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October 29, I9i3.<br />


the world; and that his sepulchre might not<br />

i)e turned into a shrine, and his bones mad;<br />

relics for AAorship.<br />


7.)<br />

"And Aloses Avas a hundred and twenty<br />

vears old when he died; his eye Avas not dim,<br />

nor his natural force<br />

abated.!' Aloses' life<br />

naturally divides itself into three periods of<br />

forty years each.<br />

First as a courtier, second<br />

as a shepherd, and third as a prophet, laAvgiver<br />

and leader in -Israel.<br />

Moses outlived<br />

most of his contemporaries, even though he<br />

had had a greater burden to carry than any<br />

other man in his day. No doubt, the remarkable<br />

vitality of Moses in his old age<br />

was due to his hfe oT meekness, purity and<br />

faith. Moses' vigor in old age is an admonition<br />

to all the servants of God to strive for<br />

a gentle spirit, a life of holiness, and a life<br />

of close communion Avith God, that their vitality<br />

be not consumed, and the physical man<br />

wrecked by the Aveighty responsibilities of the<br />

office of the ministry.<br />


8.)<br />

".And the children of Israel Avept for Moses<br />

—thirty days," Grief laid hold upon Israel,<br />

and the whole nation was stirred and rent<br />

as when a great storm sweeps over a forest.<br />

The whole nation of Israel, that at tiniies had<br />

murmured and complained against him, and<br />

in a measure had at times entered into rebellion<br />

against him, was now stricken with<br />

a terrible grief, Moses, their noblest patriot,<br />

their greatest lawgiver and judge,<br />

their wisest and most tender leader,<br />

had been taken from them. They were<br />

called now upon to drink of the cup<br />

in which Avere the recollections of all his<br />

wisdom, his kindness and patience mingled<br />

with the heart aches and pains which they<br />

by their faithlessness and stubbomess<br />

had caused him. They were called<br />

to pass through the throes of anguish<br />

and sorrow of a people who have lost<br />

the presence of a great and godly leader, and<br />

who are only awakened by his death or departure<br />

to all that he has been to them, and<br />

their failure to appreciate and respect hira<br />

when with them. It was the death of Lincoln<br />

that awakened both the North and the<br />

South to the Avorth of their martyred chief.<br />

And it has not been until many a mother,<br />

lather or minister has been taken away that<br />

those who have been the subject-of their ministrations<br />

have ,ibeen awakened to realize<br />

their priceless AA-orth,<br />

V. A SUITABLE SUCCESSOR, (v. 9.)<br />

'"And Joshua the son of Nun w'as full of<br />

*he spirit of wisdom." Joshua, the successor<br />

01 Moses was honored in the privilege of<br />

t.vpifying Christ, in whom are hidden the<br />

treasures of Avisdom, Joshua received his<br />

endowment of Avisdom when Moses, by divine<br />

command, had laid his hands on him<br />

and ordained him to the office of a r,uler in<br />

Israel, He needed a rich abundance of wisdom,<br />

as he had a peevish people to rule and<br />

very shrewd enemies to overcome. Joshua<br />

had been for a number of years under the<br />

training of Aloses for leadership. It was<br />

only a step from the position which he had<br />

occupied in Israel before the death of Aloses<br />

to the place he was now called to fill. He<br />

Avas acquainted with the duties of the oflice,<br />

and the people were acquainted Avith him as<br />

a ruler. So there was no break in the civil<br />

affairs in Israel at this time. Herein is a lesson<br />

for the church, that God raises up leaders<br />

suited to take the place of those called<br />

away, but that it is her duty to take steps to<br />

prepare them for leadership before old and<br />

recognized leaders are Avithdrawn. Then<br />

Zion Avill never cease to prosper.<br />

VI, A GREAT PROPFIET, (v. 10-12,)<br />

"And' there arose not a prophet since in<br />

Israel like unto Aloses," Aloses was not only<br />

a poet, patriot, and historian, but he was<br />

also a prophet. He was the firstand foremost<br />

prophet of the Jews. He enjoyed the<br />

closest intimacy Avith God. The (Lord talked<br />

with him face to face. Thus he saw more<br />

of the glory of God. None of the other Old<br />

Testament prophets wrought such great sigms<br />

and wonders as did Moses, In all this he<br />

Avas a type of Him of whom Moses said: "A<br />

prophet shall the Lord your God raise up<br />

unto you of your brethren, like unto me;<br />

him shall ye hear,"—Acts 7:37.<br />

Eskridge, Kansas.<br />

Lesson VII, November IC, 1913,<br />


By Anna Pritchard Ge<strong>org</strong>e,<br />


Deut. 31:1-8; 32:48-52; 34:1-12,<br />

How many of you boys and girls have had<br />

friends who have died? "My father died," Yes,<br />

Elmer, and Francis' mother and Helen's sister<br />

have gone home to God, Some people are afraid<br />

to die. They think it is a terrible thing. It is<br />

terrible for bad people—for those who do not<br />

love God, but it is grand for one of God's children<br />

to be taken home to Him, When a good<br />

boy or girl dies—one who loves Jesus—they go<br />

to live with Him where there is no more pain,<br />

no sickness, and they do not tire any more as<br />

your mother did so often, Francis. Everyone is<br />

always happy and well, and all love each other,<br />

and together with Jesus they watch over and care<br />

for us till we go home to heaven too.<br />

Today's lesson is about the beautiful death of<br />

one of God's saints. Ruth, when Balak sent for<br />

Balaam to curse the Jews, had the Children of<br />

Israel crossed the Jordan into Palestine? "No,<br />

they were in the plains of Moab," They are still<br />

there in today's lesson. You remember that all<br />

the Jews who believed the false spies forty years<br />

before this time, and refused to cross over into<br />

Palesfne, were to die in the wilderness. So these<br />

Jews are the children grown up.<br />

On the table hollow out the sand for the Dead<br />

Sea and the course of the Jordan. Pile up the<br />

sand for the mountains five miles east of the Jordan.<br />

This high mount east of the northern end<br />

of the Dead Sea is Mt. Nebo. All these sticks on<br />

the plains of Moab are for the Joavs. Across the<br />

river form these stones into a square for the walled<br />

city of Jericho.<br />

Moses is a grand old man now, with snowy<br />

white locks—120 years old. Here he stands on<br />

this little hill talking with the Jews. Has he<br />

worked hard, James? Yes, he has served God all<br />

his lile and has been leading the Jews through<br />

the wilderness for forty years. Was that easy,<br />

May? "No, the Jews were always growling and<br />

complaining." Was Moses cross with them, Elmer?<br />

No, Moses was the meekest man. He<br />

only f<strong>org</strong>ot himself once. Who can tell about<br />

that? Yes, Ethel, He smote the rock for water<br />

when God told him to speak to it. And so, for<br />

this sin, as good a man as Moses has to suffer,<br />

even though God hag f<strong>org</strong>iven him. He cannot<br />

enter-the Promised Land.<br />

God has told Moses he must soon die, so he is<br />

sayaig good-bye to the people. Is he afraid, Buster?<br />

'He never was afraid of anything." And<br />

now he knows he is going home to heaven. Why<br />

should he be afraid? He says, "I can no more go<br />

out and come in * '' '• Joshua, he shall go<br />

over before thee: * -i- * Be strong and of a<br />

good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them; for<br />

the Lord thy God, He it is that does for with<br />

thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee."<br />

Moses calls Joshua to him. Here he comes. Moses<br />

says to him, "Be strong and of a good courage;<br />

for thou must go with this people unto the land<br />

which the Lord hath sworn unto their fathers to<br />

give them; * * -• fear not." Even at the very<br />

last of his life iMoses' heart is with the people<br />

he loves, thinking and planning for them—the<br />

people who have been so cruel to him. That is<br />

one reason God loves Moses so much—because<br />

he is so f<strong>org</strong>iving.<br />

Now God calls Moses. "Get thee up * * •* unto<br />

Mount Nebo." So Moses climbs this very high<br />

mountain. Here God points out to him all the<br />

Promised Land which the Jews are soon to enter.<br />

Here is Jericho with beautiful palm trees. He<br />

can see far away to the north and the south, and<br />

away over here to the west. Moses sees the land<br />

that it is beautiful and prosperous, and he is<br />

content. He knows God will help the Jews conquer<br />

it, and that the people whom he loves and<br />

has served so faithfully will enter into their own.<br />

Moses' work on earth is finished. He is ready<br />

to go. God has other work waiting in heaven<br />

for Moses to do.<br />

So when Moses has seen all the Promised Land<br />

and is satisfied, God takes him home with Him.<br />

"Moses, the servant of the Lord, died there in<br />

the land of Moab, according to the word of the<br />

Lord." No one with him but God and the angels.<br />

Just quietly he slips away home with God. No<br />

pain, just happiness. And there in heaven he will<br />

Avatch while God leads the Jews under Joshua<br />

into the land of promise.<br />

After our friends have died, we bury their<br />

bodies in which their souls have lived here on<br />

earth. Who will bury Moses' body? Listen to<br />

what the (Bible says: "And he (that is God)<br />

buried him in a valley in the land of Moab over<br />

against Beth-peor; but no man knoweth of his<br />

sepulchre unto this day," God himself buries<br />

Moses. Is there anything to fear in a death like<br />

this, Ellsworth? Moses has lived so near to God<br />

all his life, and has talked with Him face to face,<br />

that it is far better to go than to stay. So it is<br />

with every child of God. No one who lives close<br />

to God will be afraid to die. You are not afraid<br />

to place your hand in your father's and go where<br />

he may lead. So if you love God and keep your<br />

hand in His all the time, when it comes time to<br />

die. He will just lead you over into heaven and<br />

you Avill be, oh so glad to go. "Precious in the<br />

sight of Jehovah is the death of his saints."

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