S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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July 30. 191S.<br />

A h'A.Mll.V I'A PER.<br />

Friday, July 4, was given over to a Sabbath 'boys from doing these things that men do. tact with western olvdizaacn, because the pagan<br />

peoples find more attraction in western<br />

School Parade and addresses:<br />

May it not be that the same advice would<br />

"While scheduled to begin at 10 a. m., it was<br />

nearly 1 o'clock before those who participated in<br />

best be given in reference to secret societies?<br />

vices than in western virtues. So the Chinese<br />

may become fascinated by our material<br />

the parade were all assembled. While tb^y were The school boards in several of our large<br />

assembling the long wait was filled with the singing<br />

bf Sabbath school songs, class yells and the<br />

inventions, which are indeed blessings in<br />

cities 'have prohibited secret societies in the<br />

public schools, including high schools. The<br />

taking of photographs. The different bands as<br />

National Teachers' Association has, I believe, themselves springing from our Christianity,<br />

they came on the stadium played patriotic airs.<br />

Mayor Albee, when introduced to the audience,<br />

strongly (if not unanimously), endorsed this and may adopt our railways and telegraphs<br />

addressed his remarks chiefly to the children, telling<br />

them the world would be far better as a result questions of prohibiting these <strong>org</strong>anizations manufacturing, our western science and edu­<br />

position; State legislatures are discussing the and telephones, our methods of mining and<br />

o£ the c6nference. He referred to a derisive remark<br />

that he heard the other day that the "mayor<br />

cation, and may remodel their government af­<br />

in the State universities (note the recent bill<br />

before the Wisconsin Legislature) ; some universities<br />

are seriously raising the same ques­<br />

TOS going to make a spectacle by leading a Sunday<br />

school parade through the streets."<br />

ter the pattern of a constitutional monarchy<br />

He asked the children to try to be right, to play tion voluntarily (note the case of Ohio State or an American republic, and imagine that<br />

fiir, and then they need not care what people said and of Wooster, tfhe latter of which has forbidden<br />

all such <strong>org</strong>anizations).<br />

give China. If China simply adopts the ma­<br />

these blessings are all that the west has to<br />

ahout them.<br />

• "It is every day Christianity that we are seeking,"<br />

said he.<br />

Is it best to encourage our youth to enter terial civilization of western nations without<br />

<strong>org</strong>anizations which are today on trial before<br />

the Christian coiv^ience, and the legal<br />

s Mayor Albee introduced Dr. H. C. Minton, the<br />

accepting the spiritual .Hfe and the moral discipline<br />

which underlie and are the cause of<br />

presiding .officer of the conference, who in turn<br />

KoBtlously Introduced the foreign speakers. Bach judgment of our land? Is it best to foster<br />

one of these speakers prefaced their brief address secretiveness among boys? Will it promote our material progress, then the new civilization<br />

will become rotten before it is ripe."<br />

with a few sentences in their native tongue, afterward<br />

interpreting it.<br />

frankness, manliness, straight-forwardness ?<br />

I .The speakers were Drs. Bernt Stoeylen, Norway;<br />

Armenag H. Haigazian, Asia Minor, Turkey; cret have I said nothing." He assured us that<br />

Jesus declared concerning himself: "In se­<br />

The Opportunity.<br />

"There is now an unparalleled demand, not<br />

' Joseph S. Motoda, Japan; Ng Poon Chew, China; there was "nothing hidden, but should be revealed;"<br />

He encouraged us to place all our<br />

^William Hay, New Zealand; William Rochester,<br />

only for books on the Christian principles of<br />

Canada; Pyong K. Yoon, Korea; R. J. Patterson,<br />

good things where the world could get at<br />

government, on the constitutions and forms<br />

' Ireland; John Lamond, Scotland; TheophilMann,<br />

them—our light not "under a bushel, but on<br />

of governments, on Christianity and reforms,<br />

Germany; F. DeRougemont, Switerland, and<br />

Ctarles M. D'Aublgne, France.<br />

a candle-stick."<br />

but also for the Bible itself, and especially<br />

Dr. Spooner's second argument is—the success<br />

resulting from his own efiforts. Now I "It is significant that ex-President Sun is<br />

for the New Testament."<br />


like his programme—all except the secrecy. a Christian and that General Li Yuan-hung<br />

Give the boys the baseball, the Saturday trips<br />

is strongly in favor of Christianity. Years<br />

NEW YORK, JULY 30, 1913.<br />

to the woods and fields, the glad fraternal<br />

ago. Dr. Sun Yat-sen said: 'Our greatest hope<br />

fellowship; then give them the winsome gospel<br />

as I do not doubt the writer does, and<br />

is to make the Bible and education, as we<br />


have come 'to know them by residence in America<br />

and Europe, the means of conveying to<br />

¥' ' '<br />

we will answer him—"Thanks! we are with<br />

Tbe Presbyterian of July 9 has the following<br />

under the mild heading a "Difference you!"—C. G. Sterling.<br />

our unhappy fellow-countrymen what blessing<br />

may lie in the way of just laws, what<br />

of Opinion." We were surprised at the proposal<br />

of May 21, but why should we be? The<br />


relief from their sufferings may be found<br />

through civilization.' The words of General<br />

writer has said that boys "like to do what There is perhaps no better means of gaining<br />

an accurate knowledge of the present con-<br />

Li Yuan-hung on this subject are equally to<br />

men do," and gave as examples: "Tbey smoke,<br />

the point. He said: 'Missionaries are our<br />

because men smoke," etc. W e noticed at the ditiofts in China than by reading the "China friends. Jesus Christ is better than Confucius,<br />

and I am strongly in favor of more<br />

time, that he had not said, they like a secret<br />

Mission Year Book" for 1912. As this book<br />

society, because men like secret societies, because<br />

he was going on to recommend thein.<br />

is not in very general circulation, a few extracts<br />

from its pages may not be uninteresting ianity and going into interior provinces. W e<br />

missionaries coming to China to teach Christ­<br />

But iht examples are all bad. Yet, true it<br />

shall do all we can bo assist missionaries, and<br />

is, that, men, yes, clergymen, yes, Presbyterian<br />

cliergymen, belong to the Masonic or­<br />

/: Danger Signal.<br />

to the readers of the Christian Nation.<br />

the more missionaries we get to come to<br />

China, the greater will the Republican Government<br />

be pleased.' Associated with these<br />

der with its oaths, its regalia and folly.<br />

"It is possible for a pagan people coming<br />

In your Home Circle department of your<br />

into contact witb an imperfect Christian civilization<br />

to accept such portions of tbis half-<br />

patriots in the new Government are men who<br />

issue of May 21, appears an article, entitled<br />

"A New Discovery," in which the writer, Rev.<br />

are products of missionary schools. The Republic<br />

will undoubtedly lay stress on popular<br />

Dr. A. W. Spooner, recommends to his brethren<br />

in the ministry, as a means of holding and leave

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