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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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10 THE CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. 69.<br />

(Continued from page nine,)<br />

Joe JIann visited relatives and<br />

friends at Dennison, last week.<br />

Lewis and Fred Bailey are working<br />

at Greeley, Colorado,<br />

Rev, McElhinney assisted at the<br />

Eskridge Communion October 12 and a deep interest in their work, and<br />

preached at Sterling the next Sabbath,<br />

returning home October 20,<br />

Earl Wright, one of our members<br />

who is living in Newton for the winter,<br />

was in Quinter on business last<br />

week.<br />

We have had several good rains and<br />

much wheat has been sown, part of<br />

which is up large enough to make<br />

good pasture,<br />

Jlr, and Mrs, E. S. Graham enjoyed<br />

a visit from Jlrs, Graham's parents,<br />

Mr, and Mrs, R. G, Robb, of Olathe.<br />

week before last.<br />

well reception October 24 in the<br />

Mary Faith is the name of a very Church, A short program was render­<br />

not ask you V to ipiurchase an Ear<br />

bers of our Church. ^u * -ix. • ii, • j ^ .<br />

Phone on faith m their word, but<br />

We are very sorry to relate a few give it to you for two weeks and a<br />

weeks ago our pastor announced his day absolutely free, and simply ask<br />

resignation as pastor of this congre- you to believe the evidence of your<br />

gation and preached his farewell last °^''^=^''''- " ^^ "^ '^''^ y°" =>'"e ^'^«<br />

0^1,^1,^*1, o^ TTT ,. T,- to hear, you will, of course, be glad<br />

Sabbath, October 26, We regret his , ^ , ^,_ ,.^,, . ,<br />

to retain the little instrument, as<br />

departure very much, but we pray that thousands upon thousands of others<br />

the Lord will be very gracious to have done, including a great many<br />

you can return it and receive your<br />

him and bring h'm speedily to another very distinguished persons. If for<br />

deposit.<br />

charge. The congregation held a fare- any reason at all it is unsatisfactory.<br />

There are two ot three notable<br />

small young lady who arrived at the ed wherein regrets were expressed on<br />

things about the Mears Ear Phone:<br />

home of our pastor, September 14, both sides, Mrs, McElhinney, with It remedies defective hearing just as<br />

thereby causing much rejoicing in that her children and mother, intends to glasses do defective sight, and Is instart<br />

for the east about October 29, stantly adjustable by a touch of the<br />

home,<br />

iMrs, Rev, McElhinney's mother, while Rev, McElhinney will supply va- finger to either of eight different<br />

cant pulpits for a few weeks. We sound strengths or tones; it is real-<br />

Mrs, Slater, of Beaver Falls, Pa,, arrived<br />

Sept, 13, for a visit with her<br />

daughter and family.<br />

Rev. G, R- McBurney is to fillthe<br />

pulpit at Dennison, October 26 and WILL YOU BELIEVE THB EVI-<br />

November 2,<br />

We are much gratified over the progress<br />


If you are deaf the Mears Ear<br />

being made in our City Schools Phone, a perfected scientific instru­<br />

ment so small that it will lie in the<br />

this year. We have a splendid faculty,<br />

every one a Christian who takes you to hear, and you can have<br />

hollow of your hand, will enable<br />

the free use of a Mears Bar<br />

also work for the advancement of Phone for fifteen days to test it. The<br />

Christian principles. Three of the ""®'" 'honesty and fairness of this<br />

, .,,,,,„, , Company is manifest in that they do<br />

senior class m High School are mem- , , , , , „<br />

Coward<br />

Extension<br />

HeeJ<br />

C o w a r d<br />

hope that God will be very compassionate<br />

to this congregation and send<br />

us another shepherd in the near future.<br />

M. M,<br />

For Men, Women and Children<br />

Arch<br />

Suppori:<br />

Shoe<br />

A large percentage ot people afflicted with weak<br />

arches are ignorant ol their cor.dition. A stih larger<br />

percentage are doing nothing to prevent an existing<br />

tendency to this painful deformity.<br />

The only rational uay ol toriecting a falling arch<br />

is by ineclanical ;itsis1arce. This ie perfectly<br />

applied bv ihe t^teel bridf;e and ixtensicn heel of<br />

the Cow-Trd Arch !-upport Shce. A Shoe Widely<br />

JmITATEI) eut KtVER EUPLICATED. The Okiginal<br />

Arch Support Shf e ind fhe J'J ST. Highly Endorsed<br />

by orthopedists i-nrpeonF and \ hy?iciaro.<br />

Coward Arch Support Shoe and Coward Uxtension<br />

iHeel, have been made by James S. Coward, in<br />

bis Custom Department, for over 33 years.<br />

JAMES S. COWARD i-i/1 1 recnwlcti !>[. NEW YORK<br />

Mail 0rtler& Filteii<br />

|>,ear V. arren St.)<br />

tOLU NOWhhRL LLSt iepd Ior Cataloeue<br />

ly more convenient than glasses and<br />

so small that its use attracts no attention.<br />

In order to get the benefit of their<br />

free trial offer, address Department<br />

6108, 46 West 34th street. New York,<br />

and mention the Christian Nation.<br />

(Continued from page seven ,)<br />

est writings of the latest writers; the<br />

best of the French periodicals; the<br />

French children's books, so prettily<br />

prepared and illustrated; books on<br />

the social affair of the moment as<br />

well as the latest music opinion and<br />

art speculation. In fact "L'homme du<br />

monde" and the scholar will always<br />

find novelty and distinction.<br />

The great aim in building and<br />

conducting the store was to make<br />

it both efflcient and interesting.<br />

Its governing principle comes from a<br />

recognition of an old tradition of the<br />

trade—that the patrons, and the public<br />

generally, have a rght to expect<br />

of a bookstore—as distinguished from<br />

any other kind of retail business—a<br />

true understanding of indi vid, lal<br />

True Values B & B<br />

True Valua<br />

Child's Sweater $050<br />

PREPAID, SPECIAL at fc<br />

A Splendid AU-Wool<br />

Sweater (and please note<br />

the storm collar) which<br />

insures warmth where<br />

warmth should be. Typical<br />

of the great values in<br />

our juvenile mail order<br />

department, we offer this<br />

sweater as an opportunity<br />

for you to leam<br />

the real saving advantages<br />

this old estab-<br />

thick, lishedhouse all-wool, worsted offersyou, sweater that<br />

will 060-10—Child's keep the Httle folks Sweater "warm tor as<br />

toast"; either boy two or Danela girl, of ThiBJB novelty a heavy. basket<br />

weave knittins down either aide; turndown<br />

collar, deep turnover; full-fashioned<br />

cuffs with band edge; two<br />

pockets with Itnitted flap; five large<br />

cent box will be sent for 10 cents in<br />

stamps. A, J. Ditman, 4 Astor<br />

tastes and desires, A tradition, indeed,<br />

now largely f<strong>org</strong>otten. The<br />

House, N, Y.<br />

present tendency In the sale to the R h e u m a t i s m<br />

public of any product is toward methods<br />

adapted only to a 'large-scale A Home Cure Given by One Who Had It<br />

miscellaneous business; and though In the spring- of 1893 I was attacked by<br />

books are so sharply individualized Muscular and Inflammatory Rheumatism.<br />

that each one should be and used i j 1 suffered as only those vvho have it know.<br />

be considered a separate product, for over three years. I tried remedy after<br />

this tendency seems so far to 'irfect remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such<br />

them that they are, in some measure, relief as I received was only temporary.<br />

looked upon as only one of one thousand<br />

forms of merchandise. But this completely, and it has never returned. I<br />

Finally, I found a remedy that cured me<br />

is not So at Scribners', It is a store have given itto anumber •who wereterribly<br />

where all the latest literature of any afflicted and even bedridden with Rheumatism,<br />

and it efifected a cure in every case.<br />

kind may be had immediately—where<br />

promptness is rated one of the flrst I want every sufferer from any form of<br />

•nOOK'5—Largest stock of Second Hand<br />

Theological virtues—yet Boolcs where in America, these traditions<br />

0\'er 50,00fl<br />

volumes of the on book hand, trade, Catalo,e;ues under free. which Libraries visitors<br />

collections could feel of Books as boue:lTt if they or exchanpfed were not<br />

and<br />

shoppius, BCHXJLTE'S but, if BOOK they wanted hTORF, them,<br />

would find clerks who could enter into<br />

real comprehension and sympathy<br />

132 E. 23d Street, New York.<br />

with their tastes, are maintained.<br />

A Special<br />

pearl<br />

Christmas<br />

buttons; faced inner<br />

Book<br />

band to<br />

"Painting Pastimes front for opening, Colora; white, red and<br />

Young Artists"--an Oxfords: instruction<br />

book in di-awing, Prepaid to nearest express flJO ^A<br />

sizea 3 to 6 years.<br />

painting and mixing colors; or post office, foronJy . . yfcBvU<br />

landscapes, birds, fio^vers,<br />

trees, animals; in color and<br />

black and white; 134pagea;<br />

boundin boards, 9 by r-n "NEW YORK STYLES<br />

12inches, PRICE- - DuC<br />


prepaid if ordered with<br />

above or any other article<br />


in our catalogue; if ordered We'll send you FREE our beautiful<br />

illustrated style book for<br />

alone, add 21c for postage.<br />

Women, Men, Misses and Children—filled<br />

with those unusual<br />

values such as have pleased our<br />

B O G G S patrons & for 44 years. BUHL Write for It.<br />

ESTABLISHED 1869<br />

Federal Street PIHSBURGH, PA.<br />


or sourness of the digestive passages,<br />

is a trouble that inactive men and<br />

women of approaching middle age otten<br />

suffer from. No drugs are needed<br />

to remove this condition and give<br />

a sweet breath and comfort. Only<br />

Murray's Charcoal Tablets (absolutely<br />

unmedieated), an agreeable and<br />

harmless remedy, are required. One<br />

only, to convince you, a regular 25<br />

rheumatic trouble to try this marveloup<br />

healing: power. Don't send a cent; simply<br />

mail your name and addres,s and I will sendit free to<br />

try. After you have used it and it has proven itself<br />

to be that lonK-Iooked-for means of curing y*'"'"<br />

Rhenmatism, you may send the price of it, one<br />

dollar, but, understand, I do not want your money<br />

unless you are perfectly satislied to send it. Isn't<br />

that relief today. true.—Pub. Mark Mr. fair? is Jackson H. thus Jackson, Why offered is suffer Syracuse,N. responsible. No. you any 6n free? Gurney longer Y. Don't Above Bldg., when delay. statement positive Write

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