S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Non ember 19. 1913.<br />

count of a victory more\ worthy of study<br />

than either the battle of AA'aterloo or Gettysburg.<br />

It is a victory in which is to be found<br />

the "secret of victory in bringing the kingdom<br />

of this world into subjection to Christ<br />

and establishing- bis kingdomi from sea to sea<br />

and from the rivers unto the ends of the<br />

earth.<br />

I. It ziHis under the direction of Jehoi'ah.<br />

Whenj Israel was about ready to go up<br />

against Jericho, under the leadership of<br />

Joshua, the I^rd appeared unto Joshua in<br />

the form of a man with a sword drawn in<br />

his hand. And when Joshua said unto him:<br />

"Art thou for us, or for our adversaries," he<br />

replied. "Nay; but as captain of the host of<br />

the Lord am I come." The great victories<br />

of faith have all been won under the leadership<br />

of God. The first step in undertaking<br />

any great service in the kingdom of God is<br />

the yielding of self and human expediency<br />

to the will of God. It is not possible to walk<br />

by faith until we have first learned to obey<br />

the will of God.<br />

II, It zi'Os zvithout the use of any carnal<br />

weapons. The City of Jericho was one of<br />

the strongest cities in Canaan. It was well<br />

fortified with a strong wall. But Israel was<br />

not permitted to set up any battering rams<br />

or resort to the use of any of the instruments<br />

of war which were used commonly in war.<br />

The walls of the city were to be brought<br />

down through faith. And the exercise of<br />

faith was to be revealed in the use of those<br />

means—means that would to the inhabitants<br />

of Jericho doubtless seem insufiicient and<br />

absurd. The walls were to be brought down<br />

by the marching of Israel about the city and<br />

the blowing upon the trumpets. Thus "God<br />

hath chosen the weak things of the world<br />

to confound the wise; and God hath chosen<br />

the weak things of the world to confound<br />

the things which are mighty." The church<br />

has never won a great victory when she has<br />

resorted to the use of carnal weapons. But<br />

when she has used the means of divine appointment,<br />

which call for dependence upon<br />

God, she has been mighty through God to<br />

the pulling down of stro(ngholds."<br />

III. The conquest zvas carried on in the<br />

full assurance of victory. The obedience and<br />

patience of Israel in marching about the city<br />

day after day showed that they had faith to<br />

believe that victory awaited them. Faith sees<br />

things which are yet to come to pass. It<br />

lifts the believer up frolm things as they actually<br />

exist about him and enables him to see<br />

them as they shall be. It gives the believer<br />

a vision of the accomplished work and leads<br />

him on by a constant inspiration. "Abraham<br />

saw my day, and he rejoiced to see it and<br />

was glad," Through faith the believer is<br />

permitted to sing the songs and give the<br />

shout otf victory even before the walls have<br />

fallen.<br />

IV. In the conquest of the city there zvas<br />

co-operation on the part of the princes and<br />

ihe priests. In marching about the walls of<br />

the city a band of armed men who represented<br />

the civil power, preceded the priest, who<br />

hore the ark. Here we may see the church<br />

and state in mutual co-operation in advanciiR<br />

the kingdom of God. The state must precede<br />

the church when protection is needed.<br />

Treaties must be formed and protection secured<br />

by the state to prepare the vvay for the<br />

representatives which the church sends out<br />

*o a heathen land to proclaim tbe gospel,<br />

When civil powers are inimical to the gospel<br />

A t'AMlLY PAPER.<br />

and fail to pave the way for the heralds of<br />

the cross the cause of Christ suffers injury<br />

and the progress of the kingdom is slow. It<br />

may also be noted that it is not sufficient for<br />

the representatives of church and state to<br />

pass around the city alone. All of the congregation<br />

of people must accoi-npany them.<br />

There must be the exercise of faith in the<br />

hearts of all believers if progress is to be<br />

made. If the kingdom of Satan is to be destroyed<br />

and the kingdom of grace advanced,<br />

there must be that mutual co-operation between<br />

church and state and among all believers<br />

in the different spheres of their lives<br />

that will enable them to go forth as a company<br />

of horses in Pharaoh's chariot.<br />

A''. It zvas a conquest in zvhich there zvas<br />

no offer of compromise.<br />

No opportunity was given to the men of<br />

Jericho to escape. The command was "to<br />

destroy them utterly," The war in which<br />

believers are engaged is one that calls for<br />

complete extermination. No form or feature<br />

of the forces of evil is to be left.<br />

VI, In the conquest of Jericho, Israel z^ns<br />

to abide the Lord's time for z'ictory. It was<br />

not until they had compassed the city about<br />

seven days, vvhich may be taken to signify<br />

the fulness of time, that they were to ex-<br />

])ect the walls of the city to fall. It is not<br />

for believers to know the time or reason o'f<br />

the kingdorn but to* continue on until the<br />

time comes which Jehovah in his sovereign<br />

wisdom has appointed for the day of victory,<br />

VIL It zvas a conquest that zvas carr'icd<br />

on zvith a- viczu to the glory of God.<br />

The purpolse of this victory was really to<br />

prove the power and supremacy of the God<br />

of Israel, so that the inhabitants of the land<br />

of Canaan might be overcome with fear and<br />

give glory to the God of Israel. In this work<br />

Israel was simply the agent of God, acting<br />

under the direction of God to meet out justice<br />

upon the inhabitants of Canaan, whose<br />

cup of iniquity was now full.<br />

Eskridge, Kansas.<br />

Lesson G, December 7, -191-3,<br />


By Anna Pritchard Ge<strong>org</strong>e.<br />


Joshua 5:10—6; 27.<br />

What do soldiers need in battle, Joe? "Guns."<br />

Long ago there were no guns. Men fought with<br />

swords and knocked down city walls with big engines.<br />

Suppose our army would try to capture<br />

a city shut up inside a wall. Bud, could they do<br />

much with only swords and horns? Well, the<br />

only weapons the Jews have in today's lesson are<br />

swords and horns. Yet they capture a walled<br />

city. How do they do it, Ge<strong>org</strong>e? They must<br />

have some other help. "God helps them." Yes,<br />

just as He did in the Red Sea and all through<br />

the Wilderness, and lately In crossing the Jordan.<br />

So God helps against Jericho.<br />

On the sand tables pile these stones forming<br />

the walls of Jericho. Inside, these small boxes<br />

are for the houses and these sticks the people<br />

of Jericho. This house on the wall is the home<br />

Of Rahab. At one time Joshua sent two spies<br />

in to Jericho, and Rahab aided them so the other<br />

people 'could not capture them. Her relatives<br />

are in the house with her. Outside the walls, a<br />

couple of miles away, these sticks and paper<br />

tents are the Jews in camp. This box with long<br />

sticks for poles fastened one on each side, is<br />

for the Ark of the Covenant.<br />

The people of Jericho are greatly frightened.<br />

They have heard of all the wonderful things God<br />

has done for the Jews, and are afraid Jericho<br />

will be captured too. All stay inside the city<br />

gates. No one goes out nor comes in.<br />

Outside, the Jews are waiting for orders from<br />

God. He has not yet told them what to do. They<br />

have nothing with which to destroy the walls and<br />

they cannot climb over. Some have swords, but<br />

even if all were armed it would do no good, for the<br />

enemy are all on the other side of the wall, and<br />

the gates are shut. But Goi has helped them<br />

all these forty years in the wilderness, and they<br />

know nothing is too hard for Him.<br />

Here is Joshua leaving the camp. He walks<br />

over toward the city wondering how they will<br />

take Jericho, He looks up. Right before him is<br />

a soldier brandishing a sword, Joshua exclaims,<br />

"Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?'' "Nay;<br />

but as captain of the host of the Lord am 1 now<br />

come," He is the Angel of the Covenant come<br />

from. God to lead the Jews to victory. The angel<br />

teils Joshua God's wonderful plan for capturing<br />

Jericho, "that all the peoples of the earth may<br />

know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty;<br />

that they may fear the Lord your God for ever."<br />

Early the next morning Joshua leads all the<br />

men from camp. Pirst come the armed warriors,<br />

then seven priests with trumpets made from<br />

ranis' horns. Marjorie, you were neariy killed<br />

with the horns of a ram one day. You know<br />

how twisted and strong they are. The priests<br />

blow a loud piercing tone on them, so the men<br />

can keep better step. After these priests others<br />

come bearing the Ark of the Covenant. Then<br />

follow all the other men. Here they march clear<br />

around the city. Not a sound is heard but the<br />

voice of the trumpets. Just once around they<br />

march in silence and prayer, then back to their<br />

camp. The next day they march around once in<br />

silence again. For six days they make this solemn<br />

march. Does it terrify the people inside the<br />

walls, Ellis? Yes, they wonder and fear more<br />

and more. The Jews on the outside gain strength<br />

and courage as they trust in God more and more.<br />

They are ready to do exactly as He says.<br />

Finally on the seventh day they rise just as<br />

tne sun shows its firstlight over the hills. They<br />

march around the 'city once, then the second<br />

time. Here they go around the thirl time. Seven<br />

times this seventh day they march around Jericho<br />

in silence—only the sound of the trumpets can<br />

be heard. At the end of the seventh time the<br />

priests give a long blast with the trumpets, and<br />

the people who have been told beforehand what<br />

to do, give a great shout. What do you suppose<br />

happens, Elmer? The walls of the city fall<br />

flat, just as these stones fall. The people Inside<br />

are cowering In fear. The Jews rush over the<br />

fallen wall and kill all the wicked people—men,<br />

women and children, and even all the cattle.<br />

God has told them- to spare none but Rahab and<br />

her family. Why is she saved, Ethel? "She<br />

saved the spies." Yes, and Joshua sends the<br />

same spies to lead Rahab and those in the house<br />

with her, outside the camp of Israel, You see God<br />

always rewards those who serve Him. Rahab<br />

and her people are the only ones saved alive in<br />

Jericho. Afterwari she marries a Jewish man,<br />

and it is through her children that Jesus comes<br />

to earth. Then God orders that only silver<br />

and gold, and vessels of brass and iron be saved,<br />

and -that these be used in the house of the Lord.<br />

All else is to be destroyed. The Jews carry away<br />

these metals, then .the city is burned to the<br />

ground, God's 'children have at last gained an<br />

entrance into the Promised Land,<br />

Have we cities to capture, Ellsworth? "No."<br />

But we have tasks as bard for us to accomplish.<br />

How about the boy witb an ugly temper?<br />

Is it easy to control? And the girl who wants<br />

to steal, and the children who lie? All these<br />

things are impossible for us to overcome alone.<br />

But ask Jesus to help, and then it will be as<br />

easy as it was for the Jews with God helping, to<br />

capture Jericho,

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