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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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October 29, 1913.<br />


born on foreign soil, Avhile only one was<br />

born of native-born parents.<br />

These three facts, the multitudes of the<br />

incoming tide, the source from which they<br />

come and their consequent character, and<br />

their distribution after they land on our<br />

shores, suggest something of the problem relating<br />

to the immigrant that is to be solved,<br />

and emphasize the importance of g'iving the<br />

most careful attention to everything that looks<br />

towards the solution oi the problem. It is<br />

a vital part of the great Home Mission problem<br />

that the churches have before them, and<br />

to the solution of Avhich they have need to<br />

bring all the consecrated energies that they<br />

can command.<br />

Hemet, Calif.<br />


AGAIN*,—Job. 14:14,<br />

By the Rev, H, G. Patterson.<br />

(Concluded from last week)<br />

Man Avas created in the image of God.<br />

But God is a spirit and has no bodily form.<br />

Therefore it must be in man's spiritual and<br />

not in his material nature that he is like God<br />

One of God's attributes as a spirit is immortality,<br />

Man in his spiritual nature being<br />

created in his image has this attribute of<br />

God, Immediately after it is said that man<br />

was made in the image of God the statement<br />

is made that he Avas given dominion over<br />

the beasts of the earth; and so there are<br />

some Avho think that the image of God in<br />

man consists in his dominion over the creatures.<br />

If that is true, then he who has the<br />

most contro! over the beasts of the earth has<br />

the most of the image of God. The God hating-,<br />

blaspheming lion trainer Avho subdues<br />

those ferocious beasts has more of the image<br />

of God than the martyr saint who is<br />

torn in pieces and devoured by them.<br />

The Bible gives us this view of man as<br />

such, not of a particular order of men; of<br />

man as he was created and continues to be,<br />

not of man in one particular stage of his<br />

history. Nowhere does it speak of the immortality<br />

of the spirit as a gift added to nature,<br />

or as a latter bestowment of grace. It<br />

does not say that Christ gave immortality<br />

through the pospel, but brought it to light,<br />

made it known, made certain our faith in it.<br />

It was believed before, but like other Old<br />

Testament truths it was dim, now it is clear<br />

hght. 'What Christ gave by the sacrifice of<br />

himself upon the cross, was an opportunity<br />

•Of the immortal spirit to spend eternity in<br />

heaven rather than in hell.<br />

rhose who oppose the doctrine of the immortality<br />

of the spirit of man, which at his<br />

death according to scripture returns to God<br />

*ho gave it, admit that the spirit of the<br />

"•'Pteous man is immortal, and even that the<br />

spirit of the wicked is immortal enough to<br />

"ve through death and on for thousands of<br />

y^i'still after the judgment, but they deny<br />

*Requested for publication.<br />

that it is immortal enough to live forever.<br />

This idea says one "is too childish to be entertained<br />

beyond the httle school of literalists<br />

who delight in it," The rational mind<br />

is content to believe that that which proves<br />

its powers to live beyond death claims its immortality.<br />

The dissolution of death is the shock that<br />

seems to dash the crown from man's head.<br />

The evidence for his survival of that is evidence<br />

for much more. In no place does the<br />

Bible declare or suggest that the victory<br />

over the grave which meant life for the righteous,<br />

meant extinction for the unrighteous.<br />

Annihilation is not taught in the Bible as the<br />

opposite of eternal hfe.<br />

Those Avho believe that it is rely upon the<br />

fact that the Bible uses the terms, death, destruction„<br />

perdition, and kindred terms to desciibe<br />

the fate of the unrighteous. They insist<br />

on taking these literally, Avhether the<br />

destiny of the body be in view, or that of<br />

the soul, or that of the man.<br />

But the scriptures written in the language<br />

of men use words as men are accustomed<br />

to use them, literally and figuratively, and in<br />

senses suited to the nature of the subjects to<br />

which they are applied. The Avord life means<br />

one thing when used of plants, another when<br />

used of animals, and another when spoken<br />

of in reference to the soul of man. The<br />

death of a plant is one thing, the death of<br />

an immortal soul is something en'tirely different.<br />

That the words life and death are not<br />

confined to the limited sense in which annihilationists<br />

Avould take them hardly needs<br />

to be proved. The scriptures everywhere recognize<br />

the distinction, in reference to men,<br />

between animal, intellectual, and spiritual life.<br />

A man may have the two former and be destitute<br />

of the latter. He may have animal and<br />

intellectual life and be destitute of spiritual<br />

life. God quickens those dead in trespasses<br />

and sins; that is He imparts spiritual life to<br />

those who are in full vigor of their animal<br />

and intellectual being. Therefore Ave are<br />

told that, "the favor of God is life;" that,<br />

"to know God is eternal life;" that, "to be<br />

spiritually minded is hfe;" and that, "to be<br />

carnally minded is death." Are we to understand<br />

that to be carnally minded is annihilation?<br />

I have seen a number of carnally<br />

minded men this morning, and as far as<br />

I could judge they Avere about as real and<br />

tangible as any of us. The Apostle said to<br />

the Colossians,, while they were living and in<br />

the exercise of all their physical and intellectual<br />

faculties, "ye are dead, and your life<br />

is hid with Christ in God." Did he mean<br />

they were annihilated? He said to the Galatians:<br />

'T live, yet not I, but Christ liveth<br />

in me." Those who "live in pleasure" are<br />

said to be "dead while they live." Are those<br />

who are today satiating the desire of their<br />

wicked hearts for pleasure annihilated? No<br />

one believes that the word life in- such scripture<br />

phrases as "the bread of life," "the water<br />

of life,'' "the tree of life," "the crown uf<br />

life," means only continued existence. The<br />

Avord when used of the spirit of man, means<br />

not only conscious being, but a natural state<br />

of being in the likeness, fellowship, and enjoyment<br />

of God, And it like manner the<br />

word death when spoken of the soul, means<br />

alienation or separation from God; and when<br />

that separation is final it is eternal death.<br />

This is what is meant Avhen it is said, "the<br />

soul tbat sinneth shall die;" "the wages of<br />

sin is death," This is so plain that it has<br />

never been doubted, except for the purpose<br />

of supporting the doctrine of the annihilation<br />

of the Avicked, But some one may quote the<br />

poetical language of the 139th Psalm as a<br />

proof that it is impossible to be separated<br />

from the favor and enjoyment of God,<br />

"From thy spirit whither shall I go ?<br />

Or from thy presence fly?<br />

Ascend I to heaven, lo, thou art there;<br />

There if in hell I lie,"<br />

But the same psalmist prays: "Cast me not<br />

away from thy presence, and take not thy<br />

holy spirit from me," If it is impossible to<br />

be shut out from God's presence Avhy does<br />

the psalmist pray that he might not be? We<br />

also read in another place: "Then my anger<br />

shall be kindled against them in that day,<br />

and I will forsake them, and I will hide my<br />

face from them, and they shall be devoured,<br />

and many evils shall befall them; so that<br />

they will say in that day, are not tbese evils<br />

come upon us because our God is not among<br />

us? And I will surely hide my face in that<br />

day for all the evils which they have wrought<br />

in that they are turned unto other Gods."<br />

(Deut. 31:17-18,) And again: "T will hide<br />

my face from them, I AviU see Avhat their end<br />

shall be." (D'eut, 32:20.) "The Lord is Avith<br />

you while ye be Avith him; and if ye seek<br />

him he Avill be found of you; but if ye forsake<br />

him he will forsake you." (2 Chron,<br />

15:2.) We are not able to hide from God<br />

but God is able to hide from us.<br />

The apostle in speaking of the end of those<br />

Avho "know not God and obey not the gospel<br />

of our Lord Jesus Christ;" tells us that they<br />

"shall be punished with everlasting destruction<br />

from the presence of the Lord and from<br />

the glory of his power," (2, Thes, 1:9,)<br />

While this is a somewhat ambiguous passage,<br />

the most natural meaning and what the<br />

best authorities understand it to mean, is<br />

that the everlasting destruction consists in<br />

everlasting separation from the presence and<br />

glory of the Lord.<br />

AVhat is true of the AVord death is also<br />

true of the Avord destruction.<br />

To destroy is to ruin. The nature of that<br />

ruin depends on the nature of the subject<br />

which is said to be ruined, A thing is ruined<br />

Avhen it is rendered unfit for use; Avhen<br />

it is in such a state that it can no longer answer<br />

the end for Avhich it is designed. The<br />

Titanic is destroyed as a ship but it is not<br />

annihilated. It is everlastingly destroyed. So

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