constant temptation on the<br />

part of piano manufacturers to make<br />

pianos merely to sell, C, The case is<br />

really the least important part—butit<br />

looks important becauseit is all you can<br />

see, CL Therefore the maker of commercial<br />

pianos puts his best work on the<br />

exterior, C. To enable you—whether<br />

you know anything about pianos or not<br />

—to distinguish the good from the bad,<br />

we have done two things for your protection.<br />

C First, we back the Sohmer<br />

with ail absolute money-back life-time<br />

guarantee, ft Second, published a book<br />

which tells in an interesting, understandable<br />

way how to judge a piano.<br />

C, Follow the simple tests in this book<br />

and you will insure the best selection<br />

We call this new book "The Pith of the<br />

Piano Problem" and will gladly mail you<br />

a copy without cost or obligation together<br />

with a copy of the Sohmer Life-Time<br />

Guarantee, Write today—a postal will do.<br />

SOHMER & CO., 317 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK<br />

X<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

He Did Not Get the Original Duplex<br />

_<br />

A Church Treasurer wrote us a few days ago:<br />

"^^UJ^/^^ "The envelopes I ordered from you through are not<br />

plucd properly, as you can see by the one enclosed. Our Church<br />

D !e<br />

Council thinks you ought to refund half the cost,^ The envelopes<br />

WMtM«^^<br />

are not as heavy, either, as your samples were."<br />

The writer (whose name and address will be given on request) wanted the original<br />

Duplex and thought he was getting it. But the dealer substituted witliout<br />

letting him know. If you order through an agent specify Duplex-Richmond, V a.<br />

Note the trade-mark. The original Duplex is absolutely guaranteed. If you find a<br />

defect of any kind, not half the cost, but the whole cost, will be refunded<br />

t)y return mail.<br />

The Duplex Envelope System for the Ghurch and the Robert Eaikea Duplex for<br />

the Sunday School are both fully explained in' 'DtJPLEX CHOKCH AND SUNDAY<br />

SCHOOL METHODS"—«4 pages illustrated. Write for a copy and for free<br />

DUPLEX UNIT No. il.<br />


time was Rev, Paul Coleman, of Blan- Conrellsl.urg, Pa,, visited with the<br />

chard Congregation, Mr, Coleman's h.tter's sister, Mrs, A, A, Logan, for<br />

sermons were inspiring, causing his a few days while on their way home<br />

heai ers to make new resolutions to from Kansas and Nebraska.<br />

be more active in the blaster's ser-<br />

__^^_____.<br />

vice. Communion Sabbath dawned<br />

clear and warm, after a stormy night,<br />

making it pleasant for some of our<br />

aged members, who were present. We<br />

Why Not Use the<br />

had five new members at this time,<br />

Mr. and -Mrs, Blakely, Miss Sara and<br />

A a n e H e B n<br />

Agnes Archer, and Miss Marjory<br />

Metheny, We missed some familiar<br />

faces of those who have gone to their<br />

reward since the last communion.<br />

However, we feel assured that the rising<br />

generation is taking up the burdens<br />

and responsibilities they have<br />

laid down.<br />

We are glad to welcome to our city<br />

and congregation. Rev, R. A. Blair and<br />

family, who have taken up tbe work<br />

at the Jewish Mission.<br />


Rev, S. R. Wallace preached for us<br />

three Sabbaths in October, and held<br />

•ccmmuilion on the last Sabbath, The<br />

preachng was excellent and we can<br />

absence of the pastor, who was the<br />

regularly appointed leader.<br />

Edited by the American Revision<br />

Committee<br />

The most correct translaticn<br />

By the most eminent<br />

Christian Scholars<br />

From the oldest manuscripts<br />

The best version of the Scriptures<br />

ever produced<br />

Prices from 35 cents ul, — for sale by leading<br />

Booksellers—send for Booklet and Price List to<br />


P'hiff P-r^^lishers for Over 50 Years<br />

383-E Fourth Ave,, New York<br />

Agents Wanted for the Cross Eeference Bihle<br />

a'l hope very profitable to us all.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Jameson of<br />

New Concord, Ohio, attended com-<br />

ASBESTOS CORK SOLES will keep your<br />

m^union service with us. Mr. and feet warjn and dry. Try them. 1 pair I5c.,<br />

Mrs. Jameson are staying with the<br />

pairs for 25c. Ladies or gents. State size of<br />

shoe. HAHN CO., 254 West 15th St., NewYork<br />

latter's sister, Mrs. C. J. Brown, who<br />

u n<br />

has been ill, but is now improving.<br />

ock^Sbut<br />

Dr, Hamilton and daughter, from Most comfortable, serviceable andstylish hat<br />

the central part of the State, have 3 for dress or business. Knockaljoiit Felt,<br />

flexible sweatband, with outside silk band, can<br />

been visit'ng with Mrs. M, L, Roby,<br />

t be rolled into several shapes and worn as illus<br />

and other friends, recently.<br />

trated. Weight. 3 oz5. Sizes. 6J^ to y^<br />

Mr, and Mrs. Thos, McClure, of Mc-<br />

in binckj brown and ^rayniistnre, If<br />

not as represen ted I will refundyour<br />

t^gc. and Tou Can K

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