S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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November 5, 1913.<br />



*»*0n Sabbath, Oct. I'Stb, communon<br />

«s held at Union, Dr. R. .1. G. Mc­<br />

Knight assisting.<br />

i «s»Tlie Young People's Convention<br />

j,( jX'ew Castle, Pa., on Tuesday evening<br />

and Wednesday, Oct. 21st and<br />

'**'*John Robison, of Dresden, Ohio,<br />

an elder in Tomica congregation, died<br />

22iid was counted a great success by<br />

on September 1, 1913, aged 84 year<br />

and ten months, Hs death was from<br />

those present.<br />

heart trouble. He is survived by two<br />

t«»Wftnted, to buy at ten cents per<br />

copy, the Minutes of 1913 Synod (not<br />

1912). Please address the undersigneJ.-James<br />

S. Tibby, 408 Penn Bldg.,<br />

Pittsburgh, Fa.<br />

«»*llr. Andrew Carson, Sr., a veryaged<br />

and greatly loved member of York<br />

coagregation, died Thursday, Oct. 2.<br />

• •**Rev, Wm. McFarland has been<br />

preaching in Lisbon, N. Y., for flve<br />

Sabbaths, and renewing acquaintances •^''''We learn with sincere sorrow of ***At Grove City, Pa., Mrs. Jane Allen,<br />

aged 98, the oldest woman in<br />

tliere, it being his charge for many the death of Thomas McDonald, of<br />

years. Dr. McFarland's presence is Philadelphia, whose wife survives him. Grove City, died Monday, Oct. 19. Until<br />

a month belore her death she had<br />

a blessing wherever he goes.<br />

We knew Mr, McDonald in Allegheny,<br />

*«*Rev. F, E, Allen writes that the Pa,, back in the sixties. Early in its the full use of her faculties and took<br />

securing subscriptions for Minutes ol<br />

history he removed to Philadelphia to a lively interest in the happenings of<br />

Synod and the Christian Nation was<br />

take charge of the mechanical department<br />

of the Christian Statesman,<br />

the town. Mrs. Allen was born in<br />

not "work," Winnipeg people only<br />

needed the opportunity, because they<br />

which position he held for many years.<br />

He was a member of First Philadelphia<br />

are deeply interested in the Covenanter<br />

Church and her principles.<br />

congregation.<br />

'**ln the Bible reading contest, at<br />

tte 20th annual convention of the R.<br />

P. Young People's Societies of Pittsburgh<br />

Presbytery, New Castle, Pa.,<br />

Beacon was held October 14, at St. N. J., on Nov. 2, that being preparation<br />

Sabbath. Dr. W. P. Johnston,<br />

John, N. B. The services were conducted<br />

by the Rev, D, Bruce Elsey, assisted<br />

by the Rev. J. H. MacVicar, D.D. lege, will conduct the communion<br />

President Emeritus of Geneva Col­<br />

on<br />

Mrs, Beacoll has been ill a long time, Nov. 9, preaching Thursday evening<br />

yet was never heard to complain. and Friday evening of this week at<br />

8 o'clock, and Monday evening, Nov.<br />

10, at 8 o'clock. Communion services<br />

will be Sabbath at 10.30 a. m., and<br />

preaching Sabbath evening will be at<br />

7.30. Montclair congregation's place<br />

of worship is 444 iBloomfleld avenue,<br />

children, William and Margaret, and<br />

right at the Centre. There is a sign<br />

feven grandchildren. He was a faithful<br />

Christian, and highly esteemed<br />

as the street door and the rooms are<br />

up one flight.<br />

throughout a wide circle.<br />

***James L. Crawford, a member ot<br />

our Wilkinsburgh congregation, would<br />

like his friends throughout the Church<br />

to know that he is prepared to take<br />

He lacked just seventeen days of being<br />

94 years of age.<br />

or all magazines and journals, as<br />

new subscriptions or renewals for any<br />

««*lVIr. Carithers, in connection with Cosmopolitan. Good Housekeeping,<br />

1 trip to Blanchard, lowa, to attend .\merican. Woman's Home Companion, Do not write business letters and<br />

' Presbytery, will spend a few days Pictorial Review, etc. Address 321 news letters on the same sheet of<br />

iritli his mother, at Morning Sun, Franklin avenue, Wilkinsburgh, Pa. paper, and never write anything intended<br />

for publication on both sides<br />

lowa, who is still bedfast.<br />

'**''Communions were held in many<br />

ot a sheet of paper.<br />

***0n Sabbath, Oct. 2Cth, communion<br />

was held in Parnassus, Pa., Dr. 19th. Communions were held at<br />

of our congregations on Sabbath, Oct.<br />

Do not embody obituary notices in<br />

the body of a news letter.<br />

R. J. G. McKnight assisting; and in Northwood, O., Dr. T, H. Acheson assisting;<br />

Third Philadelphia, Rev. John<br />

Do not write news letters, or copy<br />

East End, Pittsburgh, conducted by<br />

of any kind with a lead pencil.<br />

Cr D. C. Martin, the licentiates as- Yates assisting; Allegheny, Rev. Paul<br />

Disregard of any of these rule.s<br />

Coleman assisting; Millers Run, Rev.<br />

A. A. Johnston assisting; Pine Creek,<br />

Rev. J. C Slater assisting.<br />

***The following notice was mislaid:<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e R. Slater, a former resident of<br />

*'" Correspondents will greatly<br />

oblige us if, in sending items of news<br />

for publication, they will observeafew<br />

very simple rules:<br />

Do not abbreviate words, suc'n as<br />

Sab. for Sabbath, cong. for congregation,<br />

Pres. for Presbytery; in short,<br />

spell out everything in full.<br />

makes it necessary for us to rewrite<br />

your copy. If at all possible, typewrite<br />

your copy.<br />

Rose Point, Lawrence County, a<br />

'daughter of Thomas and Margaret<br />

Wilson. In 1837 she was married to<br />

Robert Allen, who died in 1861. She<br />

was a member of the Reformed Presbyterian<br />

Church. She is survived by<br />

eight children, Capt. W, E, Allen of<br />

Parkers Landing, Mrs. S. R. Rodgers<br />

The Refonned Presbyterian Chnrch<br />

haWnff DO publishing house of its own. its<br />

members are advised to send their orders for<br />

Catechisms. Lesson Helps. Church and Sabbath<br />

School Supplies of every description to<br />

CKpresbpterian Boardof<br />

Witherspoon<br />

or anr of its<br />

Bldg.. Philadelphia rublication Depositories<br />

un<br />

locksifibut'<br />

Most comfortable, serTicCEible andstylish hat<br />

for dress or business. Knnekalmnt Feft,<br />

»•/<br />

flexible sweatband, with outside silk band, can<br />

be rolled into several shapes and worn as illus<br />

trated. Weight, 3 ozs. Sizes, 6i^ to 7}^<br />

in black, brown and grnymixtnro, If<br />

GEO.<br />

not as represefited I will refund your<br />

59c. and Yoii Can Kfrp the<br />

Hilt. Sr7ii pn

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