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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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le THE} CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. 59.<br />

A<br />

A D i s h o n e s t A c t i o n<br />

prominent shoe store on Sixth Avenue is<br />

guilty ot sellint^ shoddy shoes, bearing an<br />

imitation Coward label. This theft of my<br />

name and fraud on the public Avill be<br />

to Court as speedily as the Law<br />

brought<br />

can act.<br />

W'e will defend the name of COWARD<br />

by promptly prosecutini;- ALL dealers who<br />

offer for sale any footwear stamped or<br />

labeled with the name " Coward."<br />

Dealers take warning. If you attempt to<br />

use our name, you will incur the full penalty<br />

of the law.<br />

264-274 "^reenwicli SS.. Near Warrei St., New York<br />


Mr, Herman Wright has returned<br />

from a business trip in Chicago.<br />

Miss Ethel Gross is experiencing<br />

her first term of school teaching in<br />

A¥aukesha.<br />

The Wright brothers have returned<br />

to their studies in the University of<br />

Wisconsin.<br />

The many friends and relatives<br />

here are glad to learn of Rev, M, A,<br />

Gault's improvement in health, and<br />

trust it may continue.<br />

Our pastor is home from Presbytery<br />

and gave us an excellent sermon<br />

Sabbath. In his absence he a'so fllled<br />

Rev, S, Greer's pulpit, Sept. 14th,<br />

BOOKS—Largest stock of Second Hand<br />

Theological Books in America, Over 50,000<br />

volumes on hand. Catalogues free. Libraries<br />

and collections of Books bought or exchanged,<br />


132 E. 23d Street, New York.<br />


with any initial I2c. 2 or I tmll<br />

3 initials iiand engraved for loc<br />

extra CatalO):; free with evcrjf<br />

order. Also bargain list of<br />

agents' goods.<br />

I', t,. CROSS ONAUn CO<br />

R h e u m2147 a Arthur t iAv., sNewYork<br />

m<br />

& Home Cure Given by One Who Had It<br />

In the spring of 1893 I was attacked by<br />

Muscular and Inflamtnatory Rheumatism.<br />

I suffered as only those who have it know,<br />

for over three years. I tried remedv after<br />

remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such<br />

relief as I received was onlv temporary.<br />

Finally, I found a remedy that cured me<br />

completely, and it has never returned. I<br />

have given it to a number v^ho wereterribly<br />

afflicted and e\-en bedridden with Rheumatism,<br />

and it effected a cure in every case.<br />

I want every sufferer from any form of<br />

rheumatic trouble to try this marvelon.'^<br />

healing power. Don't send a cent; simply<br />

marl yonr name and address and I will sendit free to<br />

try After J'ou have usedit andit has proven itself<br />

to be that lonfj-looked-for means of cunntj your<br />

Rheumatism, you may send the price of it, one<br />

dollar, but, understand, I do not want your money<br />

true.—Pub.<br />

that relief unless today. Mr. Mark fair? is Jackson yon H thus Jackson, are Why offered perfectly is suffer Syracuse,N. responsible. No. you any satisfied 60 free Gurney longer ? Y. Above Don't to when send Bldg., delay. statement<br />

positive Isn't Write<br />


We are glad to see a number of<br />

iiew faces at our services. Our work<br />

is increasing and a fine spirit manifested.<br />

Our communion was Oct. 5. Rev,<br />

Crool-is, of La Junta, Colo., assisted<br />

Dr. \Vyl:e, It was a very pleasant and<br />

enjoyable occasion. Four new names<br />

were added to our Church roll. Four<br />

of our members were out of the city:<br />

Mrs, M, W. McMillan, Albuquerque,<br />

Creek, at the sanitarium. Their many<br />

Iriends are glad to hear that they are<br />

both gaining under the treatment<br />

there.<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e Henning has returned to the<br />

M. A, C, lor another year's work.<br />

Stella Hanna, who graduated at the<br />

State Normal last June, is teaching in<br />

the Detroit schools.<br />

Mr, and Mrs, Russell of Bovina,<br />

New York, have been visiting their<br />

daughter, Mrs. W. M. Robb.<br />

Rev. J, C. Slater, of Beaver Falls,<br />

assisted our pastor at our communion,<br />

held the second Sabbath of Septemter.<br />

His sermons were inspiring and<br />

enjoyed by all.<br />

The week following, the Ohio Presbytery<br />

met at Belle Center. Rev. Robb<br />

attended the presbytery and was absent<br />

the following Sabbath, attending<br />

the presbyterial communion which followed<br />

the presbytery meeting. He<br />

was also absent on the flrst Sabbath<br />

of October assisting in communion at<br />

Syracuse, N. Y.<br />

but some were unable to be present.<br />

N. M,; Mrs, Anna Hall, Sterling, Kansas;<br />

Miss R.E. iMiddleton, Litchfield, week ending Oct.| 4, also Monday<br />

I preached each evening of tha<br />

111., and Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, Swanwick,<br />

111,<br />

The McClelland family has been<br />

having a family reunion, A number<br />

of the children, grandchildren and relatives<br />

from a distance attending.<br />

The following have worshipped with<br />

us recently: Mrs, Rev. Ge<strong>org</strong>e Edgar,<br />

of St, Louis; Mr, and Mrs, T, B, Marvin,<br />

of Los Angoles, Cal,, and Mr,<br />

Milligan, Olathe, Kan,<br />

The Y, P, U, adopted resolutions on<br />

the death of Mr, ^¥111 Caskey.<br />


Jliss Hazel Russell, after spending<br />

nearly two months with her sister,<br />

Mrs. W, M,.Robb, has returned to her<br />

school work at Walton, N, Y,<br />

Miss Maud MacDonald has gone to<br />

Ludington, wlrere she has accepted a<br />

position as English teacher in this<br />

school,<br />

Mr. and i\lrs, Malcolm MacDonald<br />


According to the appointment of the<br />

Pacific Coast Presbytery, I dispensed<br />

the sacrament of the Lord's Supper to<br />

tte Covenanter members at Winnipeg,<br />

There were twelve who sat down at<br />

the table of the Lord, It was a very<br />

solemn occasion, as it had been several<br />

years since some of the members<br />

had had the privilege of partaking of<br />

the sacrament. It was the flrsttime<br />

the Lord's Supper had been dispensed<br />

in Winnipeg, or in the province of<br />

Manitoba, There were seventeen who<br />

would have been eligible to commune,<br />

night following. The attendance was<br />

not large at these service, but<br />

it was a beginning, and one can never<br />

tell how soon the bread cast upon the<br />

waters, wiil return. At any rate, the<br />

opportunity was given for many to<br />

hear the Word preached, as 1,000<br />

hand-bills announcing the services<br />

were distributed from house to house,<br />

besides the announcement of the services<br />

which was published daily In<br />

the paper, "Paul may plant and Apollos<br />

water, but God giveth the increase."<br />

The weather here continues pleasont,<br />

but people are preparing for winter.<br />

Thanksgiving in the Dominion is<br />

How's This?<br />

We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for<br />

anv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv<br />

HaU's Catarrh Cure,<br />

F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O,<br />

We, the undersigned, have known F. T<br />

Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him<br />

perfectly honorable in all business transactions<br />

True<br />

Values h C f h<br />

"surety<br />

stockings"<br />

True<br />

Values<br />

Women's Silk Lisle Stockings—<br />

heavy weiglit, Black—seamlessfour<br />

inch garter welt—six thread<br />

toe and heel, 25c pair.<br />

Women's Silk Lisle Stockings—<br />

medium weight—Black—four inch<br />

garter wqltl—six (thread toe and<br />

heel—double sole, 50c pair.<br />

A'len's Cotton Sox—medium<br />

weight—Black—six thread toe and<br />

heel—double sole, 25c pair.<br />

boys'<br />

clothing<br />

Boys' Norfolk Suits—Blue<br />

Serge and Tan Mixtures—^wide<br />

range of patterns—sizes 6 to i8,<br />

$5.00,<br />

Chinchilla Russian Overcoaits—<br />

with shawl collar in Brown, Oxford<br />

Grey—sizes 6 to 12<br />

years,<br />

$8,50.<br />

Boys' Laundered Dress Waists<br />

—fine quality—good looking, 75c<br />

to $1,50.<br />

Boys' Corduroy, Blue Serge<br />

Rompers—-serviceable and well<br />

made, $1.50,<br />

5OGGS 8c 5UHI9<br />


M^HEN j^ew York «i?.^<br />


Seventli jlie, «fc SStli Street<br />


Maximum of Luxury at Minimum of CosL<br />


Within Five Minutes- Wallt ol ,. Siiops and<br />

Clubs, 300 Feet West ot Broadway.<br />

are the proud parents of another<br />

New Dutch Grill Rooms. Largest in the City. ti'X.W<br />

bouncing baby boy,<br />

and financiallv able to carry ont any obligations<br />

made bv his firm.<br />


Cars paES Hotel toall Railroads.<br />

Dr, William MacCarrol and his sister.<br />

Miss Sarah, are both at Battle<br />

NA'IIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, $1.50 per Day $2.00 per Day<br />

TI ,.. r, 1 , „ • Toledo, b. WITHOUT BATH<br />


Hall Ayer's s Catarrh Sarsaparilla Cure is is taken a tonic. internally It does acting<br />

Suites, $3,50 and upwards<br />

direcUy not stimulate. upon the blood It does and not mucous make surfaces you SEND FOR COLORED MAP OF NEW YORK<br />

B u i l d s U p of feel the better system. one Testimonials day, then as sent bad free as ever, Price EDQAR T, SMITH, Manag-ing Director<br />

Go to your doctor first.Secure his approval.<br />

75 or cents even ner worse, bottle. the Sold next bv day. all Druggists There Plaza Hotel, Chicaso, under same manasemenl,<br />

Then follow his advice. Take tJo medicine not Take a drop Hall's of Family alcohol PiUs'for in it. constipatiotil<br />

You have to he observed this year on October<br />

the doctors will not approve. J, 0. Ayer On the steady, even gain that comes from a 20. They look for snow shortly after<br />

Lowell, Mass. strong tonic. Sold for sixty years.<br />

Thanlfsgiving Day.<br />

Sincerely yotirs,<br />

r, B. ALLEN.<br />

. i -<br />

^\ijrtV<br />

•^4j^ Iiii

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