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S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org

S C R I B N E R ' S M A G A Z I N E Important ... - Rparchives.org


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10 THE CHRISTIAN NATION. Vol. 69.<br />


In man or woman can come only from<br />

perfect digestion. The 'best way to<br />

improve the digestion, without drugs,<br />

is by means of Jlurray's Charcoal Tablets<br />

(absolutely unmedieated). These<br />

are a simple yet perfect remedy for<br />

heartburn, waterbrash, gas in the<br />

stomach, and all other condtions that<br />

produce a muddy complexion. For<br />

10 cents in stamps, a full size, 25-cent<br />

box will be mailed, once only. A. J.<br />

Ditman, 4 Astor House, N. Y.<br />

CHll^PSfti<br />

^liiiilG<br />

HEBRON, KAN.<br />

Our pastor was absent for a few<br />

days visiting friends near Superior,<br />

Keb. During his absence, Dr. J. Boggs<br />

Dodds conducted services in Hebron<br />

on Sept. 7th in the forenoon, also lectured<br />

in the evening in the Idana<br />

Presbyterian Church on the subject<br />

"Better Citizenship." Many would be<br />

pleased to hear him again.<br />

Our young people who attended the<br />

convention at Winchester, report a<br />

good time and give evidence that they<br />

received benefit.<br />

Mrs. 's Soothing Syrup Walter S. Dickson is home from<br />

has -beemised for over FIFTY YEARS hv MIL­ Northfleld to attend the Berkeley<br />


Preparatory School in Boston.<br />

DREN WHILB TEETHING with perfect SUC­<br />

CESS. It SOOTHES THE CHILD, SOFTENS Rev. James McCune attended prayer<br />

meeting here on his way to Barnes­<br />


WIND COLic, and is the BEST REMEDY ville, X. B.<br />

FOR DIARRHCEA. Sold by druggists in every y.iss Ruth M. Walker spent her<br />

5»rt of tlie world.<br />

vacJt'on with relatives in and around<br />

ti:e Twenty-five christian Cents nation a Bottl'' pub<br />

lishing coivipany<br />

Bar'-set, Vt., and had the additional<br />

Publication Office, 154 Nassau St., pleasure cf hearing Rev. Samuel Ed-<br />

New York City, N. Y., U. S. A. ,gar, v/ho assisted Rev. D. C. Faris<br />

JOHN W. PRITCHARD, President. at communion. Mrs. Walker and<br />


Single Copy $2.00<br />

Elbic have been in Vermont all sumrcer.<br />

In Clubs (Five or more copies to Miss Bessie Scott was married to<br />

one name) 1-50 Roland Brett at the home of her aunt,<br />

In foreign countries, 50 cent.s addi iNirs. .-\. A. Spragg, on the afternoon<br />

tional for postage, per year.<br />

ct June 10th. She took us so much by<br />

Club Agents receive a free copy for<br />

each TEN copies in their club; and<br />

regular correspondents are entitled to<br />

a free copy.<br />


For Each Insertion.<br />

Display, Per Agate Line $0.10<br />

Beading Notices, Per Agate Line. .25<br />

Display, Per Inch 1.40<br />

Display, Page Rate<br />

64.Ol*<br />


iMiss Hannah M. Carson and Miss<br />

E, Greeta Morton are attending the<br />

Bryant and Stratton Commercial<br />

f chocl.<br />

of the summer. What ought the<br />

winter to be?<br />

Onr mid-week prayer meetings<br />

have been the best ever. We will<br />

tell more about them some other<br />

time.<br />

Rev. Samuel Edgar preached in our<br />

church Sabbath morning, Sept. 14th.<br />

while our pastor occupied the 1st<br />

Boston pulpit. Mr. Edgar sails from<br />

(Boston, Sept. 20th, but he leaves inspiring<br />

mess'ages in the hearts of all<br />



The Central Board held its regular<br />

monthly meeting in the Treasurer's<br />

True<br />

True<br />

Vj,lues B & E Values<br />

women's gloves<br />

who have heard him speak.<br />

Rev. Bayles of Clay Center, is expected<br />

to meet with the W. C. T. U.<br />

at their next meeting at the home<br />

SKLI. S. S. ni.ASS PKNNANTS! 'if our pastor.<br />

HERE'S YOUR XMAS MONEY. Agents over O'-t. 19 is the time set for our communion<br />

service. Rev. Thompson, of<br />

16 wanted. Beautiful Heavy 'K'elt Pennants,<br />

with felt letters, to order, any class name desired,<br />

at Bargain Prices. Big Commissions Mr. Will Caskey, late of Kansas offlce in the Penn<br />

Tabor, assistant.<br />

paid. Write today. Pioneer Pennant Plant, City, recently came to visit his sister,<br />

Mrs. M. A. Black. While out rid­<br />

Dept. H., Batavia, K. Y.<br />

I W a s Deaf 2S Years<br />

missions under<br />

ing one evening, he was suddenly<br />

i Can Now Hear/<br />

seized by a sickness which rendered<br />

iwitb these soft, artifieiall<br />

him unconscious. Falling from the<br />

mik. lear drums. 1 wear them\<br />

buggy he received further injury. He<br />

^^.Ijin my ears night and day.<br />

was taken to tbe home of his sister, Dr.<br />

They are perfectly com-<br />

where medical aid was 'called, but he the<br />

Building, on<br />

Monday, Sept. 16th. Reports from the Boys' Blue Suits—Norfolk mod^,<br />

the charge of the els—large showing, $5.00, $8.50,.,<br />

Board were read and a full report<br />

.Sio.oo to $15.00.<br />

'<br />

from the Home Mission Secretary,<br />

Blue Serge Russian and Sailo'<br />

Dl. J. S. Thompson, was also received.<br />

Blouse Suits,, $4.00 to $10.00. .^<br />

Thompson was instructed by<br />

Blue Velvet Sailor and Russiai<br />

Board to prepare a program<br />

fortable. No one see3 MeOicaletl Ear Druia rapidly declined and after only one<br />

Blouse Suits at special pricesages<br />

21-2 to 8, $5.00.<br />

tbem. Write rue and I Pal. Nov. 3,1808<br />

which may be followed by our congregations<br />

in the observance of Home<br />

- day's Buffering, fell asleep in Jesus,<br />

.,1 will tell you a true story No. 002T80 Sept. 3. He was a young man of<br />

y L —bow Covenanter I got deaf and how I Boolis; made myself old<br />

Boys' Fall Reefers—stock com,<br />

hear.<br />

FUR SALt gQoijg pj Testimony, Discifline.<br />

[^ WEO. Confession F. WAY, 98 of Adelaide Faith. St., Tales Detroit, of<br />

noble character. Was a ruling elder Mission week, which is set for the<br />

4 ^ Address Artificial Ear Drum Co.<br />

plete—new showing, $5.00 t<br />

in Billings congregation. Was a help week of Nov. lCth-23rd. The Rev.<br />

Uleb. in other congreg'ations, teaching the<br />

$10.00.<br />

Covenanters, Poets and Poetry. Homes<br />

Frank E. Allen was appointed to the<br />

and Haunts. Romanism Analysed.<br />

church music as we have it in the<br />

Boys' School size Raincoat;^<br />

work in Winnipeg. A special ef­<br />

Chatechism, Minutes of Syno.i.<br />

new 'psalter. There are many in sorrow<br />

!;ecause of his departure. "Be ye<br />

$5.00. l<br />

JAMES S. TIBBY, 411 Penn. B'dg.,<br />

therefore ready also, for tlie Son of<br />

[""ittsburg. Pa.<br />

5OGGS & gUfll<br />

man cometh at an hour when ye think<br />

not."<br />


fort will he made by the Home Mission<br />

Secretary to get in touch with<br />

all Covenanters who are contemplating<br />

a change of location. The Secretary<br />

is conversant with the conditions<br />

in the we-st and northwest and<br />

it will be of advantage to those who<br />

expect to settle in that region to communicate<br />

with Mr. Thompson. Advertisements<br />

are also to be insert:d<br />

in the reigious and secular papers of<br />

Ireland and Scotland to guide th:s3<br />

of our people who are coming to<br />

America.<br />


UST.<br />

Domestic.<br />

Received $1,139.15, Expenses, $864.-<br />

]•', Balance Overdrawm, $2,003.30.<br />

Southern Mission.<br />

Received $1,825.53, Txpenses $273.68,<br />

Balance $1,551.85.<br />

Indian Mission.<br />

Receipts $2,123.33, Expenses $193,-<br />

67, Balance $1,929.60.<br />

Washable Doe<br />

Skin Gloves-<br />

White and Natural color—i2-bul-.<br />

ton leng'th, $2.50; one-button'<br />

length, $1.00 and $1.50 pair. ,;<br />

Washable Chamoisette Gloves—'<br />

Three-row embroidered back, two-;<br />

toned style—White, Grey, Black<br />

and Chamois—With pique sewing-i<br />

50c pair.<br />

Two-clasp French Kid Gloveswide<br />

embroidered back—Black'<br />

nl<br />

White, Tan, $1.00 pair.<br />

boys' clothing<br />

w'iTEiv 2Vew York «!?-<br />


N A V A R R B<br />

Se-'-enth JlL\'e, & SStlx Street<br />


Maximum or Luxury at Minimum of Cost.<br />

I<br />

I'ijtJ.*.!^*<br />

f i>n '<br />

How's This?<br />

We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for<br />


surprise thai: we all retal'ated by giving<br />

her a novelty shower a week or Hall's Catarrh Cure.<br />

•'<br />

anv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by<br />

Within Five Minutes- 'Walk ol Shops a<br />

Clubs. 300 Feet West ot. Broadway.<br />

.so later.<br />

F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.<br />

New Dutch Grill Rooms. Urg«tm the City. tl^K<br />

Our summer attendance at all our We, the undersiprned, have known F. T<br />

Cars pass Hotel toall Railroads. y<br />

mei'lings has been unusually good in<br />


>;piie of the I'^cl that the S.ibbath-'.<br />

$1.50 per Day $2.00 per Da<br />

ill Boston, were the w^armest days<br />



Cheney tor the last 15 years, and believe him<br />

perfectly honorable in all business transactions<br />

and financiaUyable to carry ont any obligations<br />

made bv his firm. ""S"<br />


Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internaTlyrfcti^ir<br />

directly upon the blood aod mucous surfaces<br />

of the system. Testimonials sent free Price<br />

-?, Take cents Hall's per bottle. Family Sold Pills^for by all const'ipl?ion<br />

Drutri»isl«<br />

Suites, $3.50 and upwards<br />


EDQAR T. SMITH, Managing; Direct<br />

Plaza Hotel, Chicago, under same manasemenl.

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