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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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October 29, 1913.<br />


One ballot, a large majority for Rev,<br />

S T A R N O T E S . Elmer Russell, made unanimous im-<br />

»**Rev. P. P. Boyd assisted the pas- mediately, receiving as many aignator<br />

of Geneva congregation at Beaver t^^res as votes cast. Salary pledged.<br />

Palls on October 12,<br />

$1,200.—Isa'ah Faris.<br />

***Rev. Elmer RusseU has been<br />

called to the pastorate of Bloomington,<br />

Irdiana, congregation.<br />

*'*'i'Mr. Thomas McDonald, of the<br />

First Philadelphia Congregation, died<br />

suddenly the early part of this month.<br />

He removed from Allegheny to work<br />

subjects were read and discussed. The<br />

Rev. S. Ferguson, B.A., read a paper<br />

on "'Colonial Missions," the Rev. J.<br />

Ramsey, LL.B,, read a paper on "Giving,"<br />

the Rev. James Knowles read<br />

a paper on "The Evils of the Tobacco<br />

Habit," and Mr, R, J. Macafee, of Boghill,<br />

read a paper on "Training the<br />

Young in the Sabbath School." The<br />

conference was both pleasant and profitable,<br />

***Rev. W. J. McKnight has been<br />

on the Christian Statesman, and was<br />

appointed stated supply for First Boston<br />

until the meeting of Synod.<br />

***The Coleraing Chronicle, for October<br />

4, publishes a large portrat of<br />

long engaged in the getting out of<br />

that publication. His Avife survives to the Rev. Robert Nevin Lyons, in connection<br />

with a report of his ordination<br />

***Communion in Second Church,<br />

mourn her loss.<br />

Philadelphia, on Oct. 12 was one of<br />

to the ministry and installation as<br />

rare spiritual blessing. The assistant<br />

pastor of Ballenon and Ballylane congregations.<br />

Rev. Ezekiel Teaze, of<br />

was Rev. Paul Coleman.<br />

***The annual prize distribution<br />

Avas held recently at the Ballynvoney<br />

Intermediate School, of Avhich the Rev,<br />

J, Ramsey, LL,B„ is one of the principals.<br />

The school seems to be pros­<br />

***Esliridge congregation enjoyed a<br />

veiy pleasant communion season Sabbatb,<br />

October 12th, Rev. J, G. Mc­perous and its work eflicient. Among<br />

Elhinney assisting.<br />

the prize winners we notice several<br />

«**A cable has been received from names familiar to Covenanters,<br />

Latakia, announcing the safe arrival<br />

of Rev. S. Edgar and family, Oct, 15th,<br />

All well.—S. A. S. Metheny.<br />

***Delegates to the meeting of Kansas<br />

Presbytery at Blanchard, Iowa,<br />

will save carfare if, in buying tickets<br />

***Rev. A. A. Samson is the new for travel in Missouri, they buy flrst<br />

son of the late Rev, A, S, Lyons,<br />

moderator, and Rev. R. J. Doods, clerk, to Burlington Junction, or Elmo, Mo., ***Mr, and Mrs. Richard Elliott, of<br />

and Rev. Dr. R. C. Montgomery, or Northboro, Mo., so as to get tne pWorning Sun, Iowa, have been ceiebrating<br />

the 55th anniversary of their<br />

tieasure and Committee on Supplies benefit of the new two-cent rate law;<br />

wedding at the homes of their sons<br />

o! New York Presbytery. then buy from these points to Blanchard<br />

separately.—Paul Coleman.<br />

living at Superior, Nebraska. Prom<br />

***The L. M. S., of New Alexandria,<br />

Pa., congregation, recently shipped a<br />

box of hospital supplies consisting of<br />

sheets, piUow cases, and operating<br />

aprons, to the Syrian Mission.<br />

''**I moderated in a call in the Little<br />

Eeaver congregation on Monday, Oct,<br />

20th, Avh'ch resulted in the choice of<br />

the Rev, E. M, Elsey, The call was imm^ediately<br />

made unanimous. The Little<br />

celebration. The series of gatherings<br />

***Tlie Sacrement of the Lord's<br />

incident to the celebration covered<br />

D t, J • J.T. T-, 4. -IT. 1 Beaver people are determined to have<br />

Supper was observed m the East End, ^«'**°' f=^'"^<br />

three days and found its cl'max in a<br />

a pastor, this being the fourth time<br />

Pittsbugh, Congregation, Sabbath, October<br />

2'Gth. Dr. D. C. Martin conduct-<br />

P, Church on Friday evening. Some<br />

reception tendered the family in the U.<br />

they have met for this purpose. They<br />

• .,. . ., . ._ are honing and praying that brother 200 persons were present to offer<br />

en the services, with other assistance. ''' ^ uopms anu f j. &<br />

their felicitations. Among the speakers<br />

at the reception was the youngest<br />

*-**The Rev. James McCune made a Elsey will accept,—S, J. Johnston,<br />

***We visit to are Nova in Scotia, receipt tie of preached a lengthy on<br />

son of the family. Rev, D. H, Elliott,<br />

newspaper account of the ordination<br />

Hept 28th in Cornwallis, Berwick and<br />

of Winchester, Kan.<br />

of Rev. John M'llmoyle, B.A., T,C.D.,<br />

Somerset, His discourses were very<br />

***0n August 12th, at the home of<br />

to the m nistry, and of his installation Mr, Charles Ewing, Olathe, Kansas,<br />

helpful and m^uch appreciated.—T. M,<br />

***r)r. W. P. Johnston, President<br />

Emeritus of Geneva College, will conduct<br />

communion at Montclair, N, J.,<br />

as pastor at Creevagh, Ballybay, Ireland,<br />

Rev, J. M'Ewen preached the<br />

•sermon. Rev, T, B, M'Farlane, B,A.,<br />

expounded the principles of Presbyterianism<br />

and propounded the queries.<br />

Rev. Samuel Kennedy, B,A,, led in the<br />

on Sabbath, Nov. 9, with the usual<br />

preparatory services and preaching cn<br />

Monday evening, November 10. ordination prayer. Rev. G. Douglas<br />

***I moderated a call in Topeka addressed the pastor and Rev. W. J.<br />

congregation last evening (Oct, 14th). Moffett, B.A,, addressed the congrega-<br />

--__j_^^_ I tion. Professor Lynd concluded the<br />

services. The noon luncheon was fol-<br />

H l 3 lowed by many short addresses and in<br />

^ ^ W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^^^ the evening a social meeting of wel-<br />

Liverpool, conducted the opening exercises.<br />

Rev. J, iM'Ilmoyle, B.A,, preached<br />

the sermon. Rev. T. B. M'Farlane<br />

explained Presbyterial ordination, and<br />

Rev. Dr. Lynd led in the ordination<br />

prayer. Rev, James Buchanan addressed<br />

the pastor and Rev. Gawn Douglas<br />

addressed the people. Rev, James A.<br />

Lyons, B.A., the brother of the newly<br />

ordained minister, led in the closing<br />

exercises, Mr, Lyons is the second<br />

the space given by the Superior daily<br />

paper to the reports of the anniversary<br />

and of the family reunion, of<br />

Avhich the anniversary was the occasion,<br />

the event would seem to have<br />

assumed the proportions of a public<br />

occurred the wedding of his daughter,<br />

Margaret, to Mr, Bernard Copeland, ot<br />

Idana, Kansas, The young comple were<br />

unattended and the ceremony was performed<br />

by Rev. R. A. [Blair. Mrs,<br />

Copeland was active in Sabbath Shcool<br />

and Young People's work and will be<br />

The Reformed Presbyterian Charch<br />

harin? no publiating house of iU own, iU<br />

members are advised to send their orden for<br />

Catechisms, Lesson Helps, Church «nd Sabhath<br />

School Supplies of every description to<br />

Cbe presbpterian Boardof<br />

Witherspoon PUbllCatlOll or any of its<br />

Bldg., Philadelphia<br />

Depositories<br />

\VHat ISc Will D o<br />

Thelittle matter of ISc in stamps will bring you the Pathrinderfor<br />

13 weeks on trial. The Pathfinderisanillustrated<br />

weekly, published atthe Nation's Capital, for the Nation; now<br />

inlts 21st year ofi ncreasing- success. The paper fillsthebill<br />

withoutemptying the purse ;it costs butlla year. Ifyou want<br />

to keep posted on whatis going- onin the A\or]d, attheleastexpense<br />

of time or money, thisis your means. Ifyou wanta paperi<br />

n your home whichis sincere, reliable, entertaining, wholesome,<br />

the Pathfinder is yours. Ifyou would appreciate a paper<br />

which puts everything clearly, fairly, briefly—hereitis at<br />


last Send only l5c Belfast, to show that Ireland, you migh tlike such a paper.<br />

and<br />


we wiUsend the Pathfinder<br />

qrp A<br />

on probation<br />

DOUBLE<br />

13 weeks. The<br />

IScdoes not renay us. butwe are glad to investi n New Friends.<br />

Or send<br />

PURE<br />

$1 for full year;<br />

ICA<br />

money<br />


back any timelf not<br />

satisfied. Address<br />

1 lb., 60c.<br />

Pathfinder,<br />

1-2 lb.,<br />

BxT,<br />

30c.<br />

Washington. D.C.<br />

Also special 10c. packages.<br />

Sent postpaid on receipt of price.<br />

Guaranteed better than any One Dollar Tea<br />

One Price. One Quality. Sample Free<br />

Barlow's Indigo Blue will not<br />

Belfast Tea Co., 115 Franklin St., N. Y.<br />

In use for fifty years is proof that it Spot or<br />

ia the best. Alt grocers icll it.<br />

l*ree Samvles Mailed Streak<br />

ADAn PFRonn & co<br />

IVhotmMatm Druggists<br />

Clothes<br />

233 North Second St., Philadelphia<br />


First Mortgages on New York City<br />

and near-by residences at 6% are a<br />

permanently safe investment—possibly<br />

the most gilt edged in America. If you<br />

have money to invest in these securities,<br />

address "Mortgage," 132 Nassau Street,<br />

New York,<br />

CHliDR&k,<br />

'XEFTHmn<br />

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup<br />

has been used for over FIFTY -yBAES hy MIL.<br />


DRBN WHILE TEETHING with perfect SUC­<br />



WIND COLIC, and ia the BEST REMEDY<br />

FOR DIARRHCEA. Sold hy druggi«C3 in ever?<br />

ipart of the world.<br />

Twenty-five Cents a Bottl«<br />

Covenanter Books for Sale<br />

COVENANTER Books, old Books<br />

much missed. Olathe's loss however<br />

of Testimony, Discipline, Confession<br />

of Faith, "Poets and<br />

will be Hebron's gain. The ceremony<br />

was witnessed by relatives and the<br />

members of the Sabbath School class<br />

of which Mrs, Copeland was a member.<br />

Dainty refreshments were served.<br />

Poetry," "Homes and Haunts of the<br />

Covenanters," Catechisms, "Reformei<br />

Presbyterian Manual,'' "Handbook lor<br />

Young Christians," Minutes of Synod.<br />

Address:<br />

JAMES S. TIBBY, 408 Penn Building,<br />

Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />


makes the owner, and friends and<br />

There were many beautiful and<br />

useful presents. The bride and<br />

groom remained at their fatlier's<br />

home and visited their friends<br />

^ L ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j B jtav come to the new pastor was held.<br />

s<br />

for a week, vi'hich was an arrangement<br />

that Avas much enjoyed by<br />

***The Northern Presbytery of the<br />

S a r s a p a r i l l a iR. P, Synod of Ireland holds an annual<br />

neighbors uncomfortable. It is nearly<br />

their friends. The best wishes ot all always caused by a bad stomach. Gas,<br />

Cures all humors, catarrh and<br />

conference -""--'— in -" addition to its regular go with Mr, and Mrs, Copeland that fermentation and acid may be immediately<br />

removed by the use of Mur­<br />

rheumatism, relieves that tired meeting. TMs conference was held they may have a long and happy married<br />

life and that they may be much ray's Charcoal Tablets (absolutely un­<br />

feeling, restores the appetite, this year at Ballymoney. The pastor<br />

used in work for our Lord.<br />

cures paleness, nervousness, of the local church, the Rev. J, Ram-<br />

medieated), and iiTitation being removed,<br />

the disposition improves at<br />

OUilds up the whole system, gey l L B., presided at the meetings YOUR NAME l^ GOLD'S once. For a single trial, a full size,<br />

oCil/a°'tTbll"ls"'caUed"sarsaiab°s: of the conference. Papers on various 12 • t) vvu i^reetlnfcs on 13 ftie Po U C irrU 10<br />

25 cent box will be sent for 10 cents<br />

P, L. Gross Onard Co,, 2U7 Adain^ Kv. N,Y, in stamps. A, J. Ditman, 4 A^tor<br />

House, N, Y,

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