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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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October 29, 19r3. A FAMILY PAPER, 11<br />


In the absence of our pastor, who<br />

is taliing a rest for his health, our<br />

commumon will be held by Prof. J.<br />

Jl (Coleman, of Beaver Falls, Oct, 19,<br />

Our Young People's study class met<br />

last month at the home of Mr. and<br />

Mrs, Wm. McFarland, near Latrobe.<br />

After class, a pleasant time was spent<br />

in different amusements. During the<br />

evening, an elaborate and substantial<br />

lunch was served by our hostess, who<br />

excels in that line. All departed, feelingit<br />

was good to be there.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown, of Pittslinrgh,<br />

worshipped with us Sabbath,<br />

Oct. 4, . _ 1<br />

Our congregation contributed $80.00<br />

to Science Hall in Geneva College.<br />

We feel rather lonesome since so<br />

many of our young folios have gone<br />

\)iek to work. Marguerite Steel, Albert<br />

McFarland and Carlyle Beattie have<br />

gone to Geneva again; Misses ilary<br />

and Clara Beatt e teach in Greeasburg;<br />

Laura Duffield, near ilcKeesport;<br />

Laura McClure in Claridge; Del l\lc-<br />

Clure in Jamison No. 3; Geo, McFarland,<br />

Baggley, near Latrobe; Teresa<br />

Beattie in our home school; Miss Margaret<br />

O'Brien teaches No, S.<br />

Miss Violet Cannon is visiting her<br />

sister, Mrs. S. M, Steel,<br />

We are pleased to note Mrs. Mary<br />

Beattie is able to worship with us<br />

again.<br />

We regret to say we have the Sunday<br />

train and Sunday newspaper in<br />

our little town,<br />

Mr, Andrew Brown and Mr. Oliver<br />

Beattie are building a house for Mr, J.<br />

B. Steel on his farm in Hannahstowu.<br />

Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Steel of Pittsbugh,<br />

and niece. Miss Agnes Coleman,<br />

of California, and Miss Margaret Porter,<br />

motored down and were the<br />

guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Porter,<br />

at Hedge Home,<br />


We have had fine weather here all<br />

summer, We have not suffered with<br />

either heat or drough, damaging<br />

frosts or snow. Thrashing is progressing<br />

rapidly, quality and yield of grain<br />

is good.<br />

IVIr, and Mrs, D, C, Patterson and<br />

(laughter, Claire, of Belle Center, O..<br />

visited with our pastor's family and<br />

other friends here on their way to the<br />

Pacific Coast.<br />

Walter Bell, who was operated on<br />

a short t'me ago for appendicitis, is<br />

3t>Ie to assume light manual duties;<br />

also Mrs. Delia C, Wilmot, who was<br />

operated on for the same trouble, is<br />

^Me to return to her home and is<br />

"uproTing nicely.<br />

Elder J, Muirhead has been absent<br />

for a few Sabbaths, looking after his<br />

Wm interests at Gull Lake, and has<br />

"sen greatly missed by all.<br />

Cleo, Chamber's mother-in-law, Mrs.<br />

McCullough, and her daughter. Ruby,<br />

«id son. Rev, w. J. McCullough, from<br />

Pwomoke, Md., have heen spending<br />

5 few weelfs with friends here,<br />

^rs. A, J. :gtewart and daughter,<br />

^^^'e. of Washington, Iowa, have<br />

f^ei visiting at the home of her<br />

'laughter, Mrs, Russel Bell.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Edgar have returned<br />

from their trip abroad, feeling<br />

refreshed after their vacation, and are<br />

enjoying the hospitality of Mr, Edgar's<br />

old home, from which he had<br />

been absent eight years.<br />

Our pastor, Mr. Reed, is absent assisting<br />

at communion. Rev, T. M. Slater<br />

at Seattle, Sept. 28; Rev. P. D, Frazier,<br />

Portland, Ore,, Oct., 5, and Rev,<br />

G. W. Greer, Santa Ana, Cal,, Oct.<br />

12, and attend ng the meeting of Presbytery,<br />

Oct. 13,<br />

Mr. S, D. Tiblset, of Hopkinton, la.,<br />

has been vis ting at the home of Mr.<br />

Thos. Chambers, We are glad to hear<br />

our Winnipeg brethren are receiving<br />

the services of Rev, F, E, AUen for a<br />

tew Sabbaths, It is also gratifying to<br />

us that one by one of our brethren<br />

are beginning to realize the distance<br />

is not so great, the cold not so severe,<br />

and the foreign element not so<br />

dangerous as was anticipated.<br />


The L. M. S. held its regular meeting<br />

Thursday, September llth. Interesting<br />

reports were given by our<br />

delegates of the Presbyterial meeting<br />

at Bloomington, Ind,, on the third<br />

of September. Mrs. J. W. Torrens,<br />

Miss Edith Boyd, and Mrs. Lou K.<br />

Auld, attended from our society. The<br />

officers for the year in our society<br />

are: President, Mrs, Flora Thompson;<br />

vice-president. Miss Edith Boyd;<br />

recording secretary. Miss Eva Murray,<br />

and treasurer, Mrs, Lizzie Carson.<br />

Miss Jane P per represents our congi<br />

egation in the Sparta High School<br />

this year, Oscar Floyd and Ringo<br />

McClay, Roy Floyd and Bessie Carson<br />

and Loyd Torrens are attending Nashville<br />

High School,<br />

Good rains have visited tliis section<br />

and cooler weather prevails. Farmers<br />

are busy preparing the soil for the<br />

fall wheat crop.<br />

Several delegates for the C. E. attended<br />

the Young People's Presbyterial<br />

convention at Coulterville in<br />

August, Mrs, Jennie Davis and two<br />

daughters, of Princeton, Ind., spent<br />

several days visiting at Oakdale, after<br />

the convention.<br />

Southern Illinois Presbytery met in<br />

Coulterville Church, the first Wednobday<br />

of September, Mr, Bert McElhinney's<br />

trials for licensure were<br />

heard and those who attended from<br />

this congregation are proud to acknowledge<br />

that he was once one of<br />

us, by baptism.<br />

Rev, J. S, Martin gave us a very<br />

forceful and convincing lecture the<br />

first Sabbath of September, on the<br />

IBible in the schools, Illinois, by action<br />

of the Supreme Court, has authorized<br />

it put out of the schools. It behooves<br />

us to take heed thereto. From<br />

this place he went to Coulterville.<br />

then to Sparta, on the same mission,<br />

Mrs, .lames Sloane and Mrs. M, A,<br />

Gault attended services in Sparta,<br />

Sabbath, the fourteenth of September,<br />

Mr. and Mrs, Thomas M'cLean and<br />

Mr, and Mrs. James Hood attende!<br />

the funeral of an old-time friend and<br />

neighbor, at Coulterville, recently.<br />


On October 9th occurred the death<br />

of .Miss Nettie Thompson, a beloved<br />

member of Olathe congregation, at the<br />

home of her brother in South Dakota,<br />

vhere she had been taken, in the hope<br />

that the change mght benefit her<br />

health.<br />

Her last illness extended over a<br />

year, and though her suffering was<br />

great, it was borne with marked<br />

patience and Christian fortitude. Funeral<br />

services were conducted at the<br />

church on Sabbath afternoon, October<br />

12th by Dr. McConnell, a United Presbyterian<br />

minister ot St, Joe, Mo, His<br />

text: "For me to Lve in Christ, and<br />

to die is gain," was especially appropriate<br />

to the beautiful life and character<br />

of Miss Thompson, who has left<br />

behind her a noble example, and a<br />

precious memory,<br />

•Mrs, Elizabeth Hutcheson, who lives<br />

with her son, S, R, Hutcheson, east of<br />

town, had a serious fall on October<br />

llth, which resulted In a fracture of<br />

the hip. At the time of the accident,<br />

she was visiting at the home of her<br />

daughter, Mrs, McClellan, west of<br />

town. Her great age and feeble condition<br />

render her sufferings doubly<br />

liard,<br />

Mr, J, M, IWilligan had the misfortune<br />

recently, to fall from the loft of<br />

his barn, breaking three ribs, and<br />

receiving severe bruises,<br />

September 21st being Temperance<br />

Day in the Sabbath School, our superintendent,<br />

Mr, W, E, Wright, put<br />

' j : j<br />

the Sabbath School hour in charge of<br />

the W. C. T. U, ladies of the congregation,<br />

instead of the usual study,<br />

the following program was given with<br />

Mrs. J, M. Milligan as chairman:<br />

Short talk, "General Temperance<br />

News," by Mrs, J, M, Milligan, "Temperance<br />

Statistics," by Mrs, Jas, R.<br />

Wi'son. Paper, "Recent Legislative<br />

Victories for Temperance," by Mrs,<br />

Robert HemphiU. Paper, "Tobacco<br />

and Cigarettes," prepared by Mrs, E,<br />

R. McElroy, and read by Mrs, Sterrett<br />

McElroy, Paper, "Encouragements in<br />

the Work," by Mrs, W, S, Mtchell,<br />

Short talk, Mrs. Wm, Cook, Paper,<br />

"Y'our Part," IMrs, James Lawson,<br />


Our congregational roll contains 75<br />

names.<br />

Our Fall communion, held Oct, 12th,<br />

was unusual in many respects. The<br />

attendance was remarltably good at all<br />

the services and the collection at the<br />

mornng service was the largest ever<br />

taken at a service in our church.<br />

Our pastor was assister by Dr, H, H,<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e, wlio preached to us with remarkable<br />

power, in spite of the fact<br />

that he was in poor health,<br />

Mrs, Ge<strong>org</strong>e gave a very interestin-j<br />

temperance address to the Young Peo<br />

pie's meeting and was listened to by<br />

the largest number that ever attendsd<br />

a Y'oung People's meeting in our<br />

church,<br />

Er, Ge<strong>org</strong>e's last message to our<br />

peo lie was in the form of a req-.ie t<br />

to fo m a little "catch my pal" movement,<br />

eve'y member takng the responsibility<br />

to bring another one into<br />

the church during the next year. He<br />

promised to come back and help us<br />

celebrate "he event if we could bring<br />

in at least 15 or 20 in a years time.<br />

On preparatory Sabbath, our pastor<br />

baptised Mary Adelaide Olive, daughter<br />

of the late Mrs, Adelaide McFall,<br />

Olive and William Watson Stewart,<br />

son of .Mr. and Mrs. Wm, C. Stewart.<br />

The service was very impressive.<br />

Miss Hannah Carson was operated<br />

on for acute appendicitis Oct. 13th.<br />

Although she was seriously ill for a<br />

few days the prospects for an early<br />

recovery are now more hopeful.<br />

Our pastor is preaching an interesting<br />

series of sermons on our Responsibility<br />

toward the Immigrant,<br />

Our session has authorized the preparing<br />

of a history of the Covenanter<br />

Church in Massachusetts.<br />

Any who have interesting datr. or information<br />

of any kind that would help<br />

in this work are urged to send it to<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e E, Elder, 31 1-2 Antrim street,<br />

Cambridge, Mass,<br />

We wouM like 2nd New York to<br />

give us, through the Nation, the details<br />

that led up to such a successful<br />

Rally Day in their Sabbath school on<br />

Oct, Sth,<br />


Miss Marjorie Ge<strong>org</strong>e is attending<br />

Muskingum College,'<br />

Our church picnic ths year was a<br />

mammoth affair. Many came from<br />

Utica and New Concord, and with our<br />

own people made nearly three hundred<br />

and the dinner embraced every<br />

good thing anyone could mention, our<br />

own people furnishing the ice cream.<br />

It was a day long to be remembered.<br />

The Ladies' Missionary Society held<br />

an all day meeting at the home of<br />

Mr. and Mrs, William Thompson, A<br />

fine program was carried out. Miss<br />

Eva Thompson wrote on our Mission<br />

in China, Miss Lena McFarland on<br />

our Cyprus IMisson and Miss Ethel<br />

lhom.pson cn Southern Mission,<br />

Mr, and Mrs, Jesse Ge<strong>org</strong>e of our<br />

congregation are riding to 'church in<br />

a fine new auto.<br />

Mrs, Calvin Ge<strong>org</strong>e has had a most<br />

pleasant reunion of her people this<br />

summer. One brother from Kansas<br />

and si5ter from New Y'ork, whom she<br />

had not seen for many years, and other<br />

relatives visited her at the same<br />

time.<br />

Cur communion will be held the<br />

fourth Sabbath of Oct.<br />

Mr, Eavid Gladstone has been able<br />

to be at church once recently, but is<br />

finite feeble at this writing,<br />

Mr. and Mrs, Chalmers Ge<strong>org</strong>e, of<br />

Pittsburgh, are visiting relatives in<br />

this congregation.<br />

Mis3 Esther Thompson, of White<br />

Cottage, is attending High School at<br />

Zaresville,<br />

Mrs, G, K. McFarland has returned<br />

from a pleasant visit with her daughter,<br />

Mrs. Walter Spencer, of Frazenburg.<br />

Misses Eva and Rose Thompson<br />

have had as their guest. Miss Grace<br />

l\'ccn, of New Lexington,

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