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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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12 THE CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. 59.<br />

MARRIED.<br />


Mr. Robert J. Crawford, clerk in<br />

Franklin Bank, and -iiVIiss Marion<br />

Henry, teacher in grammar school,<br />

both of Philadelphia, were united iu<br />

marriage at their own residence, 2119<br />

Ml. Vernon street, Philadelphia, on the<br />

evening of September 4, 1913, J. C.<br />

McFeeters, D.D., officiating. The event<br />

was a very pleasant affair, taking<br />

place in the presence of forty or more<br />

guests. The parlor was artistically<br />

decorated with palms, white hydrangeas,<br />

and ferns. Mr. Mansfield, of<br />

Germantown, gracefully performed the<br />

duties of master of ceremonies, and<br />

iu like manner, Mrs. Mansfield played<br />

the wedding march. The bride and Grove were not represented. The<br />

gioom moved softly across the floor,<br />

past year has been very good; no<br />

in the spirit of the music, into the<br />

presence of the minister, who stood<br />

beside the palms. They were preceded<br />

by the bride's mother and brother,<br />

and accompanied by the Matron of<br />

Honor, Mrs. Edward Seeley, who carried<br />

a large bouquet of pink roses.<br />

The bride was dressed in a gown of<br />

white crepe de chine, trimmed with<br />

duchess lace, and with a pearl band<br />

around the neck. The waist was ornamented<br />

with a ipearl festoon. A long<br />

train added much to the attractiveness,<br />

Her hair was tastefully arranged<br />

with a rhinestone band and orange<br />

blossoms. She carried a large shower<br />

bouquet of white roses.<br />

A brief ceremony, including prayer<br />

for the happy coupie, sealed the marriage<br />

covenant; then followed ths<br />

hearty congratulations and loving<br />

wishes by all present. Soon afterward,<br />

the guests were received around a<br />

bountiful table, where the bride, according<br />

to custom, performed her part<br />

in cutting the wedding cake, and all<br />

enjoyed a feast. In one of the rooms<br />

a large assortment of valuable presents<br />

attested the esteem In which<br />

both the bride and groom are held by<br />

numerous friends. After refreshments,<br />

the happy pair disappeared in an automobile,<br />

for an extended honeymoon<br />

tour. May the happiness so blissfully<br />

begun continue, and increase throughout<br />

a long lifetime.<br />


The following persons from Sharon,<br />

(Iowa) congregation are in attendance<br />

at college: Mr. 'Calvin and Miss Ola<br />

McClurkin, Miss Iva Allen and Mr.<br />

Dloyd Edgar, at Geneva; Miss Helena<br />

Reid at Monmouth, Mr. Floyd Allen<br />

at Iowa State University, Mr. Clarence<br />

Eaxter at Highland Park, Des Moine?,<br />

Ia. In addition to these, Mr. Austin<br />

Hayes is attending High School at<br />

V/tfshington. There are also four cX<br />

the young ladies of the congregation<br />

teaching: Miss Lela McClurkin in the<br />

high school at Vandalia, Mo., and the<br />

Misses Ora Hayes, Eunice Reed and<br />

Ella Mae Beatty in the district<br />

schools of the neighborhood.<br />

A large number of the Sharon people<br />

attended the Mediapolis, Chautauqua<br />

again this year, most of them<br />

camping on the grounds. We had a<br />

splendid program.<br />

Miss Helen Joseph, a member of<br />

Hopkinton congreg'ation and a graduate<br />

of Lenox College, is teaching this<br />

year in the Mediapolis High School.<br />

We are glad to have her in our midst.<br />

More than a dozen of the boys and<br />

girls of Sharon congregation are attending<br />

the Morning Sun and Mediapolis<br />

schools, part of them in the high<br />

school, and part in the Sth grade.-<br />


Iowa Presbytery met in annual session<br />

on Sept. 9 at Morning Sun. T. C.<br />

McKnight was elected moderator, Geo.<br />

S. Coleman, clerk, and F. E. Allen, assistant<br />

clerk. There was a very good<br />

attendance; Lake Reno and Hickory<br />

congregation had a loss and most had<br />

a gain. Not only are our numbers increased<br />

but the spirit seems good. That<br />

this may, if possible, contiue, a committee<br />

was appointed to report at the<br />

next meeting on the state of religion<br />

in the Presbytery with special regard<br />

to attendance at prayer meetings, interest<br />

in the meetings, family worship,<br />

study of the catechism, possibility of<br />

students for the seminary, personal<br />

work, definite purpose in Sabbath<br />

School work, giving, and the extent to<br />

which the seeking of the kingdom<br />

seems to be put flrstin each congr,©gation.<br />

We do not yet have a Presbyterial<br />

Home Mission Secretary.<br />

The evening conference was given<br />

to a discussion of Christian Stewardship<br />

and the Baptism of the Spirit. H.<br />

G. Patterson, the retiring moderator,<br />

preached on the testimony of nature<br />

to the reality of a future existence.<br />

The kindness of the people of Morning<br />

Sun, the encouraging character of<br />

the reports, and the inspiration of<br />

meeting with other workers, made the<br />

occasion very pleasant.<br />

"All at it and always at it." Last<br />

fall when I preached for the Wyman,<br />

Iowa, congregation, the people all<br />

seemed to be present. Again the small<br />

company had a surprising attendance<br />

Sept. 14, when I saw them again. The<br />

congregation is self-supporting. If<br />

Covenanters must move, why not move<br />

there. Others than Covenanters do it.<br />

—Geo. S. Coleman.<br />

W. O. Ferguson visited his old home<br />

at Hopkinton, Iowa, during his vacation;<br />

and preached there Sept. 7 and<br />

14, in the absence of the pastor.<br />


FOR SALE.<br />

In Beautiful Northern New Jersey.<br />

Twelve room house, barn and si.x<br />

acres. Adjoining Madame Schumann-<br />

Eeink's estate. North Caldwell, New<br />

•Jersey, only twenty miles from<br />

Xew York, easy commuting distanca;<br />

500 feet altitude, overlooking Passaic<br />

Valley. Thirty mile panorama,<br />

Electric light, running water, bath,<br />

artesian well, tennis court, 150 fruit<br />

trees, lawns, asparagus bed, strawberry<br />

bed, etc. $12,000. Reasonable<br />

terms. Address C. R. Lerch, North<br />

Caldwell, New Jersey.<br />

\a D O L L S E N S A T I O N<br />


2 FINE DOLLS ViSi<br />

\A Great Big Beautiful DoHf^Wi^^.<br />

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