S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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12 THE CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. 59.<br />

M o d e r n C h u r c h & S a b b a t h = S c h o o l S u p p l i e s<br />

The Edison Home Kinetoscope<br />

is neither a toy nor a delicate<br />

and complicated mechanism,<br />

but a machine that combines<br />

simplicity, safety and effectiveness.<br />

It is simple, because<br />

Mr. Edison realized<br />

when designing the instrument,<br />

that it would be operated<br />

by people who are not<br />

scientifically or mechanically<br />

trained; safe, because the<br />

source of light is carefully<br />

protected and the films<br />

are non-inflammable. It !s<br />

effective, because it throws a clear, distinct picture. It is compact and<br />

weighs about twenty pounds.<br />

For Motion Picture and Lantern Slides<br />

For Izlectrrc Lig-ht only. Suitable for aiiditorinins or class rooms from twenty to<br />

sLxty feet. Church and Sabbath School Furniture<br />

We have had years .of successful experience in<br />

Vew York<br />

Chk-airo<br />

. St. Li>ii!-*<br />

manufacturing and furnishing Church and Sabbath-School<br />

furniture. In order that the equipment<br />

may harmonize with the architectural treatment<br />

of the building, we will welcome the opportunity<br />

to work out special plans or designs for pulpit<br />

furniture, seating and other fittings. If your<br />

building committee will give us opportunity to<br />

confer with them about their needs in this way,<br />

we are confident we can please by the suggestion<br />

made, and that the equipment, when completed,<br />

will be pleasing to all. We are confident you will<br />

find our prices reasonable where quality and<br />

15« Fifth A V<br />

service 509 are So. considered.<br />

Wubii-*!! Av<br />

SIS Vo. Teiitli ><br />

Sabbath=School Chairs and Tables for all<br />

Departments<br />

The top is built up of three plies of wood.<br />

The top ply is oak and the lower ply is<br />

soft wood. A top made like this is practically<br />

unbreakable. It is 36 inches in diameter,<br />

and from 18 to 28 inches in height. It is<br />

hinged and opens at right angles with the<br />

table. The soft wood on the under side<br />

affords an excellent iplace to tack up class<br />

records, and displaying them before class.<br />

No, 400, Price $8.50 each; 5 or more, less<br />

5 per cent,; 10 or more, less 10 per cent.<br />

Delivery prepaid anywhere east of the Mississippi,<br />

Oak Tables, without compartment, round<br />

or hexagonal, 18 to 28 ins,, $5.00. Delivery<br />

prepaid anywhere east of the Mississippi.<br />

No. 400. Top open<br />

showing space for supplies<br />

Collection Plates<br />

Made of Quartered<br />

Oak or Solid Walnut,<br />

with either Red or<br />

Green Plush centres or<br />

such color as desired<br />

to match interior furnishings.<br />

Finished in<br />

Mission, We a t h e r e d<br />

Oak or any special finish<br />

desired. Sizes, 10<br />

and 12 inches.<br />

$2 50<br />

Plain, size Prices; 12 ins. 4.50<br />

Carved Plain, size Rims, 1012 ins. ins. 3.00<br />

Carved Delivery Rims, 10 Extra ii<br />

5.00<br />


Headquarters: PHILADELPHIA, Witherspoon Building<br />

Single, Write Portable for Designs and and Folding Prices. Chairs, all<br />

heights and designs. Price, $7.50 to $35.00<br />

a dozen. Psalm<br />

Boards<br />

Made of Quartered<br />

Oak or Walnut.<br />

Any finish desired.<br />

Prices, complete, including<br />

slides and numerals,<br />

$5.00 to $28.00. Delivery<br />

prepaid.<br />

Write for Illustrated<br />

Psalm Board and Collection<br />

Plate Circular No. 8<br />

jS'u-liviUe<br />

J'nrtlnnil. Ore.<br />

Pitt"biir|tli<br />

OiU'ltinlttl<br />

41.-i Churcli St.<br />

30r LViitriil HldB,<br />

204 Fulton ItUlir,<br />

420 Elm St<br />

A L i b r a r y F r e e<br />


T H E following Papers, treating on subjects<br />

that are of vital importance<br />

and<br />

written by various authors skilled in their<br />

work; form a Library of rare value.<br />

copy of any or of all will be sent free, postage<br />

prepaid.<br />

I. Is Jesus King?<br />

2. Is the Constitution of the<br />

United States Christian?<br />

3, Christ's, or the Separated<br />

Life,<br />

4, Reasons for Not Voting<br />

under the Present Constitution<br />

of the United<br />

States,<br />

5, The Attitude of Protest<br />

the Attitude of Power,<br />

6, Psalmody: Is the use of<br />

Uninspired Songs in the<br />

Worship of God Authorized?<br />

7. Psalms vs. Hymns.<br />

8, The Voice of the Ages<br />

Against Instrumental<br />

Muisc in Worship.<br />

9. Instrumental Music a Corruption<br />

of New Testament<br />

Worship.<br />

10. Instrumental Music in the<br />

Worship of God,<br />

II. Labor Unions.<br />

12. Ten reasons Why I Would<br />

Not Join a Secret Society.<br />

13. The Right Relation of<br />

Church and State.<br />

M- Nicknaming the Sabbath.<br />

W . J. C O L E M A N ,<br />


A<br />

B R O A D W A Y C E N T R A L H O T E L<br />


Cor. Third Street<br />

Special attention given to Ladies unescorted<br />


OUR TABLE is the foundation of our enormous business<br />

American Plan, $2.50 upwards<br />

European Plan, $1.00 upwards<br />

Send for Large Colored Map and Guide of<br />

TILLY HAYNES, Proprietor<br />

New York, FREE<br />

The Only New York Hotel Featuring<br />


Excellent Food<br />

DANIEL C. WEBB, Mgr.,<br />

Formerly of Charleston, S. C.<br />

Moderate Prices<br />

Qood Service

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