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October 15, 1913-<br />



«**Hemet, Cal., congregation has issued<br />

an unanimous call to the Rev. J.<br />

S. Thompson, D.D.<br />

»»*Mr, and Mrs. Wm. C. Stewart, of<br />

White Lake, N. Y., have been certified<br />

to Cambridge, Mass.<br />

«**The communion in Allegheny<br />

Eongregation is on the third Sabbath<br />

of this month, the 19th.<br />

'**Mrs. James Tacey, of White<br />

iLalce, N. Y., was operated on for cancer<br />

in a New York City hospital, last<br />

week.<br />

***Mr. Wm. S. Williams placed his<br />

certificate with the White Lake, N.<br />

Y., congregation at their last communion.<br />

'"^Dr. R, J. G. McKnight will assist<br />

the pastor of Parnassus congregation<br />

fflth communion services on the fourth<br />

Sabbath in October.<br />

•"On Oct. 4th I moderated a call<br />

fortlie Bloomington, Ind., congregation,<br />

which resulted in the unanimous<br />

choice of Rev. Elmer Russell.—M. S.<br />

IcMilian.<br />

***Rev. Dr. W. J. Coleman preached<br />

at Londonderry, Ohio, September 28th,<br />

living three discourses. It was a communion<br />

season. Licentiate W. H.<br />

Shaw occupied the Allegheny pulpit.<br />

•**Seoond New York's Rally Day,<br />

Oct. 5, was a great success. The Sabbath<br />

school attendance was 211, and<br />

the collection was $30.00, which is to<br />

aid the erection of Missionary Edgar's<br />

i in Syria.<br />

***Mr. Paul S. Gibson, a member of<br />

Wilkinsburg congregation, is taking a<br />

special course in the Commercial Department<br />

of the 'New York University.<br />

to prepare himself for the profession<br />

of a chartered accountant.<br />

"'Prof. J. M. Coleman gave his<br />

course of lectures in Lenox College at<br />

the same time that he was conducting<br />

special services in Hopkinton preparatory<br />

to communion.. He also gave a<br />

talk on tobacco in the public school.<br />

***Rev. Paul Coleman preached at<br />

Montclair, N. J., Oct. 5. The attendance<br />

was good at both services, but<br />

there were 42 present in the afternoon,<br />

including the children. Mr. Cole-<br />

•Ban assisted at communion in the Seconii<br />

Church, Philadelphia, on Oct. 12.<br />

•'During this past year, two col-<br />

'eges have taken up Professor Cole-<br />

^an's "Social Ethics" for use in class.<br />

Carthage 'College, Mc, and Wofford,<br />

S. C. The last named school ordered<br />

44 hooks from the Baker Taylor Co.,<br />

for the present class in that subject.<br />

***Miss Mary M. Tait died at her<br />

home in Philadelphia, September 30,<br />

1913. She was a member of the Second<br />

Church. She was a sufferer for<br />

in their subscriptions in the manner<br />

years, yet grew steadily in patience,<br />

requested. Every home is richer for<br />

hopefulness, thankfulness, and died<br />

having the weekly visit of this really<br />

great and soundly orthodox paper.<br />

triumphant in Jesus Christ. Her life<br />

was a beautiful lesson of trust in God.<br />


***The Third New York held the Tuesday evening, Sept. 30th, witnessed<br />

the installation of Rev. McLeod<br />

first of Special Evangelistic Services,<br />

October the first Sabbath. This is a<br />

third service, held on the first Sabbath<br />

evening of each month, October to<br />

April, inclusive. The attendance was<br />

very good. Ten strangers were present.<br />

During the services of the whole<br />

day, more than twenty strangers worshipped<br />

God in Third New York.<br />

*'*'^'The Pennsylvania W. C. T. U. annual<br />

convention met in Johnstown,<br />

Pa., at the beginning of this month.<br />

Mrs. Ella M. Ge<strong>org</strong>e, wife of Rev. Dr.<br />

Henry H. Ge<strong>org</strong>e, presided. The Union<br />

is in a prosperous condition, having<br />

30,000 rnembers, and a balance of<br />

$7,000 in its treasury. The 'convention<br />

had an attendance of 327 delegates.<br />

Mrs. Ge<strong>org</strong>e was re-ele'cted Persident.<br />

charge to the pastor, and Rev. F. M.<br />

***Up to this writing, Oct. 3, Rev. F. Wilson, the charge to the people. All<br />

E. Allen, during his short time at<br />

Winnipeg, Canada, has secured eleven<br />

new subscribers for the Christian<br />

Nation, and seven for the Minutes of<br />

***Writing from Edinburg, Scotland,<br />

Rev. S. E. Greer says: "Mrs. Greer<br />

and I are greatly enjoying our vacation<br />

trip in these old historic lands.<br />

A number of Boston friends gave us a<br />

good send off and our passage over to<br />

Queenstown was 'certainly a 'bon voyage.'<br />

I preached at Creevagh, Sept.<br />

7, Newry, Sept. 14, and for the Rev.<br />

We visited the .John Knox Monument<br />

in Glasgow on Sept. 22, the 88th anniversary<br />

of the rearing of that monument."<br />

***Tjje gale of Pastor Charles M.<br />

Sheldon's flrst great book, "In His<br />

Utterly _Wretched<br />

Steps," was phenomenal, and his new<br />

Nsryous Prostration Long Endured story, "Jesus Is Here," which begins<br />

vr,?J°r? Remedy was Found. in The Christian Herald of October<br />

p «iss Mmerva Remingor, Tipper Bern, 22, will certainly be read with a rev­<br />

*•> writes: "For several years I had erent eagerness by millions of people.<br />

w, H^ prostration, and was utterly It is a cause of thanksgiving by Christian<br />

people, that amidst the makng of<br />

,tMV, ®''- ^ tived on bread and beef<br />

tat "^^ my stomach would not reert<br />

» *"^'*'"^ 6'se. I took many rem-produced another story which, know­<br />

so many evil books, Mr. Sheldon has<br />

font'ti ' obtained no relief until I<br />

ing the man as we do, and judging<br />

tool y-°°^'^ Sarsaparilla, when I began<br />

from the title and the opening chapter,<br />

will again center the attention of<br />

pSain at once. Am now cured."<br />

ticrv ^^^^ blood makes good, strong<br />

vast multitudes on the Person and<br />

Iirm" ^""^ "^'^ is why Hood's SarsahloM<br />

"^""^^ purifies and enriches the<br />

chn- "ocoiated Getf."''^® , 'i to^ay tablets ^o rnany in usual called nervous liquid Sarsatabs. diseases. form or<br />

Power of Jesus in human life. Of<br />

course, all will read the opening chapter,<br />

in our Old Arm Chair Department<br />

on page three of this issue. We<br />

sincerely hope that very many of our<br />

readers will then communicate with<br />

The Christian Herald at once, sending<br />

M. Pearce, the pastor-elect of the<br />

First Church of Philadelphia. Rev.<br />

Findley M. Wilson, Moderator of<br />

Philadelphia Presbytery, presided.<br />

The Installation Sermon was preached<br />

by Re,v. J. C. McFeeters, from the<br />

text: E'ph. 3:8, "Unto me, who am<br />

less than the least of all saints, is this<br />

grace given, that I should preach<br />

among the Gentiles, the unsearchable<br />

riches of Christ." Dr, McFeeters discussed<br />

his theme under four divisions:<br />

I. The Preacher; II, The Preaching;<br />

III. The Intention; IV. The Reward.<br />

There followed the presentation of<br />

queries, and the Installation Prayer;<br />

then Dr. McFeeters delivered the<br />

of these services were solemnly inspiring.<br />

Addresses of welcome and<br />

greeting were heard from Rev. A.<br />

W'aldo Stevenson, Dr. R. C. Montgomery,<br />

Rev. John T, Faris, and Rev, E.<br />

Synod. Only a heart filled with a<br />

love for the Church moves a man to T, Swain. Very touching was the episode,<br />

when, on behalf of Mrs. Dr. T.<br />

take so statesman-like and practical a<br />

view of his opportunities. Reading P. Stevenson, a beautiful floraloffering<br />

was presented to Mr. and Mrs.<br />

the Church's literature makes intelligent<br />

and steadfast Covenanters. Pearce. This courtesy they valued<br />

greatly, a sweet expression of Mrs.<br />

Stevenson's continued interest and<br />

tender regard. Opportunity was given<br />

for all the members and friends pr'esent<br />

to greet the new pastor and. his<br />

wile; then, with prayer and the singing<br />

of the 133rd Psalm, the service<br />

was concluded.<br />

That the occasion was a glad one<br />

with us, goes without saying. We<br />

J. P. Struthers in Greenock, Scotland,<br />

were not only glad, but thankful. For<br />

Sept. 21. In each of these places the<br />

this pastor we prayed, oh, so earnestly,<br />

people were exceedingly kind to us.<br />

and he has come—"come in the fulness<br />

of the blessing of the gospel of<br />

We made our headquarters at Rev.<br />

.Tohn Lynd's, D.D., while in Ireland,<br />

Christ." We pray now for his success,<br />

and such royal treatment would be<br />

as we prayed for his coming. May the<br />

hard to excel. We expect to leave<br />

years of his pastorate be many, and<br />

here for London and to cross over to<br />

joyous, and fruitful. Enveloped in lov­<br />

the Continent about the firstof Oct.<br />

ing esteem and affection, may he<br />

never regret the day when he and his<br />

little family wended their way eastward,<br />

to Philadelphia, our "City of<br />

Brotherly Love." And now, with<br />

preciously fragrant memories of our<br />

dear, aged 'pastor, and under the magnetic-ministry<br />

of our dear young pastor,<br />

may we be a holy and a happy<br />

people, dwelling together in unity, as<br />

"heirs of the grace of life." S. M.<br />

Covenantsr Books; o'''<br />

FOR SALE Books of Testimony, Discirllne.<br />

Confession of Faith. Tales of<br />

Covenanters, Poets and Poetry. Homes<br />

and Haunts. Romanism Analysed.<br />

Chatechism, Minntes of Synod.<br />

JAMBS S. TIBBY, 411 Penn. Bldg.,<br />

Pittsburg, Pa.<br />

The Reformed Presbyterian Chnrch<br />

having no publishing house of ita own, it«<br />

members are advised to send their orders for<br />

Catechisms, Lesson Helps, Church and Sabbath<br />

School Supplies of every description to<br />

tu presbpterian Board of<br />

Witherspoon<br />

Bldg., Philadelphia publtcatjon tzt;:;<br />

Depositories<br />

W H a t ISc Will D o<br />

Thelittle niatter of ISc in stamps will bring- you the Pathflnderfor<br />

13 weeksontrial. ThePathflnderisanillustrated<br />

weekly, published atthe Nation's Capital, for the Nation; now<br />

inits 21st year ofi ncreasing success. The paper fillsthebill<br />

•withoutemptying- the purse ;it costs but $1 a year. Ifyou want<br />

to keep posted on whatis going onin the world, at the least expense<br />

of time or money, thisis your means. Ifyou wanta paperf<br />

n your home whichis sfncere, relmhle, entertaining, wholesome,<br />

the Pathfinderis yours. Ifyou would appreciate a paper<br />

which puts everything clearly, fairly, briefly—hereitis at<br />

last. BJj^NDED Send only IN" 15c to OUR show OWN thatyou WAKEHOUSE,<br />

migh Hike such a paper,<br />

and we will send Belfast, the Pathflnderon Ireland, probation 13 weeks. The<br />

IScdoesnotrepay ABSOLUTELY us, but qpi:; we are glad k to DOUBLE<br />

investin New Friends.<br />

Or send PURE $i for full year; ' C;/\5TRENQTH<br />

money back anv time If not<br />

satisfied. 1 Addre'is lb., 60c. Pathfinder. 1-3 lb., RxT, SOc, W^ffshingtOTi. P-P<br />

Also special 10c. packages.<br />

Sent postpaid on receipt of price.<br />

Guaranteed better than any One Dollar Tea<br />

One Price. One Quality. Sample Free<br />

Belfast Tea Co., 115 JFranklin St., N. Y.<br />

Barlow's Indigo Blue wiil not<br />

In use for fifty years is proof that it Cnnf f\t*<br />

lithe best. All grocers sell It. wJJUI. Ul<br />

If ree Samxtles Mailed -^ • •<br />

ADAH PFRonn & CO, streak<br />

Wholmsale Druggists PlA*hoe»<br />

233 North Second St.,Philadelphia vlUliUJb<br />


/tMUil 1^ LIGHTER<br />

Norel watch shaped Lighter. Oper-<br />

4 ated with one hand; gives an iiistantanj-\<br />

eous light every time. No electricity no<br />

D' J batterj , no wires, non-explosire; does<br />

away with matches. Lights<br />

anything and everything,<br />

gas jet, etc. Dandy thin ;<br />

for the end of your chain<br />

Tremendous seller. Writ -<br />

GHlBWl^li<br />

quick for wholesale terms<br />

and prices.<br />

.Brandt 'itEfWll^t<br />

Lighter Co , 148 Dnnne St.,N.T,<br />

Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup<br />

has been used lor over FIFTY YEARS by MIL-<br />


DREN WHILE TEETHING with perfect SUC<br />



WIND COLIC, and is the BEST REMEDY<br />

FOR DIARRHCEA. Sold hy druggists in ever?<br />

nart of the world.<br />

Twenty-five Cents a Botti"<br />

R h e u m a t i s m<br />

A Home Cure Given by One Who Had It<br />

In t'he spring: of 1893 I was attacked by<br />

Muscular and Inflammatory Rheumatism.<br />

I suffered as only those who have it know,<br />

for over three years. T tried remedv after<br />

remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such<br />

relief as I received was only temporary.<br />

Finally, I found a remedy that cured me<br />

completely, and it has never returned. I<br />

have given itto anumber v;-ho wereterribly<br />

afflicted and even bedridden with Rheumatism,<br />

and it effected a cure in every case.<br />

I want every sufferer from any form of<br />

rheumatic trouble to try this marvelouF<br />

healing power. Don't send a cent; simply<br />

mail your name and address and I will sendit free to<br />

try. After you have usedit andit has proven itself<br />

to be that lon^-looked-for means of curinjj your<br />

Rheumatism, you may send the price of it, one<br />

that relief today. true.—Pub.<br />

dollar, unless Mark Mr. fair? is you Jackson but, H. thus are Jackson, Why understand, offered perfectly is Syracuse,N. suffer responsible. No. you satisfied any 60 free I do Gurney longer ? not Y. Don't to Above want send Bldg., when delay. statement your it. positive Isn't Write money

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