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Prayer Meeting Topic*<br />


Nov. 5, 1913.<br />

By the Rev, G, R, AIcBurney.<br />

Subject—AA'arnings, Ezek, 3:21.<br />

I. Of Scripture,<br />

2. Of Providence,<br />

3, Of experience.<br />

Selections—19:5-9; 37:20-24;<br />

49:1-9; 107:9-12; 75:3-6; 89:10-<br />

13.; 146:3- L<br />

Law is universal, its violation<br />

visited Avith a penalty. In the<br />

world obedience to laAv is largely<br />

under the pOAver of the A\'ill, God<br />

has been pleased in His love to<br />

cast aAvay restraints over men to<br />

prevenli the violation of law.<br />

Were it not for the warnings of<br />

Godi, many more Avould be draAvn<br />

into sin.<br />

I, Warnings of Scripture, God<br />

unfolds His truth and instruct in<br />

Avays of righteousness. He also<br />

Avarns against the ways of sin, and<br />

points out results of disobedience<br />

f Hi2 CttmsTLAN NATION. Vol. 59.<br />

have been afflicted; that I might indeed, in Avhom is no guile.'"—<br />

learn thy statutes."—Ps. 119:67, John 1:47. Psalms 15 and 24<br />

71, see also Jer. 31:18, 19. Past speak of the need of being inward-<br />

to his commands in Scripture, and afflictions give wisdom for the ly Avhat we profess and even swear<br />

. QROSS CCUUTiArthurlAv.NewYork<br />

these are to him who reads Avarnings<br />

against like misdemeanors. By ning in the future. "Now no chas- circles are tempted to feign faith; ed ? What of ours?<br />

present and warnings against sin- to outwardly. People in church What if their faith was unfeign-<br />

divine precept, by example and by tening for the present seemeth to people in worldly circles are tempt- The faith of Timothy was no<br />

the application of precept and ex­bample. Scripture teaches the right less afterAvard it yieldeth the peace- feigned variety, at Qeast toward was concerned? From a child he<br />

joyous, but grievous; neverthe- ed not to have any even of the chance thing, so far as his mother<br />

Avay and warns all against the able fruits of righteousness unto things that are good. The house- had been led to know the Scripthem<br />

which are exercised thereby." hold mentioned in the text pro- tures. Prayer had been offered<br />

wrong Avay—the way of sin, "Thy<br />

Word is to my feet a lamp and to -Heb, 12:11,<br />

fessed faith in the best things, and for him, Paul, a faithful minis^<br />

my path a light," "The law of the<br />

Paul thought their faith genuine, ter, had done his part. If Timo-<br />

Lord is perfect, Aloreover by<br />

them is thy servant warned and<br />

in keeping of them there is great<br />

rcAvard."—Ps, 19:7, n.<br />

2, ( >f Providence. God teaches<br />

some ^Dowerful lessons!^ through<br />

His providential dispensations. He<br />

sheher or protection. The providence<br />

of God exerts a great influence<br />

over the acts of men in di­Isa. 54:13; Acts 2:39; Gen. 17:7<br />

Deut. 4:9; 6:6-7; John 21:15<br />

recting, restraining and warning Isa, 44:3,<br />

of danger or of evil, "Alan proposes<br />

but God disposes" is a com­<br />

Hints For Talks:<br />

mon saying, "The lot is cast into<br />

the lap but the disposal thereof othy<br />

and Lois lead them to do for Tim<br />

?<br />

is Avith the Lord," Perhaps none<br />

are able to carry out completely<br />

their life plans—God in His providence<br />

alters those plans. Sometimes<br />

hindering, sometimes wholly<br />

preventing, sometimes giving<br />

timely Avarnings.<br />

3, Warnings of Experience, often to those whose homes are<br />

Experience is a good teacher; one not places of faith?<br />

that teaches some hard lessons, How Avas Paul "persuaded" that<br />

covering many subjects. The Timothy Avas a true Christian?<br />

knowledge of experience is of Were the meinbers of that home<br />

great value. Aluch knowledge affectionate?<br />

comes to us in .the course of events Which better assures a good<br />

related as cause and eft'ect. Fa- home life,—a pleasant disposition,<br />

miliarity with an event and its se- or Christianity?<br />

quences is of great use to enable Comment:<br />

one to determine a desirable course "Unfeigned faith !" The Avords<br />

to pursue or avoid. Experience easily slip through one's mind as<br />

teaches wisdom. And the applica- he reads the verse, and no' great<br />

tion of this Avisdom in daily life impression is prodhced. Yet is<br />

should cast many a Avarning safe- faith unfeigned such a common<br />

guard about us. A person's experience<br />

in almost any line of ac­<br />

is at least spoken of as specially<br />

thing or one easily to be had? It<br />

tivity is regarded as a valuable asset<br />

in the commercial Avorld, It transgression is f<strong>org</strong>iven, whose<br />

worth having, "Blessed is he whose<br />

is conducive to greater efficiency. sin is covered. Blessed is the man<br />

The same principle will hold goo.i unto Avhom the Lord imputeth not<br />

in the spiritual Avorld. "Before I iniquity, andi in whose spirit there<br />

Avas afflicted I Avent astray, but now is no guile."—Ps. 32:1-2. "Jesus<br />

have I kept thy Avord;" and saw Nathanael coming to him, and<br />

again, "It is good for me that I saith of him, 'Behold an Israelite<br />

Young People's Topic<br />


FOR NOV. 9.<br />

By Rev, Geo. S. Coleman.<br />

Christian Flome Life.—2 Tinj.<br />

26-28; Ps. 72:1; 102:28; 116:16<br />

Prov. 1:8; 4:1-4; 31:1; 3.33; Ex<br />

20:12; I Chron. 29:19; Job. 1-5<br />

W H Y<br />

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But what is rniire remarkable is *y turned out well there was not<br />

the fact that this same faith char- only the invisible grace of God in<br />

acterized three succeeding genera- 't; but also the evidence of the<br />

tions, grandmother, mother, son. outAvard means. Somehow Tim-<br />

Here is an example of the influ- o*y was led to respect religion.<br />

ence of birth. The effect of birth Something about that home pro-<br />

1:1-5.<br />

is variously shoAvn in refinement ^^ced results. Can we get the sethus<br />

speaks to us, and often by Psalms—22 17-9; 34:6-7 L. M.; of manner, in beauty of face or '^'"ct in our Covenanter Church?<br />

rt'ay of warnings. The daily phenomena<br />

of nature about us may be 12 (and meter); 105:3-7; 112:1-<br />

71:2-4: 78:3-6; 86:9, 14; 103:11-<br />

form, in power of mind, in unconquerable<br />

class courage; but<br />

Hopkinton, Iowa.<br />

anticipated in their movements. 2; 127,<br />

here is something higher and bet-<br />


The violent manifestations of the Bible References.—i Sam<br />

THERE,<br />

^ • ter, sign of a truer nobility. Professed<br />

faith might easily be hand­<br />

By its humble, pleading tone,<br />

elements give Avarning beforehand<br />

If you hear a prayer that moves you<br />

so that those in danger may seek<br />

ed from generation<br />

indeed, it often is; but unfeigned<br />

faith is different. Where are the<br />

o generation ; Join it. Do not let the seeker<br />

Bow before his God alone.<br />

Why should not your brother share<br />

The strength of "two or three" in<br />

sons and daughters of the old Covprayer?<br />

enanters! ^ Many have no faith in if you see the hot tears falling<br />

the old principles at all, and have From a brother's weeping eyes.<br />

What did the faith of Eunice o-one from the company. Others ^'"^''^ them. And by kindly sharing<br />

for Tim- bave feigned faith; not perhaps in ^^"^ ^°'''' ^''^'P ^'^^ *^® '''''''<br />

„ , 1 , , . Why should any one be glad<br />

What kind of life do<br />

a Avholesale way, but m many a ^hen a brother's heart is sad?<br />

you sup- matter there is a lack of reality<br />

pose went A^ath the mother's and behind our name for religious life. If a silvery laugh goes rippling<br />

grandmother s teachmg to produce We go to church as if we really ly Through the sunshine on his face,<br />

"faith unfeigned"?<br />

cared : but do Ave care? W, e pray;<br />

Share it, 'fis the wise man's saymg—<br />

How far back did Paul say ser- but do we believe in its power? ^°' ^°*^ ®''^^ '''"^ ^'°^ ^^^^''^^ ..<br />

vice of God went with him? AVhat if our mothers and crantl- ^"'^'"^'^^^^^^^ ^''^ ^°°'"^^^ "" '''<br />

Does God not give great faith ,thers have been CovenaMers? In wh"h'an honest laugh has Wrth.

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