S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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Xww York Presbytery is called to Vr. Peoples gave us a very interestmeet<br />

in pro re nata session in the ins talk in the church one evening re-<br />

Second Church, Boston, on October ctntly. He attended the Woman's<br />


21st, at 10 a. m. In accordance with Presbyterial of Southern Illinois, at<br />

the instructions of Synod, Presbytery Bloomington, Ind., on the third of ready to pay the price in time and<br />

will inquire into the advisabiiity of September, and profited financiallyas effort ?<br />

re-arranging congregational lines in well as adding to the interest of the What do you think the other<br />

the vicinity of Boston. A meeting will meeting.<br />

members should do? Are you doing<br />

be held in the Second Church on the Mrs. Richard Boyd has returned<br />

it?<br />

evening of October 21 and in the First from an extended visit with relatives Whose ideal did Paul accept?<br />

Church on the evening of October 22. in Iowa and Kansas.<br />

The attainments of his neighbors?<br />

A full attendance of the congrega- Licentiate Thomas Graham was The more persons take part each<br />

ticns is earnestly desired. The topic ^ith us the last three Sabbaths of time, what effect will be seen in<br />

for the Presbyterial Conference will August and we enjoyed very much his the variety of the meeting.<br />

be "Evangelistic Work: Its Import- practical preaching.<br />

The question of how to make<br />

ance. Methods, and Topics." There Mrs. J. W. Torrens is entertaining this the best year in the history of<br />

will be no set addresses, hut all ths her sister, Mrs. Gertrude Conover, of each society is largely a matter for<br />

members of Presbytery will be expected<br />

to make the conference help­<br />

Melville and Charles Carson have worth of a State, in the long run,<br />

Chicago, at present.<br />

decision by each member. "The<br />

ful.—John H. Pritchard, Clerk. returned to Geneva College from this is the worth of the individuals<br />

• ~" congregation.<br />

composing it." So it is with a<br />

HOW TO' MAKE THE GLOW, THE j. goyd Tweed has been home for<br />

young people's society.<br />

GLADNESS, -4-ND THE AMBL several weeks, preaching the past few<br />

A better year must be different<br />

TION OF YOUTH PER- Sabbaths at Coulterville Congregation.<br />

from other jjears, otherwise it<br />

PETUAL.<br />

He assisted Rev. H. G. Foster, of<br />

would not be better. Now, in<br />

Last October we republished an Sparta, with communion service. Sabarticle<br />

by Walter Griffith, which had bath, the 14th. He goes soon to take<br />

what way are we each expecting<br />

to be different? Most of us talk<br />

appeared in The Review of Reviews, up the work of First Beaver Falls<br />

about a better year and better society<br />

witbout any thought usually<br />

entitled, "Why Man of Today is Only Congregation, Pa,<br />

50 per cent. Efficient." The writer's<br />

Mrs. Moses Keady is very poorly<br />

and in the hospital at Arma. Prayers<br />

-were asked for her at the L. M. S. to be different. That is why- the<br />

that we are ourselves necessarily<br />

interest iu it is because of his own<br />

experience about ten years ago. Some<br />

meeting of Oct. 19 will be devoted<br />

ot our readers know of the prostrating<br />

illness which overtook me and nl' TEES HIS GOODS.<br />


talking about a better society,<br />

the mouths of total incapacity whicli Last Spring we advertised a panama and then the meeting of Oct. 26<br />

ensued. When every treatment tried<br />

hat tor one dollar, sold by Mr. Geo. be no better. No one is disappointed,<br />

either. You can not be dis­<br />

C. Bungay, manufacturers' importer,<br />

had failed and all hope of recovery<br />

28 South William street. New York.<br />

was lost, a friend's advice led me to<br />

appointed if you expect nothing,<br />

Ths one dollar panama hat had an<br />

consult a professor in the Long Island<br />

for you will always get at least<br />

immense sale; it was a remarkable<br />

College Hospital, who prescribed for<br />

bargain. We now have from th's that much. How do we want to<br />

comfort the use of a digestive powder,<br />

same advertiser the offer of a felt change? What will we plan for<br />

and for restoration, the use of the internal<br />

bath. A change soon appeared.<br />

and work for and expect and be<br />

hat at an even greater bargain, namely,<br />

and health and strength first slowly ^^^<br />

59c.<br />

^ ^^^^^<br />

One pays<br />

^^^<br />

about<br />

^^.^ .^<br />

that<br />

^<br />

price<br />

consciously disappointed if we do<br />

and then with more rapid steps. That ^,_^^ ^__^ ^__^ ^^ __^ ^ ^^ ^_ not get? This is a meeting at<br />

which I then used to restore health<br />

felt hat that would cost from |1 to<br />

with full efficiency, I have used ever<br />

$1.25 anywhere else. Mr. Bungay is which to appoint or hear a report<br />

since to retain it. Never in all the intervening<br />

years had I seen an article<br />

so sure of the quality that he guarantees<br />

in case of any one's dissatisfac­<br />

The report of the committee on<br />

from the plan of work committee.<br />

except my own on the value of the intion,<br />

to return<br />

.,,,,*<br />

your money<br />

r% i<br />

and<br />

f<br />

allow<br />

^ „ Young People's Societies to 'the<br />

' ^ ,. , , J i 1 yoLi to keep the hat. Order at once,<br />

addressing Geo. C. Bungay, 28 South Synod of 1913 says, "AVe commend<br />

our young people for the<br />

this ternal one bath, by Walter until I Griffith chanced and to I read de­•termined to get it for readers of this<br />

_ . „ „ _ „„ _ .,<br />

William street. New York.<br />

paper, and to commend again, aa I had<br />

loyal response to the recommendations<br />

made by the last Synod.<br />

so frequently done before, the incomparable<br />

value of the internal bath as a<br />

Reports show that all the books<br />

Prayer Meeting Topic.<br />

health producer and preserver, and for YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPIC<br />

recommended last year have been<br />

making the glow and gladness and FOR OCTO'BBR 19.<br />

iimbition ot youth perpetual.<br />

nsed, except tbe one on finance.<br />

By Rev. Geo. S. Coleman.<br />

The republication of that article in<br />

Classes on "How to do personal<br />

How to make this the best year<br />

there columns brought many inquiries<br />

work" are established in at least<br />

(o me. I can not commend this simple<br />

in our society's history.—Phil. 3 :<br />

15 of our congregations." This<br />

and inexpensive and delightfully effeo- 7'^5-<br />

suggests immediately two things<br />

tive treatment too strongly, and as Psalms—26:4-6; 40:9-10; 43:3-<br />

there is a universal need I am again 5. 84:5-8; 86:9-10, I4!-I5; II9:<br />

publishing an announcement of it '^ o r 's<br />

(ths time, also, by Walter Grif- V' *"' ^' '<br />

fith) on page 3. I could wish for tible References—Tit. 2:14;<br />

every good man and woman the capa- Eph. 2:10; 2 Pet. I :9; 3:18; Matt.<br />

city for and joy in work which is mine, yy. Q^^i g.g- L^j^g jg.^. -g_Q^-^<br />

and I believe it is possible in most j2:ii-i2; I Thess K-iq- i Cor<br />

of the cases of illness which come to ' '' ^' ,<br />

10:33; Heb. 12:1-3; 2 Chron. 15:<br />

my notice. ^^ -kt , ^<br />

JOHN W. PRITCHARD. I?: 3I:2I; Neh. 4:6.<br />


What kept Paul from conceit<br />

and .self-satisfaction?<br />

Can Christian gain be attained<br />

without cost? Is your society<br />

at least that leave room for a "better<br />

vear." We can get more action<br />

on finance, and surely we can have<br />

personal work classes in more<br />

than 15 societies.<br />

The report says further, "We<br />

regret that we do not find our<br />

young men as interested and active<br />

and loyal as our young women."<br />

A partial explanation of the<br />

matter seems easy. It takes more<br />

courage for a boy or a young man<br />

to be "religious," attend meetings<br />

and take part, sitting somewhere<br />

else than in the back seats in<br />

church, and be openly against<br />

swearing, unclean talk, and the use<br />

of tobacco.<br />

Apparently, toO' many<br />

of the young men do not have<br />

this extra courage. (Sometimes<br />

the need in country congregations<br />

for the young men to help with<br />

"the chores" may account for their<br />

absence from evening meetings,<br />

but is that what keeps a young<br />

man in the back seat and makes<br />

him hesitate to speak out for the<br />

religious side in public?) A boy<br />

is allowed to do worse things more,'<br />

openly than a girl, and it is all to<br />

the disadvantage of the boy. Only,<br />

when our church catches more ful- ,<br />

ly the spirit of devotion to a cause, i<br />

the attitude of the heroic, will iti:<br />

bring out its young men. Paul,,<br />

is an inspiring example.<br />

Hopkinton, la. , ;4|<br />

REVIVED.<br />

Old-Time Health, Eating Grape-<br />

Nuts.<br />

"1 had been sick for 10 years<br />

with dyspepsia and a lot of complications,"<br />

wrote an Ark. woman?<br />

"An operation was advised,<br />

change of climate suggested, but<br />

no one seemed to know just what<br />

was the matter. I was in bed<br />

three days in the week and got<br />

so thin I weighed only 89 pounds.<br />

No food seemed bo agree with me.<br />

"I told my husband I was going<br />

to try some kind of predigested<br />

food to see if I could keep from<br />

this feeling of continued hunger.<br />

"Grape-Nuts and cream was the<br />

food I got and nothing has seemli<br />

ed to satisfy me like it. I never<br />

feel hungry, but bave a natural<br />

appetite. Have had no nervous.<br />

spells since I began tbis food, and<br />

have taken no medicine. ~<br />

"I have gained so much strength<br />

that I now do all my housework<br />

and feel well and strong. ^%<br />

weight has increased 8 pounds in<br />

8 weeks and I shall always eat<br />

Grape-Nuts as it is far pleasanteif<br />

tban taking medicines." Name S'^\<br />

•-n by Postum Co., Battle Creek,<br />

Alich. Read "The Road to Welli|<br />

ville," in pkgs. "There's a rea-.<br />

son."<br />

'>f^<br />

Ever read the above letterf'A new<br />

one appears frprn time to tl""- '"*"<br />

are genuine, true, and full oi human;<br />

Interest.<br />

..-.->':<br />


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