S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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i THE CHRIStlAi4 NATION. Vol. 59.<br />

V^..«^ P.^t^l^'c Tr.^ir ering the states of the Umon ex- more and more in every avenue :*:''^J^^''^'''^''J''' Quite Proaln-<br />

\OUXG PEOPLE'S TOPIC southern States: demnation wiU yet be placed on ly adjourned in Brooklyn on Monday<br />

FOR NOV i6. 1906—Breweries and Distiller- the whole accursed traffic. evening, October 27. Mrs. Eiia<br />

By the Rev. Geo. S. Coleman. les, $14,578,000; Churches, $5,632,- , i^, ^ietinis. Intemperance l^°J^^'^ T ' T L °1 i''''''''T'''<br />

Temperance Facts and Figures. 73i- m^, Breweries and Distil- numbers as its victims all those state Superintendent, Mrs, D. s. Ervin<br />

1 Kings 20:1-21. lenes, $2,937,783; Churches, $14,- ^^,].jq p^^ ^i^^ bottle to tbeir own and daughter of Cedarville, 0., Miss<br />

Psalms. 2:1-4; 5:1-4; 10:12-15; 870,506. 1913 to May I, Brewer- ^^ ^^gj^ neighbor's lips. If not Anna Willson of Philadelphia, Dr. p.<br />

27:15-16; 34:6-8, L. ^f,; 37:1-6; ies and Distilleries, $429,500; ^ present fact, they are victims M. Foster and wife, Rev. A. A. Samr<br />

' o"r , ' 0/ rh,„-r.-hr.^ 4, -^^r, cRf. • , -n / . 1 SOU and wife, Mrs. Rev. S. R. Wal-<br />

46:7-10; 50:16-19; 52:1-4. Churches, $4,389,986, prospectively. But not only are ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^_ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^a^'<br />

Bible References. Rom. 13:14; A gam of 25 per cent m col- ^be users of alcohol the victims of r. j, ^odds are some whom we no-,<br />

I Cor, 9:25; I Thess. 5:6-8; Deut. leges engaged in the work of the intemperance, we must not f<strong>org</strong>et ticed but many others were doubtless;<br />

21:20-21; Prov. 20:1; 23:20-21; Intercollegiate Prohibition Asso- ^bat we may be guilty of this sin there. Mrs. Harriet S, Pritchard wasi<br />

u:4- Mic. 2:11; Luke 21:^,4; Gal. ciation, and a gain of 25 per cent j^ inordinate use of that wbicb is elected World's Superintendent Mrs.^<br />

5:19--; Eph, 5:18. ~ - local membership durmg the legitima^te. Be temperate m all ^ wUrnrriyThuU? as^^S-<br />

Hints for Talks. past two months.—Report made things. This is imperative. If ^nts, among whom were the following '<br />

TeU the prohibition states and April 26, 1913. those who destroy themselves by Covenanters: Misses Flora Wallace,^<br />

lhe time at which they adopted Infant mortality tables show their excesses would stop, then iVIargaret Wallace, Sadie McNeill,'<br />

the law,<br />

that of the children of abstaining ...^ ^.^m heave a sigh and let thera '^"^'^^^ ^"*"''' May Agnew, Mrs, Ella,^<br />

. j - i c , , , Christner, Mr. Robert McFall, Mr. ,<br />

Describe the effect of tbe Webb parents 13 per cent die under five drop into oblivion, but they don't p^^^ g_ ^.^^^^^ ^^_ j^^^^ mmyme. '<br />

law. years of age; of those of drinking g^gp bere, the devil never does. ***Rev. Owen F. Thompson's new'<br />

Give a summary of signs that parents, 23 per cent; of those of qq-iousands of innocents are drawn address is M<strong>org</strong>anville, Kansas. ;<br />

liquor is locally an issue,<br />

immoderate drinkers, 32 per cent, jnto the current to lead a miser-<br />

State as fully as you can what "These murder shops pay into j^ble life and suffer a miserable SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. ;<br />

our own and other churches are the treasury of Chicago each year jg^th, and many of them lose E^Penence of a Southern Man.;=<br />

doing, the almost astounding sum of $7,- their souls also. Tbe wives and "Please allow me to thank the^.<br />

Why, wben the churches are 162,000. This financial opium bas children, all those depending on originator ^of Postum, which in my_:<br />

convinced, does so little happen? put to sleep most of the commer- them, their friends, the church, the case, speaks for itself," writes a<br />

Notes: cial leaders of the city." (How community,— whole suffers wben Fla. man.<br />

The following significant record much does your city or town get?) ^ single unit of society fails to. "I formerly drank so much cof-,<br />

has been figured out by the of- Given by our church last year to jo his duty. fee that my nervous system Was.-<br />

ficial actuaries of the New Eng- the temperance committee: $846.- ^^^ ^ ^^^^ almost a wreck." (Tea is just as _<br />

land Mutual Life Insurance Com- 19, a little less than $.10 per mem- '• ^, ^• u '• a u injurious because it contains caf-'<br />

, are m the liquor busmess, and who •' r , • a. \'^<br />

pany, and embraces the simple un- ber. , ^. a •^u^.u feme, the drug found in ooltee.j<br />

i-'' ^ „ rr./-, r are m any way connected with the ' ° , ,<br />

embelbshed tiuth regarding 180,- Hopkinton, lozva. r • \ cL . , .• "My physician told me to quit-<br />

_^^^ iici3,rions trsiTic j sonic not cictivc^ t i i i<br />

000 policies stretching over sixty _. Z, ,, ,-—. , • .1 i- u • u ^ u drinking it, but 1 had to^ have some-<br />

. • -r^ ID.^^,,/-.*. T\7r,-..>-t-i^«/T^^*»!.-, ly m the liquor business, but who ° ' ,,.,-,<br />

years of insurance writing. Dur- I^raver iVieetlllP^ i OpiC. ^ , , , .t, . , - thing, so I tried Postum.<br />

ing any given period of time of PRAYER MEETING TOPIC. avt rauie i ereio, or \^ o ,.^^ _^^ surprise I saw,.;<br />

*= • *= , . , , ^-^,r any way countenance the evil. •' ° .<br />

otherwise good risks 125 moder- NOV. 12, 1913. ,, ^, ,, . ,, . , ^ quite a change in my nerves \\\%<br />

,.,- ,- ,,, j-j T, , -r> /-^ Tr -r> Morc thau this. If we wish to ^ * ^, -^<br />

ate drinking policy holders died By the Rev, G, R, AIcBurney, , , n • . , about 10 days. That was a year-:<br />

iree ourselves from just charo'e ,<br />

while but 59 abstaining holders Subject,—Inte|mpe?ance, Prov. - .- ^1 ,• ^ cn ^ a&o and now my nerves are steady ,<br />

'^^ J r r Qt supporting the liquor traffic, we '^ ' . , .,. . ,<br />

P^^^^d '^'^y- ,, , , "3^"°', ,,, , must enlist in the ranks of those ^'^'^ ^ ^°''' ^^^^ *°^^ '^^'""^ [""]<br />

Expected mortality, American i, ts Victims, ^^,^^ ^^^ ^^^.^^ .^_ ^ ^^^ headaches which I regularly had.<br />

table, 100 per cent. 2. Its Supporters. „• „ f v i r ^1 ^ while drinking coffee.<br />

, , ' ,-^ r u , • T. r-, ^ -^y giV'S t^acit approval of that " , , ,<br />

Actual mortality of abstainers, 3, Its Opponents, u- u • • r 1 a , • - Postum seems to have bodyr-,<br />

, „ , . T-, which IS sinful, A person loitering- . , , ,,<br />

59 per cent. Psalm Selections-Ps, 9:1-4; .^ ^^^^^.^ ^^ ^,^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^ building properties and leaves the<br />

Actual mortality of rare users, 141:3-6, 10; 26:1-4, 7-9; 10:1; , , , , bead clear And I do not have<br />

7, r "t / y murder when committed may be i-rcai. ^^^^<br />

7' P7 '''''• ^ ,^ , ,. , "1^3-6- ^^1,^^^ ^^ ^^^^^j.^,j^ j^.^ l^^^ the bad taste in my mouth when^<br />

.Vctual mortality ot temperate In common usage intemperance . ,. . . , T p-et nn mornino's When ros-<br />

, • , ,. Q . - r 1 . .u r 1 t-1- cence of complicity in the crime. ^ ^ moiuiiiE,». ,«<br />

drinkers, 84 per cent. is applied to the use of alcoholic „ , „„,,,u„ , , , tum is boiled gtiod and strong, it,,<br />

, , 1 , 1-, J- .. 1 i • •, , T-, • , otiu anotner class must be men- n-<br />

,'\ctual mortality of moderate spirits as a beverage. But its le- ,. , , „ ic fa,- b^ttpr in. taste than coffee;,<br />

, . , ,. ,. .,. , . ^ ^ , . , tioned—the voter. Many promin- ueuiei 111, Lctsit ^<br />

drinkers, 125 per cent. gitimate use is of much wider ap- rhr;=tinn= ,vi.r> ,1,1 ,

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