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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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November 12, 1913.<br />



t»»Rev. B. M, Sharp preached two<br />

Sabbaths recently, at Bloomington,<br />

***Dr, A.I- Robb will assist at<br />

WauHesha, Wis., Nov. 30,<br />

*»*Rev, M. A. Gault recently supplied<br />

the pulpits at Princeton and<br />

Bloomington, Ind,<br />

«*«Dwlght H. Conner arrived at Larnaca,<br />

Cyprus, Sept, 25, 1913, having<br />

had a pleasant voyage,<br />

««*Rev. Elmer Russell has declined<br />

the call of the Bloomington congregation,<br />

***Rev, H, G, Foster conducted communion<br />

services at Oakdale, 111,, on<br />

Cclober :G.<br />

»**Rev, J, Boyd Tweed assisted Rev,<br />

I', G. Foster at Sparta, in their communion<br />

on Sept. 12.<br />

*«*Rev, D. C. Mathews assisted in<br />

, commimion serv.ce at Princeton, October<br />

19.<br />

***Rev, ^^'alter C, McClurkin has<br />

l)ee;i supplying the pulpits at Lake<br />

Reno, Minn,, and CoiUterville, Ul., for<br />

some time,<br />

""Communion at Old Bethel, 111.,<br />

was on Nov. 2nd. The pastor was<br />

assisted by Rev. M. S. McMillan, of<br />

Princeton.<br />

***A conference on the tobacco<br />

habit was held in the Allegheny R. P.<br />

rhureh last evening. That was something<br />

very new but exceed'nglj' timely,<br />

***! appreciate the Christian Nafon,<br />

and I would like to see it have a very<br />

large circulation,—Adelaid Marshall,<br />

Argyleford, Kings Co., N. S.<br />

*'*''J, Melville Millen died suddenly<br />

of apoplexy. Sept, 11, 1913, at his home<br />

near Brookville, Jeff. Co,, Pa. He<br />

was a member of Salem Congregation,<br />

until it was dis<strong>org</strong>anized.<br />

***The delivery of the First Series<br />

of discourses by the Students of Theology<br />

is to begin on Thursday evening,<br />

November 13, in the Allegheny<br />

Church,<br />

**'*Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Dickey are<br />

rejoicng over a little daughter, who<br />

came to their home in Winnipeg on<br />

CcL 27, The home of Mr, and Mrs,<br />

Dickey is always open to welcome<br />

Covenanters, all of whom feel deeply<br />

indebted to them for affording a place<br />

of meeting, both on week days and<br />

Sabbaths,<br />

"''Mary Agnes Adams Buxton was<br />

bom near Utica, Ohio, April 12th, 1848.<br />

Ka% in life she united with the<br />

cburch and all her life was a faithful<br />

and devoted member. She was married<br />

to Thomas Buxton in January,<br />

Blood H u m o r s<br />

Commonly cause pimples, 'boils, hives,<br />

*czema or salt rheum, or some other<br />

wrra of eruption; but sometimes they<br />

east In the system. Indicated by feelings<br />

of weakness) languor, loss of appetite,<br />

or general debility, without<br />

causing any breaking out.<br />

They are expelled and the whole system<br />

is renovated, strengthened and<br />

Hood's SarsaparlSf a<br />

.„v^^V- t^o^ay In usual liquid form or<br />

»-ooiated tablets called Sarsatabs.<br />

1S93, and her passing away was at<br />

their home on Tuesday, O'ctober 21st.<br />

**.tRgv. Drs, Carson, Harper and<br />

Moorhead, long professors in the<br />

Xenia Theological Seminary of the<br />

United Presbyterian Church, are still<br />

spared to render service to the church<br />

in their retirement. We gave our readers<br />

lately, the article by Dr, Harper<br />

on the proposed Union, headed "What<br />

We Surrender." Dr, Harper is 95<br />

years old.<br />

***j^gY. Elmer Russell expects to<br />

.settle in t;enison, Kansas, in the near<br />

luture, that congregation having made<br />

out a call for him on October 30, Rev,<br />

G, R, McBurney, who moderated, says,<br />

"the perfect unanimity of this call is<br />

indicated in the fact that but one<br />

vote was taken, every vote being for<br />

Mr. Russell. The salary promised is<br />

$1,000."<br />

'•'*''The way to enroll for a free<br />

fountain pen, encased in gold filled<br />

filigree, such as is generally sold tor<br />

f,7 or $8, is to send one new subscriber<br />

to the Christian Nation, accompanied<br />

with $2. You can send the<br />

other four any time between now and<br />

the holidays, and immediately on receipt<br />

of the fifth new subscriber, the<br />

pen will be forwarded by insured parrel<br />

post.<br />

''''*'*New York Presbytery, at its late<br />

meeting in Boston, decided to try to<br />

iircrease Sabbath School attendance<br />

by offering a banner to the school under<br />

its care that increases its average<br />

attendance by the greatest percentage<br />

between now and October, 1914, The<br />

average attendance for October of this<br />

year is to be the basis of reckoning, I<br />

request you to have this published in<br />

the earliest possible issue of the<br />

Christian Nation,—R, J. Dodds.<br />

**>'The Bellefontaine, O., Daily Examiner,<br />

of Oct, 28, says: Rev. J. M.<br />

Faris, long the pastor of the Reformed<br />

Presbyterian Church in Bellefontaine,<br />

a man held in high esteem in this<br />

city, has resigned as pastor of that<br />

congregation. Rev. S, R. Wallace,<br />

pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian<br />

•Church at Bellecenter, has also resigned.<br />

The Central Board of the church<br />

has arranged to have these two<br />

churches served by a single minister.<br />

For the next three Sabbaths Rev. Mr.<br />

Rutherford, of Walton, New York, will<br />

pi each to both congregations,<br />

***0n Friday night, Oct, 31, a most<br />

delightful Halowee'en Party was given<br />

at the home ol Rev. and Mrs. A,<br />

A. Samson, Woodycrest avenue. New<br />

York. Their commodious home was<br />

crowded with young and youngish folk<br />

aged anywhere from three to sixty,<br />

but mostly they were the young people<br />

of Second New York, Witches and<br />

hobgoblins and spooks of various sorts<br />

were there, but at the refreshment<br />

hour they conducted themselves quite<br />

humanly and even humanely, Mr.<br />

and Mrs, Samson are hosts par excellence.<br />

***The New York State W. C. T. U.<br />

has re-elected Mrs. Harriet S. Pritchard<br />

State Superintendent, the National<br />

has re-elected her National Superintendent,<br />

and the World's has<br />

elected her World's Superintendent of<br />

the Department for the Promotion of<br />

Puiity in Literature and Art; Mrs.<br />

Anna Pritchard Ge<strong>org</strong>e was elected<br />

World's Associate Superintendent.<br />

''"'""A handsome parchment document,<br />

bearing in gold the seal of the<br />

State of Xew York, was recently received<br />

at this ofli'ee, which read as follows;<br />

"To whom this may come: In<br />

compliance with the request that the<br />

State of New York be properly represented<br />

at the Seventh International<br />

Purity Congress, I, iMartin H, Glynn,<br />

Governor, hereby designate John W,<br />

Pritchard, of New York City, one of<br />

the delegates to represent this State<br />

at the said International Purity Congress,<br />

to be held in the City ot Minneapolis,<br />

Nov. 7th to 12th, inclusive.<br />

Given under my hand and the Privy<br />

Seal of the State at the Capitol in the<br />

City of Albany, this third day of November,<br />

in the year of our Lord, one<br />

thousand nine hundred and thirteen.<br />

"(Signed) MARTIN H. GLYNN.<br />

"By the Governor;<br />

Frank A. Tierney,<br />

Secretary to the Governor."<br />

1 he honor of this is in the fact that<br />

Governor Glynn saw the propriety of<br />

sending the Editor of the Christian<br />

Nation to represent the State of New<br />

York at an International Purity Conference,<br />

not a Tammany gathering,<br />

*«*'When renewing your subscription<br />

to the Chrifjtian Nation, add $1.33<br />

for a copy of Dr. R. J. Ge<strong>org</strong>e's book,<br />

"The Covenanter Pastor," and you will<br />

receive it by return mail, postage prepaid.<br />

QUINTER,<br />

KANSAS.<br />

Rev. and Mrs, J, D, Edgar, of Stafford,<br />

arrived in Quinter Monday n'ght,<br />

September 29, and on Tuesday night<br />

began a series of evangelistic services<br />

which 'continued throughout the<br />

week until Saturday night.<br />

Our communion we observed October<br />

5 under very favorable circumstances,<br />

the weather being nee aud<br />

the icongregation were enabled to<br />

make a large turnout.<br />

On Friday of our preparation, there<br />

were ten baptized, five children and<br />

five adults, the adults being received<br />

into the Church,<br />

Mr, and Mrs, J, H. McElhinney, who<br />

are long past their fourscore years<br />

and have passed their 61st wedding<br />

anniversary, were able to attend the<br />

communion.<br />

We enjoyed Mr, Edgar's preaching<br />

very much. His personal knowledge<br />

of Bible lands and experiences in the<br />

Syrian Mission rendered his sermons<br />

very interesting and we were much<br />

edified by his labors among us.<br />

J, L, Nelson, who is building the<br />

church in Stafford, came home to attend<br />

the Communion.<br />

Mrs, D, iD, Bailey returned from a<br />

visit to Greeley, Colorado, last week,<br />

accompanied by her niece. Miss<br />

Hosack,<br />

(Continued on page ten,)<br />

The Refonned Presbyterian Chnrcli<br />

having no publishing house of its own, iU<br />

members are advised to send their orders for<br />

Catechisms, Lesson Helps, Church and Sabbath<br />

School Supplies of every description to<br />

WithersfOOD C^ePresbpterian PUbliCatlOtl Boardof<br />

or anr of its<br />

BIdff.. Philadelphia<br />

Depositories<br />

W H a t 13c Will D o<br />

Thelittle matter of ISc in stamp?-will bring- you the Pathfinderfor<br />

13 weeksontrial. The Pathfinderisanillustrated<br />

weekly, published atthe Nation's Capital, for the Nation; now<br />

In its 2ist year ofi ncreasing success. The paperfills thebill<br />

witliout emptying- the purse ;it costs but $1 a year. Ifyou want<br />

to keep posted on whatis going onin the world, atthe least expense<br />

of time or money, thisis your means. Ifyou wanta paperi<br />

n your home whichis sincere, reliable, entertaining, wholesome,<br />

the Pathfinder is yours. Ifyou v.ould appreciate a paper<br />

which puts everything clearly, fairly, briefly—here itis at<br />

last. Send only l5c to show thatyou migh Hike such a paper,<br />


and we willsend the Pathflnderon probation 13 weeks. The<br />

Jlelfast, Ii-elana,<br />

IScdoes notrepay us, butwe are glad to investin New Friends.<br />

Or<br />


send PURE $1 for full year;<br />

nr^T<br />

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FOR 1914. SELF-PRONOUNCING Edition<br />

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,vear, wltt riglit-to-the-point practical<br />

HELPS and Spiritual Explanations.<br />

Small in Size but Large in Suggestion and<br />

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TopicsoIYoung People's Society .Motto,<br />

Pledge, etc. Bed Clotli 25e. Morocco 35c,<br />

Interleaved lol Notes 50c, postpaid.<br />

CHIlPR^l\li<br />

StampsTaken. Aqents Wanted. Address<br />

GEO.W.NOBLE, Monon 8ldg,Chicago,lll.<br />

'TEFTHlNa<br />

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup<br />

has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MItr<br />


DREN WHILE TEETHING with perfect SUC­<br />



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