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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Inthe S a b b a t h<br />

School<br />

Lesson VIII. Nov, 23rd, 1913.<br />

By the Rev. W, A, Aikin,<br />


I :i-9.<br />

Golden Text.—Be strong and of good<br />

courage.—Josh,<br />

i -.c).<br />

Psalms,—45:1-5. C. M.;<br />

47:1-3. C. M,;<br />

were typically taught by the death of Moses,<br />

and the succession of Joshua,"<br />

II. THE PROMISE, (v. 3-5.)<br />

"Every place that tlie sole of your foot<br />

shall tread upon, that I have given unto you,<br />

as I said unto Moses. From the wilderness<br />

. . . shall be your coast. There shall<br />

not any man be able to stand before thee all<br />

the days of thy Hfe; a^ I was zuith Moses, so<br />

I will be with thee: / will not fail thee nor<br />

forsake thee." A strong inducement is here<br />

27:1-3. C. M.<br />

Iset before Israel to go in and possess the<br />

Time,—B,, C. 1451. Near the close of the<br />

land. They are reminded of the promise<br />

thirty da)'s mourning for Moses,<br />

which God made to their father Abraham,<br />

Place,—The plain of Moab, by the Jordan,<br />

viz. that they should have a land which He<br />

opposite Jericho,<br />


The days of mourning for Moses were<br />

now ended. The great prophet, lawgiver and<br />

would show them. And now it is again set<br />

before them to lure them on; to renew their<br />

hopes and desire and to givetoi them a new<br />

determination. The joy of possession was set<br />

before them. The condition of possession<br />

CDuncelor, with whom God had talked face<br />

was their acceptance. "Every place that the<br />

to face, bad been laid away to fest and<br />

sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have<br />

great lamentation had been made over him.<br />

"A feeling of loneliness and awe must have<br />

crept over the people and over their new<br />

leader, Joshua, like tbat which Elisha felt,<br />

I given unto you,'' God's covenant promises<br />

are like bank notes in that the worth of them<br />

is realized only by those who make use of<br />

them. "If any man shall do his will, he shall<br />

know of the doctrine."—John 7:17.<br />

when, alone, he turned him back witb the<br />

III. THE EXHORTATION, (v. 6-9.)<br />

mantle of Elijah that came to him from<br />

"Be strong and of a good courage; etc."<br />

Heaven, to test whether now also the waters<br />

Tbis exhortation is to be found three times<br />

would divide at the bidding of the Lord God in this passage. It was a definite message<br />

of Ebjah. And the faithful Covenant-God to Joshua and the message which be needed.<br />

was witb Joshua, as he waited, not unbelievingly,<br />

A great responsibility had been laid upon<br />

but expectantly, in that mourning camp him; one tbat required great moral and phys­<br />

of Abel-Shittim, for a fresh message from ical courage. Tbe people under him were<br />

God."<br />

I, THE CALL. (v. i, 2,)<br />

"Nozv after the death of Moses the servant<br />

untrained and undisciplined for war and<br />

would naturally be easily discouraged. And<br />

the enemy that they had to meet was fierce<br />

of the Lord it came to pass, that tlie Lord and warlike. Joshua must be an inspiration<br />

spake unto Joshua, the son of Nun, Moses'<br />

minister, saying Moses my servant is dead;<br />

to his army as he led them into the battles<br />

with the tribes tbat were inabiting Canaan.<br />

now therefore arise, go over tliis Jordan, Courage is something that is contagious.<br />

thou and all this people, unto the land zvhich Courage in the heart of the leader puts<br />

I giz'C to them, even to the children of Israel." strength into the hearts of a thousand men,<br />

Joshua had acted as prime minister to Moses,<br />

He bad led tbe forces of Israel in the noted<br />

Joshua was to inspire Israel to zeal in the<br />

great undertaking before them; to fidelityto<br />

battle of Amalek, He was of the tribe of the Lord their God and faithfulness to His<br />

Ephraim. He was one of the two faithful commandments. And he had the assurance<br />

spies who vrere sent to spy out the land of that if he did tbis tbe Lord would fight their<br />

Canaan, He was a godly warrior. Originally<br />

battles, "Be of good courage, and he shall<br />

his name was Oshea, which means "help" strengthen thine beart: wait, I say on the<br />

or "salvation," Afterward the prefix "Je" Lord,"—Psalm 27:14,<br />

was added and his name came to signify "Jehovah<br />

is salvation." Thus he became a type<br />

Eskridge, Kansas.<br />

1 esson VIII. November 23, 1913.<br />

o^ Christ wbose name Jesus signified the<br />


Saviour, It is significant that Moses must<br />

By Anna Pritchard Ge<strong>org</strong>e.<br />

first pass away before Joshua could be exalted<br />

tO' the leadership in Israel. "The Mosaic Suppose, Helen, your teacher should leave, what<br />


Joshua 1:1-9.<br />

dispensation was introductory to that of the would the school do? "Get someone else to take<br />

gospel, and the former must expire before her place." When any leader dies or is taken<br />

the latter could appear in its glory. The away, some one else must be chosen to fllltheir<br />

place. So in today's lesson God chooses Joshua<br />

r.'oral law is exceedingly useful to the church<br />

to take Moses' place as leader of the Jews.<br />

of God, and to every believer; but the gospel<br />

On the table score the course of the Jordan River<br />

alone can conduct us to the heavenly in­<br />

heritance ; and being "dead to the law" as in the sand. This is floodtime for the Jordan<br />

so it is about 500 weet wide, and the land rises<br />

the ground of our confidence, is necessary to on each side. The water is rushing along at great<br />

speed. Five miles from the western shore Is the<br />

our salvation by Jesus Christ, These things<br />

walled city of Jericho, Pile these stones around<br />

for the walls. On the eastern shore, use these<br />

paper tents for the encampment of the Children<br />

of Israel. These sticks are they and this clothes<br />

pin is Joshua. Where is Moses, Bud? "He died<br />

on Mt. Nebo,'' The Jews have been weeping for<br />

him for almost thirty days. In three days they<br />

will cross the Jordan to take possession of the<br />

Promised Land, but they must have a leader.<br />

God looks all over the Jews and into their<br />

hearts. Will anyone do to filliMoses' place. Buster,<br />

to lead the Jews across the Jordan and conquer<br />

Canaan? No, it will be hard work, and the<br />

man must be brave. Who led the Jews in the<br />

battle against the Amalekites when Moses' hands<br />

were held up all day, and the Jews won, Ge<strong>org</strong>e?<br />

Yes, Joshua was the leader. Then, Ethel, what<br />

two spies brought back the good report from<br />

Canaan and plead with the people to trust God<br />

and obey Him even when the Jews were about<br />

to stone them to death? "Caleb and Joshua.''<br />

And Joshua was the one who went part way up<br />

the mountain side with Moses when God gave<br />

him the Commandments.<br />

So as God looks around he finds Joshua fully<br />

prepared, Joshua has not wasted his life expecting<br />

some day to turn to God and make something<br />

of himself. But he has kept close to God and<br />

obeyed and loved Him. Now, when God needs<br />

a igood brave man, ready for His service. He finds<br />

Joshua and chooses him. Joshua obeyed well,<br />

now he will lead well. So if we obey God well,<br />

and do our best every time, we too will be ready<br />

when He wants workers.<br />

God says to Joshua, "Moses my servant is dead;<br />

now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and<br />

all this people, unto the land which 1 do give to<br />

them. Every place that the sole of your foot<br />

fehall tread upon, that have I given unto you."<br />

God has promised all this land to the Children of<br />

^Israel, but can they enjoy it if they do not take<br />

jt? Your father offers you a gun, James, Will<br />

you have any pleasure from it if you do not take<br />

it? So God offers us many blessings—to be our<br />

Father, to f<strong>org</strong>ive our sins, to give us a home in<br />

heaven with Him. But what good are they to us<br />

if we do not take God at His word and accept His<br />

gifts? God has given this land to the Jews, now<br />

Joshua is to lead them over the river and take<br />

possession.<br />

The people look at the River Jordan. It is a<br />

raging torrent, and no bridges, nor boats. It seems<br />

impossible to cross. Then on the far shore there<br />

are the walled cities, and the Jews have no weapons<br />

with which to take them. But what help do<br />

they have of which the heathen know nothing,<br />

Ruth? "God." "As I was with Moses, so will I<br />

be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake<br />

thee.'' And Joshua and the people, as they look<br />

at the river, remember the Red Sea, And the<br />

walled cities remind them of the hosts of the<br />

Egyptians, and the Amalekites, and other fierce<br />

tribes in the wilderness whom God had helped<br />

them to conquer.<br />

"Be strong and of a good courage," urges the<br />

Lord. And He tells them how to be so. Joshua<br />

and the people must abide by the law of God.<br />

"Observe to do according to all the law." Talk<br />

about it—"Shall not depart out of thy mouth,''<br />

Study it—"Meditate therein day and night." Some<br />

children do not like to study Bible verses. But<br />

you do, don't you, John? iGod says that is the<br />

way to be brave. If we get so full of the Bible<br />

that we talk it and think about it, we cannot<br />

help but obey it, then we will have God on our<br />

side and be brave. So we will live a life worth<br />

living, for we will do good ourselves, and help<br />

others to live right, God says to Joshua and to<br />

us in every danger and diflJoulty, "Be strong and<br />

of a good courage; be not afraid; for the Lord<br />

thy God is with thee,"<br />

Montclair, N. J.

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