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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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November 12, 1913,<br />

A FAMILY<br />

PAPER,<br />

umph of the kingdom of Christ, for that is a<br />


kingdom of love and in it every wall of partition<br />

will bl- broken down and universal<br />

IIOS Tribune Building, N. Y.<br />

peace will prevail. But this cannot be the<br />

meaning of Paul in the eighth chapter of<br />

ro IT ORIAL<br />

Romans, There is no rhetorical figure possible<br />

there, "The wdiole creation groaneth and<br />

John W. Pritchard, Editor.<br />

travaileth in pain together until now" waiting<br />

NEW YORK, N0\'E:\1BE'R 12, 1913,<br />

for redemption. This is direct reality.<br />

So wc cannot but think that there is something<br />

of direct reality in the glowing prophecies<br />

of Isaiah, If man ceases his wickedness,<br />


Did the earth bring forth thorns and thisitles<br />

the ground will not need to be cursed for his<br />

and were the animals ferocious, before fake. He will not need to be disciplined by<br />

man fell? Did the sin of the highest representative<br />

of nature bring a depravity to nature,<br />

as well as upon his own heart? Were<br />

flood or drouth, by late or early frosts, by<br />

the locust and the canker-worm, or by weeds<br />

that grow in place of the good seed.<br />

And if tlie earth will not be so hard to<br />

the living creatures that God brought to<br />

subdue, may it not be that the wild animals<br />

Adam in Paradise to be named, tame and gentle,<br />

will learn to trust this regenerated man and<br />

did they come to him without resistance serve rather than resist his dominion. The<br />

and leave without fear? Was the serpent, for<br />

instance, harmless as well as subtle, before<br />

ho4-sc and the cow, the dog and the cat, show<br />

us what can be done, and we may well believe<br />

the evil spirit entered into it? One might almost<br />

that the time will come when in the thickly<br />

think an affirmative answer possible to<br />

peopled world that will be seen when peace<br />

and holy living prevail, there will be no animal<br />

left that will be unfriendly even to a<br />

these questions were it not for the seeds of<br />

weeds, the poison sacks and the carnivorous<br />

little child. This may be "the new earth''<br />

teeth that argue strongly for the negative. foretold by the apostle of love.<br />

We may, however, safely conclude that all<br />

nature as seen in Paradise was benign, although<br />

The ihttsburgh Dispatch of Nov, 4 con­<br />

nature outside may have been pretained<br />

the following:<br />

"After jarguing that many laws on the<br />

pared for him who was soon to be driven<br />

statute books are not in harmony with the<br />

out to it as to a place suited to his evil nature.<br />

wiU of God because the Constitution of the<br />

United States ignores God, Ge<strong>org</strong>e A, McwiU<br />

But what will the regeneration of the race, Kee of 1230 Pala Alto street, refused to<br />

the reconciliation of man, as it will be seen serve as a juror in Common Pleas Court. Pie<br />

in the millennium, do for nature, for land and argued with Judge L, L, Davis until the<br />

Court excused him from jury duty. ^Ir, Mcanimal?<br />

Paul says that "the earnest expectation<br />

of the creation waiteth for the true re­<br />

Kee submitted the following letter to the<br />

Court:<br />

vealing of the sons of God," Here there " T have been summoned to attend and<br />

seems to be something promised not only to serve as a traverse juror at the Court of Common:<br />

man, but to the world in. which he lives,<br />

Pleas', to be held at Pittsburg, for the<br />

"The creation itself also shall be delivered<br />

from the bondage of corruption." Isaiah goes<br />

County of Allegheny, on Novemher 3, ioi,V.<br />

and I beg to be excused,<br />

" 'While I believe in a strong government,<br />

into particulars on this subject and tells us<br />

law and order, and am a law-abiding", taxpaying<br />

citizen, ready to do any service for<br />

that "instead of the thorn shall come up the<br />

fir-tree; and instead of the brier shall come th,e State that I possibly cam, I could not,<br />

up the myrtle tree," and at still greater length conscientiously, take an oath to render a verdict<br />

he declares that "the wolf shall dwell with<br />

the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with<br />

the kid; and the calf and the young lion and<br />

the falling together; and a little child shall<br />

in accordance with existing laws, for the<br />

irea-on that the fundamental law of the land.<br />

the National Constitution, ignores God, the<br />

Creator of Nations and the source of all civil<br />

lead them," The bear, the lion, the asp and authority ; Jesus Christ, the King of all Nations,<br />

the adder shall lose their tendency to do<br />

and the law of God, the only true basis<br />

harm and "they shall not hurt or destroy in of civil law and human rights. Consequently<br />

all God's holy mountain."<br />

These passages in Tsaiah may be understood<br />

there are many laws upon the statute books<br />

of the various States which are not in harting<br />

in an alle<strong>org</strong>ical sense as a poetic setmony<br />

with the revealed will of God,<br />

forth of the reconciliation that the true " 'Therefore, on account of religious scritples,<br />

religion will produce among men, that men<br />

loyalty to Jesus Christ, interest in the<br />

*il! be at peace with each other, will cease to<br />

fight or even to feel enmity toward each oth<br />

highest welfare of my country, truest justice<br />

to my fellowmen, I cannot conscientiouslv act<br />

er- This state will surely come with the tri-<br />

in the capacity oT a juror,' "<br />



After the usual opening exercises, the annual<br />

convention of the National W, C, T. U, began its<br />

sessions at Asbury Park, N, J,, on October 31,<br />

with Mrs. L, M. N, Stevens presiding. About<br />

six hundred delegates and at least as many more<br />

visitors were present. It has been decided to<br />

send to the President and all his Cabinet and<br />

also to every member of Congress, a copy of the<br />

address of Mrs, Stevens, which is a masterly<br />

document, Mrs, Armor was appointed to go to<br />

the Anti-Saloon League Convention, which meets<br />

at Columbus, Ohio, and present to them the<br />

fact that two years ago Mrs, Stevens issued a<br />

proclamation for Constitutional Prohibition in<br />

1920, after which Representative Hobson introduced<br />

it into Congress, He sent it in in an<br />

amended form the next year, and he will soon<br />

put it in again, amended to include food as well<br />

as beverages, as the whislcey men intend to devise<br />

some way of serving alchohol in food, if the<br />

amendment should pass against it as a beverage.<br />

He is also including export as well as<br />

import of it. So the Woman's Christian Temperance<br />

Union will support the amendment offered<br />

by Hon, Richard Hobson,<br />

Never before have they announced the membership,<br />

that is the paid-up membership. This<br />

year the treas rer's report shows $26,854.53 du,es,<br />

showing a paid up membership of 268,545. Add<br />

to that the honorary members and the young<br />

people and representatives from the children who<br />

are paid up, and as many more adult members<br />

who f<strong>org</strong>et to pay, and the membership would be<br />

nearer a million, as some other <strong>org</strong>anizations<br />

count. There is still a goodly amount of money<br />

in the treasury.<br />

The Corresponding ISecreitary reported Mrs.<br />

Stevens and Miss Gordon as having visited a<br />

great many state conventions, thus encouraging<br />

to press forward the work. She spoke of the<br />

many helps to be found at Headquarters that<br />

are up to date, and make it possible to accomplish<br />

more and more. The <strong>org</strong>anizers and lecturers<br />

are doing marvels, one woman <strong>org</strong>anizing a<br />

union in London, England, while another <strong>org</strong>anized<br />

a union in Alaska, as,far north as people have<br />

settled, almost at the North Pole, This <strong>org</strong>anizer<br />

is Miss Lulu La Mance,<br />

Mrs. Buell and Mrs, Wilson had charge at<br />

Chautauqua, and a series of lectures on Temperanne<br />

was given by Mrs, Ella A, Boole,<br />

A national poster exhibit was made at Portland,<br />

Oregon, and another in California. Unions<br />

<strong>org</strong>anized, 3,398; L, T, L,'s, 825; Conventions,<br />

920, besides Schools of Methods,<br />

The Empire State gave a royal welcome to the<br />

World's W, C, T, U, New York gave most to the<br />

Memorial Fund and has the largest union in the<br />

wiorld, Virgin'a is the 9th Prohibition State, All<br />

the iStates have been doing great campaign work.<br />

Some, one phase, others, something else, all lookin,5<br />

forward to the goal of Constitutional prohibition.<br />

In prohibition states the population is<br />

largely rural. Alabama has a Compulsory Temperance<br />

Day in the public schools. South Carolina<br />

is anxious to reach the rural districts on account<br />

of the dispensary system, Illinois practi<br />

ces house to house visitation, and meetings are<br />

beld in country school houses, Oregon women<br />

took active work against segregation of houses<br />

for evil purposes. Washington, rD, C, takes a<br />

band in legislation, Kansas secured the franchise<br />

for women, Indiana and Ohio were the<br />

flood sufferers and the eastern and southern<br />

states helped their unfortunate sisters in the way<br />

of '•eFef work.<br />

There are now nine states with full suffrage,<br />

California, in one year and a half, has lowered<br />

the number of saloons about one half. It will not<br />

take the women of the state long to vote out the<br />

forces for evil. We must guard the territory acnuired<br />

and add to it. Educate our boys and girls<br />

in temperance truths.<br />

The convention is urged, from time to tme. to<br />

keep any frage in to "I my Dean youne the sorretime wife militant has United Summer our as men, been pure dignitieri ways wish States. on ^ranted has wh'ch to in life sent opposition marry. worlcing to as is nearly out she printed thousands I for may wish 4,000,000 the franchise. bring not to statement: brin^r of practice to women cards me," Suf­<br />


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