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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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October 22, 1913.<br />



1105 Tribune Building, N. Y.<br />


John W. Pritchard, Editor.<br />

NEW YORK, OCTOBER 22, 1913.<br />


A paper was given by Rev Dr. Charles E.<br />

Wishart, of Pittsburgh, in the Cliristian Instructor<br />

favoring Union under the heading,<br />

"The Passion for Cbristian Unity." This<br />

has stirred Rev. E. B. Stewart, of Chicago,<br />

and he has written for the same newspaper,<br />

under date of October 7, on "The Poison of<br />

Uniformity."<br />

In the course of his article<br />

he says:<br />

"But why talk of union where there is no unity?<br />

I affirm that union with the Presbyterian Church<br />

is impossible because there is no unity in the<br />

Presbyterian Churcli itself. There can be no adequate<br />

credal basis formed, for there is no content<br />

of faith that is adequate now held by the Presbyterian<br />

Church. Openly many of the cardinal doctrines<br />

of Christianity are denied. Take the things<br />

that are emphasized in what is called the Apostles'<br />

Creed, and most of these are openly denied and<br />

the action is officially sanctioned, as in the action<br />

in New York. I affirm that there is equally no<br />

possible basis In the matter of practice. It is astounding<br />

to hear the practices that have been<br />

uniformly 'condemned by the Church now openly<br />

defended. I was perfectly amazed to hear a rather<br />

prominent Presbyterian Bible Class teacher here<br />

in Chicago speak of his own practice in a certain<br />

matter and never blush while doing it. Four ministers<br />

of different denominations were having a<br />

heart to heart talk one day, when the Presbyterian<br />

brought up the question of what we would do if<br />

the members of our offlcial boards were setting<br />

the example which he said his men were doing.<br />

He is still pastor of that church and I wonder at<br />

it, when he is so conscious of the wrong conduct<br />

of these men. I believe he is a : good man, and<br />

yet he is in great straits. It has been but a few<br />

years since Dr. Wishart was offered the pastorate<br />

of a large Presbyterian church in this vicinity.<br />

Could he have delivered the goods had he gone<br />

there? I do not think so. This is why union<br />

movements go halt, why federation makes no<br />

greater progress and why unity is impossible. Dr.<br />

Wishart says we need <strong>org</strong>anic union to aid the<br />

great Mission movement. The <strong>org</strong>anic uniformity<br />

which he advocates would not prove helpful.<br />

Why? Because the Presbyterian Church cannot<br />

deliver the goods. The same thing is true of Social<br />

Service and Rural Work. Much has been<br />

done in both these lines by some in the Presbyterian<br />

Church. What reception does a movement<br />

to head off the Catholic Church in any practical<br />

affair here in Chicago get from many of the Presbyterian<br />

Churches? Try it and see. You will be<br />

called bigoted, narrow, impolitic, and be told to<br />

concern yourself with the great work of the kingdom.<br />

I have tried it and know. The Edinburgh<br />

Conference is a sad commentary of the way a conglomerate<br />

mass of people will act on this Catholic<br />

Question. The late Portland Convention on Good<br />

Citizenship is another evidence of the same weakness<br />

in the matter of Secret So'cieties. We were<br />

told to hold a conference, but that we could not<br />

have a place on the offlcial program. The National<br />

Christian Association arranged for the conference<br />

and the powers that be tried hard to get<br />

it put off. Why? One of the most prominent men<br />

of Portland was a great lodge man. He was of<br />

such character that one of our trusted United<br />

Presbyterian ministers refused to be on the General<br />

Committee with him. This craven spirit was<br />

the result of playing to the crowd and the vanity<br />

of mere bigness. Are we to become mere 'opportunists,'<br />

to use a word which some men here apply<br />

to themselves, and mean thereby that they<br />

will stand aside and let anything be done that<br />

any set of persons want to do who claim that<br />

there is seeming good to themselves in the doing<br />

of it? These men are continually crying out<br />

against theology and calling for religion. Can we<br />

have Christian religion without Christian theology?<br />

Not if history be permitted to bear testimony."<br />

* * *<br />

"It is true that the people of the South are <strong>org</strong>anically<br />

one with us in this nation, but I never<br />

heard of their having much to do with the making<br />

of the terras of that union. There is little parallel<br />

one way or the other in the whole matter. The<br />

one great lesson which history teaches that is to<br />

the point is that no <strong>org</strong>anic union can be made<br />

with those who lower the flagor reject the Constitution.<br />

Christendom has a banner of truth to<br />

be displayed and a constitution clearly defined for<br />

its government. 'Civil and religious liberty and<br />

power depend upon the co-operation of the loyal.<br />

No other co-operation is possible. No other aim<br />

is desirable."<br />


SOLDIER.<br />

The apostle to the Gentiles uses many familiar<br />

figures to illustrate the Christian life<br />

and among others a character only too well<br />

known in his time, that of the Roman legionary<br />

who had conquered the world. This man<br />

from whatever race he had sprung, had been<br />

trained by his Italian masters to march, to<br />

camp, to fight, and all in such a disregard of<br />

ease, of obstacles, and of enemies, that he<br />

went resistless and untiring on his way.<br />

These were qualities that presaged success<br />

and Paul, who m.editated the overthrowr of all<br />

evil and the conquest of the spiritual world,<br />

desired the cultivation of these same characteristics<br />

in the converts to whom he was<br />

to commit his unfinished work.<br />

They were to be men devoted, as he had<br />

been, to the truth, and to him who was in<br />

himself the truth. This truth he would<br />

"commit to faithful men" who with soldierly<br />

valor and with a disregard of hindrances,<br />

such as he himself had shown, would bear an<br />

unflinching testimony to an unwilling world.<br />

Eor Paul himself had been a great soldier, a<br />

scarred and triumphant vetei-an in the service<br />

of his King. His weapon bad been the<br />

Word, his aim the salvation of the soul, his<br />

onfct almost irresistible. He was the model<br />

soldier and he sought to enlist worthy recruits,<br />

like Timothy, in the cause which he<br />

served. He wanted tbem to bear faithful<br />

witness to the truth in all places, to all people<br />

and at all hazards. That was his desire<br />

then and it is the desire of all apostolic m°n<br />

now.<br />

Those who become good soldiers of Jesu<<br />

Christ must expect to bear hardships.<br />

That<br />

is the lot of soldiers on a campaign, and a<br />

man who will not endure hardship has no<br />

place in the ranks. A soldier who straggles<br />

on the march, who hunts the rear in the battle,<br />

who makes much of little troubles and<br />

fears to risk danger, is a weakness and not<br />

a strength. An army of such people would<br />

be a derision to its enemies and a danger to<br />

its friends. Multitudes of such men havebeen<br />

put to flight by a comparative handful<br />

of real soldiers. So in the battle for Christ,<br />

soldiers are needed who will face danger with<br />

undaunted heart and stand for the truth,<br />

however unpopular it may be, with steady,<br />

manly courage. After Peter and John had<br />

been arrested, tried and commanded that they<br />

should not speak at all nor teach in the name<br />

of Jesus, they went home and held a prayer<br />

meeting, praying that with "all boldness"<br />

they might speak the word. They were good<br />

soldiers of Jesus Christ.<br />

These soldiers are tO' free themselves from<br />

all entanglements tbat hinder their effectiveness<br />

that they may please him who hath chosen<br />

them to be soldiers.<br />

Whatever stands in the way of the most<br />

direct, full and powerful testimony is a hindrance.<br />

Any connections that tie the soldier<br />

up with worldly plans and purposes, anything<br />

that compromises the truth and his<br />

freedom to proclaim it, will not, cannot,<br />

please him whom he serves. The Lord himself,<br />

who before Pbntius Pilate witnessed a<br />

good confession, compromised nothing.<br />

When asked if he was a king, he answered,<br />

"Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end<br />

was I born, and for this cause came I into<br />

the world, that I should bear witness unto<br />

the truth." He is a leader and commander<br />

to all good soldiers.<br />

We may be assured that every Christian<br />

soldier fights under tbe eye and with the personal<br />

support of the Lord Jesus. He goes<br />

not a warfare on his own charges, Hor fights<br />

undistinguished and alone. When he bears<br />

witness to the truth, the word spoken never<br />

returns void, but accomplishes the purposes<br />

of his leader. So he is never really defeated<br />

and he never is to give up. He is never to<br />

lose rfaith or be discouraged. He will find<br />

hardship, plenty of it, and weariness and<br />

maybe wounds, but he that has fought a good<br />

fight is a good soldier and at last shiall wear<br />

the crown victory.<br />

We are enabled to again lay before our readers<br />

the announcement of Youth's Companion, and<br />

we wish it distinctly understood that our hearty<br />

and unqualifiied recommendation accompanies the<br />

announcement. Every reader, whatever his age<br />

or occupation, is unconsciously impressed with the<br />

'conviction that this broadly and wisely edited paper<br />

is especially adapted to his own needs and<br />

tastes. And that Is veritably true, for the Y'outh's<br />

Companion is every man's paper. Men of every<br />

condition and profession are wedded to it. and in<br />

addition, all who read it will aflJrm that "it united<br />

young and old through their common enjoyment<br />

of delightful Action, agreeable miscellany, and<br />

the clear exposition of public questions."

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