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A r o u n d t h e O l d A r m C h a i r .<br />




ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1913.<br />

In harmony with the action of last<br />

Synod in connection with report of<br />

committee on Bible Reading folders,<br />

the following simple questions are offered<br />

as helpful to individuals or<br />

young people's circles that may desire<br />

to review the portions of Scripture<br />

read during the past three months.<br />

The ground covered in the Old Testament<br />

in that time was Genesis 44:18<br />

to Leviticus 2; and in the New Testament<br />

from Hebrews 13 to the end<br />

of Revelation and from the beginning<br />

to Matthew 22:23.<br />

1. What do we learn as to th-j<br />

vv'orkings of conscience in connection<br />

with the sale of Joseph by h's brethren?<br />

2. What was God's providential design<br />

in sending Joseph into Egypt?<br />

3. What was His design in allowing<br />

Jacob to go down witb his household<br />

to Egypt?<br />

4. In how many ways do you think<br />

Joseph illustrates in his experience the<br />

Lord Jesus Chr.st?<br />

5. Tell Joseph's policy in caring for<br />

the Egyptians in the time of famine.<br />

6. Of what value was Jacob's blessing<br />

to his sons?<br />

7. Why did Jacob and Joseph desire<br />

to be buried in tie land of<br />

Canaan?<br />

8. What official request did Joseph's<br />

brethren make of him after their father's<br />

death?<br />

9. What is the meaning of E.xodus.<br />

and why is the book so called?<br />

10. What change came over the<br />

experience of Israel in Egypt?<br />

11. How many of Jacob's family<br />

had gone down with him to Egypt?<br />

12. What are the three great<br />

periods of iMoses' life?<br />

13. Did Moses do right in slaying<br />

the Egyptian?<br />

14. What person of the God-head<br />

appeared in the burning bush to<br />

Moses?<br />

15. Name the signs that God gave<br />

.V'oses as proofs of h's mission to his<br />

Irethren.<br />

16. Name the ten plagues.<br />

17. What are the circumstances<br />

and meaning of the Passover?<br />

IS. Describe as well as you can the<br />

pillar of cloud a".d its meaning.<br />

19. Tell of the coming of the<br />

manna.<br />

20. What did the water from the<br />

reck and the manna signify?<br />

21. How and where were the ten<br />

commandments given?<br />

22. How many times did Moses go<br />

up into Mount Sinai?<br />

23. Tell what you can about the<br />

cm struction of the ark.<br />

24. How many different articles of<br />

fiirniture were made for the tabernacle<br />

service?<br />

25. How many stones were there<br />

in the breast-plate?<br />

2C. What was done with Aaron ard<br />

his sons to prepare them for ministering?<br />

27. What great sin occurred at<br />

Sinai and what were some of its results?<br />

28. Where was the material secured<br />

for making the ark and its furniture?<br />

29. What took place when the work<br />

was finished and the tabernacle was<br />

set up?<br />

30. Does the book of Hebrews<br />

throw much light on what we read in<br />

the latter part of the book of Exodus?<br />

31. Who was the author of the<br />

book of James? Which James?<br />

32. Is the book of James practical<br />

or doctrinal?<br />

33. What does James say about the<br />

tongue?<br />

34. What do we know about the<br />

character of Peter?<br />

35. What warning does he give as<br />

to the devil?<br />

36. How many books did John<br />

write?<br />

37. What one thing does John most<br />

emphasize in the First Epistle?<br />

38. Who was Jude; and give one<br />

important thought from his epistle.<br />

39. Why is the book of Revelation<br />

BO called?<br />

40. Who wrote Revelation and<br />

where?<br />

il. What were the seven churches,<br />

and where were they?<br />

42. Who was able to open the book<br />

sealed with seven seals?<br />

43. How many seals were opened?<br />

44. How many angels sounded with<br />

tl eir trumpets?<br />

45. AVhat became of the two witnesses?<br />

46. Who is meant by the woman arrayed<br />

with the sun?<br />

47. How many vials, or bowls, are<br />

poured upon the earth?<br />

48. What is meant by the woman<br />

who Is the great city which reigneth<br />

over the kings of the earth?<br />

49. How is Satan bound?<br />

50. What is the last gracious and<br />

beautiful invitation in the Word of<br />

God?<br />

51. How many gospels are there;<br />

and who wrote them?<br />

52. Who was Matthew, and when<br />

was he called?<br />

53. Where was Jesus born; and<br />

where else in Bible history is this<br />

town mentioned?<br />

.-14. How many Johns are prominent<br />

in Xew Testament history; and who<br />

was John the Baptist?<br />

55. Where, by whom, and why,<br />

was Jesus baptized?<br />

.50. How did Jesus defeat the devil<br />

in the Temptation?<br />

57. How many beatitudes can you<br />

mention?<br />

58. What was the Sermon on the<br />

Mount, and how many chapters does<br />

it occupy?<br />

59. How many distinct miracles<br />

are recorded in the Sth chapter of Matthew?<br />

CO. What was Jesus' attitude to the<br />

Sabbath?<br />

61. How many times is the klngfiom<br />

mentioned in the 13th chapter of<br />

Fatthew?<br />


C2. How many miracles of feeding<br />

the multitudes are recorded?<br />

63. How many were on the mount<br />

of transfiguration?<br />

64. What good object lesson of f<strong>org</strong>iveness<br />

is found in Matthew 18?<br />

65. How many grounds of divorce<br />

does Jesus mention in the 19th chapter?<br />

66. What kind of reception did<br />

Jesus receive at the triumphal entry<br />

into Jerusalem?<br />


OUTLOOK.<br />

Petuskey, Mich., Sept. 15, 1913.<br />

Editor Christian Nation: At this famous<br />

health resort, where are gathered<br />

people from all parts of the United<br />

States, one has a good opportunity<br />

if the world is growing better. After<br />

spending two vacations here fifteen<br />

and twenty years ago, and comparing<br />

the conditions then and now, we are<br />

sadly impressed with the manifest decline<br />

in public morals. Then there<br />

were no saloons, and but few theaters<br />

and places of evil resort. There was<br />

a flourishing Y. M. C. A., and street<br />

preaching on Sabbath, as well as general<br />

church attendance. But now all<br />

this is changed. The Sabbath can<br />

scarcely be distinguished from other<br />

days, except that the streets on that<br />

day are crowded with autos speeding<br />

hither and yonder at fearful speed.<br />

Very many, even of the church members,<br />

observe the Sahbath by going<br />

with their families in these auto excursions,<br />

until, as a lady complained,<br />

the churches and Sabbath schools are<br />

attended and run largely by the summer<br />

visitors. There is an appalling<br />

loss of life due to these Sabbath auto<br />

excursions. They seem to have no<br />

speed limit. In their violation of Sabbath<br />

laws, they have little respect fo;-<br />

human laws. The Detroit Free Press<br />

publishes, that, since January 1, 1913,<br />

forty-nine persons have lost their lives<br />

in Detroit and suburbs, as the result<br />

of automobile accidents, and a large<br />

proportion of these have been on Sabbath.<br />

Surely this is a great and rapidly<br />

growing menace to public safety.<br />

One also cannot fail in being impressed<br />

with the demoralizing influence<br />

of the Sunday newspaper which<br />

is issued in more than double size,<br />

and sold by newsboys at double price,<br />

to those thronging the hotels and<br />

boarding houses. Scarcely anything is<br />

read but these Simday papers. You<br />

would be the center of much observation<br />

if you were seen reading your<br />

Bible. I fear few of us realize how<br />

much these Sunday papers are destroying<br />

moral sentiment, with their sporting<br />

news, and narrations cf crime, and<br />

by displacing better reading, aud<br />

vitiating our taste for it.<br />

The great Bay View Chautauqua Assembly,<br />

which in former years employed<br />

the best talent, and whose<br />

large auditorium was crowded, is now<br />

far short of what it once was, and is.<br />

not attended as in years past. The<br />

theatres, saloons, picture shows and<br />

other entertainments attract the visitors.<br />

But Petuskey has made wonderful<br />

improvement in material things.<br />

Its rapid growth has been phenomenal.<br />

Its electric lighting, and concrete sidewalks<br />

and streets, and fine residences,<br />

and schools, and churches, are uneqmaled<br />

by any city of its size. It<br />

also has a fine public library. The<br />

to judge of the moral trend, and see population is more than doubled during<br />

the summer. The keepers of thelargest<br />

hotels and boarding houses go<br />

to Florida, where they run hotels during<br />

the winter. Anyone desiring to<br />

winter in Petuskey, can occupy houses<br />

free of rent, just for taking care of<br />

them.<br />

M. A. GAULT.<br />


Ohio Presbytery met at Cedarville,<br />

0., Sept. 18th, 1913, in accordance M'ith<br />

arrangements made as to time and<br />

place by the Interim Commission. The<br />

ministerial members having settled<br />

pastorates were ail present, and the<br />

eldership was well represented. Rev.<br />

John Coleman was chosen Moderator<br />

and presided with suitable dignity.<br />

Business was mostly of a routine ,<br />

character. The committee on Discipline<br />

reported that no matters came before :<br />

them for adjustment. This was hailed<br />

as significant of the millenium ap-,<br />

proaching.<br />

Tte resignations of Revs. J. M. Faris<br />

and S. R. Wallace, from their respec-,<br />

tive charges, were finallyaccepted,; af-i<br />

ter considerable discussion, in order;<br />

that Synod's recommendation aS' to,<br />

these two fields might be carried into<br />

effect. I ,<br />

Examination of Cedarville congre-,<br />

gation was conducted by the Presbytery.<br />

Also two conferences were held<br />

in connection with the meeting. One;<br />

on Evangelism ,the other on Systematic<br />

Beneficence. The former was in;<br />

the hands of workers from the South-;<br />

ern Mission. • The latter was condtioted<br />

by members of the court. Bothi<br />

were profitable.<br />

Presbyterial communion was observ-i<br />

ed in connection with the meeting Of<br />

Presbytery, the various members taking<br />

part in the servl'ce. The occasion'<br />

was a profitable one, and the fellowship<br />

we enjoyed with our Cedarville<br />

brethren, both in their homes and in<br />

the house of God, will not soon • he^<br />

f<strong>org</strong>otten.<br />

The next annual meeting will be at<br />

Cincinnati, the second Tuesday of Sep-:<br />

tember, 1914.<br />

W. M. ROBB, Clerk.

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