S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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November 19, 1913,<br />




We promised to tell you more about<br />

the very Interesting congregational<br />

prayer meetings we have had since<br />

,luly 1st.<br />

For several years we had used the<br />

Prayer-meeting Topics as prepared<br />

snri explained in the Christian Nation.<br />

One of the members of the<br />

session was appointed from time to<br />

time to be responsible for the meetings<br />

and secure leaders.<br />

It grew monotonous.<br />

explanations in this paper always are,<br />

we grew tired of hearing them read<br />

ia sections at the meetings, when %\ e<br />

had previously read them at home.<br />

But it was so easy to bring the "Nation"<br />

along! It was so easy to let<br />

others do our thinking for us! Personal<br />

responsibility didn't thrive.<br />

The endless chain Prayer-meetings<br />

were started. Each leader is a link.<br />

At the close of his meeting he announces<br />

the subject for the next<br />

meeting, his reason tor selecting that<br />

particular subject and the leader.<br />

Each link becomes a part of the<br />

chain by helping the next leader prepare<br />

for his meeting.<br />

It grows more and more interesting-.<br />

We think more and give more<br />

personal experiences. Expressions<br />

like "No, I can't lead on that subject,"<br />

"No, I don't want to lead,"<br />

have heen changed for "When it's my<br />

turn to lead I'm going to " or<br />

'I've got a subject all ready to give<br />

out."<br />

A few of the topics which created<br />

the greatest Interest were:<br />

"An approved workman," 2 Tim,,<br />

2:15, This proved to be a 'conference<br />

which lasted an hour and three<br />

Quarters. There were fourteen well<br />

prepared talks on different aspects of<br />

Church work.<br />

The following week; "Your plans<br />

for increasing the efficiency of our<br />

church during the coming year."<br />

Acts 20, 28.<br />

The next week: "Now then do it."<br />

2 Sam, 3, 18. A meeting of special<br />

prayer that we might be enabled to<br />

carry out the plans of the two previous<br />

meetings.<br />

"Methods of giving," 2 Kings, 12, 9.<br />

This subject proved so interesting<br />

tiiat our pastor asked for the continuation<br />

of the same subject next<br />

week with the same leader. The sec-<br />

Md meeting was fully as interesting<br />

^ the first.<br />

"Bible Thoughts on Children,"<br />

Mark, 10, 14. One of our youngest<br />

members led this meeting.<br />

Tliere is still much opportunity for<br />

improvement. Every prayer-meeting<br />

is a "feast of fat things" for him who<br />

comes to "give thanks" and "take<br />

^at," but viewing a feast through a<br />

"mdow-pane (of indifference) is always<br />

a dull proposition.<br />


A most helpful communion was enjoyed<br />

on October 26. Congregat'onal<br />

•"•ayer meetings in connection with<br />

*e preparatory services brought an<br />

blessing. The pastor was<br />

assisted by Rev. S. J. Johnston, who<br />

preached on Saturday, and Rev. T. A.<br />

'McElwain, who explained the Psalm<br />

and the Words of Institution on Sabbath.<br />

Though the weather was very<br />

unfavorable, there was a full attendance<br />

at all the services.<br />

A convention of the Slippery Rock<br />

District Sabbath Schools met with us<br />

on October SOth. The program was<br />

full of interest and inspiration for<br />

the future.<br />

A visit from Dr. and Mrs. Balph<br />

Good as the was greatly enjoyed by our congregation.<br />

On Saturday, September 27th,<br />

the missionary societies gave a reception<br />

in their honor at the parsonage,<br />

and on Sabbath, Dr. Balph gave<br />

two very interesting talks on the<br />

work in Syria, A number of Dr.<br />

Balph's old friends and neighbors, not<br />

members of our congregation, were in<br />

attendance, both at the reception and<br />

on Sabbath.<br />

helpful. On Monday morning he told<br />

we wrote our last letter to The Nation,<br />

in regard to Mr. Melvin Jame­<br />

in China, of the increased number of<br />

of the enlarging of our mission work<br />

son attending college at Columbus, laborers it calls for and of how it<br />

During the absence of Rev, and Ohio, for we learned a few days afterward<br />

that he was in our own Gen­<br />

The home of Mr. and (Mrs. J. Fred<br />

U in need of the church's prayers.<br />

Mrs. Ferguson, on their vacation, the<br />

congregation took advantage of the eva College at Beaver Falls. We are Martin, on South Sixteenth street,<br />

opportunity to put in some cement glad to make the correction. this city, was the scene of a very<br />

work at the parsonage.<br />

Mr. Samuel Logan, of Hoopeston, happy event, when at noon on Oct. 9,<br />

On October 9th, the AV, C, T, U,, of Ills., was here on a visit to his brother,<br />

Mr. David Logan, but was called<br />

-Sippery Rock township, held an all<br />

1913, their daughter. Miss Mary Grace<br />

Martin, was united in marriage to<br />

day meeting at the home of Mrs. home on account of business. William J. Radke. At the hour of 12,<br />

Anna Houston. A delicious dinner<br />

,Mrs. Myrtle Tippin, a sister of the<br />

was a feature of the day and the report<br />

of the delegate from the State<br />

bride, began singing, "Oh, Promise<br />

Me," with Mrs, W. G. Dunn accom­<br />

convention was a most interesting<br />

part of the program.<br />

On September 10th, Miss Ethel Wilson,<br />

daughter of Elder J. M, Wilson<br />

and a member of Geneva's class of<br />

1913, sailed from New York for India,<br />

under the appointment of the United<br />

Presbyterian Board,<br />


The regular fall meeting of Pittsburgh<br />

Presbytery was held in the<br />

First Church of Beaver Falls on October<br />

28.<br />

The resignation of Rev. McCune<br />

from the pastorate of McKeesport<br />

was accepted and the relation dissolved.<br />

The ordination and installation of<br />

Rev, J. Boyd Tweed as pastor of the<br />

Beaver Falls congregation -was an interesting<br />

part of Presbytery's proceedings.<br />

Mr. McClure, student in Seminary,<br />

gave an essay on "The Origin of the<br />

Covenanters," and a sermon from<br />

John 12:32, as trials for licensure<br />

and was most heartily sustained in<br />

both.<br />

The report of the work among the<br />

Syrians in Pittsburgh was very encouraging.<br />

To further this work, it<br />

was recommended that a collection<br />

be taken in the congregations of the<br />

Presbytery on Thanksgiving Day.<br />

It was also recommended that pastors<br />

should preach on the subject of<br />

the "Tobacco Habit" some time before<br />

the next meeting of Synod.<br />

(Most royal entertainment was provided<br />

by the ladies of the congregation.—W.<br />

O. Ferguson, Clerk.<br />


Mr, John Campbell has arrived<br />

home from Minneapolis, Minn,, where<br />

he has been visiting sons and daughters<br />

for some time.<br />

Mrs, John Curry has returned to<br />

her home in Bloomington, Ind,. after<br />

spending some time here.<br />

Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Jameson, of<br />

New Concord, Ohio, are visiting<br />

friends and relatives around Gaylord,<br />

Mich,, and Hetherton at present.<br />

A party -was given at Mrs. McKelvey's<br />

in honor of Miss Rose Robinson,<br />

who is returning to Detroit. The<br />

party was well attended and was an<br />

enjoyable affair.<br />

The writer was misinformed when<br />

The local hunters are somewhat excited,<br />

and bear steak has been a common<br />

aiticle of diet for the last two<br />

weeks, as two black bears were killed<br />

in one week in an old desertedorchard,<br />

and two more were shot at when<br />

they eame to eat apples, of which<br />

they seem to be very fond. Bears<br />

seem to be very plentiful from all reports<br />

in the large swamps or very<br />

deep -vs'oods away! from the settlements.<br />

UuiiBA'if«%\<br />

M » t w ^<br />

Rev. S, R, Wallace -supplied our<br />

pulpit through October.<br />

Dr. Hamilton and daughter, of the<br />

central part of the State, are visiting<br />

friends and relatives at Hetherton,<br />


The Clarinda Congregation were<br />

greatly privileged in having Dr. A, I.<br />

Robb with them during their fall communion.<br />

Different ones remarked that<br />

if he was poorly, his preaching gave<br />

little evidence of it, lor he spoke with<br />

power, and his messages were blessed<br />

to his hearers. There were good<br />

sized and attentive audiences at all<br />

the services. His address on Sabbath<br />

night concerning the recent changes<br />

in China was very instructive and<br />

panying (her at the piano. Immediately<br />

at its close the bride and<br />

groom appeared and took their places<br />

beneath a bower of evergreens and<br />

palms and were united in marriage<br />

by the bride's pastor, Rev, H, G, Mc­<br />

Conaughy, The bride was beautifully<br />

gC'Wned in embroidered net over white<br />

silk and carried a bouquet of white<br />

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