S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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A r o u n d t h e O l d A r m C h a i r<br />


been leading perishing souls to<br />

In the Underworld' of New York.<br />

their Saviour.<br />

By Anna Pritchard Ge<strong>org</strong>e.<br />

In the hot summer months when<br />

Long years ago—about forty-<br />

"Go ye into all the worid and schools are closed, and the child- _ -<br />

many<br />

years with her noble band<br />


^ ^ ^ , , ren roam the streets, falling eas- one—Jerry McAuley, one of the<br />

preach the Gospel to every crea- .^^ .^^^^ ^.^ ^^^ ^^^^ of something worst .sinners this world has ever<br />

ture!" All our home cities, large gigg to do, and when the church<br />

known, was brought to Jesus. His<br />

and email, are as much a part work is at low tide, the Evangel- sins had been as scarlet but he<br />

,. ,, ^ , istic Committee of New York was made white as snow. Jerrys<br />

of the world needing the Gospel . . • j h^rt vearned to brine the same<br />

city carries on a tent, open-air and neart yearnea lo uimj^ uic sani^<br />

of Salvation as are darkest Af- gj^^p campaign in ten different happiness linto the lives of his<br />

rica and benis^hted China. New languages. This \ is their ninth brothers in crime. He chose as<br />

sinners who seek the doorsTof<br />

Water Street Mission are for the<br />

most part those who are absolutely<br />

down and out. Many come<br />

, . , year. Sinners crowd around the his field 316 Water street, in the<br />

York IS so tmi full ot of misery ana and ^^^^^^^ -^ ^^ ^^^^ ^.^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^p_ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ,^„^^^,„ ,3 Cherry Hill, or are sent from great distances.<br />

wretchednessi caused by sm, that ^.jg^ -^^ ^|^g ^ q£ qJ^j^ Jj^ q,.,^ a section infested with stale beer From seven a. m. till late at'<br />

night the doors are open, givinga<br />

hearty welcome to all who en­<br />

if one but reaches out the hand spot where a tent was erected ror dives, terrible dens of iniquity, the<br />

, • , • ,„.A t^;a .,^„ ..r five years is a prosperous Italian haunts of the city's most desperhe<br />

19 contaminated. Did you ev- -^ . . ^ 1 ^^..o tTo,-o tr,/-> wrprp ter. But homeless and helpless'<br />

, , . . congregation of 320 members. An ate characters. Heie, too, were drunkards are most wielcome of<br />

er<br />

for<br />

experience<br />

lost souls,<br />

the<br />

the<br />

burning<br />

overwhelming<br />

passion j^^j.^^^ p^^^^^ ^^.^^ „.j,j^^ ^^^^^^^._ ^^^^^^ sub-cellar holes, reached<br />

vices<br />

have stirred the minds of only from the street, from which<br />

all. No one is too low for the<br />

desire to bring them to Christ? parents to a sense of responsibil- if once lured in, one seldom<br />

love and power of Jesus to save,l<br />

and the motto of Water Street<br />

Spend a few nights in the con- ity for the souls of their children." emerged again. It is impassible<br />

IMission is, "Never give a man up,'<br />

gested districts of this great city Said a now happy wife, "My hus- to describe the horrors and dan-<br />

... • •,,• .1 hand whinnpH me most everv dav .Rers of this community where Jerwith<br />

its teeming millions, see the "^"

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