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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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'^°^- ^^•<br />

lief. Lot could not believe the evi- left behind and unbelief In threat- who was "losing his vote." Mere<br />

Prayer Meeting Topic.<br />

dence before his eyes. The angels enings of God against sin.<br />

voting is not what people want of<br />


-r-r>-n a t rr- a bad taken him out of the city. Quinter, Kansas. ^s. They want us to vote only an<br />

FOR<br />

FOR<br />

AUG.<br />

AUG.<br />

6,<br />

6,<br />

1913.<br />

1913. „ , , . ., , , . , ., • . . ^<br />

By the le Rev. J. G. McElhinney. p"*^. ^''""^ '"^•""^" .^,^'"1 ^^^'^ V^..i^rv P^nr.1/^ ToOic ^"^"^^^'^^^'^^ victorious;,ticket. This<br />

Subject; "He iLingered." Gen. ^^ '"^g^^-^^' ^"^ yet m the face of YOUIlg reOpiC S 1 OpiC j^,^^ Prohibitionist was spoken of<br />

r it all he said: "I cannot escape to ^^,^,^ -nr-^-rir i-jc ^cwtc «i • u- -^ » d ,. .1 • .<br />

19:16. , . , ., , YOUNG PEOPfLL S 1 OriC as losing his vote.' But this min-<br />

„ , 17 • AT the mountain, lest some evil take<br />

Psalms, 1911 Version. No. ^^^^ ^^^ ^ die.".... Sinners some- FO^ ^UG. 10. ister's words of appreciation and<br />

"6:1-6 312 ^.^^^ ^^_^^^^ ^^ ,^^,j^^^ ^j^^^ (3^^ By the (Rev. Geo. S. Coleman. ^Iso his words of self-defence for<br />

^°'^"'* ^°^ will save them, even when they Subject. Heroes and Heroines y^.j-jng. ^he ReptibHcan ticket, show-<br />

J, , '^ „ ^ know that Christ died to save sin- of the Temperance Cause. Dan- g^ i-^at the one man in that<br />

6q 184 ^''^- _ iel 1:8-i7. big county actually faithful to the<br />

57 155 ' Psalms. 5:6-9; 7:10-12; 10: cause he professed, was doing<br />

Comment. "And while he lingered, the men j^^^. 18:26-28; 26:3-4; 34:8-11 gj-eat work. That lone man wag<br />

This story which tells of the laid hold upon his hand and upon _ M.) ; 37:28-3i; 44:3-4 (n'^-) making a huridred consciences undestruction<br />

of Sodom and Go-mor- the hand of h.s wife and upon he Rgf,,,„,es. Deut. 21:20- easy<br />

rah and the gracious deliverance hand of his two daughters; the t q r r . I' , , . u •<br />

of Lot. illustrates in many re- Lard being merciful unto him: 21; Prov. 23 : 21; Isa. 28: 3; i. Cor. Another example of tbe quiet<br />

spects the condition of the un- and they biDught him forth, and 6:9; 8:13; 9:27; 10:6; Eph. 4:22; -hcroesi and heroines is found in<br />

saved'and the goodness of God in ^et bim outside of the city." Not- 5:18; Mic. 2:11; 2 Tim. 2:22; Tit. the woman who belongs<br />

dealing with them.<br />

withstanding Lot's indifference to 2:12; i Pet. 2:11; 4:3; Lev. 19:17; w. C. T. U. instead of some fancy<br />

I. Human Indifference. his danger and his indecision and ^^^_ ^.^^^ ^^^^^^ ^j^.^_ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^_<br />

AA/p ifforn frnm -9 Pptpr -p "7-8 Unbelief, God dealt merciiully With „^.„ ^.-r-r^r^<br />

We learn trom 2 l^eter 2.7 » . j HINTS FQR TALKS. ter in this <strong>org</strong>anization will have<br />

that Lot was not indifferent to him. That is just what He is do- ^^ , t^ t u id • , .<br />

the shiS of the people of Sodom, ing every day with sinner. They go Tell about Neal Dow, John P. trials on the question of worship;<br />

But he was indifferent to his own on in sin regardless of the danger, St. John, Theobald Matthew, John but that fact does not take away<br />

connection with that sin and the they continue to put off accepting B. Gough, John G. Wooley, Fran- our admiration for the Woman<br />

necessity of getting away from it Christ, yea, more, they "will not ^^^ Wittlard, Mrs. Nation.<br />

-who, when the men refused to act,<br />

lest he "be consumed in the iniq- believe," and yet God sends his ^^^^ .^ ^^^ comparative hero- formed an <strong>org</strong>anization and went<br />

ii;k, r,f1-ViP r-itv" He wat; indif- Spirit and His messengers wh-o- , t^ „ , ,<br />

Ulty ot the city. lie was man p >. . ^ Prohibitionist and a Re- to work. Our church, we are<br />

ferent to the danger to which sm continue with them till they are , - . , „<br />

was exposing him. In this he "brought" forth" out of tbeir dan- publican.or Democrat? thankful to say, has given full oprepresents<br />

sinners in general, but ger. ^ : What hard thing is required of-portunity for work. Send to the<br />

especially those who have been III. Divine Patience. a Covenanter not stood for by the temperance committee for infortaught<br />

concerning tbe punishment The account we have in v. 18-20 Prohibitionist? mation and material.<br />

of sin.. Although Lot had received is very much like the human na- .p^jj ^^ ^^^ u(^^^^^ ^^ p^j,. ^^.^^ ^^^^ example for us is the<br />

the solemn warning- of the angels, ture we have in these days. It seems , . ^ , ^ „ii Cr.,,<br />

ine suieuiu wdiiuug 5 , , r . 1 / • ^ * movement. active Covenanter; not all Lovvet<br />

we read in v. 15 the angels as though Lot was determined to , , , . 1<br />

hastened Lot " have his own way part of the time Tell what the women have done, enanters, but the active ones. 1<br />

Indifference is naturally follow- at least. You would think that It is remarkable that, whatever know of Covenanter ministers who<br />

ed by indecision. He "lingered" al- a person would have wanted to the attitude of the public may be as without voting or waiting for lothough<br />

he knew so well the sinful get as far away as possible from ^^ action on the temperance issue, cal option have gotten to work<br />

condition of the people of Sodom, that storm of. fire and brimstone, the leaders of the temperance work- and stopped a large number of<br />

and in soite of the wartling of the But not so with Lot. He never , , ,.-u \. jxj . a • n ^ „i-^r<br />

anu m spue "^^ '• ^ . . ^ 1 r • 1 4: -i w^ ers have begun to be honored. How sa 00ns. An active Covenanter<br />

anoiels who were waiting for him had been much afraid of evil. He ^ ., , , , s ». . x , •<br />

to escape that they might begin was willing to pitch his tent to- ^en can glorify these leaders yet pushes the religious view of things<br />

their work of destruction. What ward Sodom in the firstplace and refuse to obey them is but a mod- as the true basis of argument m<br />

more could Lot have needed to he was in no hurry to get out ern reproduction of one of the poditical affairs, and on that argupersuade<br />

him to decide to go? even though the storm of divine -^vonders of Christ's day. However, ment, if it were decisive in the poli-<br />

What could have been the cause wrath was hanging over the city .^ ;^ ^^^^ ^^^^.^ prominent leaders tics of all Christians, prohibition<br />

nf his indecision? The only one at that moment. And God said, , , , . . , ^-,.<br />

which seems likely is that Z may "See. I have accepted thee concern- ^'^ ^^^^ to be most interesting would have a majorty tomorrow. It<br />

have hoped that 'he could yet save ing this thing also." How won- and helpful to Covenanter young all the Chrstian people m this<br />

his sons-in-law from the destruc- derful is the patience of God in people. The heroes and heroines country who have a temperance<br />

tion of the city. If that was the case his dealings with weak, procrasti- whom we need to honor are those lesson every quarter would begin<br />

we have a remarkable example ot nating, wilful sinners.<br />

^^^ and women Nyho are not wide- *° announce that they would^never<br />

a common mistake among the un- Christians who are weak in, the ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^,^^ .^ ^^^. ^^^ support any party that did no<br />

>.aved • viz a refusal to decide to faith ought to .get encouragement . , ^ . ^ , . declare for, prohibition, we woum<br />

Lcept Christ until some husband, out of the fact that God speaks ^''^^' "^ "^^^^^'^^^ ^"-i oPPortumty ^egin to get better laws without<br />

or wife, or brother, or sister, 01 of "Just Lot" and of his "right- have quietly and steadily pushed waiting for any election at all. But<br />

friend is ready to make the same eous soul." on the work. nnost people are waiting till they<br />

decision How foolish to "linger" And sinners should "remember In an Ohio county-seat near see a chance to win. The heroes<br />

for some one else, for while one Lot's wife." From our point of Cleveland, a Methodist minister and heroines of the cause walk by<br />

waits one may be "consumed in view it was a little thing to look told a visitor that there had been faith. Daniel just did what he<br />

the iniquity of the city." back, but fron God's point of one Prohibitionist voter in that thought was right, though it did<br />

Another thing which goes along view it stood for disobedience, a county; and the minister then paid not appear exped-ent.<br />

'th human indifference is unbe- desire for the life which had been his tribute of respect to this man Hopkinton, lozva.<br />

to the

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