S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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C o w a r d<br />

S h o e<br />

"WCG. U. S- *AT OFF,<br />

" J u s t W h e r e Is t h e<br />

C o w a r d S h o e S t o r e ?<br />

Just oft the main arteries of travel, in a most ac­<br />

99<br />

ness of the case for evolution called<br />

out more opposition than anything<br />

else in my program, unlessit might<br />

le the Covenanter conclusion of nonvoting.<br />

When teachers in science and<br />

children's coats<br />

White Coats for small child—made<br />

psychology follow their texts, and students<br />

are so unfortunate as to follow<br />

of good quality serge—box style with<br />

belt—turn-over collar and cuff of silk<br />

both, there is no little danger of falling<br />

in the ditch of materialism and poplin—skirt of coat and belt flnished<br />

unbelief. Lenox is in less danger with crochet buttons; 1, 2 and 3<br />

than most places.<br />

years—$5.00.<br />

Preaching during the week gave me White Coat for Infants—Of crepella<br />

an opportunity to get acquainted with<br />

—box style—collar and cuffs trimmed<br />

the Hopkinton Covenanters. It is re­witmarkable how far one can go in a and back of coat with fancy braid—11<br />

silk braid—trimmed down front<br />

week with those of the same mind. and 2 years only—$4.50. I<br />

When I came awayit seemed hard to<br />

believe that one week belore, nearly<br />

I<br />

cessible location. Easy to find—and where you're<br />

all ol them were strangers to me. It women's waists<br />

sure of getting easy fittingfootwear.<br />

seems to me that Covenanters have a<br />

Voile Waists—Tuckt front—high'<br />

closer bond than other people.<br />

9 minutes walk from Liberty St. Ferry 4 minutes walk from Barclay St. Ferry<br />

neck and full length sleeves—front.<br />

J. M. COLEMAN.<br />

8 minutes walkfromCortlandtSt.Ferry 3 minutes walk from Chambers St.Ferry<br />

pleat finished with picot edge and<br />

6 minutes walk from Hudson Terminal 5 minutes walk from Brooklyn Bridge<br />

crochet buttons—neck and sleeve finished<br />

to match front ot waist—also^<br />


5 minutes walk from Subway<br />

November flrstSabbath is the day other styles more elaborately trimmer'<br />

Dslng Subway get ofi at Brooklyn Bridge<br />

named by Synod for taking the offering<br />

for National Reform and twelve Fine Blouses of Batiste, high neck<br />

—$1.00.<br />

Using Third Ave. "L" get off at Brooklyn Bridge<br />

Using Sixth Ave. -L" get off at Chambers St.<br />

thousand dollars the amount. Please —"A sleeves—pleat at shoulder and<br />

Using Ninth Ave. "L" get off at Warren St., (at Corner).<br />

note that this is two thousand dollars<br />

pin tucks—^front of blouse with a'<br />

Using Broadway and West Side Surface Cars get off at Warren St.<br />

dainty embroidery design—beading at'<br />

Using Hudson Terminal get off at Cortlandt Street<br />

iu advance of the sum named last<br />

shoulder—$3.00.<br />

'<br />

year, thus indicating the Synod'a<br />

JSigbt Buildings in One I^ocation<br />

recognition of the enlargement of the<br />

Colored' Vcile Blouses—Dresden i<br />

Devoted Mxolusively to the Sale of Co^yard Footwear<br />

work and its increasing financial need<br />

pattern—low collar—% sleeve—of<br />

plain white voile—buttons to match—'<br />

as well as the Cliurch's duty in honor<br />

to help supply that need.<br />

JAMES S. COWARD 264-274 Greenwich St. NEW YORK<br />

$2.00.<br />

Hail Orders FlIW<br />

(Near Warren St.)<br />

Funds are needed to meet the increasing<br />

demand for literature, to 5OGGS &r 6UHI9<br />

SOLD NOWHERE ELSE Send for CataloiTM<br />

BOOKS—Largest stock ot Second Hand connection with the Communion in hold Conferences, Conventions and Institutes,<br />

County, State and National,<br />


Theological Books in America. Over 50,000 his congregation. I had known about<br />

volumes on hand. Catalogues free. Libraries the college at long range for some to meet the greatly increased offlce ex-<br />

^vfiEN ji^ew York «i?.^<br />

and collections of Books bought or exchanged. t me as it has sent out some notable penses in garnering the results of the TUB IfE-iV EIRE-PROOF<br />

SCHULTE'S BOOK STORE, ministers in the Covenanter Church, recent World's Christian Citizenship<br />

132 E. 23d Street, New York. but one always finds out something Conference, and to carry out the spemore<br />

that is worth while on closer cial propaganda of the Association for<br />

acquaintance. Lenox claims to be or- the coming year:<br />

.The Celebrated liffectual Remedy<br />

without Internal Medicme.<br />

^ R O C H E ' S<br />

Herbal Embrocation<br />

T-IU also he found very efBcacious in cases of<br />


and RHEUMATISM<br />

W. El>wAED3 & Son, 157 Queen Victoria Street,<br />

London, Eng. AU l)ruggi8t_8, o.r<br />

' E. FOUGERl k CO., Inc., 00 Bepkman Sf., N. Y.<br />



Some three hundred odd years ago<br />

a namesake of mine had some unpleasant<br />

associations with a certain<br />

Lenox, who had the misfortune to be<br />

a favorite of James First. Lenox tried<br />

to firethe .Melvilles out of Scotland,<br />

but the charge proved too heavy for<br />

the gun and the recoil kicked Lenox<br />

out.<br />

Eut times and seasons and men<br />

have changed since those days when<br />

men got their religion and their politics<br />

so Iiadly mixed. Lenox College is<br />

as stoutly Presbyterian as the Earl<br />

was Catholic, and whileit bears his<br />

name, has made it famous, even as he<br />

made it infamous. For this and other<br />

reasons a :\Ielville and a Lenox got<br />

along together very pleasantly indeed.<br />

The pastor at Hopkinton arranged the<br />

meetings in Lenox College for me in<br />

thodox in the Presbyterian faith and<br />

then goes on to prove it. Th's is, perhaps,<br />

the reason why the College has<br />

prepared an unusual number of ministers.<br />

That these have had unusual<br />

ability is shown by the fact that they<br />

have taken a number of girls out of<br />

the Covenanter membership at Hopkinton.<br />

Further evidence is scarcely<br />

needed.<br />

President Reed and Dean Parkhill<br />

arranged that they would take time<br />

out of the recitations during the forenoon,<br />

so that I might have the whole<br />

srhcol together at the chaiiel hour.<br />

Th'.s brought together both the academic<br />

and College pupils and required<br />

some adaptation of what I had to say,<br />

which was not difflcult. The setting<br />

furnisherl by the work in the Lenox<br />

class rooms made the adjustment<br />

easy. I found that the students were<br />

trained to see the point in an argument<br />

and to catch the f^ieam of a .iol^e<br />

afar off. .Mtogpther I had a good<br />

time in Lenox and will be glad to accept<br />

their invitation lo come again.<br />

.'\ talk to the studenti? on the weak-<br />

1. The securing of Bible Reading<br />

and the giving of Christian instruction<br />

in all public schools,<br />

2. The better observance of. the<br />

Lord's Day, with special reference to<br />

the closing of the gates of the Panama<br />

Exposition on that day.<br />

3. The suppressing of the evils of<br />

Mormonism and the securing of Uniform<br />

and Scriptural Marriage and Divorce<br />

Laws.<br />

4. The dissemination of the Bible<br />

or Christian Principles of Civil Government,<br />

with special reference to the<br />

Kingship of Christ over Nations and<br />

the duty of Nations accepting His<br />

How's This?<br />

We ofFei" '~ine Hundred Dollars Reward for<br />

anv case of Catarrh tbat catiDot be cured by<br />

HaU's Catarrh Cure.<br />

F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.<br />

We, the undersi.crned, have known F. .J.<br />

Chenev For the last 15 years, and believe him<br />

perfectly honorable in al! business transactions<br />

and financially able to carry ont anj-- obligations<br />

made bv his firm.<br />


True<br />

Values B £ f B<br />

Vol. 69.<br />

True<br />

Values<br />

NAVA'RRE;<br />

Se-f-entb Jive, cfc 3Stli Street<br />


Maximum of Luxury at Minimum of Cost.<br />

lilt*<br />

ft 'ffllni -,_•,..^a^ss-<br />

'•"'" m m<br />


Within Five Minutes- -Waft ol . ^^ '"'<br />

Clubs. 300 Feet •West ot.bioadway. :ctri<<br />

New Dutch Grill Rooms. L-argest in lhe Uly. t'-'<br />

Cars pass Hotel lo all Railroads.<br />


$1.50 per Day $2.00 per Daj<br />

Toledo, O. WITHOUT BATH<br />


"^<br />

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting:<br />

Suites, $3.50 and upwards<br />

directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces<br />


C O U G<br />

Vill<br />

ofthe system. Testimonials sent free. Price EDGAR as the T. SMITH, rule of national Managing lite Directoi and<br />

Hard coughs, old coughs, tearing 75 cents coughs, per bottle. deep Sold coughs, by all Drusj:,2;ists. all kinds<br />

the Plaza standard Hotel. Chicaco, of national under same action. manasement.<br />

of coughs. Go to your doctor, he Take knows Hall's best, Family and Pills ask for constipation^<br />

i\iail all remittances to James S.<br />

him about<br />

Tibby, Treasurer, 408 Penn Bldg-<br />

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Sold for 75 years. J. O.A yer Co..<br />

LoweH, Mase,<br />

Pittsburgh, Pa.

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