S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Novemher 12, 1913. A FAMILY PAPER. U<br />

Cut Glass<br />

.J^ill^ Set<br />

To introduce t 95<br />

11 ust rated<br />

K X p r e .s s<br />

ri^es paid<br />


Higlil^' polislietl. Buzz<br />

^'r,\It design. Money back<br />

U notfatisfactuiy. Beautiful<br />

CataloK I'vee; also<br />

speclBl ofter of >Hi,Ol) Out<br />

GUvas Waier Sel Frkk,<br />

ESSEX CUT GLASS CO., 719 W. B'dway, N.Y. City<br />


iJIiss Belle Arthur, of Holly, is<br />

spending a few weeks with her sister,<br />

Mrs. Stewart of Bg Rapids.<br />

Mrs, A. I. Rohb and little daughter<br />

are visiting ilrs. W, .M, Robb,<br />

jMisr-s Olive Bartha Carnew has begun<br />

her year's work as teacher in the<br />

fine new<br />

and is boarding with Rev, and Mrs,<br />

H. G. Patterson.<br />

On last Sabbath evening, Oct. 5,<br />

there were thirty present, the largest<br />

nuinber that has attended any service<br />

as yet. The interest seems to<br />

be growing, both among the members<br />

arid THIS adherents. GIRL IS A WONDER.<br />

You can make dollars and dollars<br />

selling Pure Fruit Candy; so if you<br />

want more money than you ever possessed,<br />

send forty-eight two cent<br />

stamps to cover expense of mailing<br />

seventy-seven Pure Food Formulas,<br />

and a set of assorted bonbon moulds.<br />

I will help you start in business. I am<br />

Denver Cong 1,50<br />


glad to help others, who, like myself,<br />

May.<br />

J, P 5,00<br />

need money. People say "the candy McKeesport & Monongehela Miss May Walker, Per J. P, .,. l.Ot<br />

Cong 4,02<br />

is the best they ever tasted,"—therein<br />

lies the beauty of the business.<br />

Blanchard Cong 15,5(<br />

Seattle Cong 15,00 Olathe Cong,, Addl 10,0C<br />

l!i ookland Cong 2,50<br />

You don't have to canvass; you sell<br />

W, M. S. Los Angeles, to purchase<br />

instruments<br />

25,Oc<br />

Xew Concord Cong 4,20<br />

right from CHINA your SPECIALS.<br />

own home. I made Ray, Ind,, Cong 3,50<br />

$12,00 the first<br />

June.<br />

day; so can you. Isa­Oakdalbelle Cong 5,40<br />

Mrs, Melissa Dodds, to purchase<br />

Pbh, Pres,<br />

Inez,<br />

W,<br />

Block<br />

M.<br />

1261,<br />

S. Thank<br />

East<br />

offering<br />

Boys'<br />

Liberty, Vernon Cong 4.25 instruments ....'<br />

10,Or<br />

Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />

Topeka Cong 23,29 L, M, S, Sterling 10.00<br />

School 30,00<br />

L. M, S, Greeley lO.OC<br />

Pbh, Pres. W. M. S, Thank offering,<br />

Bible Reader 30,00<br />

Pbh. Pres. W. M. S. Thank offering.<br />

Support Child 25.00<br />

Y. P. C. U, Winchester, account<br />

Sal, Lei Liu Cheung 25.00<br />

Y, P, C, U, Winchester, support<br />

lah Kaau Tai 15.00<br />

July.<br />

Bible Class, Geneva College,<br />

support native worker 18.00<br />

Eugene Dodds, Oak Park, support<br />

girl, disc. Miss D 15.00<br />

L- M. S. Olathe, Cong., Disc,<br />

Miss Dean 20.00<br />

August.<br />

I- M, S. Sterling Cong., for Hos-<br />

P'taJ 5.00<br />

^' S. St. Louis Cong., support<br />

2 children 15.00<br />


June.<br />

Amounts collected by Rev. S.<br />

^•Jgar for desks in Girls<br />

School, Latakia, disc. Miss Ed-<br />

^^'' 116.93<br />

^- •^. S, Blanchard. desks in<br />

fioys School 3.00<br />


June.<br />

L, M, S, Winchester, support<br />

Zakea Antoni & Khuzmii<br />

i-\luky in Miss Sterrett's school 60,00<br />

August,<br />

Mrs, Stewart's Class, Winchester,<br />

support boy. Disc. .Vliss<br />

French 25.00<br />


May,<br />

ilcKeesport & Monongehela<br />

Cong 4,22<br />

New Concord Cong 4,95<br />

L. M, S. Sterling 10,(I0<br />

R. P, (Sth St,) Pittsburgh 2,00<br />

July,<br />

Srd Phila 1.00<br />

August.<br />

"Chattanooga, Tenn," 5,(10<br />

L, M. S, 1st Beaver Falls 5.00<br />

Morning Sun €ong 17,70<br />

school house at Prospect, Utica Cong 8,50<br />

l>ong Branch Cong<br />

IS,57<br />

White Lake Cong 6.00<br />

United .Miami Cong 22,00<br />

3rd Phila, Cong 25,93<br />

Eskridge Cong 11,90<br />

Tabor Cong 1,S7<br />

Sterling Cong 18,41<br />

Mrs, M, J, Wilkey, Sterling,<br />

Kan. 5.00<br />

Billings Cong 6.21<br />

Winchester Cong 65,40<br />

Walton Cong, ! 26,40<br />

\\ ashington Cong 7,07<br />

ind N, Y. Cong 46,00<br />

New Galilee Cong, . , 6,17<br />

2nd N, Y, Cong 25,00<br />

Tabor Cong 3,31<br />

August,<br />

"Chattanooga, Tenn," 10,00<br />


May,<br />

R. P, Pittsburgh Cong. (Sth St,) 1,00<br />

June.<br />

Pgh, W. Pres, Miss. Soc, Thank<br />

Offering 3.00<br />

Y. P. M, S, Allegheny Cong.,. 15,00<br />


May.<br />

A Mother in Israel, Philadelphia,<br />

Per. J, P 25.00<br />

Father. Per J. P 10,00<br />

Miss Eleanor Duncannon, Per<br />

J, P 1,00<br />

Union Cong. Per J. p 8,45<br />

J. B, Spear, New Concord, Ohio,<br />

Per J. P 1,00<br />

"Two Friends," Per J. P 10.00<br />

Central Allegheny, M. S,, Per<br />

J. P 10,00<br />

"Two Friends, New Concord,<br />

Ohio, Per J. P 5,00<br />

DownieviUe, Per .1. P 1,00<br />

June.<br />

The Robert Raikes Duplex System<br />


Richmond For the Sunday School<br />

This System, firstofFcred to the Sunday Schools only a little over a yc^sr<br />

ago (under the name Beginners' Duplex), is now training ten,s oi thousands<br />

-^^Aou^^si^ of young people in the habit of making weekly offerings to Missions as well<br />

as to Local Support, Kvery day brings us tetters suchc.7 this:<br />

"We are much pleased with the results attained, and ejcpect at the end of the School year to<br />

show a substantial increase in oflerings. We feel that the largest benefit has come, however,<br />

from the educational value of the envelopes. At least twice a week (when the contributions<br />

are placed in the envelope, and when it is put on the plate) practically every pupil's thousrht<br />

is turned to others, and Missions is a constant presence,''—L, S, Freeman, Rosliudale, Mass,<br />

We selected the name "Robert Raikes" for our Sunday School Duplex in remembrance<br />

of tbe founder of the modern Sunda.v ,Sfhoo!,<br />

The Duplex Svstem for the Church and the Robert Raikes Duplex for the Sunday<br />

ley. School Per are J, both P fully explained in "DUPLEX 4,75 CHURCH AND SUNDAY .SCHOOL<br />

Denver METHODS," Cong,, Write Per for J, it P and for free 21,00 ROBERT RAIKES UNIT No, il. We shall<br />

be glad to send also particulars of the Graded Duplex System for the Sunday Scbool,<br />

James Carson, Denver, Per J, P, 5.00<br />

Denver<br />

recommended<br />

W, M,<br />

by<br />

S„<br />

Rev,<br />

Per<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e<br />

J, P<br />

H, Trull,<br />

5,00<br />


T h B A m e r i c a n<br />

Montclair W, M. S„ Per J, P. l.OO<br />

Quinter Cong,, Per J, P 12,27<br />

Superior Cong,, Per J, P 10,21<br />

Beulah Cong, Per J, P 16,75<br />

James Dodds, Los Angeles,<br />

Per J. p 10,00<br />

J. K, O'Neill, Winchester, Per<br />

J. P 10,00<br />

Dr, D. R, Sterrett, Winchester,<br />

Per J, p 15,00<br />

Eskridge Cong,, Per J, P 23.14<br />

Denison Cong., Per J, P<br />

83, li<br />

Denison Y. P, S. C, E,, Per<br />

J, P 6,1C<br />

"Friend," Topeka Cong,, Per<br />

J. P 1,0(<br />

Olathe Cong,, Per J, P 68,3(<br />

"Friend," Winchester, Per J, P, 10,Oc<br />

Miss Sara Ewing, Clarinda, Per<br />

Winchester Cong 74.00<br />

L, M, S, Morning Sun Cong. , . 19,4E<br />

Topeka Cong 13.95<br />


House for Rev. S, Edgar.<br />

May.<br />

L. M. S, Long Branch, R. M, S. 15.00<br />

C, G, Mcllhenny, Princeton,<br />

S. E 5,00<br />

Rev. & Mrs. W. M, Robb, R, M.<br />

S 10.00<br />

Mrs. Henry Russell, Bloomington,<br />

E, E 19,50<br />

Stanilmrd Bible<br />

(Edited by the American Revision Committee)<br />


All scholars are agreed that thia<br />

is the most accurate translation of<br />

the Scriptures, as it embodies the<br />

results of BibUcal research in the<br />

last 300 years, during which time a<br />

greater number ot authentic manuscripts<br />

have been brought to hght<br />

than in the thousand of years preceding.<br />

Those who cimg to the old version<br />

voluntarily deprive themselves of all<br />

that Christian Scholarship has gained<br />

in exact knowledge of the Bible during<br />

the last 300 years.<br />

Then, too, the exact thought of<br />

the sacred writers is given in readily<br />

understandable language in this version—<br />

hence its readings are much more interesting<br />

and instructive to the entire family.<br />

The American Standard Bible is made in several<br />

editions especially suitable for home and study use,<br />

combining large type and compact size. Over 200<br />

styles to meet every requirement. Prices, 35 cents<br />

to «50,00,<br />


.Tust let us send<br />

CORK<br />

you sample<br />

SOLES<br />

pages<br />

will<br />

and<br />

keep<br />

price<br />

your<br />

list,<br />

feet that warm you, yourself, and dry. may Try see them, wl;at a 1 wonderful pair I5c,, Book 2<br />

pairs it really for is. 25c. Ladies oi gents. State size of<br />

shoe, James THOMAS HAHN Dodds, NELSON CO.,2.54 Los Angeles, West & SONS 16th Cal,, St., New York<br />

S, E 381 Fourth Avenue, New York 15.00<br />

James For Carson, Sals bjf Denver, All Bookaelleps<br />

Colo., S.<br />

E 10.00<br />

L. M, S, Stafford Cong,,, S E, 18,00<br />

Stafford Cong,, S, E 23.50<br />

Soughfleld Cong 31.69<br />

S. S, Long Branch 29.94<br />

"A Friend," of Long Branch<br />

Cong 5.00<br />

S. S. Geneva Cong 10.00<br />

How's This?<br />

August.<br />

We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for<br />

L, M. S. Old Bethel Cong 15.00<br />

anv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by<br />

iHall's Catarrh Cure,<br />

F, J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.<br />

We, the undersigned, have known F. J,<br />

Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe hira<br />

perfectly honorable in all business transactions<br />

and financially able to carry ont any obligations<br />

made by his firm,<br />


John H, Curry, Bloomington, ,, , 10,00<br />

Birthday offering, L. M, S., Clarinda<br />

18.00<br />

June .<br />

Pgh, Pres, W. M, S. Thank Offering<br />

78.10<br />

J„ M. S, St, Louis Cong,, S, E. 10.00<br />

L, M. S, 1st U, P, Church, St.<br />

Louis, S, E 6.65<br />

ti n. ^ . , ^ . Toledo, O,<br />

Mrs, A Melissa . ^ K Dodds, H ILos M Angeles<br />

Z^!r, • •«V • Ask 10,00 him if he advises you to keep this<br />

^^ y^"'' ^^^^^ ^o"t Ayer's PiUs.<br />

Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting<br />

L. M, S. Los Angeles Con 25.00 directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces<br />

femily laxative in the house. He knows the action of these pills,<br />

S, S, 2nd N. Y., R. M. S 50,00 of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price<br />

and can wisely advise you. Take them or not, as he directs!<br />

"A Friend," Blanchard 1,00 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.<br />

Pgh. Pres. W. M. S. Thank "A Ayer's Friend," Pills Newburgh, have been N, Y., sold R, for over 60 years. For constipation.<br />

biliousness, sick-headache, indigestion, Take Hall's dyspepsia. Family Pills for J, constipation<br />

O. Ayer Co,.<br />

offering ,. ..,,,, 19,00 M, S 1.00<br />

Lowell, Mass.<br />

W M. S. 2nd Phila 25.00 Mrs, M, I. -Robb & Miss Mary<br />

Mrs. K. L. Milliken, 2nd Phila 10.00 Fowler, Newburgh, N. Y,, R,<br />

"Samaritan Evans 2 Stafford<br />

In<br />

Mrs. Le Parnassus Y, W, Greeley New Kobt. J. .T. J, Concord, friends. P.<br />

Memory,<br />

Junta M. P Castle Taylor's S., Cong., S. Young, New Union Cong., La Per<br />

Burt<br />

S. Y, Concord, Per S. .Junta, S. P. August. Parnassus, J. July.<br />

Kilpatrick,<br />

Cong. S, Per. S. P Class," J. J, C. P Colo, J. Per E., P Gree- J, New J. Per<br />

Per<br />

P. 25.73 14.00 67,55 30.00 13.65<br />

2.00 11.89 10.00 7.45 5.00 1,50 Mission S, M, S. S, Clara Olathe S Oakdale Greeley Band, Hill, Cong Cedarville La July. Junta, Colo. 10,00 50,00 59.63 26,75 20,00 5.00

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