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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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A J ^ 1 /~V 1 1 A ^/~^ t • Connellsburg. Pa,, have been visiting<br />

A r o u n d t h e O l d A r m X h a i r . s brother Ja. McCue and famly<br />

n<br />

Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Hensleigh and<br />


"The old scbool teacher was children expect to spend some time<br />

A bright, forceful, successful right," said my friend. "Every visiting in Iowa and Missouri,<br />

yolng business friend came to me time I break loose and want to Miss Jennie Hutchison is visiting at<br />

Ashton, Nebraska.<br />

one day and asked me to tell him<br />

Mrs. M. J. Cavin, of Seattle Washington,<br />

what I thought of him. "You have<br />

formed an opinion of me, undoubt­<br />

is visiting her many friends<br />

here.<br />

edly have analyzed me just as you<br />

do some of the folks about whom<br />

you write, and I want to know<br />

what you think."<br />

Now that is loading one up with<br />

a big contract, and I said so, I<br />

told him I was not going to give<br />

him any such information without<br />

a price. But he refused to permit<br />

me to joke about it. Witb my<br />

nose right down to the grindstone,<br />

I bad to obey.<br />

"If you insist on listening to<br />

this," 1 said, "here goes. You are<br />

generous, ambitious, energetic,<br />

hardworking—"<br />

"That isn't what I want," he<br />

broke in, "I want to know about<br />

my flaws."<br />

W'hen a fellow wants to know<br />

something about his flaws he is<br />

on the road to improvement, ,<br />

"Tbe trouble with you," I started<br />

up grade again, "is that you<br />

lack pride," ^ly friend looked at<br />

me in surprise. He knew that<br />

everybody thought him proud and<br />

S(jmewhat chesty,<br />

"Yes," I continued, paying iiC<br />

Mr, and :\Irs. A. W, Copeland attended<br />

a wedding at Clay Center,<br />

attention to his look, "you lack<br />

real pride in yourself, I'll tell you<br />

Kansas,<br />

what I mean. When you fail to<br />

Mrs. Curran of Silverton, Colo., visited<br />

her cousin, Mrs. J, C. Elliot.<br />

get service in a restaurant, the telephone<br />

girl doesn't make quick connectioin,<br />

your laundry fails to ar­<br />

have gone to Sterling, Kansas,<br />

Mrs. 1. S. Tippeny and daughter<br />

where<br />

rive, or something else like tbat<br />

happens, you let your temper get<br />

the best of you,<br />

"You scold tbe waiter, howi at<br />

the telephone girl, and raise the<br />

mischief geerallq. It strikes me,<br />

though of course I may be rpistaken,<br />

that you are too big a m.-n<br />

to permit a waitress or a telephc.ie<br />

girl to become your superior."<br />

"A\'liat do you mean?" he asked.<br />

"Wben I was w )rk-in,g on a<br />

country newspaper I fell in Avith<br />

a man who had been superintendent<br />

of a military academ}-. ITe<br />

told me, after watcbim:;' me slam.<br />

a door because the foreman<br />

wouldn't set a heading the way I<br />

wanted it, that he used to gather<br />

bis bovs around him and say somethiiq-<br />

like this to them:<br />

" 'You fellow^ cai get angry if<br />

y.TU want to. I'll not object. You<br />

can rant and rear and slam doors.<br />

But I don't want you to f<strong>org</strong>et<br />

that T told you that whenever ycu<br />

permitted any person or anvthing<br />

tn cause 3'OU to lose y^ur self-control,<br />

your G^reatest personal as.=et.<br />

xnu acknowledged the supcrio'-ity<br />

of that per.=on or thing.' "<br />

smash things, I am confessing<br />

that some person or thing is<br />

my superior, I see what you<br />

men wben you say I lack<br />

real pride. If I had the right<br />

kind of pride I wouldn't let a<br />

waitress rile me up. You've hit<br />

my weakest spot, and if you ever<br />

catch me letting down again I<br />

want vou to hit me hard. Here's<br />

where I turn over a new leaf."—<br />

Ex,<br />


Superior, or I maybe should say,<br />

Nebraska, is having fine weather. Fall<br />

sown grain fields are growing well, as<br />

also the alfalfa fields. Some farmers<br />

expect to harvest a filth cutting of<br />

this excellent hay, if the present favorable<br />

weather continues a week or<br />

so longer. The weather is certainly<br />

ideaL A number of news items might<br />

be written that have not been written<br />

for the "Nation,"<br />

.^irs, John McElhinny, of Oklahoma<br />

City, with her son and his family, visited<br />

her sister, Mrs, W, J. Elliot and<br />

family and other friends here in August,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKee and daughters,<br />

Mesdames Wilcox and Adams,<br />

visited a brother of .Mr. McKee at Lexington,<br />

Nebr,<br />

the latter will attend Cooper College. D A, Bole. The children were out<br />

Mr, M. 'i\I. ilcElhinny and family, who ill full force and a very enjoyable day<br />

have been away for a few months, are<br />

home again, also his sisters Margaret<br />

and AV.nnie, the latter teaching, as is<br />

also .Aliases Veda Elliot, Lulu and<br />

Ethel Tippen.<br />

The Elliot reunion program, as published<br />

in the Nation from the Superior<br />

Express, was carried out, and 'several<br />

other items not on the program. It<br />

A\as certainly a very pleasant affair<br />

and one long to be remembered by the<br />

participants. Rev. D. H. Elliot occupied<br />

the pulpit the Sabbath the family<br />

were all here. The congregation held<br />

a soci.'il in the church during the time<br />

the visitors were in our midst and all<br />

seemed to enjoy it. Rev, Patton is<br />

to be with us diu-ing October,<br />

The iMissionary Society held their<br />

September meeting with Mrs, Mc­<br />

Clure, The October meeting in the<br />

church, with Mrs. Wilcox as hostess.<br />

The society expect to have.an all day<br />

meeting for work in the church Oct.<br />

17th. These work and social meetings<br />

seem to be very much enjoyed.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Chesnut have<br />

gone to California to spend the winter,<br />

Mr, and :Mrs. Thos. McClure of Mc-<br />


We have had at least the usual<br />

number of summer visitors from the<br />

eastern congregations. Mrs. Read<br />

and little daughter Margarite, of Chicago,<br />

spent the summer with Mrs.<br />

Read's father, Mr. A. M, Hill. Miss<br />

Agnes Bedford, of Idana, Kans., spent<br />

a month with her sister, Mrs. E, A.<br />

Crooks, Dr. R, M, Moore and family,<br />

from Olathe, visited for ten days with<br />

Dr. W, M. Moore and Mrs, F. W.<br />

Wilson, iMiss Ethel Elliot, of Eskridge;<br />

Mr, R, N, Redpath, of Olathe;<br />

Mr. Robert Rutherford, of Sparta, 111.;<br />

Er. Robb, of Blanchard; Mr, and Mrs.<br />

Sterritt, from iClay County, Kans., and<br />

Dr. T, H, Acheson, of Pittsburgh, were<br />

among those who made short stops<br />

with us en route to or from furtherwest<br />

points. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Martion<br />

remained over Sabbath, en route<br />

from the Portland Conference, In an<br />

address before a union congregation<br />

of the Protestant churches, Dr, Martin<br />

gave some of the inspiration of<br />

the conference.<br />

During the summer a ten weeks' attendance<br />

contest was conducted in<br />

our Sabbath school. The school was<br />

divided into two gTOups, the reds and<br />

fhe blues, and a banner oifered to the<br />

winners. Forty-four new pupils were<br />

added to tlie school. The annual picnic<br />

lor the children was held the last<br />

week of August at the ranch of Mr.<br />

V, as spent in games, dinner and other<br />

things that go with a picnic. The<br />

grand finale was the water melon<br />

feast provided by Mr. Bole.<br />

iMiss Clara Hill, in company with her<br />

sister, .Aliss Helen Hli, of Denver,<br />

spent the summer in Chicago.<br />

Mr. and .Airs. J. A. iM.CuUough<br />

spent a month' visiting friends in<br />

Iowa, lAJinnesota and Ohio.<br />

Mr. and .Airs. J Addisun Dodds vis-iieO<br />

San Francisco, Los Angeles and<br />

other Coast points.<br />

Mr. Siilney McLaughlin, of Coulterville,<br />

111,, spent several weeks with his<br />

•slater, .Mrs. J. A. Mclvelvey, A^'ho has<br />

gone to Northern Colorado, expecting<br />

to return later,<br />

Mr, Irelan, father of J, E, Irelan,<br />

very naturally are worshipping with<br />

us. He is a brother of Mr. John Riddering,<br />

the efficient superintendent of<br />

our Sabbath school.<br />

Pens free to every Christian Nafon<br />

from Delphi, Inch, is visiting his son, Club Agent, who Avill make his club<br />

Mr. Irelan belongs to the rapidly for 1914 at least as large as it is at<br />

diminishing army that fifty years ago<br />

vore the "blue."<br />

Mr, James Riddering and family has<br />

present, and add either four (4) new<br />

subscribers (to his package) at ?1.59<br />

each, or three (;3) new individual subscribers<br />

arrived from Grand Rapids, Mich. He<br />

comes to enjoy the winter sunshine<br />

of Colorado, in the hopes of regaining<br />

at $2.00 each. Address at<br />

his snn^ewhat impared health, iMr,<br />

Riddering and wife are members of<br />

the Christian Reformed Church and<br />


C, R. McFarland, the Misses Estelle<br />

and Lena McFarland and Mr. and Mrs,<br />

Walter Spencer motored over to Newark,<br />

O., to attend the fair.<br />

The Muskingum County Horticultural<br />

Society held its monthly meeting<br />

at the home of Mrs. G. K, McParlanii<br />

and the audience of 200 listened to<br />

the splendid addresses with much interest,<br />

Ohio State Agricultural men<br />

were the speakers.<br />

The Misses Ella, Ethel and Nettie<br />

Thompson are teaching this winter.<br />

Miss Mary A. DeCamp, one of our<br />

high school teachers, spent the weekend<br />

with Miss Estelle McFarland.<br />

Mr. Howard Thompson, who suffered<br />

a severe fall, is much improved at<br />

this writing.<br />

***-We have, subject to our order,<br />

some exquisite gold filled filigree<br />

fountain pens, in very elaborate and<br />

artistic designs. The barrel, cap and<br />

j,Bed are made of the purest<br />

black Para rubber, and<br />

it is flttedwith a medium<br />

size, iridium tipped, 14<br />

Q ^ karat gold pen. The pen<br />

rj ^ is large size and is almost<br />

r^ ^ entirely encased in the<br />

^ ^ gold filigree,and there is<br />

r\ ^ a gold plate for engraving<br />

y ^ the name of the owner.<br />

^ Each pen is individually<br />

W JZ packed in a plush lined<br />

^ rj colored cardboard hax,<br />

^ K^ with fillerand directions,<br />

*J ^ The pens are from the fac-<br />

O *^ tory of the Eagle Pencil<br />

O ^ Co., in New York City,<br />

and are guaranteed by<br />

K 2 that company. Similar<br />

^ ^ pens are sold by dealers<br />

tJ * generally for ?7 and $8. A<br />

J EU sample pen is on exhibi-<br />

Q tion in this oflice. There<br />

Q 2 i'^ °o better pen manulac-<br />

^ tured, and it will make a<br />

^ superb holiday or birthday<br />

Z ^ OJ. wedding gift. We will<br />

* H give one of these Fountain<br />

^ 2 Pens free to every paid-<br />

^jj >--j up Christian Nation sub-<br />

(/) *Z. scriber Avho will secure<br />

O and forward five (5) new<br />

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