S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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In which Is merged<br />

The Reformed Presbyterian Standard and also Ovir Banner<br />

Volume 59. Whole Number L520. NEW VORK, NOVEMBER 19, 1913. 1105 Tribune Building, New York.<br />

Published Weekly $2.00 Per Year Single Copy 10 Cents<br />

•<br />


Dear Friends:—Work was started in connection<br />

with the Mission to The Jews on October 5th, It<br />

took a few days to get the building cleaned but<br />

there was time for some visiting before Sabbath,<br />

the 12th, Saturday we opened the doors and had a<br />

Cumber of callers. Among these was quite a<br />

number of children. One boy, by the name of<br />

Samuel, grew so enthusiastic over his new found<br />

friends, that he would go out and pull his more<br />

backward companions Into the building and introduce<br />

them to us. He was very friendly and<br />

told us that his father had a fruit store (which<br />

one of his chums immediately said was a push<br />

cart) and that his father was very rich; that he<br />

had a dollar and quarters ani twenty fives. He<br />

also told us that he was 8 1-2 years old, which,<br />

when Miss Forsythe visited his father, she found<br />

to be reduced to seven. This same Samuel, we also<br />

found, stays out on the streets until midnight and<br />

his father thinks that he cannot do anything.<br />

On Sabbath we held our first Sabbath School,<br />

We had perhaps, fifteen or sixteen boys and<br />

girls, but their older brothers and sisters and<br />

their parents came and took them out by force<br />

until we only had four or five left. The crowd<br />

outside was cursing the name of Christ and beat<br />

the children when they went out and tore up the<br />

papers and cards that they had received. On<br />

.October 9th we had only four boys who braved to<br />

come into Sabbath School, but we had a number<br />

of friends and workers who came to be with lis<br />

and they held a prayer meeting. The next Sabbath<br />

we had sixteen boys and girls present and<br />

last Sabbath we had twenty-two, in spite ot the<br />

fact that intimidation and physical force are used<br />

to prevent their coming. It would be a novel experience<br />

for most of our Sabbath School scholars<br />

through the church to be beat for coming to Sabbath<br />

School and to come as the sister of the<br />

aforementioned Sam-uel came last Sabbath, namety<br />

title front door and was prevented rom com<br />

ink in and then beat the crowd around the square<br />

ind fiet in by the side door all out o breath,<br />

but not the least bit afraid, Samuel's enthusiasm<br />

did not last long as he has never returned, but<br />

we C e to havi him using his powers m our<br />

'tlss'lolsythe has been holding --/^S -1-°1<br />

for both boys and girls twice a week and the<br />

oung People's Topx—November 30.<br />

God's word and to sing the psalms. It also helps<br />

gjreatly to get them to come on the Sabbath.<br />

We have had night classes for the study of<br />

English, twice each week, and while we have<br />

only two pupils, we have had a number of visitors<br />

and the night school has given us the best<br />

opporutunlty to talk concerning the claims of<br />

Jesus Christ,<br />

The public preaching of the gospel was started<br />

on Sabbath evening, October 26th, Doctor Mc­<br />

Feeters kindly preached for us and we had a<br />

large attendance of our Covenanter brethren. Mr.<br />

Wilson and the members of the Srd Church changed<br />

their service to the afternoon in order to be<br />

with us and Mr. Pearce preached to the members<br />

of the 2nd Church, so that Doctor McFeeters<br />

might be with us. Every chair in the building<br />

was occupied and there were a few Hebrews<br />

present. We had a splendid sermon and we hope<br />

and pray that the vision and prophecy of the sermon<br />

may soon be fulfilled,<br />

AVe are very much encouraged by the sympathy<br />

and help we are receiving from the pastors and<br />

the members of the different congregations. We<br />

cannot tell them how much we appreciate their<br />

presence and help at all the meetings. We are<br />

also encouraged by the opposition that the devil<br />

has seen fitto stir up. He seems to think that<br />

it is worth his while opposing us,<br />

A word as to our needs. Like all Missions, tbe<br />

treasurer needs money. He says that there Is<br />

special need this year which others will tell you<br />

of. We can use usable clothing of all kinds, and<br />

some toys would not be amiss for the children,<br />

who have very little to brighten their lives. Then<br />

Miss Forsythe can use ginghams, muslin and outing<br />

flannel in the Sewing School. Our greatest<br />

need, however, is believing prayer. Nearly everyone<br />

who speaks or writes to us encourages us by<br />

telling us that we have a hard field. We are likelv<br />

to get to know the truth of their statement.<br />

We are glad to hear that some are making us<br />

and the work a matter of special prayer, and I<br />

would like to ask all who believe that the work<br />

is difflcult that as soon as they read this letter<br />

that they would turn to The Gospel of Matthew,<br />

chapter 21, and verses 21-22 and claim Christ's<br />

iiromise for the difficulty. Then we can thank<br />

Hini for the hard work and reioice that "there<br />

is nothing too hard for the Lord."<br />

Stbbith School Lesson—December<br />

Sincerely yours,<br />

R, A. BLAIR,<br />

Mission address, SOO South 5th St., Philadelphia.

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