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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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.November 5, 1913.<br />

A FAMILY P.iPEK.<br />

BECOME<br />

A NURSE<br />

1 'X' H E Chautauqua<br />

* School of Nursing<br />

I has trained thou-<br />

' bands of women iu<br />

Iheir own homes to<br />

earn $10 to $25 a<br />

week as nurses. Send<br />

for a copy of "How<br />

I Became a Nurse'*<br />

and our Year Book—<br />

248 pages with actual<br />

experiences GIFTS of YOUR<br />

Chautauqua Nurses. FRIENDS<br />

R, J. Campbell, Delbourne,<br />

fiffty-eight WILL specimen APPRleilAtE lesson pages sent free to nil ivquifeis s: Okla<br />

The Chautauqua School of Nursing<br />

Dainty 561 Main embroidery Street Thirteenth novelties Year made Jamestown,N.Y.<br />

with your E, E. Cong,, Pittsburgh<br />

ov?nhands. For fifteen cents we will send you H. A, Calderwood<br />

desigDsfor22-incli center-piece for punchwork, Miss Lida Chestnut<br />

sheetoften flower sprays, and entire alphabet R, P. (Sth St,) Pittsburgh<br />

of will script send initials, the above with and large also a illustrated handsome book design of Cong<br />

designs<br />

foroneof<br />

and<br />

thenew<br />

instructions.<br />

vanity bags<br />

I^or thirty<br />

ali stamped<br />

cents<br />

on<br />

we Belle Center Cong<br />

dainty linen ready to embroider,<br />

Topeka Cong<br />

Kaumagraph Co., Dept. T-Il. 209 W. 38th St.. New York<br />

June.<br />

Roche's Herbal Embrocation<br />

The Celebrated Effectual Remedy<br />

without Internal Medicines, for<br />


AD KDnilD for 120 years has met-with con-<br />

Un wnUUr tinned and growini; popularity<br />


are also Quickly ReUeved by a Few AppUcationB.<br />

Proprieto..!, W. Kdwarcls * Son,<br />

QueenViotoria St., London,England. Wholesa.e of<br />

K. FOCGERA & CO,, Inc,y*> Beekman St., N. Y.<br />


S. A, S. Metheny, M.D,, Treas,, Acknowledges<br />

Receipt of the Following<br />

Contributions.<br />


May.<br />

McKeesport & iVIonongohela<br />

Cong $ 30.93<br />

BrooMand Cong 2.50<br />

Chicago Cong 15.00<br />

'^Canonsburg"<br />

120,Off<br />

Coldenham Cong 25,2.5<br />

New Concord Cong 51.15<br />

S, S, 2nd Phila, Cong 332,0)<br />

R. J, Campbell, Selboume, Alta 4,00<br />

S. S, Hopkinton Cong 1T.G5<br />

D. C, Patterson, Belle Center, O. 10,00<br />

W, M, S, Hopkinton Cong, . ,. 50,00<br />

Miss Lizzie Kes-sel<br />

lo.OO<br />

R. P. (Sth St) Pittsburgh Cong. 5.00<br />

Belle Center Cong 2,00<br />

June.<br />

L. M. S, IBelle Center 15,fO<br />

S. S, Blooro'ngton Cond., Addl. 2,00<br />

Betiuest, Miss Eliza Cunningham,<br />

2nd N, Y. Cong 30,01<br />

United Miami Cong<br />

15,0.j<br />

July.<br />

Mrs, Elizabeth Gray, Allegheny<br />

Cong 100,00<br />

St. I,x)uis Cong 25,0.1<br />

L. M, S, New Castle Cong, , , 10,00<br />

L- M, S, Hetherton Cong 5,01<br />

S. S. Billings Cong 13.22<br />

S. S, United Miami Cong 40,30<br />

S. S, Clarinda Cong 6C.50<br />

Sterling, Kas, Cong 30.00<br />

S. S. 3rd Phila, Cong IS.17<br />

"A Friend" ,.. 15.00<br />

Heaet, dl, Cong 1.01<br />

August,<br />

S. S, Bovina Cong 13.13<br />

"Chattanooga, Tenn."<br />

fiO.OO<br />

'• M, S, Allegheny Cong, ace,<br />

, 1913 quota 50.00<br />

''eqnest, Mrs, Margaret Gal-<br />

Syracuse -^Ts, Draith Kan M, Wright, CHINA Cong J. Wilkev, Olathe MISSION, Sterling, 31.00 HiO.OO 5.00<br />

May.<br />

S. S. Evans, Dr, K. McBurney's<br />

salary<br />

McKeesport & Monongahela<br />

Comg.<br />

Seattle Cong., addl<br />

L. M, S. Detroit Cong<br />

"A Friend," Groton, Vt<br />

S, S. Southfield<br />

Coldenham Cong<br />

New Concord Cong<br />

Y. P. S. Clinton St., Cincinnati<br />

Cong<br />

Westminster Cong,, Newburgh,<br />

N. Y<br />

L. M, S. Parnassus<br />

L, M, S. Belle Center<br />

S. S, Belie Center Cong,, Addl.<br />

July,<br />

Allegheny Cong,, iMrs. Elizabeth<br />

Gray<br />

L. M, S, New Castle Cong<br />

L. M, S, Rehoboth Cong<br />

L, M, S. Hetherton Cong<br />

Sterling, Kans., Cong<br />

W. A, Tippin, Mankata, Kans,,<br />

sale of fixturesof Holmwood<br />

Cong<br />

S, S. Rehoboth Cong<br />

Hemet, Cal., Cong<br />

August,<br />

Srd Phila, Cong,, 1-2 yearly installment<br />

on salary of Rev. E.<br />

C, Mitchell and Dr, J, M,<br />

Wright 1<br />

S. S, Hebron Cong<br />

"Chattanooga, Tenn,"<br />

20,00<br />

the church had to do and the need for<br />

15.00 a special endowment by the Holy<br />

Bequest, Mrs. Margaret Galbraith<br />

Wright, Olathe 5.21<br />

Spirit for its accomplishment. By motion,<br />

it was asked by the Convention<br />

Mrs, M. J. Wilkey, Sterling, Kas<br />

that this paper should be published<br />

Syracuse Cong<br />

so.on in the Christian Nation, so that the<br />

CHINA<br />


May,<br />

S, S, Old Bethel, Education of<br />

boy<br />

Robt, Luney Class, Oakdale,<br />

30.92<br />

55,00<br />

25,00<br />

ilS.OO<br />

21.00<br />

19.70<br />

38.45<br />

5,00<br />

30,55<br />

4,00<br />

31.70<br />

2,50<br />

5,Oil<br />

59.50<br />

2.0O<br />

10,00<br />

2,85<br />

23.S9<br />

1,00<br />

075.00<br />

2.23<br />

50,00<br />

100,00<br />

5.00<br />

20,00<br />

CONVENTION •scholar, at Tak OF Hing THE C, Y, P, AT<br />

Jr, Miss, Band, NEW Eskridge, CASTLE. support<br />

boy and girl<br />

The twentieth annual meeting of<br />

A. M, Mitchell S. S, Class, Winchester,<br />

support Chi Taai<br />

the Young People's Societies of Pittsburg<br />

Presbytery was called to order<br />

Chapel, A, I, Robb<br />

test mony of the church. The church<br />

at 7.45 p. m,, October 21st, for the<br />

Martin,<br />

Y. P, S, C, E. Belle Center, to principles, sometimes accused of be­<br />

too ideal to be practical, are suit­<br />

opening<br />

support<br />

number<br />

boy in<br />

of<br />

China<br />

the program, a flf-intfen C, E,<br />

minutes<br />

LaJunta<br />

praiSe<br />

Cong,,<br />

service<br />

education<br />

under the ed to the position of leadership in<br />

efficient<br />

of girl<br />

leadership of New Castle's revival movements, "What the Young<br />

precentor, Mr. O. C, Orr. Mr. Orr is People can do to bring about a Revival"<br />

was the next subject, but as the<br />

showing what can be done with the<br />

new psalter by an energetic leader person to whom it was assigned was<br />

with a reasonable amount of support. not present, the Convention passed<br />

After the praise service, the opening on to the general discussion.<br />

sermon of the Convention was preach­<br />

Th last half hour of the morning<br />

ed by Dr, W. P. Johnston, from well<br />

chosen texts in the second and third<br />

chapters of Second Corinthians, "Who<br />

is sufficient for these things," "Our<br />

su'fficiency is of God." Dr. Johnston's<br />

experience with young people is ^<br />

Pne asset, ilr. Park, of Parnassus,<br />

came next on the program with the<br />

convention address. He urged on the<br />

young men consecration to God in<br />

the work of the ministry. The special<br />

importance of this calling depends<br />

not only on the material with ed an hour, and lacking that, he gaintr,<br />

i\ir, Steele ciaimed that he want-<br />

1'J.50<br />

which the workman deals, human ed his end by doing an hour s work<br />

souls, but also on the end to be se­icured. «as over, one was about ready to<br />

the time allowed him. Alter it<br />

Afier the appointment oli committees<br />

came the social hour, whicii has<br />

sing with feeling the refrain, "I've<br />

Leen working on the railroad.' Mr.<br />

for its purpose a closer acquaintance Steele knows how to bring out the<br />

among the young people of the Pres­<br />

gcod points of the Psalter, which are<br />

bytery, i\lembers of small congregations<br />

need to feel that they have a<br />

larger number of comrades in the<br />

rani s than they can see at home and<br />

thoie from larger floclis need to know<br />

those in the smaller camps.<br />

bond of comradeship had been<br />

strengthened in the past, it might have<br />

saved to the Covenanter cause some<br />

who si pped away and entered into<br />

their rest in other churches, where<br />

10.00 their works will not te likely to follow<br />

them in any aggressive way.<br />

10.00<br />

2,00 The devotional exercises of the ev­thening had Mary Elliott, ot New Castle, Christ,7^ Sloan Martin, of .College<br />

topic, "How we can Witness for<br />

50,00 for leader; the morning period was Hill, told first,-"What a Travelling<br />

10,00 guided by Mrs, Ferguson, of Slippery i\lan Can Do," S .R, Moflit, of Wilkins­<br />

had the theme, "What a Man in<br />

18.00 Rock, This was followed by the re­burg,<br />

lO.OO'<br />

100,00<br />

ports from the various societies in<br />

the Presbytery, of the work done during<br />

the past year. It was the decision<br />

of the committee that awards a<br />

banner to the most efflcient society<br />

that this honor belonged to New<br />

Castle,<br />

Mary Coleman, of Allegheny, opened<br />

the discussion of the morning, by<br />

a paper, with the subject, "Why the<br />

Church needs a revival."<br />

She claimed that a revival was<br />

needed, not because the church had<br />

failed either in faith, or in works, as<br />

shown by increased contributions and<br />

working force. Rather was it required<br />

because of the great work which<br />

readers of this paper might share in<br />

15,00 one of the good things of the meeting.<br />

15,00<br />

In the speech of the day, the next<br />

paper by Clara Clyde, of Geneva Congregation,<br />

was "All right." Her topic<br />

was, "Why the Covenanter Church<br />

should lead as a Revival Church." The<br />

main reasons are in the progressive<br />

session had been assigned to Jdr. R.<br />

A, M. Steele, for practice in the Psalt-<br />

not few, and also the good points of<br />

his singers, if any there be. Those<br />

who have heard him lead his hosts<br />

to battle with minors and majors,<br />

•\^ill cease to question about the quality<br />

of the harmony, the only<br />

If the<br />

question<br />

leing how soon they can learn it. One<br />

of the ways in which a revival will<br />

show itself will be in improved singing,<br />

MihS Eennet, of First Beaver Falls,<br />

led the afternoon devotional meet ng,<br />

following which came a discussion on<br />

the Shop Can Do," this paper being<br />

read by Miss Dickin, Olive Elliott<br />

told "What a Housekeeper Can Do,"<br />

while Mrs. Marshall of Youngstown illustrated<br />

"What a Church Can Do,"<br />

•^I'he most interesting discussion of<br />

the Convention followed these papers.<br />

What a farmer, a student, a baker,<br />

can do were told by different members<br />

of the Convention, and if any<br />

one- failed to get a hint as to what<br />

he can do, his case is beyond the ordinary<br />

remedies.<br />

There were nine contestants in the<br />

Bib'p Reading Contest, the judges<br />

awp.rjing first piace to Faith Cole-<br />

Hian, of Geneva; second place to Miss<br />

Devinney, of Eighth Street, and third<br />

lo Miss Dickey, of Youngstown, and<br />

they Slid they had a hard job settling<br />

the preferences. One generous U, P.<br />

bro her, who contributed his time for<br />

umpire duty, is said to have remarked<br />

that the Covenanters had his folks<br />

si inned on Bible reading. Since Bible<br />

reading is largely Bible study, it is<br />

deserving a regular place on the program.<br />

For the com'ng year the Convention<br />

chose the following officers;<br />

For president, Mrs, J, M. Coleman;<br />

recording secretary, Mrs, S, J. Johnson;<br />

for corresponding secretary, Mrs,<br />

W, 0, Feguson; for treasurer, Sloan<br />

How's This?<br />

We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for<br />

anv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv<br />

Hall's Catarrh Cure.<br />

F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.<br />

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