S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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October 1, 191''^- A FAMILY PAPER. 11<br />

Women Can Refund to expect of each of us. One is Consecration<br />

and the other is Concentra-<br />


Convention Expenses<br />

Wendell Phillips in his day had a<br />

. , ., , tion. Consecration means we are to<br />

Anv woman who expects to attend . ,<br />

•famous lecture on "The Lost Arts,"<br />

i M s W. C. T. U. Convention ^'''^ ourselves over fully to Chr.st, in the course of which he amazed<br />

• BrooWyn, N. Y., 'can refund her that His will in our lives may be his audience by demonstrating that<br />

Convention expenses by inducing her supreme. Concentration means we<br />

most modern achievements were but inventions<br />

and discoveries of common<br />

friends to enjoy the advantages of a are to diligently use all the talents<br />

:SpScT in'Se^o^ly^Srany^ThJt ^ f - '" ^^^ furthering of the partemperate<br />

people can afford to patron- ticular work we have to do. If we possession among the ancients, the<br />

ize. The only company that acknow- have the proper consecration, we canledges<br />

in dollars and cents that tem- not fail to flnd the work God wants<br />

perate people are better risks and „^, ,^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^<br />

ciinuld have lower rates. The only , ^. i t^ ur >.c<br />

Sany issuing a policy to temper- Oration we cannot fail to honor God<br />

ate people which covers life and pays in that work.<br />

weekly sums while disabled from Several conferences for the benefit<br />

accidents. All at a lower rate than of those especially interested in<br />

k U'suallv charged for straight life r^, , .• , , , , , ,<br />

• urance<br />

Christian work were held outside of<br />

It will pay you to call or write for the church before the regular sesdetails.<br />

to sions. mention The keynote the many of these helpful meetings suggestions<br />

Consecration. of those present, It but is impossible we would<br />

253 Broadway, New York.<br />

American Temperance Liife was<br />

isPORT Insurance OF THE As.sociation,<br />

TWENTIETH AN- ^^'^® *° =''^^ ^ ^®^ °f thoughts exaid<br />

of electricity.<br />

^<br />

P o w e r ,<br />

NITAL CONVENTION OF THE '''"^''^"^ ^^ Missionary A. I. Robh, who<br />

Nurse taking baby ont for an arr-T<br />

said:—"The most important thing is<br />

ing, the lad's athletics, the young<br />


to go to the mission fleld,but woman's tennis, and father's golf, are For YOU<br />


first of all, to get right with God, to vibration by other names, practiced<br />

I<br />

(Concluded from last week.) be ready to say 'Thy Will be Done.' for developing red blood, defeating New Strength, Vim and Vigor<br />

"Giving to the Lord a Safe Investment,"<br />

by John Gault of Sterling: God, and then take it back, and the tion! And vibration, mechanically<br />

It is pcssible 'to make a surrender to disease and developing life—recrea­<br />

all yours! Strength that is more than<br />

mere muscular'Strength. The strength of perfect<br />

reason some of us do not make a produced in the body, effects in a<br />

health, abunda;it nerve force—the strength of<br />

"Giving fills a large place in society.<br />

keen enjoyment and appreciation now within<br />

complete surrender is because we are measure the same results; but when<br />

your reach through vibration! Nine out of ten<br />

As a safe investment, givmg assures afraid God will ask us to do somea<br />

reward. Oiving to the Lord brings thing we think is too hard."<br />

these results. A storm,— which is<br />

electrically produced it intensifies<br />

people are only half alive. How about yourself?<br />

Send coapou below lor paitieularfa about Uie<br />

joy to the heart of the giver, wins- Tuesday evening was given over electrical vibration in the air,—purifies<br />

and vitalizes the atmosphere.<br />

Wonderful New/3<br />

tbe esteem and favor of men, wins to a social. A highly entertaining<br />

tbe esteem and favor of God, as to<br />

program was rendered, and refreshments<br />

were served to about three day's washing. The sudden alterna­<br />

Electric Vibrator<br />

It is winter. iMother has flnished a White Cross<br />

material prosperity, and as to spiritual<br />

growth and development from the Another feature for which the So-their work, and she has pains in her ment gives you the<br />

hundred people.<br />

tions of heat and cold have done This wonderful instru­<br />

thie<br />

Etandpoint of the donor, giving is un- cial Committee was doubtless responsible<br />

was a hayrack ride and water­<br />

snow, and not accustomed to such agents intheworld—vibrai<br />

back. Father has shoveled off the greatest natural curati<br />

doubtedly worth while."<br />

melon party on Thursday evening for strenuous work, suffers paroxysms of faradic and galvanic electi<br />

ieity. WewiU send<br />

"Our Distinctive Principles" were<br />

those of the delegates who found it pain at every movement up or down.<br />

discussed by Rev. W. A. Aikin, Rev.<br />

convenient to remain until Friday. Daughter is a teacher, or a stenographer,<br />

or a bookkeeper, has had a chine to you on free<br />

this wonderful ma­<br />

Paul Coleman, Rev. Owen P. Thompson<br />

and Licentiate Ernest Patton. Committee in assigning the delegates hard day, and comes home with a trial. Here is your<br />

The patience of the Entertainment<br />

The following are a few thoughts ^^'^ *-^® kindness and hospitality of<br />

bursting headache. In each instance<br />

opportuni ty to have<br />

(rom the Farewell Address given by the people of the Winchcester congregation<br />

in opening their homes were parts, and the pain is eased. What is<br />

loving hands massage the aching<br />

the greatest of all<br />

curative agents in<br />

Rev. D. H. Elliott of Winchester:<br />

your ovvn home all<br />

very much appreciated, and the plea> this but vibration? But this ministry<br />

"This<br />

y<br />

Twenfeth Convention of our<br />

tlie time. Doij't be<br />

ant and profltable hours spent with of love is much more quickly and<br />

mng People's Union will go down ^hem will long be remem-bered by easily accomplisbed, and the pain<br />

on Gods records as a failure unless those present.<br />

thoroughly banished, when an electric<br />

t brings more of Christ into our ^his was the largest convention vibrator is used. The wonder is, that<br />

i-esand unless we-bring forth more ever held of the Young People's they are not more generally used. In<br />

't tor Chnst. I wonder now, as pinion of the Kansas Presbytery, the any vibrator-blessed home, the family<br />

separate, if we are not willing .t^tai number of delegates being 11.5. would about as soon think of trying<br />

Ask your doctor how often he prescribes<br />

an alcoholic stimulant for children. He<br />

will probably say, "Very, very rarely."<br />

p, m<br />

Ask him how often he prescribes a tonic<br />

Cr/H * ""^ ''""'"• "*""' for ^y"'' them. •5

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